Resume September 2016 hotelShilpa MukerjiShilpa Mukerji is a photographer, counselor, and artist based in Mumbai, India. She has 9 years of experience in commercial and fine art photography. Her areas of specialization include fashion, advertising, portraits, and lifestyle photography. She also has 10 years of experience in counseling and psychotherapy. Previously, she worked as a cabin crew member for Emirates Airlines and had a lead acting role in a television series. She holds qualifications in counseling, photography, graphic design, and acting. Her interests include photography, art, design, counseling, and travel.
Synergy Summit Poster_4Sushil KunduThe document announces an entrepreneurship summit called Synergy Summit 2015 that will be held in Hyderabad, India on September 7-8, 2015. It provides information on free exhibition booths for startups, speaker sessions, workshops, competitions, and networking events at the summit. Aspiring entrepreneurs, startups, investors, incubators, and other stakeholders in innovation are encouraged to attend. Details are given on registration fees, payment methods, and contacts for further information.
점프의 대장moonjunu2015.3.9 by junu
준우가 만든 게임 '점프의 대장' 시나리오라고나할까?
E-LearningEstefania EBSERTECPET adquirió recientemente una plataforma de aprendizaje electrónico para capacitar a su personal de manera flexible y a bajo costo en temas técnicos y administrativos. La plataforma ofrece varios cursos en línea sobre inducción, seguridad, salud y ambiente. El aprendizaje electrónico permite que los empleados desarrollen competencias desde cualquier lugar y en su propio horario.
Tc1 redes locales _basicogabitmEste documento resume los diferentes medios de transmisión para redes locales, incluyendo medios guiados como cables UTP, coaxiales y de fibra óptica, y medios no guiados como radiotransmisión, microondas, infrarrojos y ondas de luz. Describe las características, ventajas y desventajas de cada medio, así como su aplicación en sistemas de telefonía celular y satelital.
Preventing the erosion of your luxury beauty brand's identity Kathryn CollinsonBased on extensive research into the luxury beauty sector, we look at factors, which can have a detrimental impact on point-of-sale materials and make recommendations to ensure your brand identity and ethos remains protected.
We look at the importance of good communication between global teams, how to choose the right production model and how embracing sustainability could benefit your business.
ContabilidadBetzy RiveraEl documento describe la evolución del concepto de contabilidad a través de tres etapas: como técnica, como tecnología y como ciencia. También define el concepto de empresa y clasifica las empresas por su actividad, tamaño, origen de capital, explotación, impuestos, número de propietarios y función social. Finalmente, explica las áreas de intervención de la contabilidad.
Making it up as you go alongChris WillmottStuart Johnson is the Acting Head of Student Development at the University of Leicester (UoL). In this role, he oversees a team of 35 people and is responsible for people management, strategic planning, financial planning, and resolving issues. He obtained a BSc in Biological Sciences in 1995 and has held several training and development roles within the NHS before transitioning to academic skills development and student support roles at UoL. He advises being proactive, showing enthusiasm, gaining training and development opportunities, working hard, maintaining integrity, and building professional networks to advance one's career.
LibrarianshipChris WillmottThese slides are from a careers talk about Librarianship and Information Management given as part of the 2008 series of Careers After Biological Sciences seminar series at the University of Leicester, UK
Civil Service (Department of Health)Chris WillmottGwen Nightingale gave a talk at the 2012 season of the Careers After Biological Sciences program at the University of Leicester (UK). She discussed her role working as a civil servant within the Department of Health for the UK government.
The diversity of dieteticsChris WillmottThe document discusses the field of dietetics and the career paths available to dietitians. Dietitians work with people of all ages and cultural backgrounds, providing evidence-based nutrition advice. They have expertise in diet, nutrition, and translating scientific information for clients to understand. Career paths for dietitians include working in hospitals, community settings, sports nutrition, food industry, research, education, and the media. Dietitians can specialize in many areas including cardiology, renal, oncology, paediatrics, intensive care, elderly care, health promotion, and more. Training involves obtaining a relevant degree and a post-graduate diploma or conversion to a master's degree, with practical and theoretical components.
Working as a Lab TechnicianChris WillmottTara Hardy has worked in several laboratory roles over her career. She studied Medical Biochemistry at the University of Leicester and then worked there as a Grade C and D Lab Technician, researching islet cell isolations, monoclonal antibody production, and managing microscopy facilities. She also worked as a Laboratory Technician at the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition, developing assays and performing various techniques. More recently, she has worked as a Laboratory Scientist and Study Scientist at Waltham, designing and managing trials. She is currently a Grade 6 Lab Technician at the University of Leicester, supervising students and managing core facilities.
Making connections: my role as a welfare officerChris WillmottThe document describes the role and responsibilities of a University Welfare Officer who specializes in supporting international students, including providing immigration advice, helping with cultural adjustment, and responding to emergencies. It details how the Welfare Officer role fits within the university structure and the Student Welfare Service. The Welfare Officer's background and qualifications for the role are also summarized.
Preventing the erosion of your luxury beauty brand's identity Kathryn CollinsonBased on extensive research into the luxury beauty sector, we look at factors, which can have a detrimental impact on point-of-sale materials and make recommendations to ensure your brand identity and ethos remains protected.
We look at the importance of good communication between global teams, how to choose the right production model and how embracing sustainability could benefit your business.
ContabilidadBetzy RiveraEl documento describe la evolución del concepto de contabilidad a través de tres etapas: como técnica, como tecnología y como ciencia. También define el concepto de empresa y clasifica las empresas por su actividad, tamaño, origen de capital, explotación, impuestos, número de propietarios y función social. Finalmente, explica las áreas de intervención de la contabilidad.
Making it up as you go alongChris WillmottStuart Johnson is the Acting Head of Student Development at the University of Leicester (UoL). In this role, he oversees a team of 35 people and is responsible for people management, strategic planning, financial planning, and resolving issues. He obtained a BSc in Biological Sciences in 1995 and has held several training and development roles within the NHS before transitioning to academic skills development and student support roles at UoL. He advises being proactive, showing enthusiasm, gaining training and development opportunities, working hard, maintaining integrity, and building professional networks to advance one's career.
LibrarianshipChris WillmottThese slides are from a careers talk about Librarianship and Information Management given as part of the 2008 series of Careers After Biological Sciences seminar series at the University of Leicester, UK
Civil Service (Department of Health)Chris WillmottGwen Nightingale gave a talk at the 2012 season of the Careers After Biological Sciences program at the University of Leicester (UK). She discussed her role working as a civil servant within the Department of Health for the UK government.
The diversity of dieteticsChris WillmottThe document discusses the field of dietetics and the career paths available to dietitians. Dietitians work with people of all ages and cultural backgrounds, providing evidence-based nutrition advice. They have expertise in diet, nutrition, and translating scientific information for clients to understand. Career paths for dietitians include working in hospitals, community settings, sports nutrition, food industry, research, education, and the media. Dietitians can specialize in many areas including cardiology, renal, oncology, paediatrics, intensive care, elderly care, health promotion, and more. Training involves obtaining a relevant degree and a post-graduate diploma or conversion to a master's degree, with practical and theoretical components.
Working as a Lab TechnicianChris WillmottTara Hardy has worked in several laboratory roles over her career. She studied Medical Biochemistry at the University of Leicester and then worked there as a Grade C and D Lab Technician, researching islet cell isolations, monoclonal antibody production, and managing microscopy facilities. She also worked as a Laboratory Technician at the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition, developing assays and performing various techniques. More recently, she has worked as a Laboratory Scientist and Study Scientist at Waltham, designing and managing trials. She is currently a Grade 6 Lab Technician at the University of Leicester, supervising students and managing core facilities.
Making connections: my role as a welfare officerChris WillmottThe document describes the role and responsibilities of a University Welfare Officer who specializes in supporting international students, including providing immigration advice, helping with cultural adjustment, and responding to emergencies. It details how the Welfare Officer role fits within the university structure and the Student Welfare Service. The Welfare Officer's background and qualifications for the role are also summarized.
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