Uso de las tics en el turismo 1005Diana Carolina Munar SamperEl documento describe el impacto de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs) en el turismo. Explica que las TICs son importantes para la promoción y comercialización de servicios turísticos en línea y han facilitado la distribución de información a nivel mundial. También analiza cómo las TICs han ayudado a mejorar la eficiencia de las empresas turísticas y han contribuido al crecimiento del turismo, aunque también plantea algunos desafíos como la pérdida de interacción personal y problemas de
Torricelli%20ranurasCarlos Javier Mariscal PortelaEste documento describe el caudal de líquidos a través de ranuras verticales utilizando la ley de Torricelli. Explica que el caudal a través de una ranura depende de la raíz cuadrada de la diferencia entre el nivel del líquido y la altura de la ranura. También analiza el caudal entre dos estanques acoplados y cómo determinar el ancho de una ranura necesario para lograr un caudal específico en función del nivel.
redesign2011Nathan BilbaoThe document provides an overview of recent developments in the Department of Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington. It discusses the growth of the PhD program, the formation of an external advisory board, the opening of a new tutoring center by the student association, and the launch of a new Professional Master's degree program. It also highlights faculty, staff, student and alumni accomplishments and provides updates on research, events and awards.
08Helder CamposO documento descreve um estudo sobre a prevalência e características da lombalgia em gestantes. Os principais resultados são: 1) 95% das gestantes relataram dor lombar durante a gestação, sendo que 71% já tinham antes; 2) A dor durou mais de uma hora para 57% das pacientes; 3) Dor lombar e pélvica posterior ocorreram em 67% dos casos.
BÚSQUEDA SIGNIFICATIVAFavi NietoEl documento describe varios desafíos que enfrentan los estudiantes al buscar información, incluyendo que tienen dificultades para localizar y evaluar los mejores recursos y que tienen una visión limitada de la información disponible. También señala que las habilidades de localización, reconocimiento y uso efectivo de la información son críticas. Luego, presenta algunas características comunes de los buenos investigadores como saber lo que buscan, reconocer opciones de búsqueda y vacíos en la investigación.
Aquadron Presentation Legionella Control 2015Nick FlynnThe Aquadron system is an automated water treatment system that uses electrolysis to produce anolyte, a disinfectant solution that kills 99.999% of legionella bacteria within 5 minutes. It allows for a reduction in hot water temperatures, replaces current chemical treatments, lowers maintenance costs, and is widely used across Europe. The system produces a pH neutral sodium hypochlorite solution that complies with UK standards and effectively treats pathogens while removing biofilms and reducing operating costs through energy savings and eliminated chemical use.
Elementos básicos a considerar en la construcción de proyectos de investigaciónFaty Rosales AngónEste documento describe los elementos básicos que deben considerarse al construir proyectos de investigación, incluyendo: 1) definir el problema de estudio, revisar la literatura previa, sujetos y variables de estudio, métodos de recopilación y análisis de datos; 2) desarrollar un calendario y presupuesto; 3) el proyecto de investigación busca planificar actividades para resolver un problema inicial mediante la recopilación y análisis de datos.
Capa pinhãoMarcos de AndradeUm livro que fala sobre a amizade entre dois meninos de classes diferentes, ao mesmo tempo que explora uma aventura policial e futebolística por eles vivia. Uma emocionante história de amizade e companheirismo.
La entrada en el campoKathya MicheLleEste documento describe tres aspectos principales del trabajo de campo: 1) lograr que los informantes se sientan cómodos y ganar su aceptación, 2) estrategias y tácticas para obtener datos, y 3) registrar los datos en notas de campo. También explica que los observadores participantes intentan establecer relaciones abiertas con los informantes y comportarse de manera no intrusiva para que sean parte de la escena y los informantes olviden que están siendo investigados.
Procesos sensoriales de la visión.Dioscoride PaulinoEl documento describe los procesos sensoriales de los cinco sentidos: vista, oído, tacto, gusto y olfato. Explica que la retina recibe la luz incidente y forma una imagen, enfocada a través de la córnea, cristalino e iris. También menciona que la fóvea posibilita la visión detallada y que existe un punto ciego sin células receptoras.
O Globo: Uma redação multimídiaANJ Associação Nacional de JornaisA Redação do jornal O Globo mudou. Veja como e por que as mudanças foram feitas e qual é o impacto disso no jornal que você recebe todos os dias. Uma apresentação de Ascanio Seleme, diretor de Redação de O Globo, durante o Congresso Brasileiro de Jornais, em agosto de 2014.
PGDAV college (Evening):- First Cut-offSynergy Web DesignersPGDAV College has provided the cut-off scores for admission to various undergraduate courses for the current academic year. The cut-offs vary based on category and range from 66 to 92 for general category students. Female students will receive a 2% advantage in all courses. Those seeking to change streams for B.A. (Prog.) and B.Com (Prog.) will have a 4% disadvantage applied. The document lists the cut-offs and is signed by the admission committee convener and acting principal.
armughan CV - Copy - CopyArmughan ShakeelEngr. Muhammad Armughan Shakeel seeks a position in a reputable organization where he can learn and grow as a professional. He has a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering with a 3.3 CGPA and 85% from the University of Engineering and Technology. His internship experience includes a thermal power plant and PTCL. For his final year project, he developed solarization models for buildings using HOMER software. He has skills in software like MATLAB, ETAP, AutoCAD and programming languages. His hobbies include sports and organizing events.
Cover letter Mikala CamachoMikala Camacho is an MSW candidate at the University of Southern California. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Sociology from Concordia University Irvine. She has interned in a variety of settings working with civilians and military personnel. As the daughter of a Veteran, she also has insight into military culture from her classes focused on mental health issues for service members and their families. Her contact information and availability for an interview are provided.
newslettersLinda HaskellLure coursing is a dog sport where dogs chase an artificial lure across an open field. Originally limited to sight hound breeds, the AKC now offers pass/fail trials called Coursing Ability Tests that all breeds can participate in to earn titles. At lure coursing events, dogs are evaluated for fitness to run and each dog gets one run in the morning and afternoon, needing three qualifying runs to earn a title by chasing the lure the full length of the course within a set time. The author found that Bouvier des Flandres, like sight hounds, need no training to chase the lure and thoroughly enjoyed participating in lure coursing, showing their athleticism and unique running style.
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Capa pinhãoMarcos de AndradeUm livro que fala sobre a amizade entre dois meninos de classes diferentes, ao mesmo tempo que explora uma aventura policial e futebolística por eles vivia. Uma emocionante história de amizade e companheirismo.
La entrada en el campoKathya MicheLleEste documento describe tres aspectos principales del trabajo de campo: 1) lograr que los informantes se sientan cómodos y ganar su aceptación, 2) estrategias y tácticas para obtener datos, y 3) registrar los datos en notas de campo. También explica que los observadores participantes intentan establecer relaciones abiertas con los informantes y comportarse de manera no intrusiva para que sean parte de la escena y los informantes olviden que están siendo investigados.
Procesos sensoriales de la visión.Dioscoride PaulinoEl documento describe los procesos sensoriales de los cinco sentidos: vista, oído, tacto, gusto y olfato. Explica que la retina recibe la luz incidente y forma una imagen, enfocada a través de la córnea, cristalino e iris. También menciona que la fóvea posibilita la visión detallada y que existe un punto ciego sin células receptoras.
O Globo: Uma redação multimídiaANJ Associação Nacional de JornaisA Redação do jornal O Globo mudou. Veja como e por que as mudanças foram feitas e qual é o impacto disso no jornal que você recebe todos os dias. Uma apresentação de Ascanio Seleme, diretor de Redação de O Globo, durante o Congresso Brasileiro de Jornais, em agosto de 2014.
PGDAV college (Evening):- First Cut-offSynergy Web DesignersPGDAV College has provided the cut-off scores for admission to various undergraduate courses for the current academic year. The cut-offs vary based on category and range from 66 to 92 for general category students. Female students will receive a 2% advantage in all courses. Those seeking to change streams for B.A. (Prog.) and B.Com (Prog.) will have a 4% disadvantage applied. The document lists the cut-offs and is signed by the admission committee convener and acting principal.
armughan CV - Copy - CopyArmughan ShakeelEngr. Muhammad Armughan Shakeel seeks a position in a reputable organization where he can learn and grow as a professional. He has a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering with a 3.3 CGPA and 85% from the University of Engineering and Technology. His internship experience includes a thermal power plant and PTCL. For his final year project, he developed solarization models for buildings using HOMER software. He has skills in software like MATLAB, ETAP, AutoCAD and programming languages. His hobbies include sports and organizing events.
Cover letter Mikala CamachoMikala Camacho is an MSW candidate at the University of Southern California. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Sociology from Concordia University Irvine. She has interned in a variety of settings working with civilians and military personnel. As the daughter of a Veteran, she also has insight into military culture from her classes focused on mental health issues for service members and their families. Her contact information and availability for an interview are provided.
newslettersLinda HaskellLure coursing is a dog sport where dogs chase an artificial lure across an open field. Originally limited to sight hound breeds, the AKC now offers pass/fail trials called Coursing Ability Tests that all breeds can participate in to earn titles. At lure coursing events, dogs are evaluated for fitness to run and each dog gets one run in the morning and afternoon, needing three qualifying runs to earn a title by chasing the lure the full length of the course within a set time. The author found that Bouvier des Flandres, like sight hounds, need no training to chase the lure and thoroughly enjoyed participating in lure coursing, showing their athleticism and unique running style.