Understanding God - Our CreatorSimon FullerThis document discusses the concept of God as the creator. It presents two possible explanations for how the world came to be - either through a creator or by chance. The document argues that only the creator explanation is logical, as something must have begun the sequence. It provides biblical passages that affirm God as the creator. It also discusses God's plan and purpose in creation, what the future may hold, and encourages learning more about God.
10 things christ saves us fromHarvey SuddarthChrist came to restore our relationship with God and give us victory. It is yours for the taking. He leaves the choice up to us. I would like to challenge you to willingly accept His gift to you.
124000607 demons-defeated-bill-subritzskyKaturi SusmithaThis document provides an overview of Bill Subritzky's involvement in deliverance ministry and his views on spiritual warfare. It discusses how he came to focus on deliverance after witnessing transformations in people who received prayer. It also covers biblical teachings on the Holy Spirit dwelling within believers and Satan seeking to defile the temple of God. Additionally, it outlines the spiritual hierarchy of principalities and powers that Satan uses to influence nations, cities, and individuals.
corporal-and-spiritual-works-of-mercy.pptBenRogaczewskiThe document discusses Pope Francis' invitation to celebrate the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy from November 2015 to November 2016 by undertaking the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. It explains that the Corporal Works of Mercy involve helping others with physical needs like feeding the hungry, while the Spiritual Works of Mercy help with emotional and spiritual needs like comforting the sorrowful. The document provides the seven acts that comprise each type of work and encourages the reader to choose one each month to practice, in order to extend God's compassion to those in need.
Church Sermon: Now Is The Timemarikina4squareThis document discusses recognizing and making the most of the present season in one's life. It encourages the reader to know what God is doing during their current time and understand that it is important to respond well. The seasons described are: a time to cultivate through growing stronger in the Word; a time to accelerate by advancing one's influence aggressively and progressively; a time to captivate by becoming who God intends; a time to elevate one's kingdom ministry; and a time to activate the gifts of the Spirit. The overall message is about discerning and fully engaging with what God intends during the season one finds themselves in.
Baptismal lessonsJonathan ArroyoThis document contains lessons from Jezreel Baptist Church on topics related to baptism and church membership. It includes 4 lessons that cover what baptism is, the rights and responsibilities of church members, basics on communion/Lord's supper, and Baptist distinctives. It also includes the church's articles of faith and church covenant. The lessons provide biblical support and explanations on the subjects covered, such as who should be baptized, how baptism should be done, what the elements of communion represent, offices in the church, and salvation by grace through faith alone.
Mary's Song in Luke 1:39-45 | The MagnificatSteve ThomasonThis PowerPoint offers a visual meditation on Luke 1:39-45. This is traditionally called The Magnificat. Mary sings to God in response to the child that is growing inside her. These images reflect on how God's love brings down the mighty, lifts up the lowly, and sets us all on even ground.
3 parablesManly LuscombeThe document summarizes three parables from Matthew 13 about the kingdom of heaven:
1) The parable of the hidden treasure emphasizes that those who discover the value of the church will sacrifice whatever it takes to obey its teachings.
2) The parable of the pearl encourages church members to actively seek lost souls and bring them into the church, sacrificing as much as necessary.
3) The parable of the net illustrates that the church should invite all people but that angels will ultimately separate the genuine believers from non-believers at the final judgment.
Genealogy Of ChristChris GallagherThe document discusses the genealogies of Jesus presented in Matthew and Luke. Both genealogies trace Jesus's lineage back to King David, with some differences in the names included. The genealogies served to establish Jesus's claim to the throne of David and his humanity. They also show he had ancestors who struggled but God used their pasts. Believers now have a spiritual heritage and identity as God's chosen people rather than their physical descent.
October 14, 2018- Sunday service - Experiencing God unit 6 - GOD SPEAKS PART 2Catherine LirioThis document contains Bible verses and teachings about how God speaks to His people. It discusses that God speaks through the Holy Spirit via the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the Church. Specifically, it focuses on how God speaks through prayer by the Holy Spirit interceding for believers. It also addresses how God can speak through favorable or unfavorable circumstances by working all things for good. Finally, it notes that God speaks through spiritual leaders in the Church body to equip believers.
Gospel of the kingdomCalvin HansonThe document discusses the historical uses of the term "gospel" and its meaning in the Bible. It explores how the gospel was proclaimed by the Greeks after victories and by Caesar Augustus about his rule. The Bible defines the gospel as the good news about God's kingdom brought by Jesus, who died for sins and rose again. The gospel involves repenting from sin and believing in Jesus as Lord to enter God's kingdom. Jesus commissioned his followers to make disciples of all nations by proclaiming this gospel and teaching obedience to all his commands.
Holy Spirit Lesson PowerPointLRMMissionsThis document discusses how God is pouring out His Holy Spirit on children around the world. It provides several examples of children in countries like Nepal, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Ethiopia, Peru, Cuba, Spain, Scotland, Dubai, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and India experiencing the Holy Spirit through prophesying, speaking in tongues, having visions, experiencing being slain in the Spirit, intercessory prayer, worship, preaching, and healing. The document encourages the reader to help carry revival to children in their own nation through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Internal Analysis Melissa BonnAnheuser-Busch conducted a VRIOS analysis to evaluate its internal resources and capabilities. Marketing and advertising was identified as the most important resource, followed by strong reputation and raw materials convenience from owned suppliers. Overall, Anheuser-Busch is effectively leveraging most of its strong resources but relies heavily on a small number of suppliers and wholesalers, which poses a future risk. The analysis resulted in a performance rating of 4.1 out of 5, indicating room for improvement in diversifying suppliers and distributors.
Discernment the Ignatian WayggreyThis document discusses various concepts and practices related to discernment. It begins by defining discernment and spiritual discernment. It then outlines six Old Testament norms for authentic prophecy and presents systems views and diagrams related to discernment. The rest of the document provides guidance on the qualities of discerners, methods of discernment including Ignatian rules and exercises, and examples of discernment in practice. It emphasizes the importance of humility, charity, courage, and having a co-discerner in the discernment process.
Pastoral TheologyPablo A. JimenezPastoral theology explores the definition and methodology of practical theology and the disciplines it covers. It begins with the experience of faith, which leads believers to worship God in community. Worship is the starting point of theological reflection, as through worship, believers relate to God's word and sacraments. Theological reflection arises as believers systematically study their practice of faith and the life of faith communities. Pastoral theology reflects on the "praxis of faith," meaning the way communities embody Kingdom values to transform society. It is a second act that follows the first act of communities' practice of faith through worship and living out their faith.
Qualities of an Effective Catholic TeacherMann RentoyPresented by Emmanuel Rentoy
January 25, 2022
About Mann Rentoy
A lecturer from the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P), he has taught for more than 30 years.
He is a graduate of the University of Santo Tomas (UST) where he earned a double-degree in AB Journalism and AB Literature, an MA in Creative Writing, and a PhD in Literature.
He was the Founding Executive Director of Westbridge School in Iloilo City. He was in the first batch of graduates of PAREF Southridge School, where he also taught for 15 years, occupying various posts including Principal of Intermediate School, Vice-Principal of High School and Department Head of Religion. As Moderator of “The Ridge”, the official publication of Southridge, he won 9 trophies from the Catholic Mass Media Awards including the first ever Hall of Fame for Student Publication, for winning as the best campus paper in the country for four consecutive years.
He is the Founding Executive Director of “Character Education Partnership Philippines”, or CEP Philippines, an international affiliate of CEP in Washington, DC, USA. As Founder of CEP Philippines, he has been invited to speak all over the country, as well as in Washington D.C., San Diego, California, USA, Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He also serves as the Founding President of Center for 4th and 5th Rs (Respect & Responsibility) Asia, otherwise known as the Thomas Lickona Institute for Asia. He is probably the most visible advocate of character formation in the country, having spoken to hundreds of schools and universities around the Philippines.
Email us at catalystpds@gmail.com
Wounded and wearyWayne CornwellAll of us are wounded and broken. Being wounded takes away our energy, zaps us of our enthusiasm and makes us weary. Jesus welcomes the broken and He makes them new again; and Jesus welcomes the weary - He gives us strength.
IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GODDr. Poornima DSouzaThis document summarizes a chapter on God's creation of humans as rational beings made in God's image and likeness. It discusses that humans have an immortal soul which makes us like God, though we are created while God is eternal. Humans are given responsibilities as stewards over creation. The document also covers that God created marriage as a union between one man and one woman, and that virtues like charity and chastity are important for relationships. It concludes that the next chapter will examine how free will led the first humans to sin and affect subsequent generations.
Mary's Song in Luke 1:39-45 | The MagnificatSteve ThomasonThis PowerPoint offers a visual meditation on Luke 1:39-45. This is traditionally called The Magnificat. Mary sings to God in response to the child that is growing inside her. These images reflect on how God's love brings down the mighty, lifts up the lowly, and sets us all on even ground.
3 parablesManly LuscombeThe document summarizes three parables from Matthew 13 about the kingdom of heaven:
1) The parable of the hidden treasure emphasizes that those who discover the value of the church will sacrifice whatever it takes to obey its teachings.
2) The parable of the pearl encourages church members to actively seek lost souls and bring them into the church, sacrificing as much as necessary.
3) The parable of the net illustrates that the church should invite all people but that angels will ultimately separate the genuine believers from non-believers at the final judgment.
Genealogy Of ChristChris GallagherThe document discusses the genealogies of Jesus presented in Matthew and Luke. Both genealogies trace Jesus's lineage back to King David, with some differences in the names included. The genealogies served to establish Jesus's claim to the throne of David and his humanity. They also show he had ancestors who struggled but God used their pasts. Believers now have a spiritual heritage and identity as God's chosen people rather than their physical descent.
October 14, 2018- Sunday service - Experiencing God unit 6 - GOD SPEAKS PART 2Catherine LirioThis document contains Bible verses and teachings about how God speaks to His people. It discusses that God speaks through the Holy Spirit via the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the Church. Specifically, it focuses on how God speaks through prayer by the Holy Spirit interceding for believers. It also addresses how God can speak through favorable or unfavorable circumstances by working all things for good. Finally, it notes that God speaks through spiritual leaders in the Church body to equip believers.
Gospel of the kingdomCalvin HansonThe document discusses the historical uses of the term "gospel" and its meaning in the Bible. It explores how the gospel was proclaimed by the Greeks after victories and by Caesar Augustus about his rule. The Bible defines the gospel as the good news about God's kingdom brought by Jesus, who died for sins and rose again. The gospel involves repenting from sin and believing in Jesus as Lord to enter God's kingdom. Jesus commissioned his followers to make disciples of all nations by proclaiming this gospel and teaching obedience to all his commands.
Holy Spirit Lesson PowerPointLRMMissionsThis document discusses how God is pouring out His Holy Spirit on children around the world. It provides several examples of children in countries like Nepal, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Ethiopia, Peru, Cuba, Spain, Scotland, Dubai, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and India experiencing the Holy Spirit through prophesying, speaking in tongues, having visions, experiencing being slain in the Spirit, intercessory prayer, worship, preaching, and healing. The document encourages the reader to help carry revival to children in their own nation through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Internal Analysis Melissa BonnAnheuser-Busch conducted a VRIOS analysis to evaluate its internal resources and capabilities. Marketing and advertising was identified as the most important resource, followed by strong reputation and raw materials convenience from owned suppliers. Overall, Anheuser-Busch is effectively leveraging most of its strong resources but relies heavily on a small number of suppliers and wholesalers, which poses a future risk. The analysis resulted in a performance rating of 4.1 out of 5, indicating room for improvement in diversifying suppliers and distributors.
Discernment the Ignatian WayggreyThis document discusses various concepts and practices related to discernment. It begins by defining discernment and spiritual discernment. It then outlines six Old Testament norms for authentic prophecy and presents systems views and diagrams related to discernment. The rest of the document provides guidance on the qualities of discerners, methods of discernment including Ignatian rules and exercises, and examples of discernment in practice. It emphasizes the importance of humility, charity, courage, and having a co-discerner in the discernment process.
Pastoral TheologyPablo A. JimenezPastoral theology explores the definition and methodology of practical theology and the disciplines it covers. It begins with the experience of faith, which leads believers to worship God in community. Worship is the starting point of theological reflection, as through worship, believers relate to God's word and sacraments. Theological reflection arises as believers systematically study their practice of faith and the life of faith communities. Pastoral theology reflects on the "praxis of faith," meaning the way communities embody Kingdom values to transform society. It is a second act that follows the first act of communities' practice of faith through worship and living out their faith.
Qualities of an Effective Catholic TeacherMann RentoyPresented by Emmanuel Rentoy
January 25, 2022
About Mann Rentoy
A lecturer from the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P), he has taught for more than 30 years.
He is a graduate of the University of Santo Tomas (UST) where he earned a double-degree in AB Journalism and AB Literature, an MA in Creative Writing, and a PhD in Literature.
He was the Founding Executive Director of Westbridge School in Iloilo City. He was in the first batch of graduates of PAREF Southridge School, where he also taught for 15 years, occupying various posts including Principal of Intermediate School, Vice-Principal of High School and Department Head of Religion. As Moderator of “The Ridge”, the official publication of Southridge, he won 9 trophies from the Catholic Mass Media Awards including the first ever Hall of Fame for Student Publication, for winning as the best campus paper in the country for four consecutive years.
He is the Founding Executive Director of “Character Education Partnership Philippines”, or CEP Philippines, an international affiliate of CEP in Washington, DC, USA. As Founder of CEP Philippines, he has been invited to speak all over the country, as well as in Washington D.C., San Diego, California, USA, Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He also serves as the Founding President of Center for 4th and 5th Rs (Respect & Responsibility) Asia, otherwise known as the Thomas Lickona Institute for Asia. He is probably the most visible advocate of character formation in the country, having spoken to hundreds of schools and universities around the Philippines.
Email us at catalystpds@gmail.com
Wounded and wearyWayne CornwellAll of us are wounded and broken. Being wounded takes away our energy, zaps us of our enthusiasm and makes us weary. Jesus welcomes the broken and He makes them new again; and Jesus welcomes the weary - He gives us strength.
IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GODDr. Poornima DSouzaThis document summarizes a chapter on God's creation of humans as rational beings made in God's image and likeness. It discusses that humans have an immortal soul which makes us like God, though we are created while God is eternal. Humans are given responsibilities as stewards over creation. The document also covers that God created marriage as a union between one man and one woman, and that virtues like charity and chastity are important for relationships. It concludes that the next chapter will examine how free will led the first humans to sin and affect subsequent generations.
5. هي القاعدة الأساسية للدين لما فيها من توحيد خالص . هى أشرف آية في القرآن . بها خمسون كلمة ... وفى كل كلمة خمسون بركة . وهى تع ا دل ثلث القرآن . هي آية جمعت أكثر من 17 إ سم من أسماء الله الحسنى .
9. الكرسي هو أساس الحكم وهو رمز الملك . وهى الدالة على الألوهية المطلقة . رفعها الله في بدايتها باسمه ( الله ) وفى نهايتها باسمه ( العلى العظيم ). وهى ترفع معها كل من تعلق بها و إ ستمسك بها . ومن حفظها حفظته ورفعته معها إلى أعلى مقام وأسمى منزلة
14. هذه آية أنزلها الله جل ذكره وجعل ثوابها لقارئها عاجلاً وآجلا ً
15. فأما في العاجل لمن قرأها فى زوايا بيته الأربع تكون للبيت حارس ة وتخرج منه الشيطان . لمن قرأها ليلا ً خرج الشيطان من البيت ولا يدخله حتى يصبح و آمنه الله على نفسه .
16. و هي لمن قرأها ... في الفراش قبل النوم لنفسه أو لأولاده يحفظهم الله لا يقربهم شيطان حتى يصبحوا ويبعد عنهم الكوابيس والأحلام المزعجة .
17. أما فى الآجل لمن قرأها دبر كل صلاة يتولى قبض روحه الله ذو الجلال والإكرام .
18. ( الله ) هو اسم الذات العليا ويقال أنه الاسم الأعظم . وكل الأسماء تابعه إليه على سبيل الوصف ( ولله الأسماء الحسنى ) اسم يتحدى بها الله أن يُسمى به سواه .
19. ( لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ ) هي شهادة منا بالتوحيد الخالص ومحلها القلب . ولقد أرسل الله جميع الأنبياء عليهم السلام برسالة التوحيد . جاء النفي في الأول حتى نتخلى عن الكفر والشرك وننظف قلبنا من جميع الآفات لكي توضع كلمة الله على أساس صحيح طاهر خالي من الدنس . كل حركة في الحياة تؤدى إلى عمار الأرض فهى عبادة والإيمان القوى يثبت أقوال المؤمن وأفعاله فلاتهتز بعد ذلك مع تقلبات الحياة .
20. سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته اللهم ارحم المؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الأحياء منهم والأموات
21. ولك أ جرها في الاولى على عدد ما هو مذكور فيه والثانية على كل مسلم ومسلم ة ومؤمن ومؤمن ة لك أ جر لن تخسر شيئا ً فقط ستخسر أ جرا ً كان من الممكن أ ن تكسبه لو لم تنشرها .
23. اللهم يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك يا رب من فتح رسالتي وقرأها أ فتح عليه بركات رزق من السماء والأرض .. ومن نشرها بين العباد فلا تحرمه جنتك بغير حساب ولا سابقة عذاب
24. قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : من دعا إلى هدىً، كان له من الأجر مثل أجور من تبعه لا ينقص ذلك من أجورهم شيئاً، ومن دعا إلى ضلالةٍ، كان عليه من الإثم مثل آثام من تبعه لا ينقص من آثامهم شيئاً ! اللهم أغفر وأرحم راسلها وقارئها وناشرها .