جوامع الدعاء من صحيح السنة النبوية و الأدعية الماثورة و القرأن- إعداد هاني ...Hany Fotouhجوامع الدعاء من صحيح السنة النبوية و الأدعية الماثورة و القرأن
جوامع الدعاء من صحيح السنة النبوية و الأدعية الماثورة و القرأن- إعداد هاني ...Hany Fotouhجوامع الدعاء من صحيح السنة النبوية و الأدعية الماثورة و القرأن
Egypt is at war against terrorismislamtics defaultEgypt is at war Against terrorism
The Egyptian people while they vote YES for the new constitution, they ask General El-Sisi to be their president..
أدعية النبي صلى الله عليه وسلمNoor Al Islamكتيب لفضيلة الشيخ عبد المحسن بن حمد العباد البدر - حفظه الله - فيه أدعيةٌ نبويةٌ صحيحةٌ ثابتةٌ في الصحيحين وغيرهما من كتب السنة مأخوذةٌ من كتاب "تبصير الناسك بأحكام المناسك".
Ramadan best wishesislamtics defaultRamadan best wishes
رمضان مبارك ، تقبل الله صيامكم وقيامكم..
Ramadan Mubarak, may Allah accept your fasting and prayers
Protests in egyptislamtics defaultProtests in Egypt called for the ouster of President Morsy on the one-year anniversary of him coming into office. Demonstrators gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square and other locations, with some supporters of Morsy conducting training and prayers. The protests turned deadly as Morsy's opponents stormed the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters and clashes occurred between sides.
Ramadan mubarakislamtics defaultRamadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar during which Muslims fast from dawn to sunset. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam and involves abstaining from food, drink, and other pleasures. The start and end dates of Ramadan shift each year based on the lunar calendar. During this month, Muslims prepare spiritually through prayer and good deeds. Fasting is meant to bring humility and draw people closer to Allah through self-control and reflection on faith.
Ramadan tipsislamtics defaultRamadan tips provide guidance on proper fasting etiquette and maximizing worship during Ramadan. Fasting teaches patience and gratitude, and helps curb desires and strengthen willpower. Key tips include breaking fast with dates as the Prophet did, avoiding overeating at iftar, praying taraweeh after Isha, seeking forgiveness, and focusing on the Quran and spiritual goals rather than socializing. Fasting has many benefits like expiation of sins and entry into Jannah.
Wives of muhammad sawislamtics defaultThe Prophet Muhammad had 12 wives for political, social, and religious reasons rather than lust. He first married Khadijah at age 25 and remained with her for 25 years until her death when he was 52. After a period of mourning, he married several more times to spread Islam, strengthen bonds with companions, reward widows and divorcees, serve as a role model, and form alliances with other groups. His marriages were not unusual for the times and helped advance Islam in various ways rather than being motivated by lust.
Islamic quotes 4islamtics defaultThis document discusses Islamic quotes and sayings in three parts. It provides inspirational and thought-provoking quotes from the Quran and hadith to help guide Muslims in their daily lives and strengthen their faith. The quotes touch on topics like patience, gratitude, humility, and trusting in God. Overall, the document aims to encourage and motivate Muslims with words of wisdom from their religious texts.
From the best sayings2islamtics defaultThe document contains a collection of quotes and sayings related to Islam. Some of the key messages conveyed are:
- Islam is defined by what Muslims are supposed to do rather than just their actions.
- Difficult times can make us stronger if we endure them patiently.
- We should focus on pleasing Allah in all our words and deeds.
- We must trust that Allah knows best and has our best interests in mind.
- Being kind and polite to others is important as good deeds may lead to rewards in the hereafter.
From the best sayings 1islamtics defaultThis document contains several short passages and sayings related to Islamic faith and spirituality. It encourages spending time in worship like prayer and reading Quran, being patient during difficulties, showing kindness to others, and putting one's trust in Allah. It advises against judging others or thinking badly of fellow Muslims. It emphasizes living according to what pleases Allah and saying "Alhamdulillah" in all circumstances.
Flowers for youislamtics defaultIndeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding.
Amazing flowers photos.:)
Amazing flowersislamtics defaultIndeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding.
Islamic quotes 3islamtics defaultThis document discusses Islamic quotes and sayings in three parts. It provides inspirational and thought-provoking quotes from the Quran and teachings of Prophet Muhammad around themes of faith, worship, morality, wisdom and more. The quotes aim to help Muslims strengthen their faith and character through reflecting on the words of God and His messenger.
Islamic quotes 2islamtics defaultThis document provides links to two websites, one on ݺߣShare about a user named effat57 and the other a Facebook page for Islamic Quotes. The ݺߣShare link is for a user profile on the site, while the Facebook link is for a page dedicated to sharing Islamic quotes.
Islamic quotes 1islamtics defaultThis document discusses Islamic quotes and teachings. It provides inspirational sayings from the Prophet Muhammad to help guide Muslims in their daily lives and strengthen their faith. The quotes touch on topics like patience, gratitude, humility, and trusting in God's divine will and plan.
Amazing water worldislamtics defaultThe document expresses love and praise for Allah as the Creator. It begins with glorifying Allah and praising Him. It states that when one truly falls in love with a work of art, they would do anything to meet the artist, and that the greatest work of art is creation itself, so true love is feeling towards Allah as the Creator.
Nature gallery islamtics defaultThis 3 sentence summary provides the key details from the document:
The document is a passage from the Quran discussing signs in the creation of the heavens, earth, night and day for those who understand. It notes the creation of the heavens and earth, as well as the alternation between night and day as signs. The specific passage is from Surat Al-'Imran (The Family of Imran), verse 190.
Secrets universe-quranislamtics defaultThis document discusses scientific discoveries that align with descriptions of the universe in the Quran. It notes that modern scientists have found the universe to be a perfectly woven, interconnecting structure like a building or web, matching a Quranic verse. Scientists also now describe early clouds of gas atoms in space as "smoke", coinciding with the Quran. The author hopes exploring these alignments increases faith and guides disbelievers to truth.
Secrets of-nemeric miracle-in-holy_qoranislamtics defaultThis document discusses the numeric miracles found in the Quran. It begins by introducing the topic and acknowledging that some doubts have been raised about numeric miracles in the Quran. It then asks several questions to objectively examine criticisms of studying numeric patterns in the Quran. Specifically, it discusses the work of Rashad Khalifa and identifies inaccuracies in some of his analyses. It also questions the practice of assigning numeric values to letters. Finally, it argues that studying numeric miracles can strengthen faith and is a valid new approach given the importance of mathematics today.
Letter of acknowledgment_to_a_non_muslim_scientist1islamtics defaultThe letter thanks non-Muslim scientists for their discoveries that helped illuminate verses in the Quran previously not well understood, like the tight weave of galaxies and existence of deep ocean waves. It provides several examples where modern scientific discoveries aligned with descriptions in the Quran from over 1400 years ago, increasing the author's faith. The letter encourages scientists to read the Quran for themselves, pointing out statistical anomalies like certain words being mentioned the same number of times, indicating it was divinely authored.
Letter of acknowledgment_to_a_non_muslim_scientist1islamtics default
ادعية رمضان
1. أدعية لشهر رمضان المُبارك هذه أدعية طيبة إن شاء الله ليس واجب على المسلمين قولها في أيام شهر رمضان المبارك ولكن الواحد منا يحب أن يستزيد الفضل والخير في شهر الخير .
20. أللّهُمَّ وَفِّر فيهِ حَظّي مِن بَرَكاتِهِ ، وَ سَهِّلْ سَبيلي إلى خيْراتِهِ ، وَ لا تَحْرِمْني قَبُولَ حَسَناتِهِ يا هادِياً إلى الحَقِّ المُبينِ .
21. أللّهُمَّ افْتَحْ لي فيهِ أبوابَ الجِنان ، وَ أغلِقْ عَنَّي فيهِ أبوابَ النِّيرانِ ، وَ وَفِّقْني فيهِ لِتِلاوَةِ القُرانِ يامُنْزِلَ السَّكينَةِ في قُلُوبِ المؤمنين .
22. أللّهُمَّ اجْعَلْ لي فيهِ إلى مَرضاتكَ دَليلاً ، و لا تَجعَلْ لِلشَّيْطانِ فيهِ عَلَيَّ سَبيلاً ، وَ اجْعَلِ الجَنَّةَ لي مَنْزِلاً وَ مَقيلاً ، يا قاضِيَ حَوائج الطالبينَ .