This document discusses Oracle's open source policies and strategies around MySQL. It outlines Oracle's goal of providing complete, open, and integrated solutions and describes how Oracle aims to improve MySQL through engineering, support, and leveraging Oracle support services. It also discusses Oracle's investments in MySQL and how customers can benefit from MySQL and Oracle together through products like Oracle Enterprise Manager.
This document discusses MySQL high availability. It begins with some questions to consider regarding high availability needs. It then covers key high availability concepts and terms. The main part describes various MySQL high availability solutions, including replication, clustering, heartbeat with replication, DRBD with replication, and shared storage with clustering agents. It concludes by mentioning some additional solutions and resources for MySQL high availability.
The document outlines a scrum penny game experiment to demonstrate concepts from queueing theory. Players take on roles like worker, manager, and customer to simulate a production process where workers flip coins and pass batches to customers. Little's law is described, which states that the average number of customers in a system equals the arrival rate multiplied by the average time a customer spends in the system. The experiment will take place in multiple Chinese cities from mid-October through November.
This document discusses MySQL high availability. It begins with some questions to consider regarding high availability needs. It then covers key high availability concepts and terms. The main part describes various MySQL high availability solutions, including replication, clustering, heartbeat with replication, DRBD with replication, and shared storage with clustering agents. It concludes by mentioning some additional solutions and resources for MySQL high availability.
The document outlines a scrum penny game experiment to demonstrate concepts from queueing theory. Players take on roles like worker, manager, and customer to simulate a production process where workers flip coins and pass batches to customers. Little's law is described, which states that the average number of customers in a system equals the arrival rate multiplied by the average time a customer spends in the system. The experiment will take place in multiple Chinese cities from mid-October through November.
ASP.NET MVC 就快進入4了,您跟上了嗎? 如何將現有的 MVC3 如何升級到MVC4呢?無痛升級系列。以及ASP.NET MVC4 新增功能介紹。
ASP.NET MVC 3 升級到 ASP.NET MVC4 的示範與常見問題說明
Basic Project & Empty Project Template
從無到有,建置ASP.NET MVC4 Web API應用程式、How to self-host a web API
Display Modes
View Switcher
Bundling and Minification
Task Support for Asynchronous Controllers
Mobile Project Template
This conference was .NET CONF Taiwan in 2022/12/10.
LangChain is one of the most mainstream frameworks for developing large language model applications. Its ease of use and simplicity enable developers to quickly build product prototypes. Azure Machine Learning is currently one of the most mainstream tools for AI research and application development. It offers comprehensive features and is well integrated with the Python and AI ecosystem.
This talk will introduce the basic concepts of LangChain, including key components such as Model, Chain, and Retriever, and will use the capabilities of Azure Machine Learning as examples. Additionally, it will discuss how to integrate LangChain into Azure Machine Learning and Azure Open AI, allowing developers to leverage the advantages of Azure Machine Learning to rapidly develop large language model applications.
David Jiang presented InnoSQL, a new branch of MySQL that features a flash cache for the InnoDB storage engine. The flash cache provides higher performance than using an SSD as the durable storage alone. It caches both reads and writes using SSDs and employs techniques like merge writes and sequential writes to optimize for SSD performance. Benchmark results showed the flash cache improved throughput for the TPC-C workload by around 2x compared to using SSDs as the durable storage directly.
Scrum beyond software (think in lamp version)thinkinlamp
This document discusses lessons learned from translating a book about agile practices using agile principles. It notes challenges with assumptions vs reality, communication visibility, planning and tracking, collaboration, quality, and work procedures. It provides recommendations such as using Kanban techniques like limiting work in process, visualizing work, and frequent checkpoints to improve synchronization and prevent delays. The key is to focus on communication, feedback, self-organization, and simple tools while inspecting and adapting practices.
30. 只有架构管理也能管好项目 不一定要敏捷。 PDCAR 也行! plan 计划, do it 立即实施, check it 实施中检验, action again 吸取教训后再次行动 , record 继续备案供以后借鉴 项目管理的关键: 风险控制——设计阶段:对架构与技术风险的评估 质量控制——良好的架构管理,保证编码质量 进度控制——与程序员无关性的规范编码,工作量可知,进度可控。 结论:不是不要敏捷,而是说:架构管理不可少!敏捷开发模式——需要敏捷开发框架以及架构管理的支持!
31. 总结 ABD , AOP MVC——IOC module calss event map or notation(action) view componnent-based control DMM , DDD Domain Driven Development Domain modal 、 busness modal entity value object factory specification mode resource service aggregation module ORM Active Record Table Data Getway DrySql Libraries database & other
32. 澎湃进取,睿智从容! Contact information: Hot Line: 400-620-9980 Website: