4. 生活的界線 (boundary) I. 意涵和觀念 2 重擔 vs. 擔子 , burden vs. load 「你們 各人 的重擔要 互相擔當 ,這樣就成全基督的律法。」 「因為 人人 必須 擔當自己的擔子」 加六: 1-4 (和合修) 例:戰士的背包、武器; 可是當受傷時戰友互相扶持 ,no one left behind ;
5. 生活的界線 (boundary) I. 意涵和觀念 3 界線的觀念為了建立健康的關係與互動: 界線如同是有門的圍籬 (fences with a gate) -不可心裡恨你的弟兄;總要 指摘你的鄰舍 ,免得因他擔罪。 - 不可報仇 ,也 不可埋怨 ( 心裡包藏怨恨 ) 你本國的子民, (不要因此而失去愛心) 卻要愛人如己。我是耶和華。 利未記 19:17,18 Let there be no hate in your heart for your brother; but you may make a protest to your neighbor, so that he may be stopped from doing evil. Do not make attempts to get equal with one who has done you wrong, or keep hard feelings against the children of your people, but have love for your neighbor as for yourself: I am the Lord.
8. 「慈愛和誠實彼此相遇, 公義和平安彼此相親。」 詩篇 85:10 “Lovingkindness and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” Psalm 85:10 從聖經對於愛的教導有兩方面: 有要我們(如同愛自己般)愛鄰舍、接納別人如同神也按 我們的本像愛我們; 再方面要我們認識真理、並且也要我們以公義的好行為放在彼此的關係上。
10. II. 生命中界線的內涵 2 Choices 上帝給人自由意志選擇 Limits 設限 : on oneself, not others Talents 恩賜: 太 25:22-28 Desires 心願、所欲 : 敬畏祂的祂必成就他們的心願,也必聽他們的呼求,必拯救他們。 He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him. Psalm 145:19 上帝樂意我們認真對待自己的心願,並學會檢視何者真正有益我們。 「祈求就給你們,尋找就尋見,叩門就給你們開門」 。 太 7:7-10 「所欲的成就,心覺甘甜。」 箴言 13:19 A desire accomplished is sweet to the soul.
11. II. 生命中界線的內涵 3 Spiritual needs 屬靈的需求,也是種 desire , 藉靈修、尋求供應。 Love 愛:施與受 Body 身體是聖靈的殿,以榮耀神 : 保健、避開菸酒、毒品。 性行為是以身體、情感進行的男女人際關係的極致,屬於婚姻。
14. 重要關係界線的論述 2 父母對子女 不健康親子界線的特質 What do inappropriate boundaries in Christian parenting look like? Harsh 苛待 Controlling 掌控 Neglectful 忽視 Guilt‐ridden 以滿是愧疚感推動
15. 重要關係界線的論述 3 父母對子女 健康親子界線的特質 What do appropriate boundaries in Christian parenting look like? ? Designed for teaching / nurturing / protection ? Suitable for appropriate age and stage of child’s development ? Punishment fits the crime ? Monitor the behavior you want to modify ? If you want children to obey, they should trust in you ? Does God want you to obey out of respect, not out of fear ?
17. III. 界線不是(或對界線的誤解) an excuse for doing what they want or for not helping others, as limits they set on othe r people, as walls for avoiding close relationships between them and others, putting God in a box as their private zone from where they want to exclude everyone else, even God as a means for fixing ( 修理 ) or changing ( 企圖改變 ) their spouse, children, and others, as an ultimatum, a means to control others through unproportional consequences as a punishment for misbehavior as magic tricks 萬靈丹
18. IV. The Ten Laws of Boundaries -- interpersonal, esp. in marriage 1. The Law of Sowing and Reaping, 種與收的現實因果 2. The Law of Responsibility, 3. The Law of Power, 婚姻相處之道不在,某方能令對方聽命而行 (或改變成我要的樣式) 4. The Law of Respect, 你怎樣量給人,人也怎樣量給你(路六 :38 ) 太七 :12
19. 5. The Law of Motivation: 選擇的自主 that we make our choices based on our values, not out of fear. And respect others freedom. 6. The Law of Evaluation: 權衡輕重 甚至兩害取其輕,斷腕措施; hurt vs. harm, pain vs. injury. 需要評估是造成 痛 還是 傷害 ,改變(矯正)會造成痛,然而是減輕甚至避免傷害。 有時困難決定,不是易路,窄門 vs. 寬門; 評估、修訂。 7. The Law of Envy 關係的藏鏡人,隱密的破壞者。 IV. The Ten Laws of Boundaries -- interpersonal, esp. in marriage
20. 8. The Law of Proactivity 促導行動 To go further and establish connections to others that clearly define who you are and what you stand for, love, want, and purpose. The Law of Proactivity is to solve problems on the basis of your values, wants, and needs. 9. The Law of Activity 主動而非逃避 10. The Law of Exposure 彼此坦誠 Our boundaries must be made visible to (each) others. 跟對方誠實面對自己的感覺、想法與需要; 讓對方明白自己的界線。 IV. The Ten Laws of Boundaries -- interpersonal, esp. in marriage
26. V. 關於生活界線的省思 3 界線是在心中建立的,不是眼睛看得到的斑馬線; 「這是我的祕密,一個非常簡單的祕密,就是人只有用心眼去看才會看得正確,真正基本的東西是肉眼看不見的。」 -《小王子》 The Little Prince 聖艾克斯柏利 Antoine de Saint-Exupery 「你要保守你心勝過保守一切, 因為一生的果效是由心發出。」 箴言 4:23 “ Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life.” Proverbs 4:23 「不要效法這個世界,只要心意更新而變化,叫你們察驗何為神的善良、純全、可喜悅的旨意。」 羅 12:2