Аналитика и конкурентная разведкаКомпания "Пять плюс".Исследование вашего информационного поля и поля ваших конкурентов в интернете. Максимум информации за 8 рабочих дней.
Компания "Пять Плюс" - примеры создания и управления сайтамиКомпания "Пять плюс".В презентации представлены некоторые примеры создания сайтов и работ по управлени
Группа компаний "Скобеев и Партнеры"Скобеев и ПартнерыПрезентация группы компаний "Скобеев и Партнеры", в которую входят:
Скобеев и Партнеры
SMM-студия "Товарищ"
Guy laroche limited edition designer rugsThe Gallery - ExclusiveThis document appears to be presenting rug designs by designer Guy Laroche. It lists several rug names and patterns, including Lily Silver (Plum Silver), Tongo Wenge, Trace Wenge, and Gazebo Amethyst. The rugs are being presented by a company located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam called Hassan's Carpets.
Sapphire shaggy The Gallery - ExclusiveThis document promotes Sapphire's Shaggy carpet line for 2012-2013. It highlights that Shaggy carpets are made of 100% heatset polypropylene frieze yarns for extreme softness and elegance. The carpets come in various colors and designs and are available in sizes of 160x230cm and 200x290cm, though stock should be confirmed before ordering.
COM-1286enenxxThe COM-1286 module is a PC/104 form factor integrated positioning and communication solution with an 8-channel GPS receiver and GSM 900/1800 MHz module. It has options for a GPRS or DECT module and provides navigation, tracking, data logging, timing and communication functions. The module has a fast GPS acquisition, low power consumption, and supports voice, SMS, fax and data services over GSM networks. It is compatible with various operating systems and has connectors for GPS and GSM antennas along with I/O ports.
Average Maturity, the playing factor for Mutual FundAmar RanuThe document discusses how the 2008 global financial crisis impacted India's bond market and mutual funds that invest in debt. As crude oil prices rose and equity markets fell, inflation in India increased to double digits, forcing the central bank to raise interest rates. This caused yields on government securities and debt instruments to rise. As a result, the average maturity of debt components in mutual funds like income funds and monthly income plans declined significantly from early 2008 to mid-2008, as fund managers reduced maturity to limit losses from rising yields.
Com 1288 SfenenxxThe COM-1288 module combines GPRS connectivity, GPS reception, and I/O capabilities for onboard computing applications. It includes a Siemens GPRS modem, 12-channel GPS receiver, 4 serial ports (2 available to the user), 16 digital I/O lines, and works within a -20/+70°C temperature range. The module is designed for applications like vehicle tracking, telematics, and rail communication systems by providing wireless data connectivity and location services on embedded PC/104 boards.
Memphis Biz Journal.Constructive Approach To Workplace Conflicts. 5.15.09Barbara Richman, SPHRThe document provides tips for developing a constructive approach to workplace conflicts. It suggests focusing on expressing differences respectfully and working toward mutual goals and solutions. Some tips include identifying personal triggers that cause stress, taking responsibility for one's own actions, listening to understand different perspectives, choosing words carefully to avoid escalating conflicts, and monitoring one's actions for opportunities for improvement. The overall message is that conflicts are inevitable, but they can be addressed constructively through open communication and mutual understanding.
Доклад Сергея Митрофанова на Harvest в Казаниit-park
Plantilla Analisis Informacionguest73be5c9eEste documento presenta una plantilla para analizar información sobre barras bravas. Señala que los miembros son generalmente jóvenes entre 14 y 25 años y deben pasar por pruebas y procedimientos que a menudo son delictivos. La información recopilada sugiere que los puntos de origen y los líderes de las barras se mantienen en el anonimato y cambian constantemente, y que las barras luchan por controlar ciertos barrios. También indica que muchos jóvenes barristas provienen de familias descompuest
Guy laroche limited edition designer rugsThe Gallery - ExclusiveThis document appears to be presenting rug designs by designer Guy Laroche. It lists several rug names and patterns, including Lily Silver (Plum Silver), Tongo Wenge, Trace Wenge, and Gazebo Amethyst. The rugs are being presented by a company located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam called Hassan's Carpets.
Sapphire shaggy The Gallery - ExclusiveThis document promotes Sapphire's Shaggy carpet line for 2012-2013. It highlights that Shaggy carpets are made of 100% heatset polypropylene frieze yarns for extreme softness and elegance. The carpets come in various colors and designs and are available in sizes of 160x230cm and 200x290cm, though stock should be confirmed before ordering.
COM-1286enenxxThe COM-1286 module is a PC/104 form factor integrated positioning and communication solution with an 8-channel GPS receiver and GSM 900/1800 MHz module. It has options for a GPRS or DECT module and provides navigation, tracking, data logging, timing and communication functions. The module has a fast GPS acquisition, low power consumption, and supports voice, SMS, fax and data services over GSM networks. It is compatible with various operating systems and has connectors for GPS and GSM antennas along with I/O ports.
Average Maturity, the playing factor for Mutual FundAmar RanuThe document discusses how the 2008 global financial crisis impacted India's bond market and mutual funds that invest in debt. As crude oil prices rose and equity markets fell, inflation in India increased to double digits, forcing the central bank to raise interest rates. This caused yields on government securities and debt instruments to rise. As a result, the average maturity of debt components in mutual funds like income funds and monthly income plans declined significantly from early 2008 to mid-2008, as fund managers reduced maturity to limit losses from rising yields.
Com 1288 SfenenxxThe COM-1288 module combines GPRS connectivity, GPS reception, and I/O capabilities for onboard computing applications. It includes a Siemens GPRS modem, 12-channel GPS receiver, 4 serial ports (2 available to the user), 16 digital I/O lines, and works within a -20/+70°C temperature range. The module is designed for applications like vehicle tracking, telematics, and rail communication systems by providing wireless data connectivity and location services on embedded PC/104 boards.
Memphis Biz Journal.Constructive Approach To Workplace Conflicts. 5.15.09Barbara Richman, SPHRThe document provides tips for developing a constructive approach to workplace conflicts. It suggests focusing on expressing differences respectfully and working toward mutual goals and solutions. Some tips include identifying personal triggers that cause stress, taking responsibility for one's own actions, listening to understand different perspectives, choosing words carefully to avoid escalating conflicts, and monitoring one's actions for opportunities for improvement. The overall message is that conflicts are inevitable, but they can be addressed constructively through open communication and mutual understanding.
Доклад Сергея Митрофанова на Harvest в Казаниit-park
Plantilla Analisis Informacionguest73be5c9eEste documento presenta una plantilla para analizar información sobre barras bravas. Señala que los miembros son generalmente jóvenes entre 14 y 25 años y deben pasar por pruebas y procedimientos que a menudo son delictivos. La información recopilada sugiere que los puntos de origen y los líderes de las barras se mantienen en el anonimato y cambian constantemente, y que las barras luchan por controlar ciertos barrios. También indica que muchos jóvenes barristas provienen de familias descompuest
Бренд в лучах ненависти и славы: Стратегия, тактика и практикаWorld Brand AcademyВыступление Ольги Пестеровой - Sky Link на Саммите Digital Branding - KPI, 5-6 июня 2011
Domscanner it-parkThis document summarizes a business plan for Domscanner, a service that provides monthly reports and reviews of apartment buildings in Russia. Key details include:
- Domscanner would provide monthly reports on buildings and real reviews from homeowners to help owners control costs and property conditions.
- The service had converted 54% of homeowners surveyed and had reports on nearly 2.5 billion square meters of housing space.
- The business plan outlined expanding to 12 cities, gaining 100 homes per city, and projected $20,000 in monthly revenue by early 2016 and $400,000 per month by 2018.
- Investments of $80,000 were requested for a 15% share to cover initial city expansions and marketing.
Nubex.ruit-parkNubex is a website builder platform that provides standard website templates for common business types to help businesses grow their online presence. It addresses common pain points clients and developers face such as low conversion rates and difficulties presenting websites. Nubex's solution features higher conversion rates, passive income potential, and easy to use visual templates tested with real businesses. The business model involves partnering with local entrepreneurs who receive 50% of monthly client fees and commissions for generating new sales. The founder aims to expand the partner network to over 50 partners per month across 100 cities and increase key metrics like conversion rates and client lifetime value.
2. Краткое описание проекта
Открытка - не нужно электронное
устройство, приятно получить, можно
потрогать, храниться как память.
Сообщение - дешевле, проще и быстрее
Объединить достоинства!!!!
3. Проблема
Експресс доставка - дорогие междугородние
Почта России - плохой сервис, долго, но
Социальные сети - удобно, быстро, но
виртуально и привязка к устройству.
Объединить достоинства!!!!
5. Команда
Технически проект прост.
На начальной стадии мне будет
достаточно собственных навыков
работы с инструментами.
Команда разработчиков будет
набрана после первых
положительных результатов.
6. Целевая аудитория проекта
● Физические лица пользователи социальных
сетей - для поздравления друзей.
● Юридические лица - для поздравления
партнеров и клиентов.
● Государственные учреждения - для
поздравления вышестоящих организаций.
Все кому нужно напоминать о себе
коллегам, друзьям, партнерам, родным. Они в
этом заинтересованны!
7. Модель монетизации
● Клиент средствами приложения формирует
задачу по обеспечению политики
поздравлений. Составляет списки лиц и
праздников. Выбирает вид и способ
● Оплачивает выбранный пакет услуг.
● Услуга рассчитана на потребность обратить
на себя внимание.
8. Рынок
В контакте Найдено 519 904 человека
проживающих в Москве возрастом от 18
лет имеющих статус “влюблен”.
Доставка курьером по Москве 300 рублей.
Изготовление почтового сообщения 100
При стоимости услуги 500 рублей
получаем 100 рублей прибыли за услугу.
1% от влюбленных москвичей даст 500000
рублей дохода.
9. Конкуренты
● Почта России и Службы экспресс доставки;
● Косвенные конкуренты – социальные сети;
● Сервисы электронных поздравлений.
10. Продвижение
● Приложения в Контакте, Одноклассники,
Google, Facebook. - проверенные
механизмы, прямой доступ к целевой
● Участие в программах лояльности.
● Скидки для получателей поздравлений на
11. Чем вам поможет бизнес-инкубатор?
● Психологический настрой.
● Анализ проекта с целью проработки
слабых мест.
● Площадка для работы команды.
● Грант на разработку.
● Любая помощь принимается))).
12. Резюме
● Проект продвигает услугу по доставке
поздравлений на бумажном носителе.
● Исключен сегмент пересылки
корреспонденции между городами.
● Поздравление самый приятный способ
распространения рекламы.
● Широкий спектр клиентской базы.
13. Хусаинов Марат Фаритович
г. Набережные Челны
т. +7(937)581-52-23
Skype: husainovmarat