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仝蕎々楉廃Y蹌 仝 蕎殆 々 缶爾附w飲cM ι逑w匂郊式C嬬夛撹墾 哈l况屏式I_繁w屎械議C嬬 唹厘宗慎 繁w  議蕎殆蛍e音揖議余徱
翌壓議蕎殆 轅埒盖栂枷称鐚慰唾圻 奮麗嶄議耶紗式爾殆 奮嶄^楚議嗟妛、滅芸式耕桓。 楦ホ鐡c焼娼蛍盾遇  議晒W麗
轅塋確 岻蕎殆 否叟e詔 音否叟e詔 ホ 妛珪 矢奮 惚畔 致 功o 邦惚 崑樗奮麗 嗟姆奮麗 釘通 N徘 弌致 掴肱 G弼峅麗 娼uI頚 u軌 狭 w 鋪暇 課云峅麗  K 疹堺奮瞳 凰 I奮 邦 郡塀妛珪 扉 弌 簿徙 蕎殆謹 醤電蕎孔嬬
挽攀超硝 仟旗x ( 旗x麗 ) - 光匂郊 式 飲 - w 販伏麗   [ c祇吩伏醸、醸、粛銚醸、篠伏x ] 剳晒妛珪式耕桓 音酔卦椎蘊w式中議房
Y創輳苅 General Detoxification and Cleansing, Elson M. Haas M.D.. 蕎殆e詔議附w屏 ^凛雑、f伉、窪薦 、 盍 払蓄、進鋒 祐萱  ^祐、P祐、io嘘祐 c慮}  宴蜘、晒音措、笥 伉僮砿} 互僮妛 、伉g祐 窒吽薦和{  l瓠⊇械L 、鷺詰粥⊃繁 樗湖屏 討w樗湖、n醍寰、h廠^樗屏 、 映徨裁W 、凛商裁W、送映邦 醜]、識夊、秤w音、雙d、奮
Y創輳苅 General Detoxification and Cleansing, Elson M. Haas M.D.. 蕎殆e詔侭哈l議附w} 圧、 念双拏臆  祐L屏 埖払{、オ積廖∪wS走 、o}爆 慮况、卮K况、晒來、Yc况、嵬 景砥、滅挺押、 故况、 故啣晒、伉K押、 互僮此喘}啣晒、 逢屏、Y墳、P况、易  嬾 屶盥槃廖稽况 湖半屏 ( 醸、寔醸、押蕎、篠伏x )  寰 、樗湖屏、喚 娼舞押、析繁閣岐屏
電蕎 圭殻塀 ‰w筏沈侍式蕎殆電竃w翌議匯^殻 : - 嶄才恬喘 - D晒恬喘 - 電亶恬喘 措挫議丘森薦 宗慎議c慮孔嬬
電蕎 圭殻塀 嶄才恬喘 :  奮麗嶄議森剳晒圷殆嗤廁嶄才附w  議徭喇児閲窒飲鞭欺墾。 D晒恬喘 :  故K祥嬬蕎殆D晒  o墾來議麗| 電亶恬喘 :  喇僮匣∂@乂o墾來議征侍ァ欺IK恬電亶  送差式電宴 。
繁w議電蕎狼y 柵簾狼y : 稽、屶盥棔∈機映 c慮狼y : 故、、寄c、慮c祇 馳挺狼y : I、芋誚、挺祇 討w : 差戞討妛戞I 捜依狼y : 捜依砿祇、捜依Y
電蕎rg燕 附w  嗤匯屡協議電蕎rg燕 楩輊碗志疫然尽 邑^音揖議匂郊參電恠U麗 絡鋒絡軟詞y屁電蕎^殻  附w壓屎械議rg番嘸M 佩簾辺c電蕎議嘛
繁w電蕎rg燕 rg 電蕎匂郊 秀h 21:00-23:00 窒吽狼y [ 捜依 ] 芦o俚連賜咄 23:00-01 : 00 故 K 俶壓母鋒嶄 01:00-03:00  俶壓母鋒嶄 03:00-05:00 稽 緩軸藝凌繁垉槌穆昊@粁rg身誼恷〜 05:00-07:00 寄c 貧侭電宴  07:00-09:00 弌c 俶寄楚簾辺IB議r粁郭壼架。 0:00-04:00 執弋夛僮r粁 駅母鋒音卷鮎匚。
雇繁伏試庁塀宗慎 寄 墾   渤匚貧W  30% 髪富\  80% 耽晩邦富豢伊鵜  77% 耽爺哉姫賜參貧議矢   15% 嗤 郭互滅芸奮麗議T   59% 嗤 郭互妛奮麗議T  54% 耽晩励鋪惚   17% 耽巓壓社幇奮富豢匯肝    35%
派喘 伏試 電蕎隈 椐鍔奮式伏試T恂軟 p富蕎殆議z函 陥M附w議電盾孔嬬 戻幅嬬楚、試薦式燕F
仟r邦惚式鋪暇 森剳晒IB - S伏殆 A 、 C 、 E 、峅麗IB殆 - 嶄才附w  徭喇児 wS - w般貳撒帖固々 - 牢Q寄c閥儼e議蕎殆才U麗 r綜式嗤CN峅遇撹議鋪惚
侮G弼議峅麗 根S源議 ~G殆 、 ~S殆 式 鮭}N殆 - 嗤丼賠茅w筏鍔墫瓢 |來議蒙| - 嶄才奮侭夛撹議磨來w| - _欺賠才Q晒僮匣議丼惚
今壹 砦壹磨c z|軌易 陥Mw筏綴惱拏扱塗簧堽閂|S揖寄宴電竃w翌 p富@乂嗤蕎麗壓繁w鳩e詔 A契曜晒來議}竃F
爺隼議課云IB 參爺隼議課云IB旗紋ホ鑼{尖附w 嗤廁pp故K議電蕎 爺隼議JC - 缶爾[茄豢窒吽狼y飲翌弔   嶄議蒙e鞭wK試晒賞壁飲 - 嗤廁個鋲窒吽議C嬬 - 椉戻幅繁w議爺隼電蕎C嬬
耽爺伊崛噴鵜賠邦 耽爺賠蛙腎弦哉匯鵜慄 - 嗤旋寄宴宥赫埃斡硝楉鰔砦佚迭 - S隔附w議屎械旗x孔嬬 p富z函根互色携咀議瞳式焼娼 富哉矢 嗤廁蓮K電亶w筏超硝
措挫議奮T 奮謹圷晒 - 嗤旋c  吩伏醸伏L 式 個鋲c祇議披 - 富t扉、富氾K、富娼u ( 紗垢 ) 奮瞳 - 謹wS 巡陶奮、羽羽奮、郭匚吉 - p富蕎殆議e詔
凪麿電蕎岻圭隈 \ ( 蒙e頁ァ剳\ ) 疔圈 稗鎮  張桧 、 泡兩 容捜依 ( 梓彫 ) p景 割怎俚連 隠隔伉廠_席
電蕎 岻瘁 ´ A契鴫押 艇厚紗 Q附w 嗤l尖 pp匂郊塞 賠漣 p富屏 賠佰 p嶷 嗤啻 壅伏 嗤伏a薦 决猇析 嗤試薦 賠次w 嗤娼舞 個鋲 `試來 p 陥M湖 郊 孔 嬬 仟

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  • 22. 凪麿電蕎岻圭隈 \ ( 蒙e頁ァ剳\ ) 疔圈 稗鎮 張桧 、 泡兩 容捜依 ( 梓彫 ) p景 割怎俚連 隠隔伉廠_席
  • 23. 電蕎 岻瘁 ´ A契鴫押 艇厚紗 Q附w 嗤l尖 pp匂郊塞 賠漣 p富屏 賠佰 p嶷 嗤啻 壅伏 嗤伏a薦 决猇析 嗤試薦 賠次w 嗤娼舞 個鋲 `試來 p 陥M湖 郊 孔 嬬 仟

Editor's Notes

  1. 椎梢捷厘議附w坪e贋阻謹富議蕎殆厨@乂蕎殆豢厘議宗慎嗽嗤謹寄議唹椿尽單填床屠禝檀亙杯_拝芦畠椿 欺画奮槹伍盾蕎 欺胆否垪容捜依電蕎 ( _久梓彫 ) 參 牢c圭隈參賠尖w U麗
  2. Toxicity is of much greater concern in the twentieth century than ever before. We can acquire toxins from our environment daily by breathing them, by ingesting them, or through physical contact with them. Toxicity occurs on two basic levels--external and internal.
  3. There are many new and stronger chemicals, air and water pollution, radiation and nuclear power. We ingest new chemicals, use more drugs of all kinds, eat more sugar and refined foods, and daily abuse ourselves with various stimulants and sedatives. 音酔卦椎蘊w式中議房觸爾l附w 蕎殆夛撹光N識來式蛸來議墾。 The free radicals irritate, inflame, age, and cause degeneration of body tissues.
  4. Shifting from the most congesting foods to the least--eating more fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and legumes and less baked goods, sweets, refined foods, fried foods and fatty foods--will help most of us detoxify somewhat and bring us into better balance, with more vitalized cells, organs, and body.
  5. On the internal level, our body produces toxins through its normal everyday functions. Biochemical, cellular, and bodily activities generate substances that need to be eliminated. When these substances/molecules/toxins are not eliminated, they can cause irritation or inflammation of the cells and tissues, blocking normal functions on a cellular, organ, and whole-body level. Microbes of all kinds--intestinal bacteria, foreign bacteria, yeasts, and parasites--produce metabolic waste products that we must handle. The proper level of elimination of these toxins is essential to health. fats, especially oxidized fats and cholesterol, free radicals, and other irritating molecules act as toxins. 光匂郊 、 飲 式裏伏麗 議試啅縞罵互^ 仟旗x ∧確閘D晒蘢楞殖散壓@^殻嶄附w呀揖r竃旗x麗。飛惚@乂旗x麗伏撹^謹賜頁附w隆嬬嗤丼電盾竃w翌議宴e詔豢附w K侘撹蕎殆。
  6. A toxin may produce an immediate or rapid onset of symptoms, as many pesticides and some drugs do; possibly, even more commonly, it may cause some long-term negative effect, such as asbestos exposure leading to lung cancer.
  7. The incidence of many toxicity diseases has increased as well. Cancer and cardiovascular disease are two of the main ones. Arthritis, allergies, obesity, and many skin problems are others. In addition, a wide range of symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, pains, coughs, gastrointestinal problems, and problems from immune weakness, can all be related to toxicity.
  8. I f our body is working well, with good immune and eliminative functions, we can handle our basic everyday exposure to toxins. Through detoxification, we clear and filter toxins and wastes and allow our body to work on enhancing its basic functions.
  9. Functionally, poor digestion, colon sluggishness and dysfunction, reduced liver function, and poor elimination through the kidneys, respiratory tract, and skin all add to increased toxicity.
  10. Our body has a daily elimination cycle, mostly carried out at night and in the early morning, up until breakfast. However, when we eat a congesting diet higher in fats, meats, dairy products, refined foods, and chemicals, detoxification becomes more necessary.
  11. 絡鋒絡軟 械羽羽奮 L豚卆ホ 參崑c慮 式故C嬬 之煮 聞附we贋寄楚征侍o隈電竃
  12. Almost everyone needs to detox, cleanse themselves, and rest their body functions at times. I want to express some concerns about overelimination or overdetoxification, which I see occasionally. Some people go to extremes with fasting, laxatives, enemas, colonics, diuretics, and even exercise and begin to lose essential nutrients from their body. A negative balance can be created in this manner . Detoxification involves dietary and lifestyle changes that reduce intake of toxins and improve elimination.
  13. the seasonal changes are the key stress times in nature and the times where we most need to lighten up our outer demands and consumptions and turn more within to listen to our inner world that mirrors the natural cycles. Spring is the key time for detoxification; autumn is also important. In spring , we may eat more citrus fruits, fresh greens, and juices, while in autumn we may dine on other harvests, such as apples or grapes, and the many vegetables. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables are appropriate when we are going into summer ; and brown rice, vegetables, and soups may be best to simplify our diet when going into winter . r綜式嗤CN峅遇撹議鋪惚 議 IBr峙 式凪賠議丼薦 祥厚紗互。
  14. avoiding drugs--over-the-counter, prescription, and recreational types--and substituting natural remedies, such as nutrients, herbs, and homeopathic medicines, all of which have fewer side effects.
  15. 個鋲c祇議披 參 s玉蕎殆豢附w唯藻議rg
  16. 1. \ ( 蒙e頁ァ剳\ ) 嬬揖r紗堀仟旗x聞w鳩e贋議蕎殆慧竃 . 參\單填庄罹塘栽割怎議邦芸 、 森剳晒IB、S伏殆式V麗| 2. Regular bathing is essential to cleanse the skin of the toxins it has released and to open the pores to eliminate more. 3. Saunas and sweats are commonly used to help purify the body through enhanced skin elimination. 4 . Dry brushing the skin with an appropriate skin brush before bathing is usually suggested, especially during detox programs, to cleanse the skin of old cells and invigorate it. 5. Massage therapy , especially lymphatic and even deeper massage, is very useful in supporting our detox program. It stimulates elimination and body functions and promotes relaxation. 6. Many of the poisons (toxins) that we ingest or make are stored in the fatty tissues. Obesity is almost always associated with toxicity. When we lose weight, we reduce our fat and thereby our toxic load. However, during weight loss we release more toxins, and thus need protection through greater intake of water, fiber, and the antioxidant nutrients, such as vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene, selenium, and zinc . With exercise we can also turn fat into muscle (not literally) and help further detoxification. 7. Clearing tensions, worries, and other mental messes also makes for a more complete detoxification.
  17. We detoxify/cleanse for many reasons, mainly to do with health, vitality, and rejuvenation--to clear symptoms, treat disease, and prevent further problems. A cleansing program is ideal for helping us to reevaluate our lives, to make changes, or to clear abuses or addictions. Detoxification can be helpful for weight loss We also cleanse/detoxify to rest our overloaded organs of digestion and our liver, gallbladder, and kidneys and allow them to catch up on past work. Most often our energy is increased and more steady. There are many reasons why we may want to cleanse.