IntegriPrint TourIntegriPrintIntegriPrint, Inc. is a printing company that offers both digital and offset printing services. They provide fast turnaround times to meet tight deadlines using digital printing equipment. Their services include wide format printing, mounting and laminating, bindery services, and mailing services. IntegriPrint aims to maintain integrity and consistency in their clients' printed materials to protect their branding.
Mejia marketing planbingmejiamdThis document outlines a 10 step marketing plan for Orthopaedie Frey Far East's arch support products. The plan identifies their current target market as professional athletes and the need to expand to amateur athletes and women. It analyzes competitors and positions their product as customized, middle-priced arch supports. The marketing strategy involves retaining customization, partnering with complementary businesses, and conducting market research to further differentiate their product.
DigiVOX CredentialsCraigStackdigiVOX is a digital marketing agency that provides brands with integrated digital solutions. They deliver targeted campaigns across desktop and mobile web, social media, and search marketing. digiVOX ensures it achieves measurable return on investment for clients by tracking metrics from impressions to conversions and constantly optimizing campaigns. They employ third-party tools to track metrics accurately and provide reporting with insights to maximize return. digiVOX has experience running successful digital campaigns for various brands across different channels and media.
Earning my black belts v.1bingmejiamdThe document outlines Maria Margarita "Bing" Mejia's 20-year marketing plan to continuously earn black belts in life. Her goals are to be a servant-leader and teacher while becoming a competent and compassionate pediatrician. She details her daily roles, short and long-term career milestones, and strategies based on principles of martial arts. Her vision is that in 2030, she will have a happy family and flourishing medical practice while contributing significantly to her community.
Frey 10 step group marketing planbingmejiamdOrthopaedie Frey Far East aims to market customized arch supports to athletes through a 10 step plan. The plan targets professional and varsity athletes as their niche market. Arch supports are customized to each user's foot type and size to promote safety during activities. The overall market size is estimated at PHP 40 million, with Orthopaedie Frey currently covering PHP 400,000. The marketing strategy focuses on differentiation through customization.
DigiVOX CredentialsCraigStackdigiVOX is a digital marketing agency that provides brands with integrated digital solutions. They deliver targeted campaigns across desktop and mobile web, social media, and search marketing. digiVOX ensures it achieves measurable return on investment for clients by tracking metrics from impressions to conversions and constantly optimizing campaigns. They employ third-party tools to track metrics accurately and provide reporting with insights to maximize return. digiVOX has experience running successful digital campaigns for various brands across different channels and media.
Earning my black belts v.1bingmejiamdThe document outlines Maria Margarita "Bing" Mejia's 20-year marketing plan to continuously earn black belts in life. Her goals are to be a servant-leader and teacher while becoming a competent and compassionate pediatrician. She details her daily roles, short and long-term career milestones, and strategies based on principles of martial arts. Her vision is that in 2030, she will have a happy family and flourishing medical practice while contributing significantly to her community.
Frey 10 step group marketing planbingmejiamdOrthopaedie Frey Far East aims to market customized arch supports to athletes through a 10 step plan. The plan targets professional and varsity athletes as their niche market. Arch supports are customized to each user's foot type and size to promote safety during activities. The overall market size is estimated at PHP 40 million, with Orthopaedie Frey currently covering PHP 400,000. The marketing strategy focuses on differentiation through customization.
2. 1. 현장판매는 찬밥신세??(기획의도)이번 PIFF 책자들에 현장판매 시간이 제대로 명시되지 않아 찾기가 힘들었음 (겨우 찾았음)온라인판매 80% 현장판매 20% 의 비율로 컴퓨터를 다루지 못하는 소외계층을 제대로 고려하지 않았음표를 발권하러 온 사람들에 비해 현장발권 창구를 2개밖에 두지 않아 대기줄이 길어서 불편했음
4. 2.국제가 아닌 국내영화제이번 국제영화제에 비교적 많은 외국인 관광객들이 왔음신세계 CGV와 롯데CGV를 가본 결과 PIFF의 안내소엔 외국인을 위한 안내가 열악했음특히, 외국인을 위한 외국어능통자가 제대로 배치되지 않아 외국인들이 어려움을 겪었음
7. 결론컴퓨터를 하지 못하는 사람들에게는 힘겨운 현장발권 이였고, 현장발권 20%의 좌석이 거의 앞자리라서 영화관람객들이 불편함을 겪었음▶ 현장발권의 비율을 최소 30%로 늘리고온라인+오프라인 좌석 비율을 골고루 해야 됨
8. 결론한국인(부산시민+타지역인 포함)에게는 좋은 안내소였지만 외국인에게는 무용지물이였음 ▶ 안내소의 게시판에 최소한 영어+일어+중국어 를 한글과 병행표기하고 각 안내소에 영어, 일어, 중국어 능통자를 각각 배치할 것