АфикаobstinateПрезентация по географии на тему Африка. Представлена справочная информация о континенте, подробно рассмотрены климат, население, ресурсы и некоторые другие характеристики.
АфикаobstinateПрезентация по географии на тему Африка. Представлена справочная информация о континенте, подробно рассмотрены климат, население, ресурсы и некоторые другие характеристики.
IBM Reinventing the WheelKal GyimesiGreat set of examples put together by IBM Interactive to show how the automotive industry is changing and how business models are opening opportunities far beyond the traditional industry
A STUDY TO EVALUATE THE IN VITRO ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY AND ANTIANDROGENIC E...Dr. Pradeep mitharwalThe present paper deals with synthesis and characterization
of some new chromium (III) Schiff base complexes using microwave irradiation
technique as well as conventional heating. The S∩N donor benzothiazolines, 1-
(2-furanyl) ethanone benzothiazoline (Bzt1N
SH), 1-(2-thienyl) ethanone
benzothiazoline (Bzt2N
SH) and 1-(2-pyridyl) ethanone benzothiazoline
SH) were prepared by the condensation of ortho-aminothiophenol with
respective ketones in ethanol.
Send Text Messages OnlineMessage HeroThis is a short presentation explaining how to start sending text messages online with Message Hero, an easy to use, great value bulk SMS and mobile marketing tool.
SMART GRID(a) (3)Prateek DiwanThis document provides an overview of smart grids and discusses their implementation in India. It acknowledges Power Grid Corporation of India for allowing the author to intern with them. The document contains 5 chapters that discuss: 1) introduction to smart grids and their basic components like communication and EMS, 2) smart grids in the power sector and implementation strategies, 3) wide area management systems, 4) security challenges, and 5) conclusions and recommendations. The document aims to provide information on smart grids and their role in India's power transmission network.
Resume ChandramohanChandra MohanGosetty Chandramohan is an electrical engineer with over 3 years of experience working on substation projects for Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. He has a B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and is proficient in MS Office, Excel, and technical skills like monitoring substations, erecting towers and equipment, and testing and commissioning electrical systems. He has received several appreciation letters and bonuses for his work commissioning substations in Nellore, Raichur, and Kurnool.
Gestores de contenidosM. Jesus HuergaUn CMS es un software que facilita la creación y organización de contenidos web, separando la interfaz de usuario de la estructura del sitio. Los CMS ofrecen ventajas como facilitar la generación y actualización de contenido, permitir personalizar el diseño y administrar usuarios. Existen diferentes tipos de CMS como los de propósito general, orientados a blogs, comercio electrónico, wikis o aprendizaje en línea.
AMP.K-4Prateek DiwanResveraTech is developing pain relief products using resveratrol, a natural substance found in wine and dark chocolate. They plan to create a line of resveratrol-based products including a skin cream, patch, bandage, and surgical sutures. Chronic pain affects over 25% of Americans and current therapies are often ineffective. ResveraTech believes resveratrol could provide a safe and effective alternative for pain relief. Their strategy is to complete clinical studies, partner with a manufacturer, and launch products starting with the skin cream while developing additional delivery methods.
Synthesis, Characterization, Spectral (FT-IR, 1H, 13C NMR, Mass and UV) and B...Dr. Pradeep mitharwalBio-potent ligands, 2-hydroxy-N-phenylbenzamide hydrazinecarbothioamide(HPHTSCZH2) and 2-hydroxy-N-phenylbenzamide hydrazine carbodithioic benzyl ester (HPHCBESH2) have been synthesized by the condensation of 2-hydroxy-N-phenylbenzamide with hydrazinecarbothioamide and hydrazine carbodithioic benzyl ester, respectively and reacted with hydrated lanthanide chlorides. The coordination moieties of the ligands have been confirmed by various spectral studies. - See more at: http://www.sciencedomain.org/abstract.php?iid=271&id=16&aid=2488#sthash.6v3aFQIi.dpuf
Business Idea Competition: Concept InnovatePrateek DiwanThe document presents a proposal for ResveraTech, a startup developing pain relief products using resveratrol. It discusses the large market for chronic pain treatments and proposes all-natural products containing resveratrol, which has potential for pain relief. The proposal outlines plans to develop a line of resveratrol-based products, conduct clinical feasibility studies, partner with a manufacturer, and launch marketing targeting physical therapists and pain clinics to pursue the $34 billion analgesic market. Financial projections estimate the company could become profitable within 3 years and generate over $6 million in profits after 5 years.
Junior’s sch assembly itemRoom4CPSJunior Art Photos
Got grit1 presentationmfrancoissalemstateThis document outlines the schedule and objectives for a resident assistant training program at Vibrant Community College. The goals are to develop leadership skills, intellectual growth, relationships skills, collaboration abilities, and diversity appreciation among participants. The agenda includes team-building activities like a life line exercise and human knot. It also includes a discussion on the qualities of a good resident assistant and an evaluation at the end to collect feedback.
CI magazine fall2014Prateek DiwanAtelier InSite is a Creative Inquiry project that implements public artwork on Clemson's campus. The project involves 14 students from 10 majors who review artwork submissions and help select pieces. Their latest project involved installing 600 paintings in petri dishes in the atrium of the new Life Sciences Facility. The goal is to create dialogue and discussion around the art pieces on campus through a cross-disciplinary approach. Students have gained appreciation for how art can connect different fields of study and have experienced firsthand how public art projects are planned and implemented.
Got grit2mfrancoissalemstateThe document provides an agenda and details for a two-week RA training program called "Got Grit?". Day 1 of the training includes icebreakers, teambuilding activities, discussions on qualities of a good RA, and an introduction to campus resources. The goal is to build teamwork and chemistry among participants. Later sessions will focus on developing grit, resilience, and growth mindset using theories like Kolb's learning styles and Duckworth's grit theory. Participants will learn about leadership, diversity, and have fun to enhance their experience as RAs.
3. Общая характеристика.
Инди́йский океа́н — третий по
размеру океан Земли, покрывающий
около 20 % её водной поверхности.
Его площадь составляет 76,17 миллионов
Объём — 282,65 миллионов км³.
Самая глубокая точка океана находится
в Зондском жёлобе.
4. Особенности рельефа.
Строение рельефа дна сложное. Срединно - океанические
хребты делят ложе океана на три части. В западной
части протянулся хребет, соединяющийся южнее
Африки со Срединно -Атлантическим хребтом. Для
центра хребта характерны глубинные разломы,
области землетрясений и вулканизма на дне океана.
9. Хозяйственная деятельность.
Рыболовство и морской промысел. В
бассейне Персидского залива богатые
месторождения нефти. Добыча ведётся
как на наземных, так и на подводных
месторождениях в пределах шельфа.
10. Интересные факты.
Интересным фактом об Индийском океане является
периодическое появление на его поверхности
светящихся кругов, которые исчезают через
некоторое время. На данный момент явление не было
исследовано в должной мере, однако, по одной из
версий ученых, это планктон, которых иногда
всплывает к поверхности. Правильная же форма
кругов и свечение объяснения до сих не получили.