4. 1 Accident
? while I speeding up my bicycle,
?slipped, went out of control
? hit severely left side of my body
to the road
A helmet protected my head!
? sharp pain in my left shoulder and rib
? a bump on my shoulder
fractured ?
swelled up ?
source (http://health.goo.ne.jp/medical/body/jin004 )
6. 2 Buying medical service at clinic
① First of all, Check my condition in
neighborhood clinic A.S.A.P
④ Filling the form is bothering
⑥ Look at the questionnaire, please
⑧ So many photos !
⑩ Good news (Ribs are not broken)
? Oh ! I should take an operation ?
? I do not have any information to
select a hospital to refer.
? No help to contact a refered
care events
② Backing home, went to a
neighborhood clinic
③ a questionnaire was handed out
⑤ Counseled by a doctor
⑦ Took X-ray photos
⑨ Diagnosed:clavicle fracture and rib
? Procedure:traction treatment
? Recommended to have an operation
? Made a referral and copied X-ray
photos on CD
? Paid out of pocket fee
Referred hospital is a general with 520 beds,
located 10 minutes walk from my home
8. 2 Buying medical service at hospital
① a little bit awesome
③ luckily, I get counseling today
⑤ reception was closed !
what should I do ?
⑦ almost same questions again
⑨ make same explanation again
? CT images are amazing! clavicle
was broken in and 3 ribs were
? so sad . there is a risk that left
arm are unable to move as well as
care events
② hospital arranged counseling
④ to a referred hospital’s grand
reception then reception
⑥ fill a questionnaire
⑧ have a counseling
⑩ took X-ray and CT images
? diagnosed: dismal clavicle
fracture and rib fracture
? explain about operation
? proceed for hospitalization
? pay the bill, back home then
purchase prescription
Backing home, I should make a call for reservation
10. 2 Buying medical service at hospital
care events
①Day 1:Thursday
★counseling for surgery
(doctors , nurses and staffs)
② Day 2:Friday
★ preparation
★surgery(open reduction and
internal fixation 3 hours)
★ after care(counseling, IV,
check stitches)
③ Day 3:Saturday
★ after care(IV, check stitches)
★practice for self-care(put on
and off the protector)
★sign a paper swearing payment
? boring。。。There are so many
wheelchair patients
? if I bleed some parts of my body, an
op. may be postponed to avoid
infection (check might be too late )
? !lay down to an op. table by myself
? anesthesia is so awful。。。
? so little pain on my surgery point,
heavy ache on my back
? walking around by myself is great
? why not to accept payment ?
I unconsciously put stress on my
back to protect fractured parts
?led to heavy ache on my back
?led to sleep interruption
12. 2 Buying medical service at hospital
care events
④ Day 4:Sunday
★discharged in AM
backing home and start self-care
⑤ 2 weeks later, off the stitches
⑥ 2 months later, off the protector
⑦ 3 months later, permitted for
daily motion.
⑧ 4 months later, permitted for
sport activity.
⑨ 1 year later(2015/7 ), will have a
surgery to remove joint plate
? In my condition, not to move
and put stress on upper left
arm and shoulder,
?took some minutes to get up
?could only wear open shirts
I am a right-hander
14. clinic
self care
3 Findings through a field work as a inpatient
①clinic only issued referral.
?not provide scheduling support for patient (Me)
②I, acute patient did not have any information about
quality of care for referral hospitals.
Also, not have enough knowledge to judge a severity of
my condition.
①nurses were so busy than I imagined.
?battling with so many tasks(monitoring vitals,
IV, handling nursing calls, and so on)
②eating time was so little just like fast food
?swallowing than chewing
③payment was not smooth
?my discharge was scheduled on Sunday, hospital
can not accept any payment including credit cards.
Instead, They required me to sign a paper that I swear
definitely to pay.
①No living support services after discharge
? Implicitly, such services should provide by family
member. So single liver face difficulties without any help .
16. 3 Findings through a field work as a inpatient
(1)In my case, patient info. was not exchanged in area health info. network.
?Transferred info. are images in a CD and a paper referral. That’s all.
(2)I could not judge my medical condition right to my first experience. Also, it
is very difficult to explain properly with my words .
?3D images by CT was more than the words ! Diagnosed rib bruise in clinic
appeared to rib fracture.
?in case of acute medical condition that anyone never experienced before,
patient rational behavior is to go hospital directly.
(3)”patient centered care” only practices in each medical silo (facility).
?care is provided by each medical facility without coordination but all care
process consists one patient experience.
?In my view, each service is irritative as they were not coordinated !
Patient centered care is
only applied under public
health insurance
All experience is care for my fracture
18. 3 Findings through a field work as a inpatient
3,000 hospital charge is
smaller than a out of pocket
fee(8,960) at a clinic.
A plan raising hospital charge
at 5,000-10,000 to reduce
direct use.
2,9864,045◆a hospital reimbursement from
public health insurance was
1.3times larger than a clinic.
◆I was charged 3,ooo if I directly
go to a hospital without a referral.
Total Service points
more money,
more value
less money,
less value
One stop service
checkup images procedure
& waiting
care pts
at hospital
care pts
at clinic
directly go to a hospital ? rational patient behavior
data copy for hospital
20. 4 Conclusion and implication
? clinic to hospital network and UX
– Networked health service did not include information network.
? I wrote paper questionnaire twice a day.
?Online data exchange did not take place in central Tokyo area yet.
– Coordinated network only handled patient data partially.
– No counseling, no information to decide referral hospital by myself .
?As such, I wholly depended on a clinic doctor’s decision.
?Providing (matching) information for hospital is effective ?
– Medical clerks in hospital dedicated to manage service for patient.
? public health insurance and support service after discharge period
– I could not find any support services after discharge.
?Care service was designed for provider, not for patient.
?So combining public health service with out of pocket service after
discharge is important to create more value for patient .
In my case, present healthcare service lack a design
concept of UX.
22. check
? unneededDismal
Change medical fee
calculation from facility
base to patient base
c l i n i c
Transfer to patient base will
be possible to combine data
with a referral
?? procedure necessary
(traction treatment)
?? open operation necessary
?avoid unneeded care
?optimizing care process
images procedure
Looking service process from patient
base will lead to identify avoidable
care cost.
In this case, It is a procedure at clinic.
4 Conclusion and implication~an idea using ICT
data copy
for hospital
h o s p i t a lcheck