This presentation provides strategies for using social technology to grow reputation, customer community, and profits. It focuses on using storytelling and social sharing to build social and brand value by training through email or Twitter contact. The goal is to learn how to powerfully grow a business using social platforms.
This presentation provides strategies for using social technology to grow reputation, customer community, and profits. It focuses on using storytelling and social sharing to build social and brand value by training through email or Twitter contact. The goal is to learn how to powerfully grow a business using social platforms.
The document discusses common psychological techniques used in sales such as appealing to greed by envy of others' purchases, creating a fear of loss by implying limited availability, and invoking the Jones theory to create a sense of urgency and social pressure by claiming others nearby already made a purchase. It also mentions the indifference technique of seeming uninterested to pique the customer's interest and notes transactional sales approaches are best for immediate, low-dollar sales where ongoing relationships aren't needed.
The document is a complaint filed with the Madhya Pradesh State Grievance Redressal Commission regarding alleged corruption in medical services in Rewa, Sirmour, and Sidhi districts. The complainant alleges lack of action on previous complaints about irregularities by doctors and staff. Despite complaining to various authorities for over a year, no action has been taken. The complainant requests an investigation into medical records and purchases to prove the allegations.
Поколение Y против Корпоративного Мира - Дмитрий Мельник - 11.2012Dmitry Melnyk
Экспресс - презентация раскрывающая суть конфликта поколений: Молодого "Свободного" Google-Поколения Y и в основном предыдущего поколения Х в лице Инертных и опирающихся на старую модель "Знаний" и Компетентностный подход,, Корпораций.
Раскрыт парадокс несоответствия основных требований Корпораций к "Идеальному сотруднику" и требований представителей поколения Y к организации условий для творчества и своего пространства для работы.
Дмитрий Мельниr, Киев 11.2012
The document outlines two activities and objectives to match an ecology of houses text. The first objective is to classify key vocabulary into cognates, false cognates, and unknown words. The second objective is to identify the main and supporting ideas of each paragraph.
It then determines two new objectives and activities to extend a text about a rescue robot. The first is to have students work in groups to extend the robot text by adding their own ideas to each paragraph. The second objective is to have students recognize and classify verb tenses in the rescue robot text into a chart.
Este documento describe un proyecto para crear una ruta turística que conectaría dos pueblos mágicos en México, Chignahuapan y Zacatlán. La ruta aprovecharía las características únicas de estos pueblos y la naturaleza intacta de la región para promover el turismo. Se espera que este proyecto genere beneficios económicos para los pueblos y la región a través del crecimiento del turismo.
connect to the cloud presentatie voor itsmfJan Iedema
Op 22 november vond het ITSM congres plaats over innovatie en verandering. Deze preso heb ik gebruikt in mijn verhaal over cloud en de organisatie verandering die daarvoor noodzakelijk is.
Insights into facilities management Issue 4Grant Thornton
Issue 4 of quarterly facilities management update including key sector deal activity and Quoted FM tracker. In Issue 4, alongside our regular features, our experts give an overview of the challenges and opportunities of Healthcare as a vertical sector for FM organisations.
Este documento contiene una lista de palabras en inglés con su traducción al espa?ol. Incluye términos comunes relacionados con viajes, emociones, relaciones interpersonales, vivienda, trabajo y más. La lista está organizada alfabéticamente de la palabra en inglés a su equivalente en espa?ol.
The document discusses a break up, candy, long distance connections and moving on from that, and then looking forward to partying and fashion. It ends with the initials O.V.