This document discusses Shannon LaFave's development of a professional learning network (PLN) using Twitter. It describes how Shannon follows 104 people and has 33 followers on Twitter. Shannon's favorite Twitter account to follow is @Edudemic, which posts relevant education articles and information. Shannon uses their Twitter account to ask classmates questions and share class projects from their Edu 210 course. The document also provides summaries of several education-focused Twitter accounts that Shannon follows, including @Edudemic, @HuffPostEdu, and @Edutopia. It describes how Shannon contributes to their PLN by retweeting, uploading class projects, sharing thoughts on education issues, and participating in discussions with classmates.
El documento discute la relaci坦n entre la comunicaci坦n y la educaci坦n. Explica que el conocimiento solo se puede compartir a trav辿s de la comunicaci坦n con otros. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo la educaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n pueden usarse para desarrollar aprendizajes significativos y promover una buena convivencia social. Finalmente, argumenta que la educomunicaci坦n debe ser un proceso transformador que beneficie al ser humano.
This document discusses Shannon LaFave's development of a professional learning network (PLN) using Twitter. It describes how Shannon follows 104 people and has 33 followers on Twitter. Shannon's favorite Twitter account to follow is @Edudemic, which posts relevant education articles and information. Shannon uses their Twitter account to ask classmates questions and share class projects from their Edu 210 course. The document also provides summaries of several education-focused Twitter accounts that Shannon follows, including @Edudemic, @HuffPostEdu, and @Edutopia. It describes how Shannon contributes to their PLN by retweeting, uploading class projects, sharing thoughts on education issues, and participating in discussions with classmates.
El documento discute la relaci坦n entre la comunicaci坦n y la educaci坦n. Explica que el conocimiento solo se puede compartir a trav辿s de la comunicaci坦n con otros. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo la educaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n pueden usarse para desarrollar aprendizajes significativos y promover una buena convivencia social. Finalmente, argumenta que la educomunicaci坦n debe ser un proceso transformador que beneficie al ser humano.
At the end of the year, its fun to look back at the last 12 months, to see where you were, how youve grown, and your accomplishments for the year. Here at Landmark, we like to do this as well and wed like you to benefit from it. Weve published over 150 articles over the past year, some of which youve liked, some of which you havent. Either way, this upcoming year we have high hopes that well be able to become your go-to guide for any question you have on homes.
Lets take a look back in the past year to see what posts weve published were the most helpful to our readers (and something you can use, just in case you missed them!) Here are our top 10 most visited posts this year:
This document provides an overview of the human nervous system and how it helps maintain homeostasis in the body. It discusses the levels of organization in the body from cells to organ systems. The nervous system coordinates the body's responses to internal and external changes. Homeostasis refers to maintaining a stable internal environment through feedback inhibition mechanisms like the thermostat that regulates temperature. The hypothalamus monitors and controls body temperature by signaling the body to speed up or slow down cellular activities to raise or lower temperature as needed.
Polysaccharides like glucose are stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles to be converted quickly into energy when needed. Lipids and fats are stored under the skin and around organs for energy storage and insulation. Vitamins, minerals, and excess glucose are also stored in the liver and fatty tissues to maintain nutrient balance and supply energy during times of scarcity.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre publicidad y administraci坦n de empresas. En menos de 3 oraciones, resume lo siguiente: Define conceptos clave de publicidad, diferencia entre publicidad y propaganda, disciplinas utilizadas en publicidad, investigaciones de mercado, y objetivos y metodolog鱈as para realizar presupuestos publicitarios.
Cr辿ditos de pis e cofins na atividade de empresa preponderantemente exportadoraEdiane Oliveira
1. O documento discute a apura巽達o de cr辿ditos de PIS e COFINS na sistem叩tica n達o cumulativa em empresas preponderantemente exportadoras.
2. Ele explica como calcular os cr辿ditos de PIS e COFINS com base nas aquisi巽探es e despesas da empresa e como utilizar os cr辿ditos excedentes por meio de compensa巽達o ou pedido de ressarcimento.
3. Por fim, o documento destaca a import但ncia de uma boa gest達o fiscal para minimizar riscos tribut叩rios e obter melhores resultados financeiros.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de aborto, incluyendo aborto inducido, espont叩neo, con medicamentos, quir炭rgico e indirecto. Explica m辿todos como por envenenamiento salino, succi坦n, dilataci坦n y curetaje, operaci坦n ces叩rea y mediante f叩rmacos como prostaglandinas y RU-486. Tambi辿n detalla posibles secuelas f鱈sicas del aborto como muerte, c叩ncer, perforaciones uterinas, complicaciones en embarazos futuros y riesgos mayores para adolescentes y mujeres con m炭ltiples abortos.
This document summarizes key aspects of nutrition, including the six main nutrients, photosynthesis, digestion, and the role of enzymes. It discusses how plants produce nutrients through photosynthesis using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. It then describes the human digestive system and how nutrients are broken down and absorbed, starting in the mouth and progressing through the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Undigested waste is then egested from the body.
Mike Rousseau is a chef with over 10 years of experience leading kitchen teams in cities around the world including Vancouver, Bermuda, and Sydney. He understands how to organize an efficient kitchen and is a good teacher and leader. His food knowledge stems from French training and experience with Caribbean, Mexican, and Asian cuisines from working in Sydney. He is currently involved with marketing his own hot sauce brand but is available for a new position 5 days a week until 8:00 p.m. and is open to negotiating wages.
The document discusses how individuals respond to change based on the work of William Bridges, outlining three stages of transition - endings, neutral zone, and new beginnings - that each raise different issues and reactions. The endings stage involves denial and resistance to change. The neutral zone is an exploration period where people work through uncertainty and discomfort. The new beginnings stage sees commitment as people adapt to changes and new ways of working.
Taylor Swift - 1989 (Karaoke) Digital BookletGabeExplosion
This document contains the lyrics to Taylor Swift's 2014 album "1989". The lyrics describe themes of personal growth, changing relationships, moving to New York City, and learning life lessons. They tell stories of love, heartbreak, independence and finding oneself through constant change. The lyrics reference both past and new musical influences and styles.
Curr鱈culo em Contextos Informais OnlineJoana Viana
Comunica巽達o apresentada no:
11, 12 e 13 de setembro de 2013
Universidade do Minho, Braga
El documento presenta la informaci坦n personal y profesional de Paola Bautista Velazco. Actualmente trabaja como administradora de empresas tur鱈sticas para la cadena hotelera Riu desde 2017. Su objetivo es llegar a ser administradora de empresas tur鱈sticas. Cuenta con educaci坦n secundaria terminada y reconocimientos por buenas calificaciones.
O documento descreve as intera巽探es entre Cida, uma empregada dom辿stica negra, e sua patroa idosa e racista, Dona Estela. No in鱈cio, Dona Estela trata Cida com desd辿m e racismo. No entanto, Cida ensina Dona Estela sobre o jogo de xadrez e como as pe巽as negras t棚m o mesmo valor que as brancas, representando a igualdade racial. No final, Cida decide deixar o emprego para buscar dignidade, tendo aprendido a n達o se ver como inferior.