Fundus fluorescein angiography is a technique that uses fluorescein dye and retinal imaging to visualize the circulation of blood through the retina and choroid. The dye is injected and passes through the retinal and choroidal vessels, allowing visualization of the vascular anatomy and detection of abnormalities. First, the short posterior ciliary arteries and choroid are seen filling after 10-15 seconds. Then the retinal arteries, capillaries and veins are seen between 11-18 seconds. The peak phase for imaging is between 20-25 seconds when the juxtafoveal and perifoveal capillaries are most prominent. Abnormal findings include areas of blocked fluorescence from media opacities, vascular filling defects,
Resources can be classified as renewable, inexhaustible, or nonrenewable. Renewable resources like trees and water can last forever and be replaced within a human lifetime. Inexhaustible resources such as wind, sun, tides will never run out and can be used over and over. Nonrenewable resources including coal, oil, and minerals will not last forever and will be used up someday.
Solving the DB2 LUW Administration DilemmaRandy Goering
As a DB2 LUW Database Administrator you are probably reluctant to or prohibited from granting your users* these permissions because doing so gives them permission to other DB2 administrations tasks like stopping the database. If your users are not allowed to do these tasks then who is? Most likely, you, as the DBA will perform these and other administrative functions for your users. Would you like a way to eliminate these tasks from your daily to-do list? This presentation will discuss how to externalize specific administrative tasks with Stored Procedures, Federated procedures, Administrative SQL routines, and views.
The document provides biographical information about several members of the United States Congress, including their years elected, number of terms served, previous occupations, religions, and leadership positions. It also gives brief summaries of two current events related to Congress - calling for pressure on China to revalue its currency and the Senate voting to consider extending unemployment benefits and COBRA subsidies.
Topical bevacizumab in combination with flurbiprofen eye drops and punctal occlusion for 4 weeks after pterygium excision and conjunctival autograft showed no recurrence of pterygium in any of the 17 patients over a 2 year follow up period. No patients experienced any ocular or systemic side effects from the topical bevacizumab treatment. This prospective case series suggests that topical bevacizumab may be a safe and effective adjuvant therapy to prevent recurrence of primary pterygium after surgery. Larger controlled studies are still needed.
Mobile Marketing - mobiele ontwikkelingen en oplossingenWieger Waardenburg
Op NextMarketing 2013 was er aandacht voor het thema mobiele marketing. Ter inleiding daarop een aantal cijfers / trends over de indrukwekkende manier waarop het mobiele landschap zicht ontwikkelt.
Vervolgens gaat het om mobiele toepassingen en een basis stukje mobiele marketing. Het begin daarvan is natuurlijk een mobiele website of liever een responsive website. Vanuit het 'bedienen' van mobiele bezoekers kan gestart worden met mobiele marketing.
Topical bevacizumab in combination with flurbiprofen eye drops and punctal occlusion for 4 weeks after pterygium excision and conjunctival autograft showed no recurrence of pterygium in any of the 17 patients over a 2 year follow up period. No patients experienced any ocular or systemic side effects from the topical bevacizumab treatment regimen. This prospective case series suggests that topical bevacizumab may be a safe and effective adjuvant therapy to prevent recurrence of primary pterygium after surgery. Larger controlled studies are still needed.
The document describes different types of blood cells and blood disorders through images from a blood smear. It shows normal red blood cells having a pale center, and normal white blood cells. Images then show the pale and smaller red blood cells of iron-deficiency anemia. Sickle cell anemia is indicated by sickled, crescent-shaped red blood cells. Chronic myelogenous leukemia shows increased white blood cells. Hairy cell leukemia features white blood cells with hair-like projections. Hodgkin lymphoma features large owl-like Reed-Sternberg cells.
The document summarizes a Brazil Means Business Symposium discussing the private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) market in Brazil. It identifies strengths like abundant private companies and a growing economy, as well as weaknesses like low productivity and infrastructure issues. It then discusses Online M&A, a European company that aims to be the largest catalogue of active mid-market deals, providing opportunities for brokers, investors, and businesses. The presentation concludes by highlighting some selected investment opportunities in Brazil, including a company exploiting undersea resources and a speciality IT start-up.
The document summarizes how blood flows through the heart, how the heart beats through diastole and systole phases, and what heart murmurs, ECGs, coronary arteries, bypass surgery, angioplasty, and other related topics are. It describes the pathways blood takes as it flows from the vena cavas into the atria and ventricles, and then out through the pulmonary artery or aorta. It also explains what causes heart murmurs and how ECGs and other procedures work to evaluate heart health.
This document discusses factors related to teacher supply and demand as well as access and equity in education. For teacher supply and demand, it identifies key factors like teacher training output, teacher demographics, and projections of student enrollment. Planning issues include who has authority over teacher hiring and deployment as well as balancing urban and rural teacher allocation. Access and equity indicators include completion rates, enrollment data disaggregated by student characteristics, and planning to resolve barriers to access through funding formulas and infrastructure investments. The document proposes consulting stakeholders, reviewing literature, and collecting various education and socioeconomic data over 1-2 years to inform recommendations. Potential recommendations address reforming teacher education, incentives, salaries, assessments, and training as well as investing in education quality, conditional