[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - Grafana를 이용한 OpenStack 클라우드 성능 모니터링OpenStack Korea Community- 발표자: 고려대학교 임재민
- 자료: /openstack_kr/openinfra-days-korea-2018-track-4-grafana-openstack
[오픈소스컨설팅] 쿠버네티스와 쿠버네티스 on 오픈스택 비교 및 구축 방법Open Source ConsultingKubernetes와 Kubernetes on OpenStack 환경의 비교와 그 구축방법에 대해서 알아봅니다.
1. 클라우드 동향
2. Kubernetes vs Kubernetes on OpenStack
3. Kubernetes on OpenStack 구축 방벙
4. Kubernetes on OpenStack 운영 방법
[2D1]Elasticsearch 성능 최적화NAVER D2This document discusses Elasticsearch, including understanding how it works and optimizing performance. It covers Elasticsearch concepts like clusters, indexes, shards and nodes. It also discusses installing and configuring Elasticsearch, modeling data, indexing and querying optimizations. Lastly it discusses integrating Elasticsearch with Hadoop and using SQL on Elasticsearch.
ElasticSearch in actionCodemotion"ElasticSearch in action" by Thijs Feryn.
ElasticSearch is a really powerful search engine, NoSQL database & analytics engine. It is fast, it scales and it's a child of the Cloud/BigData generation. This talk will show you how to get things done using ElasticSearch. The focus is on doing actual work, creating actual queries and achieving actual results. Topics that will be covered: - Filters and queries - Cluster, shard and index management - Data mapping - Analyzers and tokenizers - Aggregations - ElasticSearch as part of the ELK stack - Integration in your code.
Storing 16 Bytes at ScaleFabian ReinartzThe document discusses techniques for storing time series data at scale in a time series database (TSDB). It describes storing 16 bytes of data per sample by compressing timestamps and values. It proposes organizing data into blocks, chunks, and files to handle high churn rates. An index structure uses unique IDs and sorted label mappings to enable efficient queries over millions of time series and billions of samples. Benchmarks show the TSDB can handle over 100,000 samples/second while keeping memory, CPU and disk usage low.
Elastic Stack & Data pipeline (1장)Jongho Woo– Elastic stack과 Data pipeline의 개념
– 데이터의 종류와 형태 / Document 데이터 모델링 (mapping, data type)
– 분산 데이터 저장소 관점에서의 Elasticsearch (index, shard & replica, segment)
Prometheus monitoringHien Nguyen VanThe document provides an introduction and overview of Prometheus for monitoring systems. It discusses key concepts such as metric types, exposing metrics through HTTP endpoints, querying metrics with PromQL, and creating alerts. It also covers visualizing data with Grafana, using ServiceMonitors to monitor Kubernetes services, and leveraging exporters to get additional system metrics. The overall document serves as a tutorial for getting started with Prometheus and its monitoring capabilities.
Nginx EssentialGong HaibingThis document outlines an agenda for an Nginx essentials presentation. The presentation introduces concepts like HTTP protocols and web servers. It covers installing and configuring Nginx, including its HTTP module and features like load balancing and SSL. It also discusses debugging, customizing Nginx using modules like Tengine and OpenResty, and provides example use cases and references for further reading.
카프카, 산전수전 노하우if kakao고승범(peter.ko) / kakao corp.(인프라2팀)
카카오에서는 빅데이터 분석, 처리부터 모든 개발 플랫폼을 이어주는 솔루션으로 급부상한 카프카(kafka)를 전사 공용 서비스로 운영하고 있습니다. 전사 공용 카프카를 직접 운영하면서 경험한 트러블슈팅과 운영 노하우 등을 공유하고자 합니다. 특히 카프카를 처음 접하시는 분들이나 이미 사용 중이신 분들이 많이 궁금해하는 프로듀서와 컨슈머 사용 시의 주의점 등에 대해서도 설명합니다.
Learn nginx in 90minsLarry CaiThis document outlines an agenda to learn Nginx in 90 minutes through a series of exercises. It introduces Nginx as an HTTP and reverse proxy server, discusses setting up the environment using Docker, and provides 5 exercises to learn basic Nginx configurations including setting up a first web page, proxying to an Apache server, load balancing across multiple servers with CDN, adding HTTP basic authentication, and enabling HTTPS with basic authentication.
[오픈소스컨설팅]오픈스택에 대하여Ji-Woong Choi오픈스택이 가진 기술에 대하여 설명합니다.
1. 오픈소스기반 OpenStack 클라우드 시스템
2. OpenStack 기술 개요 및 동향
3. OpenStack 의 Community 개발 체계
4. OpenStack HA를 위한 방안
5. OpenStack SDN 개발 동향
6. Neutron OVS-DPDK 가속화와 구현방안
How Apache Kafka® WorksconfluentWatch this talk here: https://www.confluent.io/online-talks/how-apache-kafka-works-on-demand
Pick up best practices for developing applications that use Apache Kafka, beginning with a high level code overview for a basic producer and consumer. From there we’ll cover strategies for building powerful stream processing applications, including high availability through replication, data retention policies, producer design and producer guarantees.
We’ll delve into the details of delivery guarantees, including exactly-once semantics, partition strategies and consumer group rebalances. The talk will finish with a discussion of compacted topics, troubleshooting strategies and a security overview.
This session is part 3 of 4 in our Fundamentals for Apache Kafka series.
NGINX: Basics & Best Practices - EMEA BroadcastNGINX, Inc.This document provides an overview of installing and configuring the NGINX web server. It discusses installing NGINX from official repositories or from source on Linux systems like Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS and Red Hat. It also covers verifying the installation, basic configurations for web serving, reverse proxying, load balancing and caching. The document discusses modifications that can be made to the main nginx.conf file to improve performance and reliability. It also covers monitoring NGINX using status pages and logs, and summarizes key documentation resources.
5 things you didn't know nginx could dosarahnovotnyNGINX is a well kept secret of high performance web service. Many people know NGINX as an Open Source web server that delivers static content blazingly fast. But, it has many more features to help accelerate delivery of bits to your end users even in more complicated application environments. In this talk we'll cover several things that most developers or administrators could implement to further delight their end users.
Data Pipelines with Apache KafkaBen StopfordKafka is a distributed streaming platform that allows for publishing and subscribing to streams of records. It provides low latency and high throughput processing of streams of records. Key features include replication across clusters for fault tolerance, partitioning for scalability, and ordering of records. Common uses of Kafka include building event driven microservices, stream processing, and serving as the data backbone for real-time analytics applications.
High Availability Content Caching with NGINXNGINX, Inc.On-Demand Recording:
You trust NGINX to be your web server, but did you know it’s also a high-performance content cache? In fact, the world’s most popular CDNs – CloudFlare, MaxCDN, and Level 3 among them – are built on top of the open source NGINX software.
NGINX content caching can drastically improve the performance of your applications. We’ll start with basic configuration, then move on to advanced concepts and best practices for architecting high availability and capacity in your application infrastructure.
Join this webinar to:
* Enable content caching with the key configuration directives
* Use micro caching with NGINX Plus to cache dynamic content while maintaining low CPU utilization
* Partition your cache across multiple servers for high availability and increased capacity
* Log transactions and troubleshoot your NGINX content cache
Taking Security Groups to Ludicrous Speed with OVS (OpenStack Summit 2015)Thomas GrafOpen vSwitch (OVS) has long been a critical component of the Neutron's reference implementation, offering reliable and flexible virtual switching for cloud environments.
Being an early adopter of the OVS technology, Neutron's reference implementation made some compromises to stay within the early, stable featureset OVS exposed. In particular, Security Groups (SG) have been so far implemented by leveraging hybrid Linux Bridging and IPTables, which come at a significant performance overhead. However, thanks to recent developments and ongoing improvements within the OVS community, we are now able to implement feature-complete security groups directly within OVS.
In this talk we will summarize the existing Security Groups implementation in Neutron and compare its performance with the Open vSwitch-only approach. We hope this analysis will form the foundation of future improvements to the Neutron Open vSwitch reference design.
[Pgday.Seoul 2017] 6. GIN vs GiST 인덱스 이야기 - 박진우PgDay.SeoulB-tree is ideal for unique values while GIN is ideal for indexes with many duplicates. GIST can index most data types and is useful for operations like containment and overlap. A comparison found that GIN indexes have faster search times but slower update times than GiST indexes, and GIN indexes are larger in size and take longer to build. In summary, the best index type depends on the data characteristics and query operations.
Storing 16 Bytes at ScaleFabian ReinartzThe document discusses techniques for storing time series data at scale in a time series database (TSDB). It describes storing 16 bytes of data per sample by compressing timestamps and values. It proposes organizing data into blocks, chunks, and files to handle high churn rates. An index structure uses unique IDs and sorted label mappings to enable efficient queries over millions of time series and billions of samples. Benchmarks show the TSDB can handle over 100,000 samples/second while keeping memory, CPU and disk usage low.
Elastic Stack & Data pipeline (1장)Jongho Woo– Elastic stack과 Data pipeline의 개념
– 데이터의 종류와 형태 / Document 데이터 모델링 (mapping, data type)
– 분산 데이터 저장소 관점에서의 Elasticsearch (index, shard & replica, segment)
Prometheus monitoringHien Nguyen VanThe document provides an introduction and overview of Prometheus for monitoring systems. It discusses key concepts such as metric types, exposing metrics through HTTP endpoints, querying metrics with PromQL, and creating alerts. It also covers visualizing data with Grafana, using ServiceMonitors to monitor Kubernetes services, and leveraging exporters to get additional system metrics. The overall document serves as a tutorial for getting started with Prometheus and its monitoring capabilities.
Nginx EssentialGong HaibingThis document outlines an agenda for an Nginx essentials presentation. The presentation introduces concepts like HTTP protocols and web servers. It covers installing and configuring Nginx, including its HTTP module and features like load balancing and SSL. It also discusses debugging, customizing Nginx using modules like Tengine and OpenResty, and provides example use cases and references for further reading.
카프카, 산전수전 노하우if kakao고승범(peter.ko) / kakao corp.(인프라2팀)
카카오에서는 빅데이터 분석, 처리부터 모든 개발 플랫폼을 이어주는 솔루션으로 급부상한 카프카(kafka)를 전사 공용 서비스로 운영하고 있습니다. 전사 공용 카프카를 직접 운영하면서 경험한 트러블슈팅과 운영 노하우 등을 공유하고자 합니다. 특히 카프카를 처음 접하시는 분들이나 이미 사용 중이신 분들이 많이 궁금해하는 프로듀서와 컨슈머 사용 시의 주의점 등에 대해서도 설명합니다.
Learn nginx in 90minsLarry CaiThis document outlines an agenda to learn Nginx in 90 minutes through a series of exercises. It introduces Nginx as an HTTP and reverse proxy server, discusses setting up the environment using Docker, and provides 5 exercises to learn basic Nginx configurations including setting up a first web page, proxying to an Apache server, load balancing across multiple servers with CDN, adding HTTP basic authentication, and enabling HTTPS with basic authentication.
[오픈소스컨설팅]오픈스택에 대하여Ji-Woong Choi오픈스택이 가진 기술에 대하여 설명합니다.
1. 오픈소스기반 OpenStack 클라우드 시스템
2. OpenStack 기술 개요 및 동향
3. OpenStack 의 Community 개발 체계
4. OpenStack HA를 위한 방안
5. OpenStack SDN 개발 동향
6. Neutron OVS-DPDK 가속화와 구현방안
How Apache Kafka® WorksconfluentWatch this talk here: https://www.confluent.io/online-talks/how-apache-kafka-works-on-demand
Pick up best practices for developing applications that use Apache Kafka, beginning with a high level code overview for a basic producer and consumer. From there we’ll cover strategies for building powerful stream processing applications, including high availability through replication, data retention policies, producer design and producer guarantees.
We’ll delve into the details of delivery guarantees, including exactly-once semantics, partition strategies and consumer group rebalances. The talk will finish with a discussion of compacted topics, troubleshooting strategies and a security overview.
This session is part 3 of 4 in our Fundamentals for Apache Kafka series.
NGINX: Basics & Best Practices - EMEA BroadcastNGINX, Inc.This document provides an overview of installing and configuring the NGINX web server. It discusses installing NGINX from official repositories or from source on Linux systems like Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS and Red Hat. It also covers verifying the installation, basic configurations for web serving, reverse proxying, load balancing and caching. The document discusses modifications that can be made to the main nginx.conf file to improve performance and reliability. It also covers monitoring NGINX using status pages and logs, and summarizes key documentation resources.
5 things you didn't know nginx could dosarahnovotnyNGINX is a well kept secret of high performance web service. Many people know NGINX as an Open Source web server that delivers static content blazingly fast. But, it has many more features to help accelerate delivery of bits to your end users even in more complicated application environments. In this talk we'll cover several things that most developers or administrators could implement to further delight their end users.
Data Pipelines with Apache KafkaBen StopfordKafka is a distributed streaming platform that allows for publishing and subscribing to streams of records. It provides low latency and high throughput processing of streams of records. Key features include replication across clusters for fault tolerance, partitioning for scalability, and ordering of records. Common uses of Kafka include building event driven microservices, stream processing, and serving as the data backbone for real-time analytics applications.
High Availability Content Caching with NGINXNGINX, Inc.On-Demand Recording:
You trust NGINX to be your web server, but did you know it’s also a high-performance content cache? In fact, the world’s most popular CDNs – CloudFlare, MaxCDN, and Level 3 among them – are built on top of the open source NGINX software.
NGINX content caching can drastically improve the performance of your applications. We’ll start with basic configuration, then move on to advanced concepts and best practices for architecting high availability and capacity in your application infrastructure.
Join this webinar to:
* Enable content caching with the key configuration directives
* Use micro caching with NGINX Plus to cache dynamic content while maintaining low CPU utilization
* Partition your cache across multiple servers for high availability and increased capacity
* Log transactions and troubleshoot your NGINX content cache
Taking Security Groups to Ludicrous Speed with OVS (OpenStack Summit 2015)Thomas GrafOpen vSwitch (OVS) has long been a critical component of the Neutron's reference implementation, offering reliable and flexible virtual switching for cloud environments.
Being an early adopter of the OVS technology, Neutron's reference implementation made some compromises to stay within the early, stable featureset OVS exposed. In particular, Security Groups (SG) have been so far implemented by leveraging hybrid Linux Bridging and IPTables, which come at a significant performance overhead. However, thanks to recent developments and ongoing improvements within the OVS community, we are now able to implement feature-complete security groups directly within OVS.
In this talk we will summarize the existing Security Groups implementation in Neutron and compare its performance with the Open vSwitch-only approach. We hope this analysis will form the foundation of future improvements to the Neutron Open vSwitch reference design.
[Pgday.Seoul 2017] 6. GIN vs GiST 인덱스 이야기 - 박진우PgDay.SeoulB-tree is ideal for unique values while GIN is ideal for indexes with many duplicates. GIST can index most data types and is useful for operations like containment and overlap. A comparison found that GIN indexes have faster search times but slower update times than GiST indexes, and GIN indexes are larger in size and take longer to build. In summary, the best index type depends on the data characteristics and query operations.
Resource Handling in Spring MVCArawn ParkAdied 2014, 봄싹 세미나에서 발표한 `Resource Handling in Spring MVC`의 발표자료입니다.
주요 내용으로 Spring MVC에서 정적 자원(css, js, etc)을 다루는 방법을 다루고 있습니다.
데모 코드 : https://github.com/arawn/resource-handling-in-springmvc
차곡차곡 쉽게 알아가는 Elasticsearch와 Node.jsHeeJung Hwang오픈소스 검색엔진인 Elasticsearch 어떻게 저장하고 조회하는지 검색엔진의 개념에 대해서 간단히 살펴보고, Node.js 로 구현된 아주 간단한 예제를 소개합니다.
- 검색엔진과 Elasticsearch 소개
- Elasticsearch에서의 색인
- Elasticsearch에서의 조회
- Node.js 로 구현된 예제 소개
* 자바카페
자바카페 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/groups/javacafe/
자바카페 기술 블로그 : http://tech.javacafe.io/
Gaming on AWS - 4. 인프라 자동화와 유용한 7가지 TipAmazon Web Services Korea2015년 9월 2일에 열린 아마존 웹서비스의 게임 개발 컨퍼런스 Gaming on AWS에서 발표된 양승도 솔루션즈 아키텍트의 강연 '인프라 자동화와 유용한 7가지 Tip'의 발표자료입니다.
Partner Story(Megazone): 금융사 실전 프로젝트 DeepDive ElasticsearchElastic 을 활용한 금융사 실전 프로젝트를 통해 Audit, 개인정보 비식별화 이슈 해결 사례 및 ES-Hadoop 간 데이터 연계,Watcher를 통한 실시간 Trigger 에 대한 경험, 고려 사항 등을 고객분들과 공유합니다.
Elastic Search Performance Optimization - Deview 2014GruterElastic Search Performance Optimization (in Korean)
Presented by Ho-wook Jeong, search specialist at Gruter, at DeView 2014, Sep. 30 in Seoul Korea
Do IoT Yourself! - 사물 간의 연결을 위한 Open APIHyunghun ChoDo IoT Yourself 세미나의 세 번째 발표 자료 프리뷰입니다.
이번 세미나에서는 지난 세미나에서 개발한 아두이노 기반 온도 센서 정보를 RESTful Web API 형태의 Open API로 개발하는 과정을 다룹니다.
프리뷰 자료이기 때문에 이후 수정, 변경될 가능성이 있으니 양해 바랍니다.
5. 데이터 저장 – 관계 DB
PK Text
Doc 1 blue sky green land red sun
Doc 2 blue ocean green land
Doc 3 red flower blue sky
• PK, Index, 칼럼을 기준으로 순서대로 검색.
6. 데이터 저장 – 역파일 색인
검색어가 가리키는
대상 문서
검색어가 가리키는
대상 문서
blue Doc 1, Doc 2, Doc 3 red Doc 1, Doc 3
sky Doc 1, Doc 3 ocean Doc 2
green Doc 1, Doc 2 flower Doc 3
land Doc 1, Doc 2 sun Doc 1
• 본문의 검색어를 먼저 추출한 뒤 검색어에 해당하는 문서
를 찾음
8. 관계DB vs 엘라스틱서치
GET Read Select
PUT Update Update
POST Create Insert
DELETE Delete Delete
관계 DB 엘라스틱서치
데이터베이스 (Database) 인덱스 (index)
테이블(Table) 타입(Type)
열(Row) 도큐먼트 (Document)
행(Column) 필드(Field)
스키마(Schema) 매핑(Mapping)
9. Restful API
• 단일 URL를 통한 자원의 접근
• http 메소드를 이용해서 자원 처리
• Not Rest
• 추가 : http://site.com/user.jsp?cmd=add&id=user1&name=kim
• 조회 : http://site.com/user.jsp?id=user1
• 수정 : http://site.com/user.jsp?cmd=modify&id=user1&name=lee
• 삭제 : http://site.com/user.jsp?cmd=delete&id=user1
• Rest
• 추가 : -POST http://site.com/user/user1 {name:kim}
• 조회 : -GET http://site.com/user/user1
• 수정 : -PUT http://site.com/user/user1 {name:lee}
• 삭제 : -DELETE http://site.com/user/user1
12. 클러스터(cluster)
• 엘라스틱서치 시스템의 가장 큰 단위
• 하나의 클러스터는 다수의 노드로 구성
• 하나의 클러스터를 다수의 서버로 바인딩 해서 운영, 또는
역으로 하나의 서버에서 다수의 클러스터 운용 가능
cluster.name: elasticsearch
$ bin/elasticsearch --cluster.name=elasticsearch
13. 노드 (Node)
• 엘라스틱서치를 구성하는 하나의 단위 프로세스
• 다수의 샤드로 구성됨
• 같은 클러스터명을 가진 노드들은 자동으로 바인딩 됨
node.name: "Node1"
$ bin/elasticsearch --node.name=Node1
14. 노드 (Node)
• http 통신 포트 : 9200~ 차례대로 증가
• 노드 간 데이터 교환 포트 : 9300~ 차례대로 증가
클러스터 : elasticsearch
17. master node & data node
• 마스터 노드 : 클러스터 상태 관리
• 데이터 노드 : 데이터 입/출력, 검색 수행
node.master: true
node.data: true
$ bin/elasticsearch --node.master=true --node.data=true
25. 텀(Term)
검색어 (term) 검색어가 가리키는 대상 문서
william books/book/1, books/book/2
shakespeare books/book/1, books/book/2
twain books/book/3
mark books/book/3