1 recursos naturalesjacogazuEl documento habla sobre los recursos naturales y residuos. Explica que los recursos naturales son bienes y servicios proporcionados por la naturaleza, y que los residuos se dividen en orgánicos e inorgánicos. Propone clasificar los residuos en canecas estratégicamente ubicadas en el colegio y ordenar al Ministerio del Medio Ambiente que establezca esta iniciativa.
Nociones estd presentacion 2Sulmar ReyesEste documento presenta conceptos básicos de estadística como análisis estadístico, variables, atributos, escalas de medición nominal, ordinal, de intervalo y razón. Define variables como características cuantitativas que pueden ser medidas numéricamente y atributos como características cualitativas expresadas con palabras. Explica que las variables pueden ser discretas u continuas y da ejemplos de cada escala de medición.
Adición y sustracción de monomios y polinomiosM4T3M4T1C4SEl documento presenta una guía de actividades sobre adición y sustracción de monomios y polinomios para estudiantes de secundaria. La guía incluye instrucciones para identificar partes de monomios, responder preguntas sobre términos algebraicos y operaciones con números negativos, y resolver sumas y restas de monomios y polinomios. También incluye ejercicios para calcular perímetros de figuras geométricas.
HarvardMurugesh ViswanathanThis document provides guidelines for using the Harvard referencing system, including how to cite sources in-text and provide a reference list. It discusses how to reference many different source types, such as books, journal articles, websites, personal communications, images and more. Specific formatting guidelines are given for writing reference list entries depending on the source. The goal is to avoid plagiarism and allow readers to easily locate the sources cited.
Описание систем.Структура систем.pandochkannThis short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on ݺߣShare. In a single sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily design presentations.
Nuclear power plantAakash GuptaThis document discusses moderators, homogeneous aqueous reactors (HAR), and safety measures for nuclear power plants. It describes how moderators like graphite, heavy water, and beryllium are used to slow neutrons and maintain nuclear reactions at power plants. HARs, where soluble nuclear fuels are mixed homogeneously with water, are introduced as an alternative reactor design with advantages like inherent safety and ability to use natural uranium. Finally, key safety measures for nuclear plants are outlined, including plant location, construction quality, waste treatment, ventilation, exclusion zones, safety systems, inspections, and waste disposal.
Mente humana y su estructuraEulerEl documento describe la estructura psicológica de la mente y el cerebro humano. Explica que el cerebro está formado por el cerebro, cerebelo y tronco cerebral. Los hemisferios cerebrales son responsables de la inteligencia y razonamiento, mientras que el cerebelo ayuda con el equilibrio y postura y el tronco cerebral controla funciones involuntarias como la respiración. También discute cómo factores externos como la familia, escuela y ambiente médico influyen en la estructura psicológica de la mente
Building TRUSTKaren CarterThe document discusses the importance of healthcare companies transforming relationships with customers to build trust through more relevant and engaging interactions. It summarizes research finding doctors are the most trusted source of health information, while insurers lag far behind. It proposes three strategies for healthcare companies: 1) Develop insight into each customer using data to understand their needs and motivations. 2) Connect with customers through personalized messaging targeted to their interests and delivered via preferred channels. 3) Build experiences through consistent, engaged relationships maintained across customers' journeys.
визитка34Master10811The document contains contact information for Denis Levishhenko including his work phone number, mobile number, email, address in Kyiv, and website. This information is repeated four times.
Визитка3Master10811The document contains contact information for Denis Levishhenko including his work phone number, mobile number, email, address in Kyiv, and website. This information is repeated four times.
визитка3Master10811The document contains contact information for Denis Levishhenko including his work phone number, mobile number, email, address in Kyiv, and website. This information is repeated four times.
Volodymyr Koval: AI як стратегія: більше ніж просто автоматизація (UA)Lviv Startup ClubVolodymyr Koval: AI як стратегія: більше ніж просто автоматизація (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Website – https://aiconf.com.ua/kyiv
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/startuplviv
FB – https://www.facebook.com/aiconf
HarvardMurugesh ViswanathanThis document provides guidelines for using the Harvard referencing system, including how to cite sources in-text and provide a reference list. It discusses how to reference many different source types, such as books, journal articles, websites, personal communications, images and more. Specific formatting guidelines are given for writing reference list entries depending on the source. The goal is to avoid plagiarism and allow readers to easily locate the sources cited.
Описание систем.Структура систем.pandochkannThis short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on ݺߣShare. In a single sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily design presentations.
Nuclear power plantAakash GuptaThis document discusses moderators, homogeneous aqueous reactors (HAR), and safety measures for nuclear power plants. It describes how moderators like graphite, heavy water, and beryllium are used to slow neutrons and maintain nuclear reactions at power plants. HARs, where soluble nuclear fuels are mixed homogeneously with water, are introduced as an alternative reactor design with advantages like inherent safety and ability to use natural uranium. Finally, key safety measures for nuclear plants are outlined, including plant location, construction quality, waste treatment, ventilation, exclusion zones, safety systems, inspections, and waste disposal.
Mente humana y su estructuraEulerEl documento describe la estructura psicológica de la mente y el cerebro humano. Explica que el cerebro está formado por el cerebro, cerebelo y tronco cerebral. Los hemisferios cerebrales son responsables de la inteligencia y razonamiento, mientras que el cerebelo ayuda con el equilibrio y postura y el tronco cerebral controla funciones involuntarias como la respiración. También discute cómo factores externos como la familia, escuela y ambiente médico influyen en la estructura psicológica de la mente
Building TRUSTKaren CarterThe document discusses the importance of healthcare companies transforming relationships with customers to build trust through more relevant and engaging interactions. It summarizes research finding doctors are the most trusted source of health information, while insurers lag far behind. It proposes three strategies for healthcare companies: 1) Develop insight into each customer using data to understand their needs and motivations. 2) Connect with customers through personalized messaging targeted to their interests and delivered via preferred channels. 3) Build experiences through consistent, engaged relationships maintained across customers' journeys.
визитка34Master10811The document contains contact information for Denis Levishhenko including his work phone number, mobile number, email, address in Kyiv, and website. This information is repeated four times.
Визитка3Master10811The document contains contact information for Denis Levishhenko including his work phone number, mobile number, email, address in Kyiv, and website. This information is repeated four times.
визитка3Master10811The document contains contact information for Denis Levishhenko including his work phone number, mobile number, email, address in Kyiv, and website. This information is repeated four times.
Volodymyr Koval: AI як стратегія: більше ніж просто автоматизація (UA)Lviv Startup ClubVolodymyr Koval: AI як стратегія: більше ніж просто автоматизація (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Website – https://aiconf.com.ua/kyiv
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/startuplviv
FB – https://www.facebook.com/aiconf
Kateryna Hrytsaienko: MLOps з нуля. Будуємо СI/CD для моделі з Ray та K8s (UA)Lviv Startup ClubKateryna Hrytsaienko: MLOps з нуля. Будуємо СI/CD для моделі з Ray та K8s (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Website – https://aiconf.com.ua/kyiv
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/startuplviv
FB – https://www.facebook.com/aiconf
Anastasiya Dzyakava та Anastasiia Shuplat: АІ як інструмент насильства над ді...Lviv Startup ClubAnastasiya Dzyakava та Anastasiia Shuplat: АІ як інструмент насильства над дітьми в онлайн-світі в Україні (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Website – https://aiconf.com.ua/kyiv
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/startuplviv
FB – https://www.facebook.com/aiconf
Ігор СироваткоЛідерство, що масштабує бізнес: внутрішній розвиток для зовнішн...SEO.UAЛідерство, що масштабує бізнес: внутрішній розвиток для зовнішнього зростання
Yuriy Humenchuk: AI Evolution or Revolution (UA)Lviv Startup ClubYuriy Humenchuk: AI Evolution or Revolution (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Website – https://aiconf.com.ua/kyiv
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/startuplviv
FB – https://www.facebook.com/aiconf
Катерина Романенко - Продаж і доставка за кордон без стресу: інструменти та л...SEO.UAПродаж і доставка за кордон без стресу: інструменти та лайфхаки для продавців
Артем Степанчук - Власний бренд в Китаї – покрокова інструкція виробництва та...SEO.UAВласний бренд в Китаї – покрокова інструкція виробництва та доставки по світу на 2025. Де виготовляти: на фабриках, на яких виготовляють свої товари відомі бренди, чи на невеличких невідомих фабриках?
Oleksandr Khainas: Data science на Upwork за останні 10 років: мої фейли (і н...Lviv Startup ClubOleksandr Khainas: Data science на Upwork за останні 10 років: мої фейли (і не тільки) (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Website – https://aiconf.com.ua/kyiv
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/startuplviv
FB – https://www.facebook.com/aiconf
Andy Bosyi: Невирішені завдання ML – працюємо чи чекаємо на агентів AI (UA)Lviv Startup ClubAndy Bosyi: Невирішені завдання ML – працюємо чи чекаємо на агентів AI (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Website – https://aiconf.com.ua/kyiv
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/startuplviv
FB – https://www.facebook.com/aiconf
Дмитро Бєлоусов - Контрактне виробництво в Китаї. Як створити власний бренд б...SEO.UAКонтрактне виробництво в Китаї. Як створити власний бренд без зайвих ризиків і переплат у 2025 році