El documento habla sobre Facebook y provee recomendaciones para su uso seguro. Explica que Facebook es una red social que permite comunicarse y ayudarse con compa?eros de clase, pero tambin aceptar personas desconocidas lo cual puede traer problemas. Recomienda tener cuidado con desconocidos y enlaces sospechosos, y personalizar la privacidad de fotos y datos personales. Adems, indica los pasos para subir una foto a Facebook.
Mystle K. Long has over 20 years of experience in administrative and office management roles. She has a proven track record of maintaining databases, tracking expenses, preparing contracts and reports, and ensuring compliance with policies and procedures. Her experience spans industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, real estate, and non-profits. She is proficient in Microsoft Office applications and electronic medical record software.
ESCOs to drive energy efficiency in Indiavicky modi
ESCOs (Energy Service Companies) can play a key role in improving energy efficiency in India by guaranteeing energy savings through performance contracts. While the ESCO market is still nascent in India, there is significant opportunity for growth given India's ongoing power deficits. ESCOs can help reduce demand through energy efficiency solutions, providing savings of 42 billion units annually - enough to avoid $160 billion in renewable capacity investments. However, barriers like low awareness, high transaction costs, and a lack of standardization must be addressed to fully realize the potential of ESCOs to enhance energy security and reduce costs in India.
The document discusses three different layout designs for a double page spread (DPS). The first uses a large central image to draw readers' attention, allowing more information to be included. The second features a bold image and subheading to tell readers what the text is about while keeping the amount of text low. The third uses direct address through an image that seems to pull readers in, along with highlighted text to easily convey important information without reading everything.
The document discusses different elements of mise-en-scne in a scene from the movie The Descent. It describes how costume, hair, and makeup indicate that the character Juno is in a state of panic. It also explains how the lighting and color are used to highlight the frightening crawler in the background and create a sense of fright. Finally, it discusses how the positioning of a character looking over her shoulder at the crawler in the background draws the audience's attention to it and makes the horror element more effective.
This document outlines the course details for APSC 450 - Professional Engineering Practice at UBC for the Winter 2017 term, including instructors, topics covered, course delivery, assessment details, textbook information, and the course schedule. The course covers engineering law, professionalism, ethics, and related topics. Students will be assessed via a quiz, individual and group assignments, and a final exam. Lectures will be given by instructors and visiting professionals and cover subjects like engineering ethics, communication, torts, and more.
The document contains the solution to a physics assignment involving calculus. It includes:
1) Taking the derivative of a complex function F(x) to find F'(x) and F''(x)
2) Using the derivative to find the tangent line formula at a given point
3) Finding the local maxima, minima, and inflection points by analyzing where F'(x) and F''(x) are positive or negative.
The function involves trigonometric functions like sine, cosine, and tangent composed within each other. The solution takes the derivatives step-by-step and substitutes values to determine critical points.
Presentacin del proyecto con Realidad Aumentada "Calles de Cheste" realizado por la profesora Yolanda Marco con la colaboracin de la Asoc. ByLInedu y el Ayuntamiento de Cheste
Did the film successfully change the representation of women in horror filmsSimranpal Kandola
The Descent had the purpose of entertaining audiences and making a profit, which it achieved by grossing $57 million against its $3.5 million budget. It also succeeded in horrifying viewers with its gory content. The film significantly changed the horror genre by having an all-female cast, representing women as strong leads rather than promiscuous victims. It also kept audiences interested through its realistic setting, novel monster designs, and shocking graphic violence.
Presentacion utilizada en la jornada "ACTUALIZACI?N METODOL?GICA PARA EL PROFESORADO DE FP" del CEP de granada el 11 de Abril de 2013
Este documento describe un proyecto musical que permite tocar notas mediante el contacto fsico con otras personas u objetos como frutas y verduras. El circuito utiliza una placa Arduino UNO para medir la resistencia elctrica del cuerpo humano a travs de contactos y reproducir notas musicales en funcin de cada contacto, usando resistencias de 2 megaohmios conectadas a entradas analgicas. Los materiales necesarios incluyen la placa Arduino, software de programacin, el programa S4A y componentes electrnicos como resistencias y cables.
Blur is a distributed search capability built on top of Hadoop and Lucene that is designed specifically for big data. It leverages the scalability, redundancy, and performance of Hadoop and Lucene. Blur stores data in tables containing rows and records with columns, and uses MapReduce to index data and shard servers to perform searches in a scalable and fault-tolerant manner. It overcomes challenges like reindexing large datasets and providing low-latency random access by leveraging features of its architecture. Future work includes more performance tuning, testing, documentation, and new query capabilities.
The document discusses using rational equations to solve word problems involving costs shared among groups of people. It provides an example where a taxi costs $20 to rent for a group of x people, with the cost shared equally. If one person leaves the group, the remaining people each pay $1 more. Setting up the cost equations and subtracting them allows determining that x must equal 5 people for the equations to hold true. A table is suggested to organize calculations for different inputs when solving similar rational equation word problems.
This document provides an example risk assessment for a road haulage company. It identifies several potential hazards including vehicles, falls from vehicles, slips and trips, manual handling, load securing, coupling and uncoupling vehicles, driver fatigue, and fire. For each hazard, it lists who may be harmed, what controls are already in place, and any additional actions needed to reduce risks. The risk assessment was conducted by walking around the premises and yard, talking to staff, and reviewing accident records to identify hazards.
Tres mujeres, una morena, una pelirroja y una rubia, asistieron a una entrevista de trabajo donde el entrevistador les hizo una pregunta sobre cuntas letras "T" hay en la frase "INDIANA JONES". La morena y la pelirroja respondieron correctamente que no hay ninguna, mientras que la rubia realiz clculos errneos y respondi el nmero 32 antes de poder explicar su razonamiento.
Presentacin del proyecto con Realidad Aumentada "Calles de Cheste" realizado por la profesora Yolanda Marco con la colaboracin de la Asoc. ByLInedu y el Ayuntamiento de Cheste
Did the film successfully change the representation of women in horror filmsSimranpal Kandola
The Descent had the purpose of entertaining audiences and making a profit, which it achieved by grossing $57 million against its $3.5 million budget. It also succeeded in horrifying viewers with its gory content. The film significantly changed the horror genre by having an all-female cast, representing women as strong leads rather than promiscuous victims. It also kept audiences interested through its realistic setting, novel monster designs, and shocking graphic violence.
Presentacion utilizada en la jornada "ACTUALIZACI?N METODOL?GICA PARA EL PROFESORADO DE FP" del CEP de granada el 11 de Abril de 2013
Este documento describe un proyecto musical que permite tocar notas mediante el contacto fsico con otras personas u objetos como frutas y verduras. El circuito utiliza una placa Arduino UNO para medir la resistencia elctrica del cuerpo humano a travs de contactos y reproducir notas musicales en funcin de cada contacto, usando resistencias de 2 megaohmios conectadas a entradas analgicas. Los materiales necesarios incluyen la placa Arduino, software de programacin, el programa S4A y componentes electrnicos como resistencias y cables.
Blur is a distributed search capability built on top of Hadoop and Lucene that is designed specifically for big data. It leverages the scalability, redundancy, and performance of Hadoop and Lucene. Blur stores data in tables containing rows and records with columns, and uses MapReduce to index data and shard servers to perform searches in a scalable and fault-tolerant manner. It overcomes challenges like reindexing large datasets and providing low-latency random access by leveraging features of its architecture. Future work includes more performance tuning, testing, documentation, and new query capabilities.
The document discusses using rational equations to solve word problems involving costs shared among groups of people. It provides an example where a taxi costs $20 to rent for a group of x people, with the cost shared equally. If one person leaves the group, the remaining people each pay $1 more. Setting up the cost equations and subtracting them allows determining that x must equal 5 people for the equations to hold true. A table is suggested to organize calculations for different inputs when solving similar rational equation word problems.
This document provides an example risk assessment for a road haulage company. It identifies several potential hazards including vehicles, falls from vehicles, slips and trips, manual handling, load securing, coupling and uncoupling vehicles, driver fatigue, and fire. For each hazard, it lists who may be harmed, what controls are already in place, and any additional actions needed to reduce risks. The risk assessment was conducted by walking around the premises and yard, talking to staff, and reviewing accident records to identify hazards.
Tres mujeres, una morena, una pelirroja y una rubia, asistieron a una entrevista de trabajo donde el entrevistador les hizo una pregunta sobre cuntas letras "T" hay en la frase "INDIANA JONES". La morena y la pelirroja respondieron correctamente que no hay ninguna, mientras que la rubia realiz clculos errneos y respondi el nmero 32 antes de poder explicar su razonamiento.