CIBC Mining Royalty Sector 2013 Conference HudbayMinerals- The document is a presentation from CIBC's Mining Royalty Sector Conference in 2013 about creating sustainable value through high quality, long-life deposits.
- It discusses Hudbay Mineral's forward-looking statements and assumptions, projects in Manitoba and Peru, production growth expectations, mineral reserves and resources, funding options including a precious metals stream, and an overview of the Constancia copper project.
Distribution LabelsMy1Stop.comIf your company does any distribution or product fulfillment, you know how important distribution labels are for making things run smoothly. You may be able to upgrade your efficiency by switching to some of the distribution labels highlighted in this presentation.
01 overview researchTraitet ThepbandansukThis document describes the software development process used to create an e-menu application. It involved requirements gathering, prototyping, and direct observation. The process included designing the database, UML diagrams, workflows and classes. A first prototype was developed in .NET and feedback was gathered. Requirements and designs were refined and a final prototype was created in Xcode on iPad and for the back office in .NET. Staff were interviewed and the final prototype was demonstrated and recommendations were made.
Automatic detection of instruments in laparoscopic images - PresentationGeorgios-Marios PapadopoulosPattern Recogintion I Project Presentation - University of Patras - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Automatic detection of instruments in laparoscopic imagesGeorgios-Marios PapadopoulosPattern Recognition I - University of Patras - Electrical and Computer Engineering
My healthy meal homework6sbradburyThe document provides instructions for making fried rice in 22 steps. It begins by listing the ingredients needed, which include rice, ham, sausages, carrots, peas, corn, prawns, garlic, and chicken stock. The steps describe cooking the rice, cutting and adding the various ingredients to a pan, stirring them together, then adding whisked eggs at the end to complete the fried rice dish. The author chose fried rice because it contains many vitamins and nutrients, but also simply because they enjoy it.
Idea 8 elogi de l'hort urbàEcotendències CosmocaixaIdea presentada a Ecotendències Cosmocaixa, de la Fundació La Caixa, el 12 de març de 2013. + info:
Raymond James 8th Annual European Investors North American Equities ConferenceHudbayMineralsHudbay Minerals is creating sustainable value through high quality, long life mining deposits. The company focuses on quality deposits that can provide long production lives. Hudbay's strategy is to grow its production of copper, zinc, and precious metals through 2022 by leveraging its expertise in exploration, project development, and operations. Key projects include the Lalor mine in Manitoba, the Reed copper deposit in Manitoba, and the large Constancia copper project in Peru.
The Elements of a Good HeadlineEric AthasThe document provides guidance on writing effective headlines for online articles. It discusses that headlines are important because they represent the story and get shared widely. A good headline promises something specific, is digestible, and works out of context. When writing a headline, come up with it first to shape the article, be specific in what is promised to readers, and make it explanatory. Headlines should also be easy to understand, talk directly to readers, and be tested against audience feedback. The document encourages writing multiple headlines and collaborating with others to craft the best one.
A21 functions on_ipadTraitet ThepbandansukThis document presents the final prototype of an e-menu application for iPad and summarizes its main features. The e-menu allows customers to easily browse menu categories to find food and drink choices. It displays appetizing images and descriptions of dishes. Customers can view the order status, add more items to their order, check the total price, and amend the order before confirming. The e-menu is intended to enhance the dining experience and increase restaurant revenue by reducing wait times and encouraging additional orders.
Cookbook6sbradburyThis document provides instructions for making a healthy meal consisting of a sandwich and lemonade. The sandwich includes bread, string cheese, scrambled eggs, crabmeat, and lettuce. The lemonade is made by slicing lemons, squeezing the juice into a cup of water, and adding honey. The meal incorporates ingredients from four of the six major food groups and is described as easy to make and relatively unsweetened.
Idea 8 elogi de l'hort urbàEcotendències CosmocaixaIdea presentada a Ecotendències Cosmocaixa, de la Fundació La Caixa, el 12 de març de 2013. + info:
Raymond James 8th Annual European Investors North American Equities ConferenceHudbayMineralsHudbay Minerals is creating sustainable value through high quality, long life mining deposits. The company focuses on quality deposits that can provide long production lives. Hudbay's strategy is to grow its production of copper, zinc, and precious metals through 2022 by leveraging its expertise in exploration, project development, and operations. Key projects include the Lalor mine in Manitoba, the Reed copper deposit in Manitoba, and the large Constancia copper project in Peru.
The Elements of a Good HeadlineEric AthasThe document provides guidance on writing effective headlines for online articles. It discusses that headlines are important because they represent the story and get shared widely. A good headline promises something specific, is digestible, and works out of context. When writing a headline, come up with it first to shape the article, be specific in what is promised to readers, and make it explanatory. Headlines should also be easy to understand, talk directly to readers, and be tested against audience feedback. The document encourages writing multiple headlines and collaborating with others to craft the best one.
A21 functions on_ipadTraitet ThepbandansukThis document presents the final prototype of an e-menu application for iPad and summarizes its main features. The e-menu allows customers to easily browse menu categories to find food and drink choices. It displays appetizing images and descriptions of dishes. Customers can view the order status, add more items to their order, check the total price, and amend the order before confirming. The e-menu is intended to enhance the dining experience and increase restaurant revenue by reducing wait times and encouraging additional orders.
Cookbook6sbradburyThis document provides instructions for making a healthy meal consisting of a sandwich and lemonade. The sandwich includes bread, string cheese, scrambled eggs, crabmeat, and lettuce. The lemonade is made by slicing lemons, squeezing the juice into a cup of water, and adding honey. The meal incorporates ingredients from four of the six major food groups and is described as easy to make and relatively unsweetened.
2. Южная Корея
Отбор из 5% лучших выпускников.
Человек, который хочет стать преподавателем
начальной школы в Южной Корее, должен после
четырехгодичного вузовского обучения получить
степень по педагогике в Национальном университете
образования, допуском в который являются результаты
национальных вступительных экзаменов в колледжи.
Сложность попадания на курсы и большая вероятность
после их окончания получения работы в школе
поддерживают привлекательность и статус курсов.
3. Сингапур
Отбор из 30% лучших выпускников. Организован
единый, централизованный на общенациональном
уровне процесс отбора, которым управляют совместно
Министерство образования и Национальный институт
образования. После приема студентам платят зарплату
во время обучения. На подготовку каждого учителя
тратится больше денег, чем в других странах, но на
курсах меньше студентов. Это придает программе
подготовки учителей высокий статус и
4. Гонконг
Отбор из 30% лучших выпускников.
После окончания вуза выпускник не сразу получает
диплом, претендент на учительскую должность год
работает в качестве «помощника учителя» и получает
диплом только после сдачи квалификационного
экзамена. Педагогическую интернатуру изобрели в
Великобритании, поэтому закономерно ее присутствие в
странах, где исторически сильно английское влияние
(Гонконг), но независимые квалификационные экзамены
учителей стали распространенным фильтрационным
инструментом во многих странах.
6. Австралия
В Австралии для поступления на педагогические
специальности необходимо иметь успеваемость не
менее 80% по 12 предметам за три года обучения,
включая английский язык. Это вариант сейчас имеет
место быть, например, в Новом Южном Уэльсе.
7. Новая Зеландия
Для того, чтобы стать учителем в Новой Зеландии, Вы
должны свободно говорить по-английски и удовлетворять
определенным академическим требованиям: сдать
входные экзамены UE. Существуют специальные
программы, с которыми должен познакомиться
абитуриент, решивший стать педагогом.
8. Литература
2010. №3. URL:
otbora-buduschih-uchiteley-v-zarubezhnoy-praktike (дата
обращения: 06.05.2015).