Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen penelitian. Validitas mengukur seberapa tepat suatu instrumen dapat mengukur variabel yang ditujukan, sedangkan reliabilitas mengukur kekonsistenan hasil pengukuran instrumen. Dokumen tersebut juga menjelaskan beberapa teknik pengujian validitas dan reliabilitas serta faktor yang dapat mempengaruhinya seperti instrumen, responden, dan penyelenggaraan peng
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan pengertian Dinul Islam, yang terdiri dari kata "din" dan "al-Islam", yang berarti agama Islam. Dinul Islam diajarkan oleh semua nabi, dimulai dari Nabi Adam hingga Nabi Muhammad sebagai nabi terakhir. Dinul Islam yang diajarkan Nabi Muhammad bersumber dari Al-Quran dan Sunnah, dan merupakan agama yang paling sempurna dan satu-satunya agama yang diridhai Allah. Dokumen ini juga menj
This document provides an overview of the different types of scientific writings and how to write each type. It discusses editorials, original articles, review articles, case reports, letters to the editor, and other publication types. It also describes the typical structure of scientific papers, including titles, abstracts, introductions, methods, results, discussions, and references. Key requirements for submitting manuscripts such as authorship, formatting, and reviewing instructions to authors are also covered.
The document describes the process of constructing a magazine cover and contents page for a rock music magazine. Key details include using conventions like a barcode, date and price on the cover. Pull quotes and images are used to attract readers. The contents page lists band names and page numbers. Constructing the project taught the importance of layout, text effects, and building on skills from the preliminary task.
The document is an evaluation of a student's media magazine project. It discusses how the magazine uses conventions of real magazines through elements like the masthead, cover lines, images and footer. It also addresses how the magazine represents social groups through the images and styles used. Finally, it discusses the target audience as teenagers interested in rock music and what was learned about design technologies through constructing the project.
The romantic style of clothing focuses on softness, femininity, and light, flowing fabrics like silk chiffon. It features slinky silhouettes, drapes, lace, ribbons, and an emphasis on the chest and waist. Choosing romantic style outfits works well for both relaxation and celebrations.
This examiner's comments summarize the performance of Candidate C on two film analysis questions. For Question 1, the examiner praised the candidate's fluent and sophisticated response that combined analysis with technical examples to discuss representations of class and status in the extract. The analysis was sustained and covered all technical aspects at a high level 4 criteria. For Question 2, the examiner noted the candidate cited a range of good examples contrasting different contexts with accurate terminology, showing knowledge of distribution, marketing practices and use of contemporary film citations at another high level 4 score.
The document discusses conducting a survey of a target audience for a metal music magazine. Responses were received from 3 candidates via Facebook messenger. All 3 candidates enjoyed magazines like Kerrang and Rocksound and mentioned metalcore/screamo bands as their musical interests. Candidate 1 and 2 suggested taking inspiration from layout/content of those magazines. Candidate 3 provided most useful response, wanting album reviews and artist information. Red and black was a preferred color scheme. The survey provided valuable pricing information. The target audience was identified as ages 16-18 interested primarily in modern metalcore/screamo acts like Asking Alexandria.
The document discusses problems with traditional doors such as loose keys, security issues when away, and not knowing deliveries. It then introduces the iDoor as an intelligent door that can be remotely controlled to decide who has access, accept packages, and provide security detection even when away. The iDoor aims to solve these door problems and could appeal to mid-high class home owners through features like remote locking, face recognition, and voice communication.
1. The report provides an analysis of DLF Ltd, including its latest results, valuation, ROE analysis, income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, quarterly results, growth analysis, comparative analysis, index analysis, ratio analysis, TTM analysis and technical analysis.
2. Key highlights from the analysis include DLF reporting a 10% growth in EBIDTA for FY2012 but a 18% decline in reported net profit. The company's ROE has been declining from 22% in 2008 to 7% in 2012.
3. DLF's balance sheet shows owners' funds accounting for 55% of its capital structure in FY2012, with loan funds making up the remaining 45%.
Pengumuman Kelulusan Tes Masuk
STKIP Nurul Huda Sukaraja OKU TIMUR Sumsel
Tahun Akademik 2014/2015
Proyecto plan salud y entrenamiento 2012Arturo Salas
El documento presenta un proyecto de plan integral de salud y entrenamiento para el Sierra Madre Tennis Club. El plan incluir una variedad de actividades fsicas, asesoras nutricionales y psicolgicas, as como instalaciones modernizadas para mejorar la salud y bienestar de los socios y sus familias.
The document discusses designing a logo for a magazine. The author experiments with graffiti fonts but finds the first one too animated and the second too urban and confusing. The third font is selected as it suits the magazine's ethos. The logo is done in capital black letters on the magazine cover to look urban and emphasize the title. A promotion sentence is added below along with a black, yellow and white color scheme to look smart and represent road colors.
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan pengertian Dinul Islam, yang terdiri dari kata "din" dan "al-Islam", yang berarti agama Islam. Dinul Islam diajarkan oleh semua nabi, dimulai dari Nabi Adam hingga Nabi Muhammad sebagai nabi terakhir. Dinul Islam yang diajarkan Nabi Muhammad bersumber dari Al-Quran dan Sunnah, dan merupakan agama yang paling sempurna dan satu-satunya agama yang diridhai Allah. Dokumen ini juga menj
This document provides an overview of the different types of scientific writings and how to write each type. It discusses editorials, original articles, review articles, case reports, letters to the editor, and other publication types. It also describes the typical structure of scientific papers, including titles, abstracts, introductions, methods, results, discussions, and references. Key requirements for submitting manuscripts such as authorship, formatting, and reviewing instructions to authors are also covered.
The document describes the process of constructing a magazine cover and contents page for a rock music magazine. Key details include using conventions like a barcode, date and price on the cover. Pull quotes and images are used to attract readers. The contents page lists band names and page numbers. Constructing the project taught the importance of layout, text effects, and building on skills from the preliminary task.
The document is an evaluation of a student's media magazine project. It discusses how the magazine uses conventions of real magazines through elements like the masthead, cover lines, images and footer. It also addresses how the magazine represents social groups through the images and styles used. Finally, it discusses the target audience as teenagers interested in rock music and what was learned about design technologies through constructing the project.
The romantic style of clothing focuses on softness, femininity, and light, flowing fabrics like silk chiffon. It features slinky silhouettes, drapes, lace, ribbons, and an emphasis on the chest and waist. Choosing romantic style outfits works well for both relaxation and celebrations.
This examiner's comments summarize the performance of Candidate C on two film analysis questions. For Question 1, the examiner praised the candidate's fluent and sophisticated response that combined analysis with technical examples to discuss representations of class and status in the extract. The analysis was sustained and covered all technical aspects at a high level 4 criteria. For Question 2, the examiner noted the candidate cited a range of good examples contrasting different contexts with accurate terminology, showing knowledge of distribution, marketing practices and use of contemporary film citations at another high level 4 score.
The document discusses conducting a survey of a target audience for a metal music magazine. Responses were received from 3 candidates via Facebook messenger. All 3 candidates enjoyed magazines like Kerrang and Rocksound and mentioned metalcore/screamo bands as their musical interests. Candidate 1 and 2 suggested taking inspiration from layout/content of those magazines. Candidate 3 provided most useful response, wanting album reviews and artist information. Red and black was a preferred color scheme. The survey provided valuable pricing information. The target audience was identified as ages 16-18 interested primarily in modern metalcore/screamo acts like Asking Alexandria.
The document discusses problems with traditional doors such as loose keys, security issues when away, and not knowing deliveries. It then introduces the iDoor as an intelligent door that can be remotely controlled to decide who has access, accept packages, and provide security detection even when away. The iDoor aims to solve these door problems and could appeal to mid-high class home owners through features like remote locking, face recognition, and voice communication.
1. The report provides an analysis of DLF Ltd, including its latest results, valuation, ROE analysis, income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, quarterly results, growth analysis, comparative analysis, index analysis, ratio analysis, TTM analysis and technical analysis.
2. Key highlights from the analysis include DLF reporting a 10% growth in EBIDTA for FY2012 but a 18% decline in reported net profit. The company's ROE has been declining from 22% in 2008 to 7% in 2012.
3. DLF's balance sheet shows owners' funds accounting for 55% of its capital structure in FY2012, with loan funds making up the remaining 45%.
Pengumuman Kelulusan Tes Masuk
STKIP Nurul Huda Sukaraja OKU TIMUR Sumsel
Tahun Akademik 2014/2015
Proyecto plan salud y entrenamiento 2012Arturo Salas
El documento presenta un proyecto de plan integral de salud y entrenamiento para el Sierra Madre Tennis Club. El plan incluir una variedad de actividades fsicas, asesoras nutricionales y psicolgicas, as como instalaciones modernizadas para mejorar la salud y bienestar de los socios y sus familias.
The document discusses designing a logo for a magazine. The author experiments with graffiti fonts but finds the first one too animated and the second too urban and confusing. The third font is selected as it suits the magazine's ethos. The logo is done in capital black letters on the magazine cover to look urban and emphasize the title. A promotion sentence is added below along with a black, yellow and white color scheme to look smart and represent road colors.
The document discusses setting aims and learning outcomes for educational modules. It defines learning outcomes as statements that predict what learners will gain from learning. The document provides guidance on writing learning outcomes at both the program and module level, and emphasizes the importance of constructive alignment between learning outcomes, teaching activities, and assessment.