This document analyzes several magazine advertisements, summarizing the key aspects of each:
1. A shoe ad featuring professional skateboarder Jamie Thomas, appealing to power and control through skating ability.
2. A donut ad targeting athletes, with extreme labeling and a skateboarder doing tricks to imply the consumer can emulate this lifestyle.
3. A music downloader ad showing a smiling man enjoying the product, implying the consumer can share in this fun and joy through the same product.
Scientific notation and scaling are used to help understand numbers and sizes that are too large or small for direct comprehension. Scientific notation converts very large or small numbers into a more readable format with an exponent. Scaling creates comparable models to study objects too big, like planets, or too small, like molecules, to directly observe. While less accurate and requiring unit conversions, these techniques are important for studying the vast universe whose real sizes are beyond direct human experience or reference.
Sex refers to biological differences while gender refers to cultural constructions of masculinity and femininity. Gender roles are tasks and activities assigned by culture to sexes, with many societies dividing work along sex lines. Theories for near-universal gender divisions of labor include strength, compatibility with childcare, economy of effort, and expendability.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 224 barcos, sus n¨²meros de vela, nombres, capitanes, marcas y modelos, as¨ª como los clubes a los que pertenecen. La informaci¨®n se presenta en una tabla con columnas para cada uno de estos detalles.
1. The document discusses how data helps prioritize ideas and determine the success of projects.
2. It provides an example of using data to justify improving a signup flow based on past experiment results and goals to grow user numbers.
3. An A/B test was run to move the email confirmation step which resulted in more users making it through signup but less email activations, though overall user retention improved.
David Guetta uses bright neon colors in his music videos and website to portray himself as a party animal who likes being the center of attention. The music video, CD packaging, and website all have a similar vivid style and are designed to make the viewer feel personally connected to the artist through close-ups. The website also allows fans to interact with Guetta by viewing his tweets, purchasing tour tickets, and reading his biography to emotionally connect with him.
The document contains links to various images found on websites related to babies, classrooms, bullying, nurses' offices, meditation, hospitals, education blogs, stock photography sites, and lifestyle blogs. The links suggest the document is sharing images from different topics across multiple domains on the internet.
The document summarizes feedback received from various audiences on a video project. Key points learned include:
1) The video resembled another work too closely and lacked variety in locations.
2) The guitar coming in late caused confusion over the genre.
3) The lead singer's performance seemed fake and lacked quality.
4) Editing was not always invisible and could be improved by cutting more on the beat.
Servicialisation - Service Specifying: Example E-mailing Service V01.05.00servicEvolution
This document outlines a concept called "Servicialisation" for reliable and payable service delivery. It introduces key terms like service identifying, specifying, composing, orchestrating, cataloguing, committing, concerting and billing. These terms are used to map the process of identifying a service, specifying it through attributes, composing it, orchestrating suppliers, cataloguing the service, committing to service levels, delivering the service and billing for it. An example of specifying an email service is provided to illustrate the 12 service attributes across 3 service levels. The service specification is positioned as the center of this process to reliably deliver services.
El documento describe las caracter¨ªsticas del sol. El sol es una estrella enana amarilla que es la m¨¢s importante para la Tierra. Tiene forma esf¨¦rica y se encuentra a una distancia tal que la luz solar tarda 8 minutos y 18 segundos en llegar a la Tierra. El sol tambi¨¦n es peque?o en comparaci¨®n con otras estrellas.
In "vodQA - Testing and Beyond" held in March 2012 in ThoughtWorks Pune, Anand Bagmar spoke about - "What is Behavior Driven Testing (BDT)? How does it differ from Behavior Driven Development? What tools support this kind of testing? The value proposition BDT offers."
As a follow-up to that introduction to BDT, we conducted a Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) workshop in the ThoughtWorks Pune office. This workshop was the first in a series of vodQA Geek Nights.
For more information about the workshop, visit
The document summarizes an official launch of a book titled "Advances in Eye surgery" with authors from Argentina, Colombia, UK, Spain, Iran, Japan, Nigeria, Greece, Israel, Croatia, Africa, Denmark, and USA. The book has 12 chapters on various topics related to eye surgery technologies and was edited by Patricio Pacheco. It was published on February 24, 2016 under an open access CC BY 3.0 license.
Rugby originated from William Webb Ellis and can be played in different forms like rugby 15s and 7s. It involves passing the ball behind you and tackling the ball carrier. The pitch is rectangular with goal posts measuring 5.6m by 3.4m, and teams score points through tries, penalties, and drop goals.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 224 barcos, sus n¨²meros de vela, nombres, capitanes, marcas y modelos, as¨ª como los clubes a los que pertenecen. La informaci¨®n se presenta en una tabla con columnas para cada uno de estos detalles.
1. The document discusses how data helps prioritize ideas and determine the success of projects.
2. It provides an example of using data to justify improving a signup flow based on past experiment results and goals to grow user numbers.
3. An A/B test was run to move the email confirmation step which resulted in more users making it through signup but less email activations, though overall user retention improved.
David Guetta uses bright neon colors in his music videos and website to portray himself as a party animal who likes being the center of attention. The music video, CD packaging, and website all have a similar vivid style and are designed to make the viewer feel personally connected to the artist through close-ups. The website also allows fans to interact with Guetta by viewing his tweets, purchasing tour tickets, and reading his biography to emotionally connect with him.
The document contains links to various images found on websites related to babies, classrooms, bullying, nurses' offices, meditation, hospitals, education blogs, stock photography sites, and lifestyle blogs. The links suggest the document is sharing images from different topics across multiple domains on the internet.
The document summarizes feedback received from various audiences on a video project. Key points learned include:
1) The video resembled another work too closely and lacked variety in locations.
2) The guitar coming in late caused confusion over the genre.
3) The lead singer's performance seemed fake and lacked quality.
4) Editing was not always invisible and could be improved by cutting more on the beat.
Servicialisation - Service Specifying: Example E-mailing Service V01.05.00servicEvolution
This document outlines a concept called "Servicialisation" for reliable and payable service delivery. It introduces key terms like service identifying, specifying, composing, orchestrating, cataloguing, committing, concerting and billing. These terms are used to map the process of identifying a service, specifying it through attributes, composing it, orchestrating suppliers, cataloguing the service, committing to service levels, delivering the service and billing for it. An example of specifying an email service is provided to illustrate the 12 service attributes across 3 service levels. The service specification is positioned as the center of this process to reliably deliver services.
El documento describe las caracter¨ªsticas del sol. El sol es una estrella enana amarilla que es la m¨¢s importante para la Tierra. Tiene forma esf¨¦rica y se encuentra a una distancia tal que la luz solar tarda 8 minutos y 18 segundos en llegar a la Tierra. El sol tambi¨¦n es peque?o en comparaci¨®n con otras estrellas.
In "vodQA - Testing and Beyond" held in March 2012 in ThoughtWorks Pune, Anand Bagmar spoke about - "What is Behavior Driven Testing (BDT)? How does it differ from Behavior Driven Development? What tools support this kind of testing? The value proposition BDT offers."
As a follow-up to that introduction to BDT, we conducted a Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) workshop in the ThoughtWorks Pune office. This workshop was the first in a series of vodQA Geek Nights.
For more information about the workshop, visit
The document summarizes an official launch of a book titled "Advances in Eye surgery" with authors from Argentina, Colombia, UK, Spain, Iran, Japan, Nigeria, Greece, Israel, Croatia, Africa, Denmark, and USA. The book has 12 chapters on various topics related to eye surgery technologies and was edited by Patricio Pacheco. It was published on February 24, 2016 under an open access CC BY 3.0 license.
Rugby originated from William Webb Ellis and can be played in different forms like rugby 15s and 7s. It involves passing the ball behind you and tackling the ball carrier. The pitch is rectangular with goal posts measuring 5.6m by 3.4m, and teams score points through tries, penalties, and drop goals.