Institution questionsAaronHunt99Paramount Pictures and Universal Pictures produced the high-budget film The Wolf of Wall Street, which had a budget of £100 million. It grossed over $300 million worldwide. The low-budget film Paranormal Activity was initially produced by Solana Films on a tiny budget of just £11,000, but was later distributed by Paramount Pictures, leading to worldwide box office earnings of £180 million. Paramount Pictures outperforms the other companies due to producing films in many genres that appeal to larger, more diverse audiences, while Solana Films only produced films in the horror genre.
ASSURE Methodk_wooodTeaching holiday traditions to 4th graders. There are 20 students: 11 girls and 9 boys. There are 2 Muslims, 3 Jewish, and 2 African Americans.
Sp kapp storyboard_front_v.2.0_partSeon Young Cho스페셜K 앱 스토리보드.
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Pasos para instalar ubuntucristinapaltanEste documento fornece 10 passos para instalar o Ubuntu em um computador. Explica como baixar a versão correta, gravar em um DVD ou pendrive, reiniciar o computador para iniciar a instalação, selecionar o idioma, escolher entre "Testar Ubuntu" ou "Instalar Ubuntu", configurar atualizações, concluir a instalação, selecionar fuso horário, preencher informações pessoais, e esperar a conclusão da cópia dos arquivos.
REFDSS_FundApplLimnolManuscriptLeanne HansonThis document describes the development of an integrated Riverine Environmental Flow Decision Support System (REFDSS) to evaluate the ecological effects of alternative flow scenarios on river ecosystems. Key points:
- The REFDSS was developed for the Upper Delaware River as a user-friendly tool to enable evaluation and comparison of potential habitat availability under different flow management scenarios.
- It incorporates hydrodynamic modeling of habitat variables, hydrological modeling of reservoir release scenarios, and habitat suitability criteria for various species to calculate potential available habitat.
- The REFDSS allows modification of habitat suitability criteria and addition of new flow scenarios to compare effects on fish and mussel habitat and facilitate environmental flow management decisions.
KNOW THE 4 CRITICAL TYPES OF CHALLENGES IN BUSINESS & LIFERajiv KandukuriThis document discusses how to recognize and manage challenges. It summarizes a study that found that many IT projects ran over budget, late, or delivered less value than predicted. It identifies four main types of challenges: cognitive challenges due to lack of knowledge; resource challenges from inadequate resources; motivational challenges with lack of motivation; and political challenges from gaps between individual and organizational goals. The document advises researching, hiring experts, detailed planning, optimizing resources, documentation, creating positive work environments, and aligning leadership with values to address these challenges.
Socitm Women in IT Launch - Mary McKenna - 23 Sept 2015Mary McKennaIntroducing elements of entrepreneurial leadership into the UK public sector
This presentation is aimed at leaders and senior managers and its purpose is to help leaders introduce elements of more entrepreneurial behaviour into their daily working lives. It covers themes of focus, urgency, innovation and planning for multiple unknown outcomes.
Take 5 CRS campaignShelby PesentiThis document provides details about a marketing campaign for Hershey's Take 5 candy bar. The objective is to increase awareness and sales of Take 5 by associating it with donations to local schools. The target audience is parents of children aged 14 and under. Advertising will focus on TV, magazines, and online platforms to convey that purchasing Take 5 supports education. A 30-second TV commercial is proposed to show how Take 5 donations have improved local school infrastructure and experiences for children. The goal is to make Take 5 a leading chocolate brand through a corporate social responsibility campaign.
Amanda ci 350rowe94This document outlines a week-long lesson plan for a second grade class to get to know each other. The main objective is for students to interact, write, and learn as they share personal facts through name tags, "all about me" bags, self-portraits, and goal-setting clouds. Each day focuses on a different activity and by the end of the week, the teacher aims for students to know each other's names with 90% accuracy. Materials needed include paper, art supplies, and a camera.
BERIGOLD GLOBAL MINES1Berigold Global CargoBerigold Global Resource aims to provide quality mining exploration and refinery services globally. It seeks to be the preferred partner in mining businesses by exploring and processing minerals as well as installing and operating refinery plants in Africa. The company is involved in gold mining, diamond mining, and bauxite mining both locally and through foreign investment and international mining sites.
Let’s traveLOG to Bangladesh!Myke EvansThis document provides information about writing a travelog about a trip to Bangladesh. It defines a travelog as a write-up of a journey that describes places seen and includes information about location, transportation, landmarks, culture, food, scenery, climate and accommodations. The document provides background on Bangladesh, formerly known as East Pakistan, and its history of separation from Pakistan and establishment as an independent nation in 1971. It outlines elements to include in a travelog and presents discussion questions and activities for students to analyze differences between Bangladeshi and Filipino culture and plan hypothetical trips around Bangladesh by mapping places visited.
Lisa resumeLisa ChagnonLisa Chagnon has over 25 years of experience in shop management, production, customer service, and customer satisfaction. She has worked in various roles such as Body Shop Manager, Production Manager, Service Advisor, and Service Manager for multiple auto dealerships. She has excellent organizational skills, attention to detail, and experience reporting directly to operations directors and CEOs.
OntoFrac-SRolly SethThis document proposes an approach called "OntoFrac-S" to handle the increasing number of ontologies being created for the semantic web. It suggests using fractals and multi-agent systems to implement the semantic web and link data in a way that accounts for the fractal and self-similar nature of data at different levels. Specifically, it argues that merely integrating local and global ontologies is not sufficient, and that ontologies should be viewed as relative concepts depending on the scale, with each local ontology potentially acting as a global ontology for lower-level sub-ontologies. The approach aims to apply concepts of semantic and ontological relativity using fractals to help build a semantically linked global graph while addressing cross-c
ndubuisiNdubuisi kanu UwantaNdubuisi Kanu Uwanta is applying for the position of Sales Executive. He has 3 years of experience in sales with a background in chemical engineering and business management. He is skilled in sales strategies, negotiating deals, and handling client objections. He has worked as an international sales executive and sales supervisor in the past. He is seeking a new opportunity to utilize his sales experience and drive results for an organization.
ICD-10 ImplementationRory Ash CPC-AThis document provides guidance on coding signs and symptoms, etiology and place of occurrence, and selecting secondary diagnoses in ICD-10. It emphasizes collecting detailed information from patients to choose the appropriate ICD-10 codes. Examples demonstrate coding acute injuries, chronic conditions, external causes, and places of occurrence. By enhancing intake questions, the front office can gather necessary details to help therapists select accurate codes.
Take 5 CRS campaignShelby PesentiThis document provides details about a marketing campaign for Hershey's Take 5 candy bar. The objective is to increase awareness and sales of Take 5 by associating it with donations to local schools. The target audience is parents of children aged 14 and under. Advertising will focus on TV, magazines, and online platforms to convey that purchasing Take 5 supports education. A 30-second TV commercial is proposed to show how Take 5 donations have improved local school infrastructure and experiences for children. The goal is to make Take 5 a leading chocolate brand through a corporate social responsibility campaign.
Amanda ci 350rowe94This document outlines a week-long lesson plan for a second grade class to get to know each other. The main objective is for students to interact, write, and learn as they share personal facts through name tags, "all about me" bags, self-portraits, and goal-setting clouds. Each day focuses on a different activity and by the end of the week, the teacher aims for students to know each other's names with 90% accuracy. Materials needed include paper, art supplies, and a camera.
BERIGOLD GLOBAL MINES1Berigold Global CargoBerigold Global Resource aims to provide quality mining exploration and refinery services globally. It seeks to be the preferred partner in mining businesses by exploring and processing minerals as well as installing and operating refinery plants in Africa. The company is involved in gold mining, diamond mining, and bauxite mining both locally and through foreign investment and international mining sites.
Let’s traveLOG to Bangladesh!Myke EvansThis document provides information about writing a travelog about a trip to Bangladesh. It defines a travelog as a write-up of a journey that describes places seen and includes information about location, transportation, landmarks, culture, food, scenery, climate and accommodations. The document provides background on Bangladesh, formerly known as East Pakistan, and its history of separation from Pakistan and establishment as an independent nation in 1971. It outlines elements to include in a travelog and presents discussion questions and activities for students to analyze differences between Bangladeshi and Filipino culture and plan hypothetical trips around Bangladesh by mapping places visited.
Lisa resumeLisa ChagnonLisa Chagnon has over 25 years of experience in shop management, production, customer service, and customer satisfaction. She has worked in various roles such as Body Shop Manager, Production Manager, Service Advisor, and Service Manager for multiple auto dealerships. She has excellent organizational skills, attention to detail, and experience reporting directly to operations directors and CEOs.
OntoFrac-SRolly SethThis document proposes an approach called "OntoFrac-S" to handle the increasing number of ontologies being created for the semantic web. It suggests using fractals and multi-agent systems to implement the semantic web and link data in a way that accounts for the fractal and self-similar nature of data at different levels. Specifically, it argues that merely integrating local and global ontologies is not sufficient, and that ontologies should be viewed as relative concepts depending on the scale, with each local ontology potentially acting as a global ontology for lower-level sub-ontologies. The approach aims to apply concepts of semantic and ontological relativity using fractals to help build a semantically linked global graph while addressing cross-c
ndubuisiNdubuisi kanu UwantaNdubuisi Kanu Uwanta is applying for the position of Sales Executive. He has 3 years of experience in sales with a background in chemical engineering and business management. He is skilled in sales strategies, negotiating deals, and handling client objections. He has worked as an international sales executive and sales supervisor in the past. He is seeking a new opportunity to utilize his sales experience and drive results for an organization.
ICD-10 ImplementationRory Ash CPC-AThis document provides guidance on coding signs and symptoms, etiology and place of occurrence, and selecting secondary diagnoses in ICD-10. It emphasizes collecting detailed information from patients to choose the appropriate ICD-10 codes. Examples demonstrate coding acute injuries, chronic conditions, external causes, and places of occurrence. By enhancing intake questions, the front office can gather necessary details to help therapists select accurate codes.
1. Проект за развивање на брендот ТианДе со одлична можност за
Настанот беше одржан на 03.09.2015 во хотел Континентал, Скопје
• обука
• можност за голем бизнис
• реализирање на секоја идеа од страна на консултантите
• давање на нови заеднички идеи
• ширење на мрежата надвор од границите
• планови како заеднички да се гради тимот на ТианДе Македонија