Windows IOCP vs Linux EPOLL Performance ComparisonSeungmo Koo
1. The document compares the performance of IOCP and EPOLL for network I/O handling on Windows and Linux servers.
2. Testing showed that throughput was similar between IOCP and EPOLL, but IOCP had lower overall CPU usage without RSS/multi-queue enabled.
3. With RSS/multi-queue enabled on the NIC, CPU usage was nearly identical between IOCP and EPOLL.
This document provides an introduction and overview of Ansible, including its main features, installation process, inventory file configuration, ad-hoc command execution, playbook usage, roles, variables, and conditions. Ansible is an automation tool that can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more complex IT workloads. It uses SSH and does not require installing any agents on remote systems. Playbooks allow defining entire deployment processes as code for multi-machine orchestration.
Material prepared to present top government officials of NISG (National Institute for Small Governance) workshop at New Delhi by CCICI App Factory Task Force.
Windows IOCP vs Linux EPOLL Performance ComparisonSeungmo Koo
1. The document compares the performance of IOCP and EPOLL for network I/O handling on Windows and Linux servers.
2. Testing showed that throughput was similar between IOCP and EPOLL, but IOCP had lower overall CPU usage without RSS/multi-queue enabled.
3. With RSS/multi-queue enabled on the NIC, CPU usage was nearly identical between IOCP and EPOLL.
This document provides an introduction and overview of Ansible, including its main features, installation process, inventory file configuration, ad-hoc command execution, playbook usage, roles, variables, and conditions. Ansible is an automation tool that can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more complex IT workloads. It uses SSH and does not require installing any agents on remote systems. Playbooks allow defining entire deployment processes as code for multi-machine orchestration.
Material prepared to present top government officials of NISG (National Institute for Small Governance) workshop at New Delhi by CCICI App Factory Task Force.