Mezough CVsmohammed MezoughMohammed Mezough is applying for an electrical engineer position. He has over 10 years of experience as an electrical engineer, including his current role at SORFERT Algeria S.P.A Company. He received his Electrical Engineering diploma in 2008 and has additional training in maintenance management, electrical systems, automation, and project management. His responsibilities have included maintenance and operation of electrical infrastructure, preparing documentation, and supervising electrical teams.
Herman Monteberos DueroHerman DueroThis document contains the resume of Herman Monteberos Duero. It summarizes his educational background which includes an Associate degree in Hotel and Restaurant Services Technology from New Lucena Polytechnic College. It also outlines his work experience in customer service roles for various companies. His skills include excellent interpersonal skills, independence, initiative and a results-driven mindset. He is seeking a challenging career in retail where he can interact with people and develop his management skills.
Automotive session 1 Mohammedhussein_7This document discusses manual transmissions and transaxles. It begins with the history and purpose of manual transmissions and describes the development of improved designs. It then discusses different types of gears such as spur gears and helical gears, along with their advantages and disadvantages. The document outlines types of gear meshing and explains how gear ratios and trains work. It describes the main components of manual transmissions and transaxles and compares the differences between rear-wheel drive and front-wheel drive systems.
Desktop enviroment shamsa altayer 10bgshamsaotA desktop environment is a software interface for personal computers that mimics real-world interactions using elements like icons, windows, folders, and desktop widgets. It allows users to interact with the computer in an intuitive way using familiar concepts. A desktop environment typically consists of a window manager, file manager, graphical themes, and toolkits. Common desktop environments include Microsoft Windows, Aqua for Mac OS X, and environments like KDE and GNOME that are used across various operating systems.
SUDESHNA DAS_resumeSudeshna DasSudeshna Das is a software engineer with over 3 years of experience working for Tech Mahindra Americas Inc. She has a B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Dream Institute of Technology in Kolkata, India. She is currently working on the CSI project for AT&T, where she is responsible for service oriented architecture support, managing service endpoints and directories, and daily code deployment. She has strong skills in databases, programming languages, and operating systems.
Questionnair of cyber crime with information technology actShrey ShahThis document contains a 26-question survey on cyber crime that collects information from respondents on their demographics, computer usage, familiarity with cyber crime, experiences with cyber crime, and views on cyber laws. It asks about the respondent's gender, age, education level, daily computer use, technical knowledge, and familiarity with cyber crime. It also inquires about their understanding of cyber crime, vulnerability of different computer user groups, safe online activities, software protection, experiences with hacking and being hacked, and awareness of cyber crime laws.
0tema 1 consti_patata_puntos-patatabrava.docxGulusa BosoEl documento resume el concepto de constitucionalismo y su evolución a través de la historia. Comenzó en el siglo XII en Inglaterra con la Magna Carta para controlar el poder del rey. En los siglos XVII y XVIII, la Declaración de Derechos inglesa y la Constitución estadounidense establecieron la división de poderes y los derechos humanos. La Revolución Francesa de 1789 promulgó la soberanía popular y la supremacía de la ley. En el siglo XX, las constituciones
Herman Monteberos DueroHerman DueroThis document contains the resume of Herman Monteberos Duero. It summarizes his educational background which includes an Associate degree in Hotel and Restaurant Services Technology from New Lucena Polytechnic College. It also outlines his work experience in customer service roles for various companies. His skills include excellent interpersonal skills, independence, initiative and a results-driven mindset. He is seeking a challenging career in retail where he can interact with people and develop his management skills.
Automotive session 1 Mohammedhussein_7This document discusses manual transmissions and transaxles. It begins with the history and purpose of manual transmissions and describes the development of improved designs. It then discusses different types of gears such as spur gears and helical gears, along with their advantages and disadvantages. The document outlines types of gear meshing and explains how gear ratios and trains work. It describes the main components of manual transmissions and transaxles and compares the differences between rear-wheel drive and front-wheel drive systems.
Desktop enviroment shamsa altayer 10bgshamsaotA desktop environment is a software interface for personal computers that mimics real-world interactions using elements like icons, windows, folders, and desktop widgets. It allows users to interact with the computer in an intuitive way using familiar concepts. A desktop environment typically consists of a window manager, file manager, graphical themes, and toolkits. Common desktop environments include Microsoft Windows, Aqua for Mac OS X, and environments like KDE and GNOME that are used across various operating systems.
SUDESHNA DAS_resumeSudeshna DasSudeshna Das is a software engineer with over 3 years of experience working for Tech Mahindra Americas Inc. She has a B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Dream Institute of Technology in Kolkata, India. She is currently working on the CSI project for AT&T, where she is responsible for service oriented architecture support, managing service endpoints and directories, and daily code deployment. She has strong skills in databases, programming languages, and operating systems.
Questionnair of cyber crime with information technology actShrey ShahThis document contains a 26-question survey on cyber crime that collects information from respondents on their demographics, computer usage, familiarity with cyber crime, experiences with cyber crime, and views on cyber laws. It asks about the respondent's gender, age, education level, daily computer use, technical knowledge, and familiarity with cyber crime. It also inquires about their understanding of cyber crime, vulnerability of different computer user groups, safe online activities, software protection, experiences with hacking and being hacked, and awareness of cyber crime laws.
0tema 1 consti_patata_puntos-patatabrava.docxGulusa BosoEl documento resume el concepto de constitucionalismo y su evolución a través de la historia. Comenzó en el siglo XII en Inglaterra con la Magna Carta para controlar el poder del rey. En los siglos XVII y XVIII, la Declaración de Derechos inglesa y la Constitución estadounidense establecieron la división de poderes y los derechos humanos. La Revolución Francesa de 1789 promulgó la soberanía popular y la supremacía de la ley. En el siglo XX, las constituciones
2. 공통주제 (노트북 파우치)
1) 재료선정
2) 과정
3) 완성 및 결과
자유주제 (조명)
1) 재료선정
2) 과정
3) 완성 및 결과
3. 01 공통 주제 (노트북 파우치)
1 재료 선정
안 쓰는 검정 자루와 늘어난 티셔츠,단추를 선정했다.(원래 찍찍이를 사
용하려고 했지만 부착 후 자꾸 떨어져서 단추로 변경함)
자루가 생각보다 얇아서 파우치의 내구성을 위해 티셔츠를 안감으로 사
용할 것이다.
4. 01 공통 주제 (노트북 파우치)
380 200
주의점: 안감은 겉감보다 세로 길이를 70mm더 길게 자른다.
5. 01 공통 주제 (노트북 파우치)
1. 치수에 맞추어 겉감과 안감을 재
단한다. 치수보다 1cm정도 더 크
게 자른다.
2. 치수 선에 맞추어 박음질 한다.
3. 겉감과 안감 모두 뒤집는다. 4. 장식을 달 위치를 정한 후 겉감 위
에 표시하고 달아준다.
6. 5. 안감과 겉감을 연결한다. 이때
윗부분에 남는 안감을 약 2cm접
접은 후 겉감과 함께 박음질 한
01 공통 주제 (노트북 파우치)
6. 덮개를 단다.
7. (완성) 마지막으로 단추를 달아 내용물이 쏟아지지 않도록 해준다. 윗부분에 단추
구멍을 내고 아랫부분에 단추를 달았다.
9. 02 자유 주제 (조명- 세상을 밝히는 쓰레기)
1 재료 선정
길거리를 걷다가 주위를 둘러보면 버려진 일회용 플라스틱 컵을 쉽게 만
날 수 있다. 이 재료를 활용해 조명을 만들어 보고자 한다.
• 플라스틱 컵
• 지끈( 종이 끈)
• 가위, 송곳, 접착제
• LED 캔들
10. 02 자유 주제 (조명- 세상을 밝히는 쓰레기)
2 과정
1. 먼저 컵을 뒤집은 후 종이 끈을 컵 몸통 에 감아 준다. (종이 끈은 과제
를 하다 남은 것을 활용했다.) 끈이 풀리지 않도록 접착제를 발라 마무
리 한다.
11. 02 자유 주제 (조명- 세상을 밝히는 쓰레기)
2 과정
2. 컵 뒤쪽에 송곳을 활용 해 구멍 두 개를 뚫는다. 그 후에 각각의 구멍
으로 끈을 넣어 매듭을 지으면 벽이나 가구에 걸 수 있는 고리가 만들
어 진다.
12. 02 자유 주제 (조명- 세상을 밝히는 쓰레기)
2 과정
3. 마지막으로 led캔들을 뚜껑 위에 놓고 스위치를 켠 후 닫아 준다.
13. 02 자유 주제 (조명- 세상을 밝히는 쓰레기)
3 완성
책상 위에 놓고 스탠드 형 조명으로도 사용이 가능하고 공중에 매달아서 사
용할 수 도 있다.