Магистерская программа по направлению «Финансовая экономика» МШЭ МГУMoscow School of Economics (MSE MSU)Магистерская программа по направлению «Финансовая экономика» МШЭ МГУ
1.11.14 Для СМИ и организаторов конференций ПаладьевОлег ПаладьевПредседатель правления сети международных экспертов «Союзконсалт», Director Souzconsalt Transfer Technology. Эксперт комитета по содействию внешнеэкономической деятельности ТПП РФ, и Рабочей группы по ВТО при Минэкономразвития России; Автор экономической концепции «Эгомаркетинг – новая экономика, основанная на экологичном использовании человеческих ресурсов». Учредитель NIE Journal Souzconsalt. Автор книг, и методических пособий по глобальному предпринимательству и лидерству.
ОБЛАСТЬ ЭКСПЕРТНОГО МНЕНИЯ: Успешные практики глобального предпринимательства; Инновационное производство; Трансфер технологий; Привлечение технологических инвестиций; Локализация бизнеса; Стратегии по выходу МСП на международные рынки; Внешнеэкономическое сотрудничество формат ВТО, ЕЭП, АТЭС, БРИК...; Стратегии ВЭД; Торговый баланс и точки экспортного роста; Международное структурирование бизнеса; Инновационный менеджмент; Эгомаркетинг для лидера; Эгоменеджмент- технология управления талантами; CRM usability; Оцифровка творческой личности; Эговиртуальные экспертные сети.
Conceptual development of economic sciences in the XXI century on September 1...Analytical centre for Economics and Finance Conceptual development of economic sciences in the XXI century on September 15, 2015
Промышленный кризис в России; М.И. Туган- Барановский и современностьOleg SukharevПромышленный кризис в России; М.И. Туган- Барановский и современность
Comp201(section103)jquesnelle17(independent challenge 2) powerpoint unit cJosh QuesnelleThe document describes The Wire Center, a residential structured wiring system that combines household wiring into a single unit, allowing for computer, video, telephone, and security system distribution throughout a home as well as multi-room audio; it notes that the system is used widely by home builders in several US states and provides customer service support to help market and install the system.
F44 dissociative (conversion disorders)Ajeshkumar TkThe document discusses dissociative (conversion) disorders, which involve a loss of normal integration of memories, identity, and bodily control. It describes various types classified under F44, including dissociative amnesia, fugue, stupor, motor disorders, and convulsions. Nursing priorities for patients include providing a safe environment, promoting insight into anxiety relationships, and supporting adaptive coping skills and participation in therapeutic activities.
IT CRMDr. Arturo PerezIT-CRM refers to using information technology to manage customer relationships. It allows organizations to understand customers better, retain customers through improved experiences, and improve processes. Customer relationship management solutions provide data to help organizations improve services and products that customers want. Technology and the web have changed how organizations communicate with and collect data about customers. New technologies like the web and smartphones allow customer relationships to be managed electronically and help focus on customer service. IT-CRM should be implemented as part of an organization's IT research and education department to further improve processes, relationships, and education.
Ch3 proj.mgtAbhilash Babu Calculate the variance for each activity and sum the critical path variances to calculate Z. Then use the standard normal distribution to find the probability of completing in less than 53 days.
ICTD departmental meeting presentation on repository developmentChris AwreChris Awre gave an update on the university's digital repository and research data management activities. The repository uses Fedora and Hydra to store and provide access to a variety of digital content. Recent work included developing a data management plan template to help researchers plan for data management. Looking ahead, efforts will focus on upgrading Hydra, improving image and archive management, and integrating repository searches with the library catalog. Q&A followed the presentation.
Newsletter, The Amaatra Academy - June 2013Dr. Shivananda KoteshwarThis newsletter from The Amaatra Academy provides information about upcoming activities and programs for students. It describes a "Booster Program" that aims to help students succeed in both short-term goals like exams and long-term goals like higher education and careers. The program combines regular teaching with additional "booster" courses in subjects like physics, chemistry, English, math, and biology at different levels (basic, lift, advanced). It also mentions new houses that students have been sorted into and clubs like the Electronics Club to help students gain practical skills.
TOC Thinging ToolsArtem SerdyukРетро-презентация о мыслительных инструментах Теории Ограничений. В преддверии Клуба системных и бизнес-аналитиков, посвященных TOC Thinking Tools
Optimizing Oracle licensing in VMware environments iQuateHosted by:
Jason Keogh – Founder and CTO, iQuate
Will Monin – Alliances Director, VMware
Virtualizing server environments carelessly can lead to significant, unexpected costs in relation to software licenses from vendors such as Oracle, Microsoft and IBM.
However, done correctly, Virtualization can actually significantly reduce software license costs while improving performance, scalability and reliability of enterprise applications.
Unfortunately, many customers are prevented from realizing these benefits because of widespread confusion and uncertainty around the implications of licensing Oracle in VMware environments.
This webinar will be jointly hosted by iQuate and VMware and is focused on Oracle database licensing. It will provide insights as to how best structure virtual environments to reduce costs while ensuring compliance and providing maximum ROI.
Intended Audience:
Professionals working in:
Software Asset Management
IT Asset Management
IT Management
IT Operations
Anyone who needs practical guidance on maximizing ROI from implementing Oracle in virtual environments.
Medical terminologyjwilliams100This document provides definitions for common prefixes used in medical terminology. It lists over 150 prefixes and provides a brief definition for each one, explaining how the prefix relates to or modifies the meaning of the root word it is attached to. Some common themes in the prefixes are parts of the body (abdomin-, cardi-, dermato-), processes or conditions (-itis, -algia, -osis), sizes (macro-, micro-, mega-), and directions or locations (ante-, intra-, retro-). The document serves as a reference for understanding how medical terminology is constructed through the combination of prefixes, roots, and suffixes.
Targeted Analytics: Using Core Measures to Jump-Start Enterprise AnalyticsPerficient, Inc.How top healthcare organizations are realizing the benefits of data analytics in such core areas as core measures, clinical alerting, surgical analytics, service line profitability, diabetes management, revenue cycle management, claims management and utilization.
Os Ge - KM - HOR 02Stripovi KlubA pandemia de COVID-19 causou impactos significativos na economia global em 2020. Muitos países entraram em recessão devido às medidas de isolamento social necessárias para conter a propagação do vírus, com grandes perdas no comércio internacional e no turismo. Governos e bancos centrais lançaram pacotes de estímulo sem precedentes para mitigar os efeitos da crise de saúde na atividade econômica e no emprego.
Conceptual development of economic sciences in the XXI century on September 1...Analytical centre for Economics and Finance Conceptual development of economic sciences in the XXI century on September 15, 2015
Промышленный кризис в России; М.И. Туган- Барановский и современностьOleg SukharevПромышленный кризис в России; М.И. Туган- Барановский и современность
Comp201(section103)jquesnelle17(independent challenge 2) powerpoint unit cJosh QuesnelleThe document describes The Wire Center, a residential structured wiring system that combines household wiring into a single unit, allowing for computer, video, telephone, and security system distribution throughout a home as well as multi-room audio; it notes that the system is used widely by home builders in several US states and provides customer service support to help market and install the system.
F44 dissociative (conversion disorders)Ajeshkumar TkThe document discusses dissociative (conversion) disorders, which involve a loss of normal integration of memories, identity, and bodily control. It describes various types classified under F44, including dissociative amnesia, fugue, stupor, motor disorders, and convulsions. Nursing priorities for patients include providing a safe environment, promoting insight into anxiety relationships, and supporting adaptive coping skills and participation in therapeutic activities.
IT CRMDr. Arturo PerezIT-CRM refers to using information technology to manage customer relationships. It allows organizations to understand customers better, retain customers through improved experiences, and improve processes. Customer relationship management solutions provide data to help organizations improve services and products that customers want. Technology and the web have changed how organizations communicate with and collect data about customers. New technologies like the web and smartphones allow customer relationships to be managed electronically and help focus on customer service. IT-CRM should be implemented as part of an organization's IT research and education department to further improve processes, relationships, and education.
Ch3 proj.mgtAbhilash Babu Calculate the variance for each activity and sum the critical path variances to calculate Z. Then use the standard normal distribution to find the probability of completing in less than 53 days.
ICTD departmental meeting presentation on repository developmentChris AwreChris Awre gave an update on the university's digital repository and research data management activities. The repository uses Fedora and Hydra to store and provide access to a variety of digital content. Recent work included developing a data management plan template to help researchers plan for data management. Looking ahead, efforts will focus on upgrading Hydra, improving image and archive management, and integrating repository searches with the library catalog. Q&A followed the presentation.
Newsletter, The Amaatra Academy - June 2013Dr. Shivananda KoteshwarThis newsletter from The Amaatra Academy provides information about upcoming activities and programs for students. It describes a "Booster Program" that aims to help students succeed in both short-term goals like exams and long-term goals like higher education and careers. The program combines regular teaching with additional "booster" courses in subjects like physics, chemistry, English, math, and biology at different levels (basic, lift, advanced). It also mentions new houses that students have been sorted into and clubs like the Electronics Club to help students gain practical skills.
TOC Thinging ToolsArtem SerdyukРетро-презентация о мыслительных инструментах Теории Ограничений. В преддверии Клуба системных и бизнес-аналитиков, посвященных TOC Thinking Tools
Optimizing Oracle licensing in VMware environments iQuateHosted by:
Jason Keogh – Founder and CTO, iQuate
Will Monin – Alliances Director, VMware
Virtualizing server environments carelessly can lead to significant, unexpected costs in relation to software licenses from vendors such as Oracle, Microsoft and IBM.
However, done correctly, Virtualization can actually significantly reduce software license costs while improving performance, scalability and reliability of enterprise applications.
Unfortunately, many customers are prevented from realizing these benefits because of widespread confusion and uncertainty around the implications of licensing Oracle in VMware environments.
This webinar will be jointly hosted by iQuate and VMware and is focused on Oracle database licensing. It will provide insights as to how best structure virtual environments to reduce costs while ensuring compliance and providing maximum ROI.
Intended Audience:
Professionals working in:
Software Asset Management
IT Asset Management
IT Management
IT Operations
Anyone who needs practical guidance on maximizing ROI from implementing Oracle in virtual environments.
Medical terminologyjwilliams100This document provides definitions for common prefixes used in medical terminology. It lists over 150 prefixes and provides a brief definition for each one, explaining how the prefix relates to or modifies the meaning of the root word it is attached to. Some common themes in the prefixes are parts of the body (abdomin-, cardi-, dermato-), processes or conditions (-itis, -algia, -osis), sizes (macro-, micro-, mega-), and directions or locations (ante-, intra-, retro-). The document serves as a reference for understanding how medical terminology is constructed through the combination of prefixes, roots, and suffixes.
Targeted Analytics: Using Core Measures to Jump-Start Enterprise AnalyticsPerficient, Inc.How top healthcare organizations are realizing the benefits of data analytics in such core areas as core measures, clinical alerting, surgical analytics, service line profitability, diabetes management, revenue cycle management, claims management and utilization.
Os Ge - KM - HOR 02Stripovi KlubA pandemia de COVID-19 causou impactos significativos na economia global em 2020. Muitos países entraram em recessão devido às medidas de isolamento social necessárias para conter a propagação do vírus, com grandes perdas no comércio internacional e no turismo. Governos e bancos centrais lançaram pacotes de estímulo sem precedentes para mitigar os efeitos da crise de saúde na atividade econômica e no emprego.
Real Estate Value ChainRealT HorizonReal Estate Value Chain is a concept that is being neglected by almost everyone in this sector. This document tries to throw some light on this concept.
Marketing WargamesBrady GilchristThis document discusses marketing wargames, which are simulated scenarios used to test strategies and concepts. It describes a sample wargame where marketers take on the role of the competition to understand vulnerabilities and how to attack their own company. Wargames allow participants to experience disastrous scenarios in a risk-free way to identify weaknesses and improve strategies before facing real-world challenges. Conducting regular wargames can help organizations see threats coming and be better prepared to tackle issues.
Karma magazine published by swamiji sri selvam siddhar dr commander selvam-s...texastempleToll Free: 888-808-1418
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Уважаемые коллеги и абитуриенты! Рады представить Вам магистерскую программу...fnnyboyandgirlsмагистерскую программу биржевая торговля
магистратура / 2,5 года / очно-заочная форма
2. Р У С С К И Й Я З Ы К
courses.psu.ru – запишись на курсы по подготовке к
ЕГЭ к экспертам ПГНИУ, проверяющим
единый государственный экзамен
3. -Наличие диплома государственного
образца о высшем образовании
(бакалавриат, специалитет)
-Успешное прохождение вступительных
испытаний (теста) по экономике
Условия поступления
в магистратуру
Срок обучения 2 года
4. Выбирать современные
инструменты для
привлечения капитала
Осуществлять сделки на
рынке ценных бумаг
финансовых рынков
Что значит
исследованиями для
финансового рынка
и органов власти
5. Программа обучения
Инновации на финансовом рынке
Управление инвестиционным портфелем
Финансовый инжиниринг
Современные финансовые
Анализ и прогнозирование финансового рынка
Финансовый дилинг и межрыночный анализ
8. Стажировки для студентов
за рубежом
•Kedge Business School
(Марсель, Франция)
•University of Louisville
(Луисвилль, США)
•Manchester Metropolitan
University (Манчестер,
•University of Montana
(Монтана, США)
11. Где работают наши выпускники
Российские и
е компании
13. Молчанова
Маргарита Юрьевна
заведующий кафедрой финансов,
кредита и биржевого дела
экономического факультета ПГНИУ,
Телефон: +7 (342) 239 68 73
E-mail: Molchanova@econ.psu.ru
Сайт: www.econom.psu.ru
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Editor's Notes
#5: Инструкция к слайду:
Измените название профессии
2. Измените компетенции, которыми обладает выпускник
#10: Инструкция к слайду:
Добавьте фото со «звездным» гостем или фотографии из стран, где проходят стажировки студентов
Подпишите фотографии
#11: Инструкция к слайду:
1. Укажите количество выпускников направления. Если их мало, еще нет или невозможно подсчитать, удалите слайд
#12: Инструкция к слайду:
1. Укажите основные организации, где работают ваши выпускники
#13: Инструкция к слайду:
1. Укажите, сколько выпускников трудоустраиваются в первый год после окончания (эта цифра должна быть в отчетах факультетов). Если выпускников еще нет, удалите слайд.
#14: Инструкция к слайду:
1. Укажите, сколько выпускников трудоустраиваются в первый год после окончания (эта цифра должна быть в отчетах факультетов). Если выпускников еще нет, удалите слайд.
#15: Инструкция к слайду:
Cделайте скриншот первой страницы факультетской газеты (найти можно здесь http://www.psu.ru/universitet/universitetskie-smi/fakultetskie-gazety-i-zhurnaly
Вставье скриншот вместо фотографии газеты «Филфакт»
#16: Инструкция к слайду:
1. Укажите контакты вашего факультета, в т.ч. сайт факультета или направления (если есть)
#17: Инструкция к слайду:
1. Укажите контакты вашего факультета, в т.ч. сайт факультета или направления (если есть)