Презентация к уроку «Первая мировая война. Размышления о войне и человеке»yrasskazovaПрезентация к уроку по теме: «Первая мировая война: размышления о войне и человеке» для 11 класса. Подготовлена преподавателем и учащимися школы Республики Бурятии.
неделя профилактики единство многообразия гбоу школа №1474Jhura GolovkinВ рамках недели профилактики экстремизма "Единство многообразия" в школе прошёл конкурс коллажей "Плакат мира", были оформлены стенды и библиотечные выставки.
Программа Недели детской и юношеской книги «Калейдоскоп книжных путешествий»mk-shahterskЗаросилова Н.А., ведущий библиотекарь. Программа Недели детской и юношеской книги «Калейдоскоп книжных путешествий»
Cloud computingVivekananda collegeCloud computing is the use of computing resources that are delivered as a service over the Internet. It allows users to access data, software and computing power remotely. There are several types of cloud platforms including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). While cloud computing can improve security through centralization, users lose some control over sensitive data and security is complex with data distributed across multiple devices. Performance is monitored in cloud applications which are easier to maintain since they do not need to be installed locally on each user's computer.
Ppt collegeVivekananda collegeThis document discusses networking concepts. It defines a network as an interconnected collection of autonomous computers that can exchange information. Networks allow for resource sharing, reliability, cost reduction, and communication. Examples of early networks discussed are ARPANET and NSFnet. The Internet is described as a worldwide network of computer networks connected through gateways and a backbone. TCP/IP, servers, switching techniques, transmission media, network topologies, and modems are also overviewed.
Davis founder brands 091812DavisbrandcapitalThis document discusses founder brands and the unique challenges and opportunities they face. Some key points:
- Founder brands are defined as brands where the founder or founding family still exercises significant influence.
- Founder brands make enormous contributions to the global economy, with over 35% of Fortune 500 companies and 60% of public US companies being family-controlled.
- While founder brands are highly valuable, separating the brand from the founding individual over time to ensure longevity is a core challenge as the brand grows. Managing the brand's personality-focused equity can be difficult.
- Some ways founder brands address this include conveying a brand promise that lives beyond any single personality, like Apple did in transitioning after Steve
неделя профилактики единство многообразия гбоу школа №1474Jhura GolovkinВ рамках недели профилактики экстремизма "Единство многообразия" в школе прошёл конкурс коллажей "Плакат мира", были оформлены стенды и библиотечные выставки.
Программа Недели детской и юношеской книги «Калейдоскоп книжных путешествий»mk-shahterskЗаросилова Н.А., ведущий библиотекарь. Программа Недели детской и юношеской книги «Калейдоскоп книжных путешествий»
Cloud computingVivekananda collegeCloud computing is the use of computing resources that are delivered as a service over the Internet. It allows users to access data, software and computing power remotely. There are several types of cloud platforms including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). While cloud computing can improve security through centralization, users lose some control over sensitive data and security is complex with data distributed across multiple devices. Performance is monitored in cloud applications which are easier to maintain since they do not need to be installed locally on each user's computer.
Ppt collegeVivekananda collegeThis document discusses networking concepts. It defines a network as an interconnected collection of autonomous computers that can exchange information. Networks allow for resource sharing, reliability, cost reduction, and communication. Examples of early networks discussed are ARPANET and NSFnet. The Internet is described as a worldwide network of computer networks connected through gateways and a backbone. TCP/IP, servers, switching techniques, transmission media, network topologies, and modems are also overviewed.
Davis founder brands 091812DavisbrandcapitalThis document discusses founder brands and the unique challenges and opportunities they face. Some key points:
- Founder brands are defined as brands where the founder or founding family still exercises significant influence.
- Founder brands make enormous contributions to the global economy, with over 35% of Fortune 500 companies and 60% of public US companies being family-controlled.
- While founder brands are highly valuable, separating the brand from the founding individual over time to ensure longevity is a core challenge as the brand grows. Managing the brand's personality-focused equity can be difficult.
- Some ways founder brands address this include conveying a brand promise that lives beyond any single personality, like Apple did in transitioning after Steve
Robot power point template [recovered]Vivekananda collegeThis document provides an overview of artificial intelligence, including its history, current applications, and future prospects. It discusses early pioneers like Alan Turing and John McCarthy. Current AI is used in technologies like self-driving cars, voice assistants, fraud detection, and intelligent games. The future of AI may include strong artificial general intelligence that matches or exceeds human abilities through gradual technological progress, with AI becoming more integrated into everyday life and potentially automating many jobs over the coming decades as the technology advances further.
ALF: Eating Wisely - Helen Resor 9.12Anne Van NordenThe document discusses healthy eating and provides tips for eating wisely. It recommends choosing a balanced diet of lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables while limiting portions and eating more frequently. For those with diabetes, it emphasizes controlling carbohydrate intake and blood sugar testing to manage levels. The key is developing a personalized nutrition plan with support from a diabetes diet expert to achieve health goals.
великой победе посвещается мбоудоддюц планета доронихина валерия
1. Великой Победы посвящается…
Автор презентации:
Доронихина Валерия
Возраст: 14 лет
Класс: 7Б
Категория: инвалид детства
Образовательное учреждение:
Мартьянова Гульнара Фаридовна
Фотоматериалы были использованы с общероссийского портала «Архивы России»