2. 03/2012–
老老老年年年人人人健健健康康康平平平台台台. 面向老年人健康管理,收集老年人健康数据,构建健康数据
存储、查询与索引的前后台. 涉涉涉及及及工工工具具具::: Spring, Hibernate, Mongodb, Nginx,
MySQL等. 角色:组长与开发人员.
尹建伟,徐悦甡 等,一种基于地理位置的Web Service服务质量预测方法,国
尹建伟,徐悦甡 等,一种基于服务邻域的Web Service服务质量预测方法,国
尹建伟,徐悦甡 等,一种基于用户邻域的Web Service服务质量预测方法,国
2014 国家留学基金委访问学者奖学金
2012 浙江大学优秀研究生二等奖学金
2011 校优秀本科毕业生,省优秀本科毕业生
2010 国家奖学金
2009 国家大学生数学建模全国二等奖
2009 国家奖学金
2008 校特等奖学金
2008 校一等奖学金
[EAAI] Yueshen Xu and Jianwei Yin. Collaborative Recommendation with User Generated
Content. Engineering Applications of Arti?cial Intelligence (EAAI). Jul. 2015.
[Impact Factor = 2.207].
[IJWGS] Yueshen Xu, Jianwei Yin and Ying Li. A Collaborative Framework of Web Service
Recommendation with Clustering-Extended Matrix Factorization. International
Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS). Jul. 2015. [Impact Factor = 1.579].
[IJWGS] Jianwei Yin(My Tutor) and Yueshen Xu. Personalized QoS-based Web Service
Recommendation with Service Neighborhood-Enhanced Matrix Factorization. Inter-
national Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS). Oct. 2013. [Impact Factor =
[AMIS] Yanming Ye, Yuyu Yin, Yueshen Xu, Bin Cao and Jianwei Yin. BFS Se-
quence Based Method for Process Retrieval. Journal of Applied Mathematics and
Information Sciences (AMIS). Nov. 2013. [Impact Factor = 1.232].
[TSWJ] Yanming Ye, Jianwei Yin and Yueshen Xu. Social Network Supported Process
Recommender System. The Scienti?c World Journal (TSWJ). Nov. 2013. [Impact
Factor = 1.730].
3. [CMNT] Yanming Ye, Yueshen Xu and Zhilin Feng. Tag-based Process Recommendation
for Social Business Process Modeling. Computer Modelling and New Technologies
(CMNT). Jun. 2014. [EI].
[CJC] Bin Cao, Jianwei Yin, Shuiguan Deng, DongjingWang and Yueshen Xu. A
Near Neighbourand Maximal Subgraph First Based Business Process Recommenda-
tion Technique. Chinese Journal of Computers (CJC). 2012. [国内一级].
Under Review Yueshen Xu, Bing Liu, etc. About Hierarchical Topic Modeling
Under Review Yueshen Xu, Bing Liu, etc. About Topic Modeling.
[WAIM] Yueshen Xu, Zhiyuan Chen, Jianwei Yin, Zizheng Wu and Taojun Yao. Learn-
ing to Recommend with User Generated Content. International Conference on
Web-Age Information Management (WAIM). Jun. 2015. [EI].
[WISE] Yueshen Xu, Jianwei Yin,Wei Lo, ZhaohuiWu. Personalized Location-Aware
QoS Prediction for Web Services using Probabilistic Matrix Factorization. Inter-
national Conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE). Oct. 2013.
[SOCA] Yueshen Xu, Jianwei Yin, Zizheng Wu, Dongqing He and Yan Tang. Pre-
diction for Service-Oriented System via Matrix Factorization in a Collaborative
Way.International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications
(SOCA). Nov. 2014. [EI].
[SOCA] Yueshen Xu, Jianwei Yin,Wei Lo. A Uni?ed Framework of QoS-based Web
Service Recommendation with Neighborhood-Extended Matrix Factorization. Inter-
national Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA). Dec.
2013. [EI].
[DEBS] Bin Cao, Jianwei Yin, ShuiGuang Deng, Yueshen Xu, Youneng Xiao, Zhao-
huiWu. A Highly E?cient Cloud-based Architecture for Large-scale STB Event
Processing. International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS).
Jul. 2012. [EI].
[SCC] Yu Liu, Dongjin Yu, Yueshen Xu, Yuyu Yin. Personalized QoS Prediction for
Web Services using Latent Factor Models. International Conference on Services
Computing (SCC). Jun. 2014. [EI].
[MSN] Jianwei Yin, Jinwen Zhong, Xiaohua Pan, Dongqing He, Yueshen Xu. JTang
HSS: A Healthcare Service Platform for the Senior. International Conference on
Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN). Dec. 2013. [EI].
期刊审稿人 1) International Journal of Web and Grid Services 2) Enterprise Information Systems
2012-至今 ACM 学生会员
2012-至今 中国计算机学会学生会员