Праздники и традиции РоссииВалерия КулешПрезентация «Праздники и традиции России» предназначена для детей старшего дошкольного возраста. Данной презентацией могут воспользоваться родители и воспитатели, она знакомит детей с праздниками и традициями русского народа, воспитывает нравственно-патриотические чувства.
Вы узнаете, что такое Рождество Христово, когда и как проходят Святки, почему Крещение празднуют 19 января, как народ провожал зиму, чем интересна Пасха, Троица и другие народные праздники.
Каждый слайд сопровождается пояснительным текстом. Надеемся, что данная презентация пригодится вам в работе, и вы подчеркнете полезное для себя.
Слава вам, братья, славян просветители.Elena145Презентация библиотечного урока к номинации "История нашей азбуки конкурса "Наша школьная библиотека" школы №127
Edu 639 week 4 dq 2 the culture of poverty 1exrwantolllas1985The document discusses the "culture of poverty" theory and the impact of socioeconomic status on student success. It warns against deficit theories that link low socioeconomic standing to school failure. Educators are asked to identify a low socioeconomic status student who is not succeeding and analyze what factors beyond their control or a mismatch between home and school culture may be contributing to difficulties. Alternative contributing factors and how teachers can effectively support students despite challenges are also discussed.
Alkisah ada seorang wanita yang hidup di sebuah desa terpencilPutri YuliaSeorang wanita desa ingin pergi ke kota untuk mengembangkan karirnya. Dia mendapat jam ajaib dari seorang nenek yang membantunya meraih cita-cita dengan cepat. Namun, setelah beberapa kali memutar jam itu, wajahnya berubah menjadi tua sebelum akhirnya menyesal karena telah kehilangan nenek pemberi jam ajaib.
Праздники и традиции РоссииВалерия КулешПрезентация «Праздники и традиции России» предназначена для детей старшего дошкольного возраста. Данной презентацией могут воспользоваться родители и воспитатели, она знакомит детей с праздниками и традициями русского народа, воспитывает нравственно-патриотические чувства.
Вы узнаете, что такое Рождество Христово, когда и как проходят Святки, почему Крещение празднуют 19 января, как народ провожал зиму, чем интересна Пасха, Троица и другие народные праздники.
Каждый слайд сопровождается пояснительным текстом. Надеемся, что данная презентация пригодится вам в работе, и вы подчеркнете полезное для себя.
Слава вам, братья, славян просветители.Elena145Презентация библиотечного урока к номинации "История нашей азбуки конкурса "Наша школьная библиотека" школы №127
Edu 639 week 4 dq 2 the culture of poverty 1exrwantolllas1985The document discusses the "culture of poverty" theory and the impact of socioeconomic status on student success. It warns against deficit theories that link low socioeconomic standing to school failure. Educators are asked to identify a low socioeconomic status student who is not succeeding and analyze what factors beyond their control or a mismatch between home and school culture may be contributing to difficulties. Alternative contributing factors and how teachers can effectively support students despite challenges are also discussed.
Alkisah ada seorang wanita yang hidup di sebuah desa terpencilPutri YuliaSeorang wanita desa ingin pergi ke kota untuk mengembangkan karirnya. Dia mendapat jam ajaib dari seorang nenek yang membantunya meraih cita-cita dengan cepat. Namun, setelah beberapa kali memutar jam itu, wajahnya berubah menjadi tua sebelum akhirnya menyesal karena telah kehilangan nenek pemberi jam ajaib.
New film idea...emmaphillips98The document outlines the planning for a young adult fiction story where two sisters, Sarah and Mia, live in the modern day. Mia goes missing, prompting the story. Key characters include the two sisters aged around 16 and their mother in her 50s. The author selects Mia and the mother as character perspectives. Inspiration comes from movies like Prisoners and The Forgotten dealing with missing children and mothers coping with loss. The genre will be young adult fiction with mystery, thriller and drama elements similar to Pretty Little Liars. Costumes and locations including the bedroom will need to be considered.
Dlaczego 99% firm, które tworzą API RESTowe kłamie?Bartek AndrzejczakMy presentation about HATEOAS.
ݺߣs: bandrzejczak.com/hateoas-presentation
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmNRZ-JJGBw
Menjauhkan Orang Muda dari DesaPindai Media“Rendahnya keuntungan dari usaha tani, kurangnya lahan, dan tingginya harga tanah pertanian menjadi halangan utama generasi muda desa membayangkan masa depan mereka bersama cangkul dan tanah.”
Leading through bloggingMichael NiehoffIntro and Rationale slides for Blogging Through Leading presentation and then hands on session at Central Valley Google Summit
Going Beyond The Mobile Gamer - Who, How, What?Verto Analytics Hannu Verkasalo, CEO of Verto Analytics, shared some of the Verto Content Watch research findings about US mobile gamers at the MRMW conference in NYC on May 21, 2015.
Konfigurasi web server https & httpIchsanvocDokumen tersebut memberikan panduan langkah-langkah konfigurasi web server menggunakan Windows Server 2003 dan menambahkan sertifikat HTTPS untuk mengamankan situs web. Langkah-langkahnya meliputi instalasi IIS, membuat situs web baru, menambahkan dokumen, dan mengkonfigurasi sertifikat HTTPS melalui Certificate Services.
Guide to social media marketing.Veronica Solorzano AthanasiouThis document provides guidance on social media marketing. It emphasizes that social media can amplify a brand's reputation for better or worse, so brands must humanize themselves. It recommends creating, curating, recycling, distributing, and repurposing content. Brands must also handle complaints, deal with spam, invest in advertisements, adjust to platform changes, and measure the right metrics. Finally, it stresses finding the right audience and crafting the right content as the three pillars of social media marketing are branding, goals, and strategy.
Erika scriptDavid Lunn1) Andrew is locked in a classroom with his infected girlfriend Michelle. He chains her up as she requests, knowing he will have to kill her.
2) In flashbacks, Andrew and Michelle try to escape their infected school but Michelle is bitten. Andrew's father tells him to flee with Michelle and not trust anyone.
3) Alone with the now infected Michelle, Andrew struggles with his promise to kill her. In anguish, he attacks her with a monitor but cannot go through with it. They remain locked in the classroom, now both infected.
Final Report_YFCI_Jim FrameJim FrameThis document provides an analysis, assessment, results and recommendations of Youth for Christ International's (YFCI) Leadership Development Program. It begins with an executive summary that outlines the goals, process and findings of the research study. The introduction provides background on YFCI and identifies the problem of lack of participation and completion in the leadership program from non-western nations. A literature review examines relevant performance models and concepts. The document then details the assessment process, which included interviews, a gap analysis, survey and integrating findings. Key findings indicate gaps in the curriculum development process and financial barriers to participation. Recommendations include further research, aligning the program with Gilbert's Behavior Engineering Model, and addressing financial barriers.
18. Мне снилась музыка.
Она легко меняла очертания:
Как облако и как волна,
Как снежный день...
Мне снилась музыка... Во мгле
Такая в ней светилась сила!
И всё, что было на земле.