Sponsoring LCDR - Fete d'ete 2014 - RUAlexandre de RussieМы организуем наши праздники для тех, благодаря кому существует Le Courrier de Russie.
Главное, чтобы наши гости смогли непринужденно пообщаться в приятной обстановке, обменятся бизнес-контактами или просто отдохнуть в очаровательной компании.
300 человек так или иначе поддерживают нашу группу: читатели, рекламодатели, коллеги-журналисты из России и мира, а также представители бизнес-сообщества (руководители предприятий, предприниматели, топ-менеджеры…) и культурной сферы (писатели, музыканты, фотографы…).
Презентация Fryday/Fryday Presentation (rus.)PlaytestixЧто такое Fryday Kyiv?
Самое большое космополитическое социальное сообщество в Киеве. Fryday Kyiv - уникальное место встречи людей после работы для общения.
Наша миссия.
Собираться вместе для того, чтобы познакомиться с новыми людьми, а также встретиться со старыми друзьями.
На каком языке происходит общение?
Вы можете встретить как англоязычную аудиторию, так и пообщаться на русском или украинском языках.
Где мы встречаемся?
В лучших заведениях в центре Киева.
Какого рода людей я могу встретить на FRYDAY?
Наши гости работают абсолютно в разных сферах, они из разных стран, разного возраста и интересов. Экспаты и украинцы создают отличную космополитическую атмосферу.
Как люди проводят время на мероприятии?
Общаются со старыми друзьями, знакомятся с новыми, обмениваются бизнес контактами для последующего общения. Весело проводят время!
Как можно попасть на мероприятие?
Все, что требуется - это знать место проведения следующего мероприятия! Будучи в нашей рассылке и следя за новостями в наших он-лайн группах - это будет просто! Плата за вход и регистрация отсутствует.
Где я могу найти фотоотчет после мероприятия?
Накануне и после каждого мероприятие FRYDAY Kyiv публикует фотографии он-лайн на страничке в FACEBOOK (http://www.facebook.com/fryday.kyiv).
Lingvomaster Создай Онлайн курс deutschonlineДанная презентация была предоставлена компанией Лингвомастер и на вебинаре от 15 сентября коллега Наталия Булгакова поделилась о том, как работает данная платформа для преподавателей иностранного языка.
Транспортная компания "Вера 1"vera-odinТранспортная компания "Вера 1" предоставляется услуги по перевозке грузов железнодорожным транспортом. www.vera-1.ru
Seasonal presentation FW15 ENGRoman WagnerThe document summarizes upcoming autumn/winter fashion trends, including androgynous styles combining masculine shoes with women's clothing. Minimalist, practical hybrid shoes in materials like nappa and patent leather will be popular. Influences from various decades and cultures will provide inspiration for prints and patterns. Coats and capes will be paired with mini and maxi dresses. Shoes like boots, booties and pumps in materials like velour and colors like rust, caramel and plum will complement the styles. A comfortable, flowing aesthetic using premium materials is described as charming in its simplicity. "Fashion meets Function" will also be a trend, merging sportswear and workwear into an innovative urban style. The new shoe collection from
Dmz full day tourKim's TravelCome and enjoy the DMZ(Demilitarized Zone) Korea tour by renowned Korean travel agency Kim’s Travel. Our friendly travel experts will guide you about the role of DMZ. You will see the Freedom Bridge and the 3rd Infiltration Tunnel and observe life on the other side from the famous Dora Observatory.
Adobe CertificateJabir ShabbirJabir Shabbir has been acknowledged as an Adobe Certified Expert in Captivate 5.5. His ID number is AD B302826. He received this certification after presenting on 28-Dec-12.
Resume-2015vikas chaturvediVikas Chaturvedi is seeking a position in aftermarket service and customer care with over 17 years of experience. He has worked for several companies in roles like service operations manager, customer support manager, and senior engineer. Vikas has expertise in vehicles like dumpers, generators, trailers, and buses. He is skilled in workshop equipment, communication, and has technical knowledge of automobiles. Vikas holds a BE in Mechanical Engineering and has undergone various trainings. He is looking for a role where he can utilize his experience in service, customer care, MIS, training and technical support.
Amp op 1000wMilton AlvesEl documento presenta un diagrama eléctrico de una etapa de amplificación. Indica que las resistencias marcadas con asteriscos son de ganancia y que la de 56K es de retroalimentación, pudiendo subirse a 100K para aumentar la ganancia. También incluye instrucciones sobre la colocación correcta de los componentes en el circuito impreso.
Tierra digital nº2 agosto 2015Ejército de TierraEste documento presenta la entrega de Reales Despachos a los nuevos oficiales y sargentos del Ejército de Tierra español. Se destaca que los oficiales de la LXX promoción son los primeros en recibir una doble titulación civil y militar bajo el nuevo plan de estudios. También se celebra por primera vez una ceremonia de graduación universitaria para estos oficiales. Por otro lado, el Rey Felipe VI presidió la entrega de despachos a los 519 sargentos de la XL promoción en la Acade
A BPM Software Success Story from Wonderware by Schneider ElectricSchneider ElectricFujirebio Diagnostics, Inc. is a premier diagnostics company and the industry leader in biomarker assays. Fujirebio Diagnostics specializes in the clinical development, manufacturing and commercialization of in-vitro diagnostic products for the management of human disease states, with an emphasis in oncology.
Given its size, Fujirebio Diagnostics was spending too much time spent on manually reviewing reports and the existing paper-based system was time-consuming and vulnerable to reporting errors.
Fujirebio Diagnostics implements an equipment monitoring system based on Wonderware System Platform and Wonderware Skelta BPM to ensure compliance for extensive reporting and documentation requirements from regulatory authorities.
The success story is also a classic illustration of the integration capabilities of Wonderware Skelta BPM with System Platform.
Connected Cars - Use Cases for Indian ScenarioHCL TechnologiesConnected cars are fast becoming a reality and has the potential to change the way businesses are run. A connected car facilitates devices inside the car to connect with the computing and application servers and use computing power to access real time information and data. Use cases are explained for Transportation, Healthcare and Education fields along with the business models.
5 Ways to Build a Better Leadership Development Program | Webinar 12.04.14BizLibraryLeadership remains the top human capital concern. Poor leadership practices costs companies millions of dollars each year by negatively impacting employee retention, customer satisfaction and overall employee productivity.
In this webinar we'll provide four leadership development best practices that meet challenges faced by today's leaders and offer you tools for implementing leadership development initiatives in your organization.
Smart driving experience design trendYANG DESIGNSmart is not only a touch screen for the bicycle. In the China Design Trends Report, YANG DESIGN has proposed the design trend called Smart Sensory. in the future, e-bike will integrate smart navigation, smart health, smart security, smart social and the other smart function, provide a more convenient way of energy supply, and make innovated driving experience for users.
2015.12- The Merton MuseNinsen LoAn evil genius forced most GCA staff to be locked in the building for a holiday party. Maria Coelho and Melanie Garland confessed to orchestrating the plan but the staff committee cannot press charges. Despite evidence, staff were unable to crack the code to unlock the security system and were trapped until the party ended. Staff celebrated with a party and looked forward to the holiday season.
Транспортная компания "Вера 1"vera-odinТранспортная компания "Вера 1" предоставляется услуги по перевозке грузов железнодорожным транспортом. www.vera-1.ru
Seasonal presentation FW15 ENGRoman WagnerThe document summarizes upcoming autumn/winter fashion trends, including androgynous styles combining masculine shoes with women's clothing. Minimalist, practical hybrid shoes in materials like nappa and patent leather will be popular. Influences from various decades and cultures will provide inspiration for prints and patterns. Coats and capes will be paired with mini and maxi dresses. Shoes like boots, booties and pumps in materials like velour and colors like rust, caramel and plum will complement the styles. A comfortable, flowing aesthetic using premium materials is described as charming in its simplicity. "Fashion meets Function" will also be a trend, merging sportswear and workwear into an innovative urban style. The new shoe collection from
Dmz full day tourKim's TravelCome and enjoy the DMZ(Demilitarized Zone) Korea tour by renowned Korean travel agency Kim’s Travel. Our friendly travel experts will guide you about the role of DMZ. You will see the Freedom Bridge and the 3rd Infiltration Tunnel and observe life on the other side from the famous Dora Observatory.
Adobe CertificateJabir ShabbirJabir Shabbir has been acknowledged as an Adobe Certified Expert in Captivate 5.5. His ID number is AD B302826. He received this certification after presenting on 28-Dec-12.
Resume-2015vikas chaturvediVikas Chaturvedi is seeking a position in aftermarket service and customer care with over 17 years of experience. He has worked for several companies in roles like service operations manager, customer support manager, and senior engineer. Vikas has expertise in vehicles like dumpers, generators, trailers, and buses. He is skilled in workshop equipment, communication, and has technical knowledge of automobiles. Vikas holds a BE in Mechanical Engineering and has undergone various trainings. He is looking for a role where he can utilize his experience in service, customer care, MIS, training and technical support.
Amp op 1000wMilton AlvesEl documento presenta un diagrama eléctrico de una etapa de amplificación. Indica que las resistencias marcadas con asteriscos son de ganancia y que la de 56K es de retroalimentación, pudiendo subirse a 100K para aumentar la ganancia. También incluye instrucciones sobre la colocación correcta de los componentes en el circuito impreso.
Tierra digital nº2 agosto 2015Ejército de TierraEste documento presenta la entrega de Reales Despachos a los nuevos oficiales y sargentos del Ejército de Tierra español. Se destaca que los oficiales de la LXX promoción son los primeros en recibir una doble titulación civil y militar bajo el nuevo plan de estudios. También se celebra por primera vez una ceremonia de graduación universitaria para estos oficiales. Por otro lado, el Rey Felipe VI presidió la entrega de despachos a los 519 sargentos de la XL promoción en la Acade
A BPM Software Success Story from Wonderware by Schneider ElectricSchneider ElectricFujirebio Diagnostics, Inc. is a premier diagnostics company and the industry leader in biomarker assays. Fujirebio Diagnostics specializes in the clinical development, manufacturing and commercialization of in-vitro diagnostic products for the management of human disease states, with an emphasis in oncology.
Given its size, Fujirebio Diagnostics was spending too much time spent on manually reviewing reports and the existing paper-based system was time-consuming and vulnerable to reporting errors.
Fujirebio Diagnostics implements an equipment monitoring system based on Wonderware System Platform and Wonderware Skelta BPM to ensure compliance for extensive reporting and documentation requirements from regulatory authorities.
The success story is also a classic illustration of the integration capabilities of Wonderware Skelta BPM with System Platform.
Connected Cars - Use Cases for Indian ScenarioHCL TechnologiesConnected cars are fast becoming a reality and has the potential to change the way businesses are run. A connected car facilitates devices inside the car to connect with the computing and application servers and use computing power to access real time information and data. Use cases are explained for Transportation, Healthcare and Education fields along with the business models.
5 Ways to Build a Better Leadership Development Program | Webinar 12.04.14BizLibraryLeadership remains the top human capital concern. Poor leadership practices costs companies millions of dollars each year by negatively impacting employee retention, customer satisfaction and overall employee productivity.
In this webinar we'll provide four leadership development best practices that meet challenges faced by today's leaders and offer you tools for implementing leadership development initiatives in your organization.
Smart driving experience design trendYANG DESIGNSmart is not only a touch screen for the bicycle. In the China Design Trends Report, YANG DESIGN has proposed the design trend called Smart Sensory. in the future, e-bike will integrate smart navigation, smart health, smart security, smart social and the other smart function, provide a more convenient way of energy supply, and make innovated driving experience for users.
2015.12- The Merton MuseNinsen LoAn evil genius forced most GCA staff to be locked in the building for a holiday party. Maria Coelho and Melanie Garland confessed to orchestrating the plan but the staff committee cannot press charges. Despite evidence, staff were unable to crack the code to unlock the security system and were trapped until the party ended. Staff celebrated with a party and looked forward to the holiday season.
Hadis 2 Arbain Nawawi. iman – islam – ihsanAbdul Muchithiman – islam – ihsan
“Elevar la calidad educativa dentro del plantel educativo no. 59, con un enfo...Erika Diazen este archivo podras encontrar las caracteristicas de nuestro proyecto educativo, en el cual incluimos las TIC'S como marco de referencia para mejorar la calidad educativa.
ConstanciasEricka Yupanqui GuarnizJarol Andrés Yupanqui Cortez solicita al Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca realizarle un estudio curricular, una subsanación de asignaturas desaprobadas y consejería de asignaturas para poder culminar sus estudios de Ingeniería en Industrias Alimentarias. También solicita al Director de la Unidad Técnica de Registro y Matrícula su record de notas.
Uso de operadoresoscarcuaran95El documento describe diferentes tipos de operadores en programación, incluyendo operadores unarios, binarios y ternarios. Explica que los operadores ejecutan acciones utilizando operandos y variables, como la suma, resta y asignación. También cubre operadores aritméticos, de desigualdad, comparación y lógicos que permiten realizar cálculos y tomar decisiones.
1. Мы предлагаем размещение в городах России: Санкт-Петербург,
Калининград, Ростов-на-Дону, Томск, Новокузнецк.
В ближайшем зарубежье: Киев (Украина), Минск (Республика Беларусь),
а также в городах Европы (Лондон, Париж, Брюссель, Дублин и др.)
Мы выбираем партнеров, которые предоставляют апартаменты хорошего качества
и c высоким уровнем сервиса в центре города .
Наша компания готова подобрать квартиры с сервисом для проживания
Ваших гостей в других городах России и по всему миру.
Апартаменты в городах России и Европы
8 (495) 22-189-22
1. Киев
2. Минск
3. Ростов-на-Дону
4. Томск
5. Новокузнецк
2. Апартаменты в Санкт-Петербурге
Предлагаем размещение в апартаментах
Северной Столицы от наших партнеров.
8 (495) 22-189-22
Дополнительные услуги:
трансфер, помощь в получении
продуктовые наборы по желанию
помощь в покупке билетов,
экскурсии и т.д.
Апартаменты расположены в
исторической части города:
Миллионная, Малый
Конюшенный переулок,
Набережная Мойки и
полностью оборудованы для
комфортного проживания.
Включено в стоимость:
уборка горничными,
чай-кофе, сахар.