التعامل مع المراهقين من ذو ي االحتياجات الخاصةرؤية للحقائب التدريبيةمما لاشك فيه أن قدوم طفل معاق ليس بالحدث السهل على الأسرة بأكملها، ويشكل منعطفات خطيراً في حياة تلك الأسرة، فتتأثر بشكل مباشر على كثير من الجوانب الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والسلوكية والعاطفية والانفعالية .
ومرحلة المراقة عند المعاقين مرحلة انتقالية وفاصلة في تحديد شخصيتهم إما بالسلب أو بالإيجاب.
إن مظاهر البلوغ عند هذه الفئة لا تختلف كثيراً عن غيرهم من الأفراد الطبيعيين، إلا أن طرق التربية والتوجيه يجب أن تكون أدق، كما أن فئة المعاقين ذهنياً يمرون بنفس مراحل النمو الطبيعية التي يمر بها الأفراد غير المعاقين وإن كانوا في بعض الأحيان أبطأ أو أسرع من غيرهم، وبالتالي فهم يمرون أيضاً بمرحلة البلوغ الجنسي كما أن لهم أغلب الاحتياجات التي للآخرين. وبالنظر إلى ضعف إدراك هؤلاء الأفراد للقيم والمعايير التي تحكم السلوك الاجتماعي نجد أنهم لا يميزون بين السلوك المقبول اجتماعياً والسلوك غير المقبول، هذا إلى جانب سهولة انقيادهم للآخرين، وهذا يجعل ضعاف النفوس من غير المعاقين يقبلون على استغلالهم لمآرب غير أخلاقية، وهذا ما يحدث في بعض الأحيان إن لم تكن هناك تنشئة جيدة لهم.
ولما كانت الأسرة هي الشيء الثابت في حياة الطفل؛ فإن أي جهد فعال لن يتحقق دون تطوير علاقات تشاركيه مع أولياء الأمور .ولكن مشاركة أولياء الأمور الإيجابية في التخطيط للخدمات و في اتخاذ القرارات تتطلب قيام الأخصائيين بتعديل اتجاهاتهم وبإعادة النظر والتفكير بعلاقاتهم مع الأسر.
Psychotropics in problem areasاحمد البحيريThis document provides guidance on choosing psychotropic medications for patients with medical problems. It discusses general principles and considerations for conditions like pregnancy, breastfeeding, old age, cardiovascular disease, lung disease, liver/renal impairment, diabetes, epilepsy, surgery, and glaucoma. Lower risk drug options are suggested for each condition. Examples of case presentations are also provided. The key points are: carefully consider each patient's medical issues and choose drugs less likely to interact negatively or exacerbate conditions; start low and slow; discuss potential drug-disease interactions with relevant specialists; and educate patients on risks.
Mood disordersاحمد البحيريThis document summarizes mood disorders including major types, epidemiology, etiology, investigation methods, clinical pictures, differential diagnosis, course and prognosis, and treatment approaches. The major types discussed are major depressive disorder, bipolar disorders I, II, and III, dysthymic disorder, and cyclothymic disorder. Key points on epidemiology include prevalence rates by disorder and differences by sex and age. Etiology discusses biological, psychosocial, and genetic factors. Treatment sections outline phases of depression treatment and common antidepressant side effects.
Clinical evaluation of addictionاحمد البحيريThis document discusses the importance of clinical assessment in developing treatment plans for addiction. It outlines the goals of a clinical needs assessment, including providing diagnoses, identifying life issues, co-occurring disorders, and barriers to treatment. It describes tools like the Addiction Severity Index that evaluate severity and monitor change. Case formulation approaches like cognitive-behavioral models are mentioned. The document stresses using assessment to prioritize problems and tailor treatment based on a patient's needs.
السلوكيات الشاذة والافراط فى الحركة فى السن المدرسىismail sadekكثيرا ما نجد سلوكيات شاذة ومضطربة في الأطفال مثل السرقة والكذب ولا نعرف ما السبب ولا العلاج فيجب أن نفهم ما هو السلوك وكيف نتعلمه
Ketamine_assisted_psychotherapy_essential_concepts_and_steps_lecture.pdfاحمد البحيريKetamine assisted psychotherapy (KAP) involves using subanesthetic doses of ketamine along with psychotherapy to help patients gain insight and work through mental blocks. Key concepts of KAP include using ketamine to induce a dissociated state that facilitates psychotherapy and leads to transformation. KAP protocols generally involve screening, preparation, ketamine administration during therapy sessions, and integration work. Studies have shown KAP can produce lasting reductions in depression, anxiety, and PTSD when used as an adjunct to psychotherapy.
Ketamine Therapy in psychiatryاحمد البحيري- Ketamine therapy shows promise for treatment-resistant depression (TRD). A single intravenous dose of ketamine can rapidly improve depressive symptoms within 2 hours for 3-4 days.
- Ketamine's mechanisms of action involve modulating the glutamatergic system and increasing neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. It may normalize brain connectivity and disrupt ruminative thinking.
- Intranasal esketamine received FDA approval for TRD and results in a 54.1% response rate and 36% remission rate with twice weekly dosing over 4 weeks. Ketamine infusion therapy also shows effectiveness for TRD.
- Common side effects include dizziness, dissociation, nausea, and increased blood
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السلوكيات الشاذة والافراط فى الحركة فى السن المدرسىismail sadekكثيرا ما نجد سلوكيات شاذة ومضطربة في الأطفال مثل السرقة والكذب ولا نعرف ما السبب ولا العلاج فيجب أن نفهم ما هو السلوك وكيف نتعلمه
Ketamine_assisted_psychotherapy_essential_concepts_and_steps_lecture.pdfاحمد البحيريKetamine assisted psychotherapy (KAP) involves using subanesthetic doses of ketamine along with psychotherapy to help patients gain insight and work through mental blocks. Key concepts of KAP include using ketamine to induce a dissociated state that facilitates psychotherapy and leads to transformation. KAP protocols generally involve screening, preparation, ketamine administration during therapy sessions, and integration work. Studies have shown KAP can produce lasting reductions in depression, anxiety, and PTSD when used as an adjunct to psychotherapy.
Ketamine Therapy in psychiatryاحمد البحيري- Ketamine therapy shows promise for treatment-resistant depression (TRD). A single intravenous dose of ketamine can rapidly improve depressive symptoms within 2 hours for 3-4 days.
- Ketamine's mechanisms of action involve modulating the glutamatergic system and increasing neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. It may normalize brain connectivity and disrupt ruminative thinking.
- Intranasal esketamine received FDA approval for TRD and results in a 54.1% response rate and 36% remission rate with twice weekly dosing over 4 weeks. Ketamine infusion therapy also shows effectiveness for TRD.
- Common side effects include dizziness, dissociation, nausea, and increased blood
Consultation and liaison psychiatry meاحمد البحيريConsultation-liaison psychiatry involves psychiatrists consulting on patients in medical settings to address intersections between physical and mental health. Issues include capacity to consent, conflicts with medical teams, and patients reporting physical symptoms due to underlying mental disorders. The consultant evaluates patients for suspected psychiatric disorders, agitation, suicidal/homicidal thoughts, and high psychiatric risk factors. Common reasons for consultations include psychiatric symptoms, lack of organic cause for symptoms, and non-compliance.
Proposal for Halfway House Facility: in Addiction Rehabilitationاحمد البحيريThe document proposes establishing a halfway house facility for addiction rehabilitation. It defines halfway houses as institutions that help people with disabilities or criminal backgrounds reintegrate into society by teaching independent living skills. The proposed halfway house would provide social, medical, psychiatric and educational services to support substance-dependent residents during their transition from treatment back into the community. The document outlines theoretical models for halfway houses, expected services, initial policies and procedures, staffing requirements, resident assessments, health provisions and more to guide the proposed facility's operations.
Recovery- Oriented System of Care ,Motivational Approach , in Substance Use D...احمد البحيريThis document discusses recovery-oriented treatment for substance use disorders. It defines treatment as direct medical interventions, while recovery is a sustained process of change addressing biological, psychological, social, and spiritual disturbances from addiction. Recovery aims to improve quality of life through pursuing abstinence and dealing with cravings. The document outlines motivational interviewing techniques including engaging patients, eliciting change talk, and negotiating plans for change. It emphasizes that recovery requires ongoing care beyond initial medical detoxification.
Telepsychiatry, future implications in mental health servicesاحمد البحيريTelepsychiatry, future implications in mental health services
guidelines of services
Somatic phenomenology in depressionاحمد البحيريThis document discusses somatic symptoms in depression. It notes that major depressive disorder has a lifetime prevalence of 5-25% while recurrent major depressive disorder has a prevalence of 3% and dysthymia has a prevalence of 6%. Somatic symptoms are common in depression and include fatigue, headaches, sleep disturbances, pain, and gastrointestinal issues. Only 60% of depressed patients are accurately diagnosed, as depression often presents primarily with physical complaints. Recognition and treatment of depression is important as it can increase medical morbidity and mortality when left unrecognized in medically ill patients. The pathogenesis of somatic symptoms in depression involves disruptions to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, serotonin and other neurotransmitter systems, and reduced neuroplastic
Clinical documentations,احمد البحيريhow to do documentations in medical file in psychiatry and to avoid legal claims , while you provide proper care for the patient .
Schizophreniaاحمد البحيريThis document provides an overview of schizophrenia, including its definition, diagnosis, types, differential diagnosis, initial management, and counseling/psychoeducation approaches. It discusses the essential diagnostic criteria and features of schizophrenia based on various criteria, including positive and negative symptoms. The types of schizophrenia are outlined as paranoid, hebephrenic, catatonic, undifferentiated, simple, and residual. Differential diagnoses, initial management steps, and criteria for referral to a psychiatrist are also summarized. Lastly, topics covered in counseling and psychoeducation for families are listed.
Schizophrenia.ppt489266552احمد البحيريThis document discusses schizophrenia, including its symptoms, diagnosis, subtypes, course, and etiology. Some key points:
- Schizophrenia is characterized by distortions in thinking/perception and inappropriate/blunted affects. It occurs in 1% of the population and typically begins between ages 16-25.
- Diagnosis requires symptoms for at least 6 months and deterioration in relationships/functioning. Subtypes include paranoid, hebephrenic, catatonic, and undifferentiated.
- Etiology is multifactorial involving genetic, biological, environmental factors. The dopamine hypothesis proposes psychotic symptoms relate to dopaminergic hyperactivity in the brain.
Glutamate and schizophreniaاحمد البحيري- Glutamate-based theories of schizophrenia focus on dysfunction of brain glutamate systems, particularly NMDA receptors. These theories originated over 20 years ago and have led to new conceptualizations of schizophrenia and potential assessment and treatment approaches.
- Dopamine dysfunction in schizophrenia may be caused by genetically determined abnormalities or by NMDA receptor dysfunction impairing dopamine system regulation. Disturbances in both glutamate and dopamine systems likely contribute to positive symptoms.
- Glutamate and NMDA receptors are widely distributed in the brain, suggesting schizophrenia involves dysfunction beyond prefrontal and limbic regions, including sensory cortices. Deficits in auditory and visual processing correlate with impaired functioning.
- While past drug trials targeting glut
Critique of Different Approaches to Treat Addictionاحمد البحيريCritique of Different Approaches to Treat Addiction