12. The Science Communication Project By Mr. Shingo Hamada SciCom Japan NPO http://scicom.jp Affiliated Researcher, Science and Technology Foresight Centre/NISTEP sample Project Proposal submitted to JST Funding Presented at JSSTS 2004
13. The Science Communication Project in Japan Social Study on Sciences and Technologies New Type of Science Communication which is integrated from Science & Technology Journalism Science Education Popularization of Science and Technology Global Incubation on STS issues from Europe, Asia and North America The Abbreviations : STS – Science, Technology and Society. HPST – History and Philosophy of Science and Technology. PUST – Public Understanding of Science. PUR – Public Understanding of Research sample
14. Contents The necessity of STS based research Science Communication. Researchers Training in Science Communication. Science and Media – New communication tools for sharing creativity. Laboratory studies on Technology Shaping Ready for Town meeting ! sample
15. Communication phase and route among the stakeholders Specialization In S & T Non Specialization in S&T Knowledge Production Oriented Scientific Communication Technology Communication Episteme Communication Living Science Communication Consumption oriented Expertise of Techno- Industry Expertise of Scientific Research Industrial Society Integrated Science Journal Scientific Communication Technical Journal Science Communication Technology & Society Communication General Journalism Figure 1 -- Emerging communication route -- Emerging communication phase -- Existed communication phase
16. ITEM 1-4 of Basic Research and Investigation Skill Practice 1. Writing Skill 2. Communication training In 3. Science and Media, Art Skill 4. Laboratory Studies/Management Skill 5. Town Meeting Skill Fundamental Report on Research Investigation Synergy between Basic Research and Skill Practice Outcome by group works
17. Synergy between Basic Research Investigation and Skill Practice Basic Research Investigation – 4 items STS based research investigation Intl. comparative study Program Application development Organizational Management Skill Practice – 5 skill groups Writing skill /Communication methods Communication In. for researchers Media and Arts Labo. Study/Management Town Meeting sample
18. 2 nd year Outcome 3 rd year Outcome Methodology Instruction From different countries Methodology Instruction Collaboration Technique Instruction Collaboration With Asia Market trial in US and EU Instruction phase to Production Phase Brain storming Catering practice To public institutions Industry-Academy Research writer Communicator Application Completion Production Phase Application Development Methodology Implementation Into internal/external body 1 st year Outcome Incubation Centre ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ Venturing Implementation To Centre Cliental alliance MRS Practice MRS MRS MRS MRS Practice Practice Practice Practice Synthesis Synthesis Synthesis Synthesis
19. Experimental Phase 2004-2007 Goal : Incubation Centre Demonstrative Phase National Budget 2005-2008 CoE Instruction Scale ( Budget+ Manpower ) Centre+Network Commercialization Phase Intl. Funds 2006-2010 Scenario D Scenario C Scenario B Scenario A Foundation Fund Accredition sample
33. History of Digital Camera and Society Digital Camera as a product of technological innovation Social Determinism of Technology Technological Determinism Socio-technical Constructivism Digital Camera and Artists Digital Camera and Users Digital Camera and Society This study is based on Leonard-AIRR ( Artists in Residence for Research) concept This work was done in the collaboration with Dr. Tatsuno and Dr. Cavasin
38. History of Products - 1981: Sony announced world’s first Electrical Still Video Camera: “Sony Mavika”, resolution of 0.3 mega pixel with CCD and Magnetic record disc, used for trial monitoring for Olympic Games in Los Angels - 1986: World’s first commercialized ESVC from Canon, “Canon ESVC RC-701” 390,000 yen (system 5Myen) used only for professional use in media industries. - 1987: Casio “VS-101” - 1987: Minolta ESVC “SB-70, 90” - 1988: Konica ESVC “KC-300”, Nikon ESVC “QV-1000C”, Canon “Q-pic RC-250” floppy disc, Sony ESVC “MVC-C1” - 1989: Fujix ESVS “DS-1P” trial model, - 1996: First high resolution digital camera by Casio, “Casio QV100”, 0.3 Mega pixel with liquid crystal monitor, 65,000 yen - 1997: Casio QV-10, cost down to 49,800 yen - 1997: Olympus Camedia C-1400L, - 1999: Nikon “Coolpix 950”, 2 .11Mega pixel with 1/2 inch CCD, zoom*3, 38-155mm - 1999: Nikon “D1”, - 2000 : First camera phone in the world released by Sharp with J-Phone a mobile operator (Sharp J-SH04 ) - June 2000: World's first wristwatch with digital camera by Casio (WQV-1) - June 2004: World's first cellular phone with a built-in 3.2-megapixel camera by Casio ( A5406CA)
39. カメラの歴史とデジカメの示唆 1939-1920 フランスにおけるカメラ特許(ダゲール) 米国コダックにおける生産方式の革新(コダック) ドイツにおけるレンズ光学の研究産業化(ツァイス) フランスの生産停滞 v.s. ドイツの生産上昇拡大(カメラ) ドイツの工学研究優位 ( フランスの海外展開優位 ) 1930-日本へのカメラ生産技術移入 1970-日本製カメラの世界市場シェア獲得 1981:ソニーモビカの誕生背景 アメリカの生産逓減 v.s. 日本の生産上昇拡大(カメラ) 日本の生産工学優位( アメリカの先端技術研究化 ) IC 研究( IBM 、 DEC 、インテル、モトローラー) パーソナルコンピュータ時代幕開け IBM + DEC-VAX = PC/MS-DOS (オープンソース) 米国におけるメディア先端技術研究( MIT メディアラボ、パロアルト、メンローパーク) ソニーの米国進出(ウオークマン):アセンブリーのミニチュア化 市場への浸透:10数年はかかっている(デジカメにしても) 高価な試作機(500万円)->市販(3-5)万円 デジカメ?携帯?ITの複合化 =>情報と社会の融合(IST) ISTに関する人文社会科学融合研究の飛躍時期 共通点
40. 文献 「フィルムとカメラの世界史-技術革新と企業」、リーズ? V ?ジェンキンズ著、平凡社、1999 The History of Japanese Photography, Yale University Press, 2003, Houston 20 th Century of Photography, Taschen, 2005, Koeln A History of Photography, Taschen, 2005, Koeln 「図説 写真小史」、ヴァルター?ベンヤミン著、ちくま学芸文庫、1998 「写真論」、ピエール?ブルデュー著(山縣訳)、ウニベルシタスシリーズ、法政大学出版局、 ISBN4-588-00290-2. BOURDIEU, Pierre. BOLTANSKI, L. Et COSTEL, Robert. ??Un art moyen – essai sur les usages de la photographie?? Les Editions de Minuit, Paris,?1965. 「美はなぜ乱調にあるのか-社会学的考察」、大澤真幸著、青土社、2005 「美の歴史」、ウンベルト?エーコ著、東洋書林、2005 「イコノロジー研究」、エルヴィン?パノフスキー著、ちくま学芸文庫 「国産カメラ開発物語-カメラ大国を築いた技術者たち」、小倉磐夫著、朝日選書 「写真の歴史」、クエンティン?バジャック著(遠藤ゆかり訳)、知の再発見選書109、創元社