Narrative structuremonicaa100The document discusses two narrative theories and applies them to analyze the structure of the film "Titanic" and an original film. Todorov's theory states that narratives follow an equilibrium-disruption-new equilibrium structure. This pattern is seen in "Titanic". Levi Strauss' theory of binary opposition suggests narratives are driven by conflicts between opposing forces, like good vs bad. These opposing forces can be seen in the original film between the protagonist's evil intentions and her victim's goodness.
Kisi kisi uas struktur dataDwi Mardianti1. Soal ujian berisi soal-soal tentang struktur data dan manajemen informatika yang mencakup konsep-konsep seperti pohon biner, graf, relasi, dan notasi-notasi traversal pada pohon biner.
2. Terdapat 42 soal pilihan ganda yang mencakup berbagai aspek struktur data seperti pohon biner, graf, relasi, traversal, kedalaman/tinggi pohon, dan notasi-notasi pohon biner.
3. Soal-soal tersebut dimaksud
Uses and gratifications theorymonicaa100This document discusses how Uses and Gratifications Theory can explain audience engagement with an opening film sequence showing a character, Stacey. It suggests the sequence allows for diversion and escape from reality, facilitates personal connections to Stacey and other characters, enables personal identity exploration, provides information, and creates entertainment through mystery, tension, and confusion that makes audiences want to know more.
Richard Dyer's Theory applied to D4MES monicaa100D4MES promotes several important values through their music, videos, and social media presence. They showcase female empowerment in their "Red Planet" music video by reversing gender roles. As an ethnically diverse group from London, they celebrate the cultural diversity of the city by incorporating aspects of London culture into their videos and music. Each of the four members of D4MES have strong individual personalities that can be seen through their distinct roles and styles in their music video, album artwork, and website profiles.
Narrative structuremonicaa100The document summarizes several narrative theories and applies them to analyze the structure and key elements of the film being discussed. It describes Todorov's theory of narrative equilibrium involving an initial balanced state, a disruption, and a new resolved equilibrium. This theory is seen in the film's portrayal of Stacey deceiving others at first, then killing her husband as disruption, and seducing the detective to regain control. It also explains Levi-Strauss' theory of binary opposites like good vs evil and strong vs weak being present between Stacey and those she manipulates. Finally, it notes Barthes' idea of narratives containing mysteries, seen in the film through questions raised about Stacey's identities and behavior.
Photoshop znakomstvoTatka_kЗнакомство с Photoshop;
Обработка фотографии;
Создание графики в Photoshop;
Простой монтаж и спецэффекты;
Стилизация фотографий;
Сложный фотомонтаж.
Lionsgate filmsmonicaa100Lionsgate was chosen as the film distributor because it distributes a wide range of genres including crime thrillers similar to their film, it has successfully distributed over 200 films since 1997, and it distributes both British and American films. The film would be marketed through traditional methods like posters, radio ads, TV spots, and trailers as well as online through a YouTube trailer, Facebook page, and Twitter account. It would have a national theatrical release in UK cinemas and possibly in Europe, then be released on DVD, streaming services, and TV channels about a year later.
LTM Statistika Deskriptif Pertemuan 2Dwi MardiantiSUB POKOK BAHASAN :
2.1 Notasi Sigma
2.2 Pengertian Distribusi Frekuensi
2.3 Istilah dalam Distribusi Frekuensi
2.4 Penyusunan Distribusi Frekuensi
2.5 Jenis Distribusi Frekuensi
2.6 Ukuran Gejala Pusat Data Belum Dikelompokkan
* Aplikasi Komputer Excel dan SPSS
LTM Statistika Deskriptif Pertemuan 3Dwi MardiantiSUB POKOK BAHASAN :
2.7 Ukuran Gejala Pusat Data yang Dikelompokkan
2.8 Ukuran Dispersi
* Aplikasi Komputer Excel dan SPSS
LTM Statistika Deskriptif Pertemuan 1Dwi MardiantiSUB POKOK BAHASAN :
1.1 Pengertian Statistika
1.2 Populasi, sampel dan data
1.3 Pengukuran dan jenis skala Pengukuran
1.4 Penyajian Data
Distribusi Frekuensi dan Jenis GrafikDwi MardiantiRumusan masalah adalah:
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan distribusi frekuensi?
2. Bagaimana cara membuat daftar distribusi frekuensi?
3. Bagaimana cara menghitung distribusi frekuensi?
4. Bagaimana cara menggambar histogram, poligon, ogive dan kurva?
Narrative structuremonicaa100The document summarizes several narrative theories and applies them to analyze the structure and key elements of the film being discussed. It describes Todorov's theory of narrative equilibrium involving an initial balanced state, a disruption, and a new resolved equilibrium. This theory is seen in the film's portrayal of Stacey deceiving others at first, then killing her husband as disruption, and seducing the detective to regain control. It also explains Levi-Strauss' theory of binary opposites like good vs evil and strong vs weak being present between Stacey and those she manipulates. Finally, it notes Barthes' idea of narratives containing mysteries, seen in the film through questions raised about Stacey's identities and behavior.
Photoshop znakomstvoTatka_kЗнакомство с Photoshop;
Обработка фотографии;
Создание графики в Photoshop;
Простой монтаж и спецэффекты;
Стилизация фотографий;
Сложный фотомонтаж.
Lionsgate filmsmonicaa100Lionsgate was chosen as the film distributor because it distributes a wide range of genres including crime thrillers similar to their film, it has successfully distributed over 200 films since 1997, and it distributes both British and American films. The film would be marketed through traditional methods like posters, radio ads, TV spots, and trailers as well as online through a YouTube trailer, Facebook page, and Twitter account. It would have a national theatrical release in UK cinemas and possibly in Europe, then be released on DVD, streaming services, and TV channels about a year later.
LTM Statistika Deskriptif Pertemuan 2Dwi MardiantiSUB POKOK BAHASAN :
2.1 Notasi Sigma
2.2 Pengertian Distribusi Frekuensi
2.3 Istilah dalam Distribusi Frekuensi
2.4 Penyusunan Distribusi Frekuensi
2.5 Jenis Distribusi Frekuensi
2.6 Ukuran Gejala Pusat Data Belum Dikelompokkan
* Aplikasi Komputer Excel dan SPSS
LTM Statistika Deskriptif Pertemuan 3Dwi MardiantiSUB POKOK BAHASAN :
2.7 Ukuran Gejala Pusat Data yang Dikelompokkan
2.8 Ukuran Dispersi
* Aplikasi Komputer Excel dan SPSS
LTM Statistika Deskriptif Pertemuan 1Dwi MardiantiSUB POKOK BAHASAN :
1.1 Pengertian Statistika
1.2 Populasi, sampel dan data
1.3 Pengukuran dan jenis skala Pengukuran
1.4 Penyajian Data
Distribusi Frekuensi dan Jenis GrafikDwi MardiantiRumusan masalah adalah:
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan distribusi frekuensi?
2. Bagaimana cara membuat daftar distribusi frekuensi?
3. Bagaimana cara menghitung distribusi frekuensi?
4. Bagaimana cara menggambar histogram, poligon, ogive dan kurva?
7. в природе –
цвет камня
Ассоциация с огнем.
Ускоряет пульс,
расширяет зрачки,
быстро утомляет.
агрессивность, в
сочетании с черным –
Выражает жестокость,
страсть, любовь.
8. в природе –
Передает радость,
оптимизм. Ускоряет
пульс, расширяет
Ассоциируется с
успехом, богатством,
Часто используется
9. в природе –
Теплый, позитивный,
яркий и современный.
Ускоряет пульс,
расширяет зрачки.
Оказывает бодрящее
Фирменный цвет для
операторов сотовой
Сочетается с голубым.
10. в природе –
Способен у человека
вызвать суеверный ,
Подходит для создания
11. в природе –
цвет камня
Холодный цвет.
Успокаивает, навевает
Передает ощущение
холода и чистоты.
Цвет «чистоплотных»
Используется в дизайне
упаковок чистящих
12. в природе –
цвет камня
понижает давление
«Живой» цвет. Цвет
Брендовый цвет для
Кроме того цвет
мистический и
(инопланетная живность,
биологическое оружие).
тоску, горечь.
В одежде –
Сочетается со
несущий чувство
Относится к цвету
невинности и
(свадебное платье).
используется для
создания фона.