Pragmatic Patterns of Ruby on Rails - Ruby Kaigi2009Yasuko Ohba
This document discusses coding patterns for developing large and complicated Ruby on Rails applications. It recommends expressing business logic in models using object-oriented principles, following DRY, CoC and RESTful principles, and writing code in models' standard flows like find, new/save, find/update, and find/destroy. Filter methods are suggested to avoid duplicating code and improve readability. Moving branching logic based on parameters and other model processing code from controllers to models improves testability and reusability. Choosing natural coding styles for Rails that follow its core principles helps keep code maintainable for other developers. Sharing such pragmatic patterns is important for developing large codebases.
Pragmatic Patterns of Ruby on Rails - Ruby Kaigi2009Yasuko Ohba
This document discusses coding patterns for developing large and complicated Ruby on Rails applications. It recommends expressing business logic in models using object-oriented principles, following DRY, CoC and RESTful principles, and writing code in models' standard flows like find, new/save, find/update, and find/destroy. Filter methods are suggested to avoid duplicating code and improve readability. Moving branching logic based on parameters and other model processing code from controllers to models improves testability and reusability. Choosing natural coding styles for Rails that follow its core principles helps keep code maintainable for other developers. Sharing such pragmatic patterns is important for developing large codebases.
Text of my 90 minutes lecture in Shimane Univ, learning web application through developing lucky-fortune application with Ruby on Rails. Most parts are written in Japanese.
“Product/market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market.” - Marc Andreessen
This presentation depicts how you can understand product-market fit, how to define what a "good market" is, and how you can measure market satisfaction.
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The changing landscape of recruiting and admissions requires constant innovation. This panel will discuss some of the ways that graduate admissions offices are using online tools for recruiting and conversion.
Year 4 learned African drumming techniques while Year 3 visited both a recycling center and a local church to learn about different religions. Several classes also participated in fundraising, theater performances, video calls with international partners, science projects on habitats, bike safety training, art projects making Egyptian masks, and filling shoeboxes with gifts for children in need.
Doing Terrifying Things - Nati Cohen, Similarweb - DevOpsDays Tel Aviv 2016DevOpsDays Tel Aviv
During the last few years, I’ve been constantly challenging myself to do things which terrified me. Not big things like jumping off planes, or hunting lions in the savanna, but small ones: like asking for help, and speaking publicly. In this talk, I’ll share the experience I gained leaving my comfort zone, why tackling scary tasks is crucial for your engineering career, and tips that will help you on your journey.
Forsker Erling Holm?y ved Statistisk sentralbyr? holdt innlegg under Forskningsr?dets konferanse "Hvordan m?ter vi eldreb?lgen" 28. januar 2014. Holm?ys foredrag handlet om hvordan gruppen av eldre i samfunnet p?virker samfunns?konomien.
The document presents three quotes about unity. Bill Taylor's quote emphasizes that individual players are less important than teamwork in achieving championships. Leone Levi's quote suggests that a single voice is more effective at communicating than multiple voices. Locke's quote defines something imaginary as an unreal creation of fancy.
The 3 core services of DigiMedia360 are the provision of high quality and targeted data and one of the most powerful Bulk email & Bulk SMS broadcasting platforms available in the industry.
In addition to this we are able to provide all of the following services: SEO, SMO, Websites and email design & hosting, Mobile Web pages/sites/apps and Proximity marketing.
Este documento proporciona una guía para crear un plan de clases efectivo. Explica que un buen plan de clases debe incluir los datos de la clase, objetivos claros y alcanzables, contenidos conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales, y tres momentos de la clase con actividades apropiadas. También recomienda incluir evaluaciones, criterios de evaluación, recursos y bibliografía.
?i? prezentacij? 2015 m. spalio 16 d. naudojau webinare apie Facebook rinkodar? elektroniniams verslams.
Webinaro ?ra?? rasite ?ia:
The document discusses using Ruby to create domain-specific languages (DSLs). It provides examples of internal DSLs in Ruby, like Rails routes and migrations, which take declarative, natural language forms. The document encourages writing code in a DSL-like style by using declarative programming, blocks, and methods that represent special concepts. It also discusses how to structure code to express the "nature" or "essence" of a class through modules in a declarative way.