Surah Mulk.pptxHowraFatimaThe content for this presentation on the Tafseer of Surah Al-Mulk is taken from the book 'An Enlightening Commentary into the Holy Quran' which is a translation of Tafsir e Namuna.
Please recite a Fateha for my late father, Syed Abbas Mosavi. JazakAllah.
صفات الحروف Tajweed : Qualities of lettersYousuf QahtaniThis presentation explains the qualities and characteristics of Arabic letters to facilitate the proper pronunciation of them and by this we would be able to recite the Quran more fluently by Allah-willing may Allah Bless you all.
The Science of Tagweed - Lesson 1 WaLaa AliThis document provides information about Tajweed, which is the proper rules of recitation of the Quran. It defines Tajweed linguistically as improving pronunciation, and technically as reciting each letter from its correct place of origin with the proper attributes. Tajweed is an obligation for Muslims to properly recite the Quran as taught by the Prophet Muhammad. The document discusses why we learn Tajweed, common mistakes in recitation, ways of beginning recitation, and signs to indicate stopping between verses.
Prophet Adam and the creation of humansBananMahmaljyObeidThis is the story of the creation of Prophet Adam, the story of the Angels and Shaytan, and the story of Adam's sons Qabil and Habil.
Questions, iman, part #1amatullahiThis document contains a quiz about Islamic beliefs with multiple choice questions. It asks questions about core Islamic concepts like who Allah is, the last prophet Muhammad, the most important Islamic book the Quran, and key beliefs like Tawheed (the oneness of God). The questions establish that Allah is the one and only God, the creator of all things, who is eternal and does not resemble human beings. He guided humanity through prophets and revealed religions.
What happens in the barzakh? (Hereafter, Islamic belief, afterlife)Amina InloesAccording to Islamic belief, the afterlife commences with the barzakh. After death, souls move on to the barzakh, where they experience many things, until the blow of the trumpet and the subsequent arrival of the Day of Judgment. This PowerPoint presentation examines what happens in that time in the barzakh according to Qur'an and hadith (especially from the Shi'i school of thought). Large file size is due to embedded video clips.
Al Quran (Chapter 38): Surah Saad, Surah Dawood [prophet David]Dr Jameel G Jargar1. Highlights: a) Main Topics, b) Listening: Recitation &
Translation, c) Elucidation
2. Structure: a) Meaning b) Statistics c) Reading
3. Message: Introduces the Central Theme of the Surah
4. References: Internet Sources
5. Quiz: Test the Knowledge About the Surah
Thank you
Angels in islamShariful IslamThe document discusses beliefs about angels in Islam. It defines angels as created from light to carry out God's commands. Angels do not eat, drink, get tired or bored. They differ in size and status, with Gabriel being the largest. Their duties include conveying revelations, directing rain, blowing the trumpet on Judgment Day, and taking souls at death. They also protect and record human deeds. The document provides details on various angels like Michael, the angel of death, and the angels questioning in the grave.
Presentation1 on MakharijGhani DotaniThe document discusses the articulation points of Arabic letters known as Makharij. It notes there are 17 emission points located in the throat, tongue, lips, nose, and mouth. It provides a chart showing where each of the 29 Arabic letters is produced from these points. It states that with a few training sessions, one can correctly pronounce the letters, and regular Quran recitation helps master them. Examples are given for specific letters such as letters produced from the end, middle or start of the throat, or by different positions of the tongue against the mouth.
The pillars of imanSyukran The document discusses the six pillars of Iman (faith) in Islam. The six pillars are: 1) belief in Allah, 2) belief in angels, 3) belief in holy books, 4) belief in prophets, 5) belief in the Day of Judgment, and 6) belief in divine destiny. Each pillar is then further explained with additional details and concepts related to that pillar of faith in Islam.
أحكام النون الساكنة والتنوين Tajweed : The rules of noon sakinah and tanween Yousuf QahtaniThe document discusses rules for silent noon letters, extra silent noon letters, and rules for merging, flipping, hiding, and pronouncing lam and noon letters with or without ghunnah. It provides guidance on pronouncing letters clearly or merging them together depending on whether they have ghunnah or not and whether they occur at the end of words or next to other letters.
Madina book 1 arabic solutionsMansour1The document consists of multiple repetitions of a short statement giving permission for personal use of material from the Institute of the Language of the Qur'an and with permission from Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Raheem. It does not contain any other substantive information.
Madina book1-notesSonali JannatThe document provides notes on various Arabic grammar topics:
- The difference between "this" (اَذَه) and "that" (ََكِلَذ) in Arabic.
- Solar and lunar letters in the Arabic alphabet.
- Joining and isolated hamzas.
- Examples from the Quran that demonstrate these grammatical features.
- The difference between interrogative pronouns "what" (اَم) and "who" (َْنَم
Qs002 importance-of-understanding-the-quranconnectwithquran1) The document discusses the importance of engaging with the Quran through the heart, mind, body and soul. It emphasizes emotional involvement, intellectual reflection, physical acts like recitation, and spiritual purification.
2) It warns that those who turn away from remembering Allah and reflecting on the Quran will face negative consequences on the Day of Judgment, being forgotten, blind and burdened.
3) True engagement with the Quran requires love for the book, attachment to it, and interacting with it at every moment through emotions, thoughts, actions and spiritual striving to live according to its teachings.
Haya for-faithAbida BanoThis document discusses the Islamic concept of Haya (modesty). It defines Haya as modesty, shamefulness, and shyness, which is linked to avoiding indecency and protecting one's private parts. The document outlines how Haya is mentioned in the Quran and hadith as an important part of faith. It discusses how societies with Haya have lower crime rates against women and greater stability compared to societies that have abandoned modesty. The document encourages cultivating Haya through modest conduct, speech, and dress in order to gain spiritual protection and live according to Islamic teachings.
Surat Al-HumazaBananMahmaljyObeidThe meaning of Surat Al-Humaza.
What does the Surah say about backbiting?
What does the Surah say about making others feel bad?
How does Islam view greed?
For a free digital copy and worksheets, DM quran4kidz on Instagram.
Forgiveness in IslamMisha Bint PThe document discusses several Islamic concepts including patience during hardship, seeking forgiveness from Allah, unity among Muslims, and the virtues of repentance and seeking forgiveness. It provides verses from the Quran encouraging forgiveness, patience during difficulty, and avoiding division. It also relates a hadith about the rewards of certain supplications said after completing wudu, or ablution. Overall the document promotes Islamic ethical concepts like forgiveness, repentance, unity, and perseverance in times of ease and hardship.
Solutions Through Du'as.pdfCaller To Islam / الداعية الإسلاميThis document discusses the importance of du'a (supplication) in Islam. It provides several quotes from the Quran and hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad emphasizing the power of du'a and encouraging believers to turn to Allah in prayer. The document also outlines principles for ensuring du'as are accepted, such as avoiding sin, focusing one's attention on Allah, and making du'a for other Muslims. Overall, the document stresses that du'a is a form of worship that can help believers achieve success, fulfill their needs, and gain Allah's forgiveness and mercy.
Basic arabic grammarAdeelMushtaqThis document provides an introduction to and overview of the first chapter of the textbook "Basic Arabic Grammar: Part A". The chapter focuses on forming basic nominal sentences in Arabic. It discusses definite and indefinite nouns and adjectives, and how they are used in nominal sentences of the form "subject is/are predicate". It also introduces the singular detached pronouns that can replace nouns as subjects, and the conjunction "and" which can join multiple predicates or nominal sentences. Several example sentences are provided to illustrate these concepts.
Surah Al-Naziat Power pointMariamKhan128Its name derived from the wordwan-nazi`atwith which the Surah opens.
Period of Revelation
According to Abdullah bin Abbas, this Surah was sent down after Surah An-Naba.
Surah An-Nazi’at (chapter 79 of the Qur’an) was revealed in Makkah.
Like other early Makkan Surahs, this Surah also focuses on:
a) Oneness of Allah (Tawheed), with an emphasis on Allah’s power to Create and Resurrect
b) Messengership (Risalat), with an emphasis on the consequences of those who deny the Messengers of Allah out of arrogance
c) Life after death (Akhirat)
Questions, iman, part #1amatullahiThis document contains a quiz about Islamic beliefs with multiple choice questions. It asks questions about core Islamic concepts like who Allah is, the last prophet Muhammad, the most important Islamic book the Quran, and key beliefs like Tawheed (the oneness of God). The questions establish that Allah is the one and only God, the creator of all things, who is eternal and does not resemble human beings. He guided humanity through prophets and revealed religions.
What happens in the barzakh? (Hereafter, Islamic belief, afterlife)Amina InloesAccording to Islamic belief, the afterlife commences with the barzakh. After death, souls move on to the barzakh, where they experience many things, until the blow of the trumpet and the subsequent arrival of the Day of Judgment. This PowerPoint presentation examines what happens in that time in the barzakh according to Qur'an and hadith (especially from the Shi'i school of thought). Large file size is due to embedded video clips.
Al Quran (Chapter 38): Surah Saad, Surah Dawood [prophet David]Dr Jameel G Jargar1. Highlights: a) Main Topics, b) Listening: Recitation &
Translation, c) Elucidation
2. Structure: a) Meaning b) Statistics c) Reading
3. Message: Introduces the Central Theme of the Surah
4. References: Internet Sources
5. Quiz: Test the Knowledge About the Surah
Thank you
Angels in islamShariful IslamThe document discusses beliefs about angels in Islam. It defines angels as created from light to carry out God's commands. Angels do not eat, drink, get tired or bored. They differ in size and status, with Gabriel being the largest. Their duties include conveying revelations, directing rain, blowing the trumpet on Judgment Day, and taking souls at death. They also protect and record human deeds. The document provides details on various angels like Michael, the angel of death, and the angels questioning in the grave.
Presentation1 on MakharijGhani DotaniThe document discusses the articulation points of Arabic letters known as Makharij. It notes there are 17 emission points located in the throat, tongue, lips, nose, and mouth. It provides a chart showing where each of the 29 Arabic letters is produced from these points. It states that with a few training sessions, one can correctly pronounce the letters, and regular Quran recitation helps master them. Examples are given for specific letters such as letters produced from the end, middle or start of the throat, or by different positions of the tongue against the mouth.
The pillars of imanSyukran The document discusses the six pillars of Iman (faith) in Islam. The six pillars are: 1) belief in Allah, 2) belief in angels, 3) belief in holy books, 4) belief in prophets, 5) belief in the Day of Judgment, and 6) belief in divine destiny. Each pillar is then further explained with additional details and concepts related to that pillar of faith in Islam.
أحكام النون الساكنة والتنوين Tajweed : The rules of noon sakinah and tanween Yousuf QahtaniThe document discusses rules for silent noon letters, extra silent noon letters, and rules for merging, flipping, hiding, and pronouncing lam and noon letters with or without ghunnah. It provides guidance on pronouncing letters clearly or merging them together depending on whether they have ghunnah or not and whether they occur at the end of words or next to other letters.
Madina book 1 arabic solutionsMansour1The document consists of multiple repetitions of a short statement giving permission for personal use of material from the Institute of the Language of the Qur'an and with permission from Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Raheem. It does not contain any other substantive information.
Madina book1-notesSonali JannatThe document provides notes on various Arabic grammar topics:
- The difference between "this" (اَذَه) and "that" (ََكِلَذ) in Arabic.
- Solar and lunar letters in the Arabic alphabet.
- Joining and isolated hamzas.
- Examples from the Quran that demonstrate these grammatical features.
- The difference between interrogative pronouns "what" (اَم) and "who" (َْنَم
Qs002 importance-of-understanding-the-quranconnectwithquran1) The document discusses the importance of engaging with the Quran through the heart, mind, body and soul. It emphasizes emotional involvement, intellectual reflection, physical acts like recitation, and spiritual purification.
2) It warns that those who turn away from remembering Allah and reflecting on the Quran will face negative consequences on the Day of Judgment, being forgotten, blind and burdened.
3) True engagement with the Quran requires love for the book, attachment to it, and interacting with it at every moment through emotions, thoughts, actions and spiritual striving to live according to its teachings.
Haya for-faithAbida BanoThis document discusses the Islamic concept of Haya (modesty). It defines Haya as modesty, shamefulness, and shyness, which is linked to avoiding indecency and protecting one's private parts. The document outlines how Haya is mentioned in the Quran and hadith as an important part of faith. It discusses how societies with Haya have lower crime rates against women and greater stability compared to societies that have abandoned modesty. The document encourages cultivating Haya through modest conduct, speech, and dress in order to gain spiritual protection and live according to Islamic teachings.
Surat Al-HumazaBananMahmaljyObeidThe meaning of Surat Al-Humaza.
What does the Surah say about backbiting?
What does the Surah say about making others feel bad?
How does Islam view greed?
For a free digital copy and worksheets, DM quran4kidz on Instagram.
Forgiveness in IslamMisha Bint PThe document discusses several Islamic concepts including patience during hardship, seeking forgiveness from Allah, unity among Muslims, and the virtues of repentance and seeking forgiveness. It provides verses from the Quran encouraging forgiveness, patience during difficulty, and avoiding division. It also relates a hadith about the rewards of certain supplications said after completing wudu, or ablution. Overall the document promotes Islamic ethical concepts like forgiveness, repentance, unity, and perseverance in times of ease and hardship.
Solutions Through Du'as.pdfCaller To Islam / الداعية الإسلاميThis document discusses the importance of du'a (supplication) in Islam. It provides several quotes from the Quran and hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad emphasizing the power of du'a and encouraging believers to turn to Allah in prayer. The document also outlines principles for ensuring du'as are accepted, such as avoiding sin, focusing one's attention on Allah, and making du'a for other Muslims. Overall, the document stresses that du'a is a form of worship that can help believers achieve success, fulfill their needs, and gain Allah's forgiveness and mercy.
Basic arabic grammarAdeelMushtaqThis document provides an introduction to and overview of the first chapter of the textbook "Basic Arabic Grammar: Part A". The chapter focuses on forming basic nominal sentences in Arabic. It discusses definite and indefinite nouns and adjectives, and how they are used in nominal sentences of the form "subject is/are predicate". It also introduces the singular detached pronouns that can replace nouns as subjects, and the conjunction "and" which can join multiple predicates or nominal sentences. Several example sentences are provided to illustrate these concepts.
Surah Al-Naziat Power pointMariamKhan128Its name derived from the wordwan-nazi`atwith which the Surah opens.
Period of Revelation
According to Abdullah bin Abbas, this Surah was sent down after Surah An-Naba.
Surah An-Nazi’at (chapter 79 of the Qur’an) was revealed in Makkah.
Like other early Makkan Surahs, this Surah also focuses on:
a) Oneness of Allah (Tawheed), with an emphasis on Allah’s power to Create and Resurrect
b) Messengership (Risalat), with an emphasis on the consequences of those who deny the Messengers of Allah out of arrogance
c) Life after death (Akhirat)
من الإيمان بالغيب الإيمان بفتنة القبر و نعيمهFree Interactive Islamic College, All in One Open Traditional Certificate
وقف لله تعالى لا يباع ولا يشترى
من الإيمان بالغيب
الإيمان بفتنة القبر و نعيمه
قال تعالى : " يُثَبِّتُ اللّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ بِالْقَوْلِ الثَّابِتِ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَ فِي الآخِرَةِ " إبراهيم - الآية 27 -
‘‘ القبر إما روضة من رياض الجنة، أو حفرة من حفر النار ’’ حديث نبوي شريف.
جمع عبد الله التليدي
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
و صلى الله و سلم و بارك على سيدنا محمد و آله و صحبه و زوجه
الحمد لله كما ينبغي لجلال وجهه و عظيم سلطانه، و الحمد لله الذي يوافي نعمه و يكافئ مزيده، و الحمد لله حمداً كثيراً طيباً مباركا فيه مباركا عليه كما يحب ربنا و يرضى مما لا نهاية له.
و الصلاة و السلام الأتمان الدائمتان على أشرف خلق الله و أكرم رسله سيدنا محمد بن عبد الله المطلبي الهاشمي، و على آله الأطهار، و صحابته الأخيار من المهاجرين و الأنصار و على من اقتفى أثرهم و سلك نهجهم ما دام الليل و النهار.
أما بعد، فقد اختص الخوارج و كثير من المعتزلة و الشيعة الروافض* عن جماعة أهل السنة بكثير من عقائد متطرفة تخالف عقيدة المسلمين و إجماع الأمة كتضليلهم الصحابة، و قولهم بخلق القرآن، و قول الخوارج بتكفير صاحب الكبيرة و اتفاقهم مع المعتزلة بقولهم بخلوده في النار و نفيهم الشفاعة لإخراج العصاة من النار و إنكارهم رؤية الله عز و جل يوم القيامة إلى آخر جريدتهم العفنة..