Альбом посвященный встрече 71 Дня Победы и 75 лет Битвы за Москву.Военно-пат...MR_roschaРайонный фестиваль художественного творчества ветеранов г.Москвы и членов их семей «Отстояли Москву - защитили Россию» посвященного 75-летию начала контрнаступления Красной армии против немецко-фашистских войск в битве за Москву
Город, который хранит памятьirilesДля каждого человека самая близкая история- это жизнь семьи. У каждой семьи своя история и она тесно переплетается с историей нашей страны.
Мы хотим рассказать о людях и городе Ломоносове.
Удивительный город с богатейшей историей, огромными культурными ценностями. Всё своё великолепие он сохранил благодаря защитникам города во время Великой Отечественной войны и жителям!
Towards Logic Programming as a Service: Experiments in tuPrologAndrea OmiciniThe document discusses experiments with logic programming as a service (LPaaS) using tuProlog. It proposes an LPaaS architecture with local APIs for creating engines, loading theories, and querying. It also describes implementing tuProlog as a service (2PaaS) on iOS, where tuProlog is embedded in an app and provides an API via URL schemes for other apps to interface with it. Example application scenarios are presented, including using tuProlog for symbolic derivatives and multi-language programming. Further work is outlined to better define and extend the LPaaS paradigm.
Artizan Creative - E-mail MarketingHugo Hornschuch WelkeE-mail marketing allows businesses to showcase their expertise, build credibility and trust with customers, target specific audiences, and drive direct sales. It is a powerful marketing tool because it is easy to update, has intelligent contact management features, enables personalization and social sharing, and provides detailed reports. While basic e-mail marketing can be done cheaply, a professional e-mail newsletter service for 500 contacts costs around €900 for the first year but can yield 1200% return on investment if it generates even one sale per month.
Lusoceram catalogo componentesBenevides de Oliveira da Paixão FilhoEste catálogo apresenta uma gama completa de componentes para telhados, incluindo estruturas metálicas, acessórios de fixação, produtos de impermeabilização e iluminação. Oferece soluções construtivas e estéticas para qualquer tipo de telhado com garantia de qualidade.
CJiX2011 SummaryCareerJunctionThe document summarizes the speakers and topics from the CJiX2011 conference over two days. Day 1 covered topics such as embracing mistakes, engaging different generations, using video technology in recruitment, and mobile technology trends. Day 2 discussed social media recruitment, monitoring online trends, workforce demographics, and the importance of consciousness and relationships between companies and recruitment agencies.
Multi-paradigm Coordination for MASAndrea OmiciniOpen distributed multi-agent systems featuring autonomous components demand coordination mechanisms for both functional and non-functional properties. Heterogeneity of requirements regarding interaction means and paradigms, stemming from the diverse nature of components, should not affect the effectiveness of coordination. Along this line, in this paper we share our pragmatical experience in the integration of objective and subjective, synchronous and asynchronous, reactive and pro-active coordination approaches within two widely-adopted agent-oriented technologies (JADE and Jason), enabling coordinating components to dynamically adapt their interaction means based on static preference or run-time contingencies.
выборы глазами детей рисунки1natalija106Конкурс рисунков в Колыванском районе
Sapatas 1Benevides de Oliveira da Paixão Filho1. O documento descreve o projeto estrutural de sapatas, que são fundações superficiais utilizadas para transmitir cargas de pilares ou paredes ao solo. 2. Aborda a classificação de sapatas quanto à rigidez e posição, e os aspectos geotécnicos importantes para o projeto como investigações do solo e níveis freáticos. 3. Explica que o dimensionamento de sapatas considera a resistência do solo, rigidez, e verificação de flexão, cisalhamento e punção.
Child labourGopal GuptaChild labour remains a significant global issue, with an estimated 246 million children engaged in labour in 2000 and 218 million in 2004. The causes of child labour include overexploitation of populations, decreased resources, lack of education, increased poverty and unemployment. Key organizations working to address child labour include the ILO and UNICEF. Countries have implemented policies focused on education, improving adult incomes, awareness campaigns, and laws against child labour. The Prohibition and Protection Act of 1986 in India prohibits employment of children in hazardous occupations. Concerted efforts are needed from governments and citizens to enforce laws and support programs that reduce child labour.
Spatial Multi-Agent SystemsAndrea OmiciniThe document discusses the concept of space in computer science and computational systems. It describes how physical distribution of computational units and communication channels creates virtual spaces, such as distributed systems and middleware environments. It emphasizes that situated distributed systems and pervasive computing systems are needed to handle computation in physical environments and take into account the spatial aspects of those environments. Situatedness and context-awareness are important properties for computational systems to exhibit as they become more immersed in physical space.
ABMS in m-Health Self-ManagementAndrea OmiciniThe impact of mobile technologies on healthcare is particularly evident in the case of self-management of chronic diseases, where they can decrease spending and improve the patient quality of life. In this talk we propose the adoption of agent-based modelling and simulation techniques as built-in tools to dynamically monitor patient health state and provide feedbacks for self-management. To demonstrate the feasibility of our proposal we focus on Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus as our case study, and provide some preliminary simulation results.
Towards Logic Programming as a Service: Experiments in tuPrologAndrea OmiciniThe document discusses experiments with logic programming as a service (LPaaS) using tuProlog. It proposes an LPaaS architecture with local APIs for creating engines, loading theories, and querying. It also describes implementing tuProlog as a service (2PaaS) on iOS, where tuProlog is embedded in an app and provides an API via URL schemes for other apps to interface with it. Example application scenarios are presented, including using tuProlog for symbolic derivatives and multi-language programming. Further work is outlined to better define and extend the LPaaS paradigm.
Artizan Creative - E-mail MarketingHugo Hornschuch WelkeE-mail marketing allows businesses to showcase their expertise, build credibility and trust with customers, target specific audiences, and drive direct sales. It is a powerful marketing tool because it is easy to update, has intelligent contact management features, enables personalization and social sharing, and provides detailed reports. While basic e-mail marketing can be done cheaply, a professional e-mail newsletter service for 500 contacts costs around €900 for the first year but can yield 1200% return on investment if it generates even one sale per month.
Lusoceram catalogo componentesBenevides de Oliveira da Paixão FilhoEste catálogo apresenta uma gama completa de componentes para telhados, incluindo estruturas metálicas, acessórios de fixação, produtos de impermeabilização e iluminação. Oferece soluções construtivas e estéticas para qualquer tipo de telhado com garantia de qualidade.
CJiX2011 SummaryCareerJunctionThe document summarizes the speakers and topics from the CJiX2011 conference over two days. Day 1 covered topics such as embracing mistakes, engaging different generations, using video technology in recruitment, and mobile technology trends. Day 2 discussed social media recruitment, monitoring online trends, workforce demographics, and the importance of consciousness and relationships between companies and recruitment agencies.
Multi-paradigm Coordination for MASAndrea OmiciniOpen distributed multi-agent systems featuring autonomous components demand coordination mechanisms for both functional and non-functional properties. Heterogeneity of requirements regarding interaction means and paradigms, stemming from the diverse nature of components, should not affect the effectiveness of coordination. Along this line, in this paper we share our pragmatical experience in the integration of objective and subjective, synchronous and asynchronous, reactive and pro-active coordination approaches within two widely-adopted agent-oriented technologies (JADE and Jason), enabling coordinating components to dynamically adapt their interaction means based on static preference or run-time contingencies.
выборы глазами детей рисунки1natalija106Конкурс рисунков в Колыванском районе
Sapatas 1Benevides de Oliveira da Paixão Filho1. O documento descreve o projeto estrutural de sapatas, que são fundações superficiais utilizadas para transmitir cargas de pilares ou paredes ao solo. 2. Aborda a classificação de sapatas quanto à rigidez e posição, e os aspectos geotécnicos importantes para o projeto como investigações do solo e níveis freáticos. 3. Explica que o dimensionamento de sapatas considera a resistência do solo, rigidez, e verificação de flexão, cisalhamento e punção.
Child labourGopal GuptaChild labour remains a significant global issue, with an estimated 246 million children engaged in labour in 2000 and 218 million in 2004. The causes of child labour include overexploitation of populations, decreased resources, lack of education, increased poverty and unemployment. Key organizations working to address child labour include the ILO and UNICEF. Countries have implemented policies focused on education, improving adult incomes, awareness campaigns, and laws against child labour. The Prohibition and Protection Act of 1986 in India prohibits employment of children in hazardous occupations. Concerted efforts are needed from governments and citizens to enforce laws and support programs that reduce child labour.
Spatial Multi-Agent SystemsAndrea OmiciniThe document discusses the concept of space in computer science and computational systems. It describes how physical distribution of computational units and communication channels creates virtual spaces, such as distributed systems and middleware environments. It emphasizes that situated distributed systems and pervasive computing systems are needed to handle computation in physical environments and take into account the spatial aspects of those environments. Situatedness and context-awareness are important properties for computational systems to exhibit as they become more immersed in physical space.
ABMS in m-Health Self-ManagementAndrea OmiciniThe impact of mobile technologies on healthcare is particularly evident in the case of self-management of chronic diseases, where they can decrease spending and improve the patient quality of life. In this talk we propose the adoption of agent-based modelling and simulation techniques as built-in tools to dynamically monitor patient health state and provide feedbacks for self-management. To demonstrate the feasibility of our proposal we focus on Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus as our case study, and provide some preliminary simulation results.
Aula5 calculo estruturalBenevides de Oliveira da Paixão FilhoO documento discute cálculo estrutural, que envolve projetar e dimensionar estruturas para suportar cargas sem colapsar. Aborda conceitos como concreto armado, elementos estruturais como vigas, pilares e lajes, e etapas do projeto como definir cargas e dimensionar peças.
Academic Publishing in the Digital Era: A Couple of Issues (Open Access—Well,...Andrea OmiciniThe document discusses issues with the current academic publishing system. It notes that while technology has made production, diffusion, and access to scholarly works negligible in cost, access to most literature remains expensive. It also distinguishes between the validation of research, which ensures quality, and evaluation, which occurs after publication. While new publishers and self-archiving aim to address costs, true validation requires peer review before rather than after publication to maintain standards and scale effectively. Overall reforms are needed to make the system more economically sustainable while maintaining scientific rigor.
Foundations of Multi-Agent SystemsAndrea OmiciniIntroductory tutorial on the foundations of agents and multi-agent systems at the 18th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2016) – 25 July 2016, Catania, Italy
Privacy through Anonymisation in Large-scale Socio-technical Systems: The BIS...Andrea OmiciniLarge-scale socio-technical systems (STS) inextricably inter-connect individual – e.g., the right to privacy –, social – e.g., the effectiveness of organisational processes –, and technology issues —e.g., the software engineering process. As a result, the design of the complex software infrastructure involves also non-technological aspects such as the legal ones—so that, e.g., law-abidingness can be ensured since the early stages of the software engineering process. By focussing on contact centres (CC) as relevant examples of knowledge-intensive STS, we elaborate on the articulate aspects of anonymisation: there, individual and organisational needs clash, so that only an accurate balancing between legal and technical aspects could possibly ensure the system efficiency while preserving the individual right to privacy. We discuss first the overall legal framework, then the general theme of anonymisation in CC. Finally we overview the technical process developed in the context of the BISON project.
Project presentation @ DMI, Università di Catania, Italy, 25 July 2016
Game Engines to Model MAS: A Research RoadmapAndrea OmiciniThis document outlines a research roadmap for bridging the gap between multi-agent systems (MAS) and game engines (GE). It finds that while GEs excel at modeling environments, they provide weak support for agency and sociality as conceptualized in MAS. The roadmap proposes a "mirror worlds" approach where GEs represent environments and MAS handle autonomy and social interaction. A case study applies this by implementing the dining philosophers problem in Unity3D, with agents, chairs and a table modeled as game objects that coordinate through messaging. The roadmap concludes that pursuing GE-based MAS infrastructure could integrate the technologies' strengths while avoiding forcing either to handle responsibilities it is not meant for.
Удивительный мирnatalija106В этом году Новосибирской Областной детской библиотекой было объявлено множество различных конкурсов. Здесь вы увидите о тех конкурсах, в которых участвовали ребята из Колыванского района.