Educonf certified ethical hackereduconftechThis document describes an intensive 2-6 month course offered by Educonf Technologies that provides in-depth knowledge of hacking, penetration testing, and cyber security. The course aims to train students interested in pursuing web penetration testing and ethical hacking as a career. It covers all aspects of cyber defense and attack techniques. Educonf Tech helps focus student training needs to mature into cyber security professionals through organized, concentrated learning.
Konseling genetik, ethical issues, eugenic, dan skriningMitayani MitayaniMateri kuliah blok genetika dan biologi molekuler FK UM Palembang.
gold im Dezember – Das StarmagazinNetto_BloggerDie Bäume haben sich entblättert, die Luft riecht schon manchmal nach Schnee, und in den Geschäften glitzert es bunt: Weihnachten kommt! In der neuesten Ausgabe der gold bescheren wir Sie jetzt schon mit leckeren Festtagsrezepten, trendigen Winterlooks und spannenden Star-News.
Ectopic PregnancyMononita BhattacharjeeAn ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. Risk factors include age over 35, previous pelvic or abdominal surgeries, STDs, and fertility treatments. Symptoms can include abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, and shoulder pain. Diagnosis involves testing hCG levels in blood and transvaginal ultrasound. Treatment options are medication with methotrexate or laparoscopic surgery to remove the embryo and repair any damage, as rupture can cause life-threatening bleeding.
Instruments and other things used for physical examinationHARISA MARDIANAThis document lists various medical instruments and supplies used during physical examinations, including a stethoscope, otoscope, ophthalmoscope, medical scissors, sterile gloves, thermometer, tape measure, percussion hammer, cotton balls, scalpel blades, tube of lubricants, small bowls, skin marking pencils, torch, paper towel, urinometer, kidney dish, and sphygmomanometer.
Human computer interaction Semester 1HARISA MARDIANAHuman Computer Interaction (HCI) is the study of how humans interact with computers and how to design interfaces so that users can interact with systems effectively, efficiently and with satisfaction. HCI aims to make computers more usable by understanding users and designing appropriate input/output devices and interaction styles. The goals of HCI include improving safety, utility, effectiveness and efficiency of computer systems to benefit both users and organizations.
Pengendalian internYABES HULURingkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian dan komponen-komponen pengendalian intern serta hubungannya dengan ruang lingkup pemeriksaan auditor.
2. Terdapat lima komponen pengendalian intern yaitu lingkungan pengendalian, penilaian risiko, aktivitas pengendalian, informasi dan komunikasi, serta pemantauan.
3. Pengendalian intern hanya dapat memberikan keyakinan yang memadai dan terbat
Rpp kelas 2Benty Pulchellus Et BellusRPP ini merinci rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika tentang penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan untuk siswa kelas 2 SD. Pembelajaran akan menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok, demonstrasi, dan media seperti kantong bilangan. Siswa akan belajar menjumlahkan dan mengurangkan bilangan sampai 500 tanpa teknik menyimpan.
Sistem pelaporan dan buku besarRohmad Adi Siaman SST Akt., M.Ec.Dev.Mahasiswa mempelajari sistem buku besar dan pelaporan serta dampak teknologi informasi terhadapnya. Curriculum vitae Rohmad Adi Siaman menunjukkan latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalamannya sebagai auditor. Bab dalam buku teks membahas penyusunan laporan keuangan setelah entry penyesuaian buku besar.
Contoh SOP Apotek Lalla HaflahDokumen tersebut berisi standar operasional prosedur (SOP) pelayanan di Apotek Mitra Sejahtera yang mencakup SOP pelayanan resep, pelayanan resep psikotropika dan narkotika, pelayanan tanpa resep, meracik obat, menimbang, penerimaan obat, pemesanan obat, tugas petugas shift, serta daftar persediaan obat.
Alcohol - SaraMargaRenedoThe document discusses the negative effects of underage drinking. It notes that alcohol is too accessible for teenagers and changes their behavior and brain function over time. The author believes alcohol should only be consumed in small amounts in special occasions, but acknowledges it is difficult for teenagers to avoid due to social pressures where adults commonly drink.
Ectopic PregnancyMononita BhattacharjeeAn ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. Risk factors include age over 35, previous pelvic or abdominal surgeries, STDs, and fertility treatments. Symptoms can include abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, and shoulder pain. Diagnosis involves testing hCG levels in blood and transvaginal ultrasound. Treatment options are medication with methotrexate or laparoscopic surgery to remove the embryo and repair any damage, as rupture can cause life-threatening bleeding.
Instruments and other things used for physical examinationHARISA MARDIANAThis document lists various medical instruments and supplies used during physical examinations, including a stethoscope, otoscope, ophthalmoscope, medical scissors, sterile gloves, thermometer, tape measure, percussion hammer, cotton balls, scalpel blades, tube of lubricants, small bowls, skin marking pencils, torch, paper towel, urinometer, kidney dish, and sphygmomanometer.
Human computer interaction Semester 1HARISA MARDIANAHuman Computer Interaction (HCI) is the study of how humans interact with computers and how to design interfaces so that users can interact with systems effectively, efficiently and with satisfaction. HCI aims to make computers more usable by understanding users and designing appropriate input/output devices and interaction styles. The goals of HCI include improving safety, utility, effectiveness and efficiency of computer systems to benefit both users and organizations.
Pengendalian internYABES HULURingkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian dan komponen-komponen pengendalian intern serta hubungannya dengan ruang lingkup pemeriksaan auditor.
2. Terdapat lima komponen pengendalian intern yaitu lingkungan pengendalian, penilaian risiko, aktivitas pengendalian, informasi dan komunikasi, serta pemantauan.
3. Pengendalian intern hanya dapat memberikan keyakinan yang memadai dan terbat
Rpp kelas 2Benty Pulchellus Et BellusRPP ini merinci rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika tentang penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan untuk siswa kelas 2 SD. Pembelajaran akan menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok, demonstrasi, dan media seperti kantong bilangan. Siswa akan belajar menjumlahkan dan mengurangkan bilangan sampai 500 tanpa teknik menyimpan.
Sistem pelaporan dan buku besarRohmad Adi Siaman SST Akt., M.Ec.Dev.Mahasiswa mempelajari sistem buku besar dan pelaporan serta dampak teknologi informasi terhadapnya. Curriculum vitae Rohmad Adi Siaman menunjukkan latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalamannya sebagai auditor. Bab dalam buku teks membahas penyusunan laporan keuangan setelah entry penyesuaian buku besar.
Contoh SOP Apotek Lalla HaflahDokumen tersebut berisi standar operasional prosedur (SOP) pelayanan di Apotek Mitra Sejahtera yang mencakup SOP pelayanan resep, pelayanan resep psikotropika dan narkotika, pelayanan tanpa resep, meracik obat, menimbang, penerimaan obat, pemesanan obat, tugas petugas shift, serta daftar persediaan obat.
Alcohol - SaraMargaRenedoThe document discusses the negative effects of underage drinking. It notes that alcohol is too accessible for teenagers and changes their behavior and brain function over time. The author believes alcohol should only be consumed in small amounts in special occasions, but acknowledges it is difficult for teenagers to avoid due to social pressures where adults commonly drink.