This document summarizes an online professional development course for language teachers on integrating information and communication technologies (ICT) into teaching. The course was based on international and national ICT frameworks and standards. It was conducted over 10 weeks on a learning management system with online tutors, readings, videos, discussions and a final project. Participants' ICT skills increased, and they learned to use new tools like blogs, wikis and online collaborative projects in their teaching. Challenges included varying ICT skills among participants and time pressures, but overall it helped teachers identify strengths/weaknesses and apply new ideas in practice.
UNIT 2.2 Web Programming HTML Basics - Benchmark standardIntan Jameel
The document discusses the basics of HTML and creating web pages. It outlines the structure of an HTML document which includes the head and body sections. The head section contains the page title and other metadata, while the body section contains the visible page content. It provides steps to create a basic HTML file, save it, create a virtual directory in IIS to host the file, and view it in a web browser. Errors in HTML code must be corrected by editing the source code file.
Designit in Barcelona: an introduction to Generative DesignGuy Haviv
This document introduces various tools for generative design including Core Image Fun House, Quartz Composer, Processing, NodeBox, and Scriptographer. It also discusses techniques for design hacking such as capturing screenshots, extracting icons, understanding the relationship between Illustrator and PDF files, researching application bundles, extracting fonts from PDFs, and leveraging the ubiquity of PDFs on Mac computers. Examples are provided of using these tools and techniques for projects involving interactive posters, visual languages, infographics, and branding identities.
This document introduces basic HTML tags used in Microsoft Office source code, including the head, body, paragraph, and heading tags. The head tag provides metadata, the body tag defines the document content, paragraph tags create paragraphs, and heading tags specify heading sizes and styles. Hands-on exercises guide the reader to open documents and identify these tags in the source code.
This document provides an overview of a lesson on working conditions. It introduces the topic by having students discuss their expectations for working conditions. It then outlines the learning objectives, which are to explain differences in working conditions between developing and developed countries, participate in discussions on fair working conditions, and articulate beliefs about fair working conditions as future workers. The lesson will involve researching current working conditions, including looking at a "good" employer and the garment industry. Students will use a Four Corners protocol to express opinions on statements about wages and responsibilities regarding working conditions. The homework is independent reading for 15-20 minutes.
- Publiwide offers an interactive multimedia eTextbook platform that allows for the digital publication and global distribution of textbooks online through mobile apps and web readers.
- The platform provides tools for content creation, marketing, and commerce to help publishers transition to digital formats and take advantage of interactivity, global reach, and reduced costs compared to print.
- Key features of the platform include ePub format support, integration of multimedia elements like video and audio, interactive elements like quizzes and bookmarks, and an ecommerce module for online sales.
This presentation teaches how to browse and search the World Wide Web. A web page contains information as text, pictures, audio or video. A website is a collection of related web pages, with the first page called the home page. The World Wide Web (WWW) contains a huge collection of websites. Search engines like Google can be used to find web pages containing specific keywords. Operators like AND, OR and NOT allow searching by multiple keywords or excluding certain keywords. Hands-on exercises provide practice finding information on the internet about topics like universities, sports, programs of study and countries.
A brief look at the features of Mobile as a marketing platform and how it has been leveraged by organisations.
For India: What are the challenges and opportunities Mobile presents as a marketing medium.
The presentation provides an overview of the R&D activities of the Learning Analytics topic at the Open Universiteit in October 2013.
Drachsler, H., Specht, M. (2013).
Language learning and teaching through social mediaLis Parcell
狠狠撸s for the event "Utilizing digital technology and social media in language classes" hosted by the Centre for Lifelong Learning at Cardiff University and funded by HEA Arts and Humanities. An image based presentation with activities focusses on principles of effective social media engagement which might be applied to language teaching. Materials developed with help from Esther Barrett.
Open Educational Resources and Practices for Higher EducationLis Parcell
Presentation delivered by Lis Parcell (Jisc RSC Wales) and Julia Ault (University of Wales: Trinity Saint David) at the Coleg Sir Gar HE Conference 1 July 2013. It included Ope
The document provides instructions for students on their research work for the day. It asks them to review questions from the previous day and identify effective ones. The learning objectives are to read sources and identify information to answer a research question, and generate supporting questions. Students are directed to review their Researcher's Roadmap Chart and select a new source, then assess their skills by reading and underlining a short article to answer questions. Homework includes continuing independent reading and starting a project.
The document provides instructions for students to work on creating an e-brochure about a book in the computer lab. Students are told to sit with their partner, work only on the brochure project, and complete their slides that day. They are also assigned 15-20 minutes of independent reading for homework to be finished the next day.
This document discusses the convergence of content and technologies to enable content prosumption. It notes that users want access to data everywhere and at all times. This leads to opportunities for innovative user experiences, data navigation, syndication, and monetization. The market is prepared for these opportunities with growing areas like digital marketing, social networks, and second screens. Future directions include developing a coherent data ecosystem, personalization based on user context, multi-device experiences, and maximizing collaboration between related projects.
Building advocacy and trust: social media for engagementLis Parcell
A slide deck used by myself and my Jisc RSC Wales colleague Esther Barrett to support our workshop at the Jisc Digital Festival 11-12 March 2014 in Birmingham, UK #digifest14. Apologies it is a pdf and not the full ppt with notes. This is due to a temporary fault on 狠狠撸share. We'll load a version with notes as soon as we can!
The document provides instructions for students to analyze the poem "Introduction to Poetry". It asks students to sketch three images inspired by the poem's title. It then prompts students to consider what the speaker is trying to say in the poem and to take a closer look at it. The poem is then presented, along with learning objectives about identifying poetic devices and finding layers of meaning in poems.
This document provides instructions for students for their research work. It outlines the tasks for the day which include reviewing their research questions and choosing one to focus on, reading their assigned article with a partner and taking notes, and learning how to synthesize information by reviewing a model. Students are directed to use different colored pencils to identify questions and information in their research notebook to focus on for future research. The document emphasizes reading strategies and taking thorough notes to aid in the research process.
UNIT 2.2 Web Programming HTML Basics - Benchmark standardIntan Jameel
The document discusses the basics of HTML and creating web pages. It outlines the structure of an HTML document which includes the head and body sections. The head section contains the page title and other metadata, while the body section contains the visible page content. It provides steps to create a basic HTML file, save it, create a virtual directory in IIS to host the file, and view it in a web browser. Errors in HTML code must be corrected by editing the source code file.
Designit in Barcelona: an introduction to Generative DesignGuy Haviv
This document introduces various tools for generative design including Core Image Fun House, Quartz Composer, Processing, NodeBox, and Scriptographer. It also discusses techniques for design hacking such as capturing screenshots, extracting icons, understanding the relationship between Illustrator and PDF files, researching application bundles, extracting fonts from PDFs, and leveraging the ubiquity of PDFs on Mac computers. Examples are provided of using these tools and techniques for projects involving interactive posters, visual languages, infographics, and branding identities.
This document introduces basic HTML tags used in Microsoft Office source code, including the head, body, paragraph, and heading tags. The head tag provides metadata, the body tag defines the document content, paragraph tags create paragraphs, and heading tags specify heading sizes and styles. Hands-on exercises guide the reader to open documents and identify these tags in the source code.
This document provides an overview of a lesson on working conditions. It introduces the topic by having students discuss their expectations for working conditions. It then outlines the learning objectives, which are to explain differences in working conditions between developing and developed countries, participate in discussions on fair working conditions, and articulate beliefs about fair working conditions as future workers. The lesson will involve researching current working conditions, including looking at a "good" employer and the garment industry. Students will use a Four Corners protocol to express opinions on statements about wages and responsibilities regarding working conditions. The homework is independent reading for 15-20 minutes.
- Publiwide offers an interactive multimedia eTextbook platform that allows for the digital publication and global distribution of textbooks online through mobile apps and web readers.
- The platform provides tools for content creation, marketing, and commerce to help publishers transition to digital formats and take advantage of interactivity, global reach, and reduced costs compared to print.
- Key features of the platform include ePub format support, integration of multimedia elements like video and audio, interactive elements like quizzes and bookmarks, and an ecommerce module for online sales.
This presentation teaches how to browse and search the World Wide Web. A web page contains information as text, pictures, audio or video. A website is a collection of related web pages, with the first page called the home page. The World Wide Web (WWW) contains a huge collection of websites. Search engines like Google can be used to find web pages containing specific keywords. Operators like AND, OR and NOT allow searching by multiple keywords or excluding certain keywords. Hands-on exercises provide practice finding information on the internet about topics like universities, sports, programs of study and countries.
A brief look at the features of Mobile as a marketing platform and how it has been leveraged by organisations.
For India: What are the challenges and opportunities Mobile presents as a marketing medium.
The presentation provides an overview of the R&D activities of the Learning Analytics topic at the Open Universiteit in October 2013.
Drachsler, H., Specht, M. (2013).
Language learning and teaching through social mediaLis Parcell
狠狠撸s for the event "Utilizing digital technology and social media in language classes" hosted by the Centre for Lifelong Learning at Cardiff University and funded by HEA Arts and Humanities. An image based presentation with activities focusses on principles of effective social media engagement which might be applied to language teaching. Materials developed with help from Esther Barrett.
Open Educational Resources and Practices for Higher EducationLis Parcell
Presentation delivered by Lis Parcell (Jisc RSC Wales) and Julia Ault (University of Wales: Trinity Saint David) at the Coleg Sir Gar HE Conference 1 July 2013. It included Ope
The document provides instructions for students on their research work for the day. It asks them to review questions from the previous day and identify effective ones. The learning objectives are to read sources and identify information to answer a research question, and generate supporting questions. Students are directed to review their Researcher's Roadmap Chart and select a new source, then assess their skills by reading and underlining a short article to answer questions. Homework includes continuing independent reading and starting a project.
The document provides instructions for students to work on creating an e-brochure about a book in the computer lab. Students are told to sit with their partner, work only on the brochure project, and complete their slides that day. They are also assigned 15-20 minutes of independent reading for homework to be finished the next day.
This document discusses the convergence of content and technologies to enable content prosumption. It notes that users want access to data everywhere and at all times. This leads to opportunities for innovative user experiences, data navigation, syndication, and monetization. The market is prepared for these opportunities with growing areas like digital marketing, social networks, and second screens. Future directions include developing a coherent data ecosystem, personalization based on user context, multi-device experiences, and maximizing collaboration between related projects.
Building advocacy and trust: social media for engagementLis Parcell
A slide deck used by myself and my Jisc RSC Wales colleague Esther Barrett to support our workshop at the Jisc Digital Festival 11-12 March 2014 in Birmingham, UK #digifest14. Apologies it is a pdf and not the full ppt with notes. This is due to a temporary fault on 狠狠撸share. We'll load a version with notes as soon as we can!
The document provides instructions for students to analyze the poem "Introduction to Poetry". It asks students to sketch three images inspired by the poem's title. It then prompts students to consider what the speaker is trying to say in the poem and to take a closer look at it. The poem is then presented, along with learning objectives about identifying poetic devices and finding layers of meaning in poems.
This document provides instructions for students for their research work. It outlines the tasks for the day which include reviewing their research questions and choosing one to focus on, reading their assigned article with a partner and taking notes, and learning how to synthesize information by reviewing a model. Students are directed to use different colored pencils to identify questions and information in their research notebook to focus on for future research. The document emphasizes reading strategies and taking thorough notes to aid in the research process.
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