MGT 521 WEEK 4hw soloutionsThis short document promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations on ݺߣShare and getting started making one. It encourages the reader to be inspired to make their own presentation using Haiku Deck on the ݺߣShare platform. A call to action is given to get started creating a Haiku Deck presentation.
uxn1-RecordOfAchievementMohamed ElmarakbyMohamed Abd Elfattah Elmarakby successfully completed the openSAP course "SAP's UX Strategy in a Nutshell" taught by instructor Sam Yen in October 2014, scoring 22 out of a possible 30 points (73%) on the course assignment. The course covered SAP's design thinking approach and user experience strategy including topics like SAP Fiori UX and screen personas. Mohamed's achievement is verified online at the provided URL.
GEN 499 ENTIRE COURSEhw soloutionsHaiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations which can be shared on ݺߣShare. A call to action is given to users to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentations.
Cleaning flyerldaniels72This flyer advertises a hands-on cleaning seminar to be held on April 4, 2015 at Anchored in Truth Ministries. The seminar will provide training and tips for cleaning different areas of the house including the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and floors. It will be led by Sis. Georgia, Sis. Lynette and Sis. CJ and aims to guide attendees in properly cleaning their home and maintaining cleanliness.
PROJ 586 WEEK 3 COMPLETEhw soloutionsHaiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations which can be shared on ݺߣShare. In just a few clicks, users can design beautiful, minimalist slideshows.
Un obsede raconte sa journeebillowyinterior50 Atman puis je suis un type de 50 printemps puis je suis celib. Cela fait pas mal d'annees que je so...
LDR 531 WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT PROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENT PLANhw soloutionsThis short document promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations on ݺߣShare and getting started making one. It encourages the reader to be inspired to make their own presentation using Haiku Deck on the ݺߣShare platform. A call to action is given to get started creating a Haiku Deck presentation.
LEG 500 WEEK 1 DISCUSSIONhw soloutionsThis short document promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations on ݺߣShare and getting started making one. It encourages the reader to be inspired to make their own presentation using Haiku Deck on the ݺߣShare platform. A call to action is given to get started creating a Haiku Deck presentation.
Materi biologi sel -- kloningPrincess is NtxhaisTeks tersebut membahas tentang kloning, prinsip dasar kloning pada tanaman dan hewan, serta teknik kloning seperti transfer inti sel, amplifikasi DNA menggunakan PCR, dan introduksi DNA rekombinan ke dalam sel inang.
Social groups by diego pomarcaDIEGO PomarcaThis document discusses social groups and interactions. It defines primary and secondary groups, in-groups and out-groups, and reference groups. It provides examples of different types of social groups and compares primary and secondary groups. The document outlines several learning activities to help students identify social groups, consider their own group memberships, and pledge to live effectively within social interactions. The activities analyze pictures and situations to identify social groups and reference groups. The document emphasizes that social groups are important for human development and learning culture.
Aula taller-de-educación-tecnológicaLaura SotoEl documento describe un curso de Educación Tecnológica de 4 horas semanales y un año de duración. El curso se lleva a cabo en un aula-taller donde los estudiantes aprenden haciendo a través de actividades experimentales. El objetivo es que los futuros maestros adquieran experiencias prácticas y habilidades para enseñar contenidos tecnológicos. El aula-taller permite diferentes dinámicas de aprendizaje individual y grupal mediante estrategias como la resolución de problemas.
polis griegaGADEA DÍEZLas ciudades-estado griegas o polis solían estar protegidas por murallas, con una ciudadela amurallada en la parte alta y barrios residenciales en la parte baja organizados en torno al ágora. Atenas era una importante polis y cuna de la democracia donde los ciudadanos debían ser útiles a la ciudad, mientras que Esparta era una polis totalitaria situada a orillas del río Eurotas. Las polis estaban compuestas de edificios como templos, mercados, teatros y ágoras, y los hombres
Document Control and Quality Administration process mapSaaima MukhtarThe document outlines the process for documenting and categorizing medical reports received from representatives. Key steps include inspecting files for completeness, reviewing reports for accuracy, ensuring required documents are attached, scanning and renaming files, saving files in subfolders by category and date, copying files to a USB drive, and archiving completed files for future retrieval. Incomplete reports are returned to representatives to obtain missing data.
Neolithic PeriodReine Marie ArrojadoReference
Neolithic. (2017, May 12). Retrieved May 16, 2017, from
LDR 531 WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT PROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENT PLANhw soloutionsThis short document promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations on ݺߣShare and getting started making one. It encourages the reader to be inspired to make their own presentation using Haiku Deck on the ݺߣShare platform. A call to action is given to get started creating a Haiku Deck presentation.
LEG 500 WEEK 1 DISCUSSIONhw soloutionsThis short document promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations on ݺߣShare and getting started making one. It encourages the reader to be inspired to make their own presentation using Haiku Deck on the ݺߣShare platform. A call to action is given to get started creating a Haiku Deck presentation.
Materi biologi sel -- kloningPrincess is NtxhaisTeks tersebut membahas tentang kloning, prinsip dasar kloning pada tanaman dan hewan, serta teknik kloning seperti transfer inti sel, amplifikasi DNA menggunakan PCR, dan introduksi DNA rekombinan ke dalam sel inang.
Social groups by diego pomarcaDIEGO PomarcaThis document discusses social groups and interactions. It defines primary and secondary groups, in-groups and out-groups, and reference groups. It provides examples of different types of social groups and compares primary and secondary groups. The document outlines several learning activities to help students identify social groups, consider their own group memberships, and pledge to live effectively within social interactions. The activities analyze pictures and situations to identify social groups and reference groups. The document emphasizes that social groups are important for human development and learning culture.
Aula taller-de-educación-tecnológicaLaura SotoEl documento describe un curso de Educación Tecnológica de 4 horas semanales y un año de duración. El curso se lleva a cabo en un aula-taller donde los estudiantes aprenden haciendo a través de actividades experimentales. El objetivo es que los futuros maestros adquieran experiencias prácticas y habilidades para enseñar contenidos tecnológicos. El aula-taller permite diferentes dinámicas de aprendizaje individual y grupal mediante estrategias como la resolución de problemas.
polis griegaGADEA DÍEZLas ciudades-estado griegas o polis solían estar protegidas por murallas, con una ciudadela amurallada en la parte alta y barrios residenciales en la parte baja organizados en torno al ágora. Atenas era una importante polis y cuna de la democracia donde los ciudadanos debían ser útiles a la ciudad, mientras que Esparta era una polis totalitaria situada a orillas del río Eurotas. Las polis estaban compuestas de edificios como templos, mercados, teatros y ágoras, y los hombres
Document Control and Quality Administration process mapSaaima MukhtarThe document outlines the process for documenting and categorizing medical reports received from representatives. Key steps include inspecting files for completeness, reviewing reports for accuracy, ensuring required documents are attached, scanning and renaming files, saving files in subfolders by category and date, copying files to a USB drive, and archiving completed files for future retrieval. Incomplete reports are returned to representatives to obtain missing data.
Neolithic PeriodReine Marie ArrojadoReference
Neolithic. (2017, May 12). Retrieved May 16, 2017, from