라이트브레인 UX 아카데미 2기 오픈 프로젝트 - 스마트태그(1) RightBrain inc.라이트브레인 UX 아카데미 2기 오픈 프로젝트 주제는 '직장인들을 위한 일상생활 도우미, 스마트태그' UX 디자인입니다. 16주간의 긴 교육과정의 최종 과제 결과물을 공유합니다.
스마트태그 UX 디자인의 기본 전제조건은 아래와 같습니다.
- 2015년 하반기 출시
- 독자적인 기술은 없음 (현존하는 기술 활용)
- 일상생활에서 필요한 탁월한 서비스를 제공하는 데 주력
- 부담없이 구매할 수 있는 가격대 : 3~5만원
- 하나가 아닌 세트 구성
먼저, 1조가 정리한 과제결과물입니다.
Mobile web or native appMike TakahashiWith thousands of applications and millions of downloads, the App Store has been a resounding success that has prompted other phones manufacturers to develop their own App Stores. Developers and businesses alike took notice of the early success and sales of iPhone apps and now the rush is on to build native mobile applications. Now businesses say they need an mobile application before they know what the business case for the application will be. But are native applications really the future of mobile? What happened to the promise of the Mobile Web? And what about hybrid applications? When does it make sense to build each type of application? What are the limitations of each? And where is each technology headed? Learn how to make and informative decision between these two approaches.
Prototype & Test - Design ThinkingamaneiromThis document summarizes prototypes for helping Sophie tell her boyfriend about her new job requiring a move to a new city. One prototype involves surprising him with plane tickets, a nice hotel, and romantic dinner reservations to break the news. Another prototype focuses on using social media to connect with new colleagues and contacts in the new city and get introductions through current friends to ease the transition. Both prototypes provide feedback on what worked well, areas for improvement, potential questions, and additional ideas to test further.
Progressive Web ApplicationsBartek IgielskiThis document discusses progressive web applications (PWAs), which aim to provide users with an app-like experience through the web. PWAs load quickly, work offline or on low-quality networks, feel native on devices, and are discoverable. The key aspects that define a PWA are HTTPS, a web app manifest, and a service worker. Case studies show that popular sites like AliExpress, Flipkart and Google I/O saw significant increases in user engagement and conversion through PWAs compared to regular web or native apps. Service workers allow caching assets, pushing notifications, and handling requests when offline to improve the user experience.
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...Robert NymanThis document provides an introduction to progressive web apps (PWAs). It discusses the history of web technologies from HTML and HTTP in the early 1990s to more recent developments like service workers, push notifications, and web app manifests that enable PWAs. Features of PWAs are described like reliability, performance, engagement, and integration with the operating system. Case studies are presented showing the benefits some companies have seen from implementing PWAs.
Progressive web appsR. Caner YıldırımProgressive Web Apps presentation for GDG Istanbul's Progressive Web Apps Meetup.
I'm not a web developer or front-end developer but I tried to explain how PWAs work.
Prototype & Test - Design ThinkingamaneiromThis document summarizes prototypes for helping Sophie tell her boyfriend about her new job requiring a move to a new city. One prototype involves surprising him with plane tickets, a nice hotel, and romantic dinner reservations to break the news. Another prototype focuses on using social media to connect with new colleagues and contacts in the new city and get introductions through current friends to ease the transition. Both prototypes provide feedback on what worked well, areas for improvement, potential questions, and additional ideas to test further.
Progressive Web ApplicationsBartek IgielskiThis document discusses progressive web applications (PWAs), which aim to provide users with an app-like experience through the web. PWAs load quickly, work offline or on low-quality networks, feel native on devices, and are discoverable. The key aspects that define a PWA are HTTPS, a web app manifest, and a service worker. Case studies show that popular sites like AliExpress, Flipkart and Google I/O saw significant increases in user engagement and conversion through PWAs compared to regular web or native apps. Service workers allow caching assets, pushing notifications, and handling requests when offline to improve the user experience.
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...Robert NymanThis document provides an introduction to progressive web apps (PWAs). It discusses the history of web technologies from HTML and HTTP in the early 1990s to more recent developments like service workers, push notifications, and web app manifests that enable PWAs. Features of PWAs are described like reliability, performance, engagement, and integration with the operating system. Case studies are presented showing the benefits some companies have seen from implementing PWAs.
Progressive web appsR. Caner YıldırımProgressive Web Apps presentation for GDG Istanbul's Progressive Web Apps Meetup.
I'm not a web developer or front-end developer but I tried to explain how PWAs work.
[오컴 Clip IT 세미나] 머신러닝과 인공지능의 현재와 미래Taehoon Ko오컴 Clip IT 세미나 1회차 "머신러닝과 인공지능의 현재와 미래"
1. 인공지능과 머신러닝
- 영화 및 애니메이션에 나타나는 친화적 인공지능과 적대적 인공지능, 그리고 감성적 인공지능
- 강한 인공지능과 약한 인공지능의 차이
- 인공지능과 머신러닝의 관계
2. 딥러닝과 강화학습
- 인공지능의 중요 열쇠이자 머신러닝의 세부 이론인 딥러닝과 강화학습에 대한 개괄 소개
3. 인공지능에 대한 우리의 자세
- 과연 인공지능은 완벽한가?
- 과연 인공지능은 인간 전문가를 대체할 수 있을까?
- 데이터의 중요성
(O2UX)UX trend report system-content-user ux_20191024O2UX일반인을 대상으로하는 앱서비스 UX에만 집중되어 있는 트랜드의 시각을 시스템과 컨텐츠의 영역으로 넓혀, 보다 넓은 사용자 중심 UX에 대한 변화를 논의해 보고자 합니다..
38. What ’s good about it