NTTコミュニケーションズでは、Azure Stack Hub with GPUを先行で導入し検証を行っています。本資料では、実際に利用している立場からデモを交えつつAzure Stack Hub with GPUのユースケースをお話すると共に、GPUのベンチマークを含む他社クラウドとの性能比較結果について情報共有をいたします。
This document summarizes a Chainer meetup where Yuta Kashino presented on PyTorch. Key points discussed include:
- Yuta Kashino is the CEO of BakFoo, Inc. and discussed his background in astrophysics, Zope, and Python.
- PyTorch was introduced as an alternative to Chainer and TensorFlow that is Pythonic and defines models dynamically through code.
- PyTorch uses autograd to track gradients like Chainer but with Pythonic APIs and integration with NumPy for efficient operations.
- Similarities between PyTorch and Chainer were highlighted around defining models as chains of functions, GPU support, and optimizer libraries.
- Resources for learning more about PyTorch were provided, including tutorials on their website and courses on
NTTコミュニケーションズでは、Azure Stack Hub with GPUを先行で導入し検証を行っています。本資料では、実際に利用している立場からデモを交えつつAzure Stack Hub with GPUのユースケースをお話すると共に、GPUのベンチマークを含む他社クラウドとの性能比較結果について情報共有をいたします。
This document summarizes a Chainer meetup where Yuta Kashino presented on PyTorch. Key points discussed include:
- Yuta Kashino is the CEO of BakFoo, Inc. and discussed his background in astrophysics, Zope, and Python.
- PyTorch was introduced as an alternative to Chainer and TensorFlow that is Pythonic and defines models dynamically through code.
- PyTorch uses autograd to track gradients like Chainer but with Pythonic APIs and integration with NumPy for efficient operations.
- Similarities between PyTorch and Chainer were highlighted around defining models as chains of functions, GPU support, and optimizer libraries.
- Resources for learning more about PyTorch were provided, including tutorials on their website and courses on
A presentation that was showed in Agile Japan 2010.
Masaki Nagai (Brain Lab.)
Akihito Enomoto (Brain Lab.)
Ren Ando (Cirius Technologies, Inc)
Kaz Takahashi (Cirius Technologies, Inc) - me