Virtual private networks (VPNs) provide a secure connection over public networks by encrypting data transmission. VPNs use encryption and authentication to securely transmit data across unsecured networks like the internet. There are two main types of VPNs - transport mode VPNs encrypt only the data portion of network packets, while tunnel mode VPNs encrypt the entire client packet.
Call Home is an innovative system that enables network functions virtualization (NFV) and software-defined networking (SDN) in situations where virtual customer premises equipment (vCPE) is protected by a cable modem or a firewall. In this presentation, ADVA Optical Networking¨s engineers outlined this new technique and explained how it makes secure NFV/SDN deployment possible when a NETCONF client is otherwise unable to initiate an SSH connection directly to the NETCONF server.
Rajendra Nagabhushan and Vikram Darsi discussed how the IETF draft for NETCONF Call Home Using SSH can be implemented as an OpenDaylight feature. They demonstrated how the technology can be applied in a real-world use-case and outlined how an ADVA Optical Networking product is being developed ahead of its 2017 release.
Aide ┐ la Planification Cellulaire dans un R└seau LTE (4G)Fatiha Merazka
Les r└seaux de t└l└communications ont pris de plus en plus d'importance dans notre vie quotidienne. Pour satisfaire au mieux les besoins et les int└r┷ts des clients, les op└rateurs doivent pouvoir offrir, au meilleur prix, des services d'excellente qualit└. C'est dans ce cadre que s'inscrit le probl┬me de planification cellulaire des r└seaux qui consiste ┐ optimiser les co?ts engendr└spar l'installation et l'utilisation du syst┬me. Une planification bien effectu└e a pour effet de r└duire le temps de mise en marche, le co?t des d└penses d'investissement ainsi que le co?t des d└penses op└rationnelles.
Le r└seau mobile est aujourd'hui un domaine en pleine effervescence. Pendant la derni┬re d└cennie, les └volutions de t└l└communications ont explos└ une nouvelle gamme de service qui a └cart└ les services classiques afin de satisfaire l¨augmentation du nombre des utilisateurs et les exigences de taux de donn└es └lev└s.
Cette motivation laisse les g└n└rations mobiles se succ└der et se d└velopper, de la technologie GSM vers un syst┬me de paquets tout IP optimis└ d└nomm└ Long Term Evolution (LTE).
L¨op└rateur se trouve, devant ces technologies, oblig└ de r└pondre ┐ la croissance continue du trafic, avec une faible latence, une meilleure fiabilit└, et une meilleure efficacit└ spectrale par rapport aux pr└c└dentes g└n└rations. Ces exigences ont stimul└ les └volutions des r└seaux pour mettre aujourd¨hui le premier pas vers la quatri┬me g└n└ration avec LTE.
A ce stade, l¨op└rateur doit r└duire le co?t d¨investissement et augmenter la qualit└ de service pour assurer la rentabilit└.
Pour le faire il doit passer par les phases primordiales : dimensionnement et planification de syst┬me radio mobile, qui consiste ┐ d└terminer l'ensemble des composantes mat└rielles et logicielles de ces syst┬mes, les positionner, les interconnecter et les utiliser de fa?on optimale, en respectant, entre autres, une s└rie de contraintes de qualit└ de service.
De fa?on g└n└rale, le probl┬me de planification fait intervenir plusieurs sous-probl┬mes avec chacun un niveau de complexit└ diff└rent. Dans ce travail, le sous-probl┬me qui est trait└ concerne l'affectation des cellules aux commutateurs. Ce probl┬me consiste ┐ d└terminer un mod┬le d'affectation qui permet de minimiser le co?t d'investissement des └quipements du r└seau 4G, tout en maximisant l'utilisation faite des └quipements du r└seau 3G d└j┐ en place.
Ainsi, la solution propos└e est un mod┬le qui d└crit la marche ┐ suivre lors de la planification initiale d¨un r└seau LTE qui se base sur la planification et le dimensionnement des zones de suivi ou Tracking Area.
Dans ce projet, nous allons donc effectuer une planification et un dimensionnement des zones Tracking Area.
Soutenance stage ouvrier chez Tunisie Telecom.pptxYassineWerghi
Soutenance stage ouvrier chez Tunisie Telecom.pptx
Webinar topic: MPLS on Router OS V7 - Part 1
Presenter: Achmad Mardiansyah & M. Taufik Nurhuda
In this webinar series, How MPLS on Router OS V7 works
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Recording available on Youtube
SS7 is a signaling system originally designed for telephone call setup and management between telephone exchanges and customer equipment. It has been developed to transport data and video traffic as well. SS7 uses out-of-band signaling where signaling information is carried on a separate channel from user data. The SS7 protocol stack includes layers like MTP1-3 for transport and routing, SCCP for additional routing functions, and TCAP to support special services through transactions between switches. A basic SS7 network consists of SSP, STP, SCP connected by signaling links to route messages for services like 800 calls.
WiFi 7 Training, Improved Latency, Introduction to 802.11beBryan Len
802.11be improvement. 802.11be training, known as WiFi 7.
It is? the next noteworthy milestone in the Wi-Fi long-term success story what provides with extremely high throughput and compatible to real-time applications.
Watch the video
The main features of 802.11be are:
320 MHz bandwidth
Multi-band/multi-channel aggregation
16 spatial streams and Multiple Input
Multiple Output (MIMO) protocols enhancements,
Multi-Access Point (AP) Coordination
Enhanced link adaptation
Adaptation to regulatory rules specific to 6 GHz spectrum,
Integrating Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) extensions for low-latency real-time traffic (IEEE 802.11aa).
Course outline:
Overview of Wi-Fi Evolution
New Features in Wi-Fi 7
Overview of a WiFi 6E Certified Product Example (Wi-Fi Alliance)
WiFi 6E Security
Overview of Wi-Fi 7 ?
Advanced PHY Techniques Improving Spectrum Efficiency
Introduction to 802.11be, WiFi 7 Training
This document discusses network flows and the NetFlow protocol. It begins by defining network flows as packets or frames that share common properties, such as source/destination IP and port. It then describes how NetFlow works by having network devices generate flows and export them to NetFlow collectors. The document outlines the NetFlow export packet format and different NetFlow versions, focusing on Cisco's implementation including versions 1, 5, 8 and 9. It also discusses how flows are generated, exported, collected and analyzed to monitor network traffic.
This document discusses inventory control techniques used in healthcare settings. It begins with introductions to inventory control and definitions. It then outlines objectives like meeting demand and minimizing costs. Techniques covered include ABC analysis, which classifies items based on usage value, and VED analysis, which considers criticality. Other methods analyze items based on unit value, suppliers, or movement patterns. The document also discusses economic order quantity, which calculates optimal order sizes to minimize total costs considering ordering and carrying costs. Finally, it discusses factors that influence when to place orders, like lead times and maintaining safety stock.
The document discusses various inventory control techniques used to manage inventory levels efficiently. It describes ABC analysis which categorizes inventory into A, B, and C items based on annual value and focuses control efforts accordingly. It also explains the economic order quantity (EOQ) model which calculates the optimal order quantity to minimize total costs of ordering and carrying inventory. Finally, it discusses determining reorder levels, minimum stock levels, maximum stock levels, and incorporating a safety stock to account for demand and lead time variability.
Inventory control involves regulating inventory levels according to predetermined norms to reduce costs. It aims to balance ordering, holding, and stockout costs. The ABC analysis technique categorizes inventory into A, B, and C items based on annual consumption value to focus control efforts where they are needed most. VED classification groups items as vital, essential, or desirable based on the criticality of inventory to operations. FSN analysis looks at item movement patterns to identify fast, slow, or non-moving inventory.
- Inventory constitutes a significant part of current assets for many companies, often around 60% of current assets. Effective inventory management is important to avoid unnecessary costs and ensure profitability.
- There are different types of inventory including raw materials, work in progress, and finished goods. The objectives of inventory management are to maintain optimal inventory levels for smooth operations while minimizing costs.
- An optimum inventory level balances ordering costs, carrying costs, and stock-out costs. Both over-investment and under-investment in inventory can be dangerous for a company. Effective inventory management tracks inventory levels and determines when and how much to order.
The document discusses inventory control, which involves maintaining desired inventory levels to balance economic and production needs. It describes different types of inventory like raw materials, work in progress, and finished goods. Effective inventory control requires planning inventory levels, ordering, receiving, storing, and recording inventory. Key aspects of inventory control include determining maximum and minimum inventory levels, reorder points, and economic order quantities.
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017Drift
Thinking about your sales team's goals for 2017? Drift's VP of Sales shares 3 things you can do to improve conversion rates and drive more revenue.
Read the full story on the Drift blog here:
SS7 is a signaling system originally designed for telephone call setup and management between telephone exchanges and customer equipment. It has been developed to transport data and video traffic as well. SS7 uses out-of-band signaling where signaling information is carried on a separate channel from user data. The SS7 protocol stack includes layers like MTP1-3 for transport and routing, SCCP for additional routing functions, and TCAP to support special services through transactions between switches. A basic SS7 network consists of SSP, STP, SCP connected by signaling links to route messages for services like 800 calls.
WiFi 7 Training, Improved Latency, Introduction to 802.11beBryan Len
802.11be improvement. 802.11be training, known as WiFi 7.
It is? the next noteworthy milestone in the Wi-Fi long-term success story what provides with extremely high throughput and compatible to real-time applications.
Watch the video
The main features of 802.11be are:
320 MHz bandwidth
Multi-band/multi-channel aggregation
16 spatial streams and Multiple Input
Multiple Output (MIMO) protocols enhancements,
Multi-Access Point (AP) Coordination
Enhanced link adaptation
Adaptation to regulatory rules specific to 6 GHz spectrum,
Integrating Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) extensions for low-latency real-time traffic (IEEE 802.11aa).
Course outline:
Overview of Wi-Fi Evolution
New Features in Wi-Fi 7
Overview of a WiFi 6E Certified Product Example (Wi-Fi Alliance)
WiFi 6E Security
Overview of Wi-Fi 7 ?
Advanced PHY Techniques Improving Spectrum Efficiency
Introduction to 802.11be, WiFi 7 Training
This document discusses network flows and the NetFlow protocol. It begins by defining network flows as packets or frames that share common properties, such as source/destination IP and port. It then describes how NetFlow works by having network devices generate flows and export them to NetFlow collectors. The document outlines the NetFlow export packet format and different NetFlow versions, focusing on Cisco's implementation including versions 1, 5, 8 and 9. It also discusses how flows are generated, exported, collected and analyzed to monitor network traffic.
This document discusses inventory control techniques used in healthcare settings. It begins with introductions to inventory control and definitions. It then outlines objectives like meeting demand and minimizing costs. Techniques covered include ABC analysis, which classifies items based on usage value, and VED analysis, which considers criticality. Other methods analyze items based on unit value, suppliers, or movement patterns. The document also discusses economic order quantity, which calculates optimal order sizes to minimize total costs considering ordering and carrying costs. Finally, it discusses factors that influence when to place orders, like lead times and maintaining safety stock.
The document discusses various inventory control techniques used to manage inventory levels efficiently. It describes ABC analysis which categorizes inventory into A, B, and C items based on annual value and focuses control efforts accordingly. It also explains the economic order quantity (EOQ) model which calculates the optimal order quantity to minimize total costs of ordering and carrying inventory. Finally, it discusses determining reorder levels, minimum stock levels, maximum stock levels, and incorporating a safety stock to account for demand and lead time variability.
Inventory control involves regulating inventory levels according to predetermined norms to reduce costs. It aims to balance ordering, holding, and stockout costs. The ABC analysis technique categorizes inventory into A, B, and C items based on annual consumption value to focus control efforts where they are needed most. VED classification groups items as vital, essential, or desirable based on the criticality of inventory to operations. FSN analysis looks at item movement patterns to identify fast, slow, or non-moving inventory.
- Inventory constitutes a significant part of current assets for many companies, often around 60% of current assets. Effective inventory management is important to avoid unnecessary costs and ensure profitability.
- There are different types of inventory including raw materials, work in progress, and finished goods. The objectives of inventory management are to maintain optimal inventory levels for smooth operations while minimizing costs.
- An optimum inventory level balances ordering costs, carrying costs, and stock-out costs. Both over-investment and under-investment in inventory can be dangerous for a company. Effective inventory management tracks inventory levels and determines when and how much to order.
The document discusses inventory control, which involves maintaining desired inventory levels to balance economic and production needs. It describes different types of inventory like raw materials, work in progress, and finished goods. Effective inventory control requires planning inventory levels, ordering, receiving, storing, and recording inventory. Key aspects of inventory control include determining maximum and minimum inventory levels, reorder points, and economic order quantities.
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017Drift
Thinking about your sales team's goals for 2017? Drift's VP of Sales shares 3 things you can do to improve conversion rates and drive more revenue.
Read the full story on the Drift blog here:
Clinics Manger is management software that provides you full control over patients, doctors and services data. Whether you have a small clinic or medical facility with multiple clinics, Clinics Manager is designed to suit your needs from organizing and managing reservations and scheduling to patients tracking, Clinics Manager facilitates your daily operations.
This document outlines the Travel Control (TC) system, which provides a modular online solution to automate operational activities for tourism organizations. The TC system includes subsystems like an agents web portal, online booking system, tours/excursions sales outlets, hotels feeder systems, and travelers interface. It offers benefits like increased productivity, cost efficiency, centralized management and control, and integration with partners. Running operations online through TC provides benefits to employees, partners/customers, and business owners such as accessibility anywhere, automated communications, and performance monitoring.
Facebook has over 800 million active users, making it larger than the entire global population 200 years ago. If Facebook was a country, it would be the third largest in the world. Facebook is an effective marketing tool for both B2C and B2B companies, with over half of small businesses agreeing it benefits their business. LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with over 120 million members. It allows users to connect with colleagues, find experts, and explore opportunities. YouTube is the world's largest video sharing site, with over 4 billion videos viewed daily and one hour of content uploaded every minute. Using YouTube for business through creating engaging, short videos and optimizing keywords can help show expertise and market products.
The document provides guidelines for delivering email marketing campaigns without getting flagged as spam. It recommends extracting email addresses from legitimate sources like business cards rather than purchasing lists. It also suggests spreading messages out slowly if sending to a large list and allowing easy unsubscribing. Additional tips include testing on major email providers and avoiding spammy phrases, all caps, bright colors only images with no text.
This document discusses common computer threats such as malware, viruses, worms, Trojan horses, rootkits, spyware, and backdoors. It defines each threat and describes how they infect computers and steal information. The document recommends choosing effective antivirus software to scan for and prevent damage from these threats. Regular scanning and an antivirus system can armor your computer against viruses and other malicious programs.
Using complex, unique passwords for each account is important for security. Passwords should be difficult to guess but easy for the user to remember. Mixing uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols increases password strength. People commonly reuse passwords or use weak passwords like "123456", making accounts vulnerable if one site is compromised. Password managers can generate and store strong, unique passwords for each site.
Customer satisfaction and retention is essential for business success. Unhappy customers will tell many people about negative experiences, while it takes many positive experiences to make up for one bad one. Implementing good customer relationship management like listening, empathizing, apologizing, and taking immediate action to resolve complaints can turn unhappy customers into loyal, long-term customers. Defining business objectives, understanding customer needs and data requirements, collecting customer interaction data, and empowering staff are important aspects of an effective customer relationship management strategy.
This document discusses the use of different colors in website design and what meanings they commonly convey. It describes red as representing power, passion, and energy and suggests using it for call-to-action buttons. Blue is said to represent seriousness, knowledge, and power and is often used by businesses and corporations. Green indicates money, growth, hope, and health and is used by financial and medical organizations. Purple combines the stability of blue and energy of red, conveying wealth, wisdom, and creativity. Colors should be chosen and arranged to effectively convey the desired message.
This document discusses the benefits of cloud computing for businesses. It states that cloud computing allows all computing resources, applications, processes, and collaboration to be delivered as a service anywhere and anytime. The main benefits outlined are that cloud computing saves money compared to maintaining standalone servers by reducing costs of maintenance, space, and energy. It also provides accessibility since cloud applications can be accessed from any device as long as there is an internet connection. While cloud computing provides advantages, it also has some downsides, especially for smaller businesses.