Informe financiero endeudamiento metro quitoCarlos Páez PérezInforme preparado por la Dirección Metropolitana Financiera (Municipio de Quito) sobre la situación de la deuda municipal con el financiamiento para el Metro
Informe financiero endeudamiento metro quitoCarlos Páez PérezInforme preparado por la Dirección Metropolitana Financiera (Municipio de Quito) sobre la situación de la deuda municipal con el financiamiento para el Metro
Mylogenics Rehab OpleidingOverload WorldwideDeze 3 daagse module is gericht op de vele actieve ‘rehab’ technieken met betrekking tot kracht, power, snelheid en uithoudingsvermogen. Tijdens deze module worden tevens stabilisatietechnieken en proprioceptieve trainingsvormen behandeld. Deze module omvat:
Optimale Actieve Revalidatie training
Testen van de optimale krachtsverhoudingen t.b.v. blessure preventie
Actieve Shoulder Rehab training
Actieve Knee Rehab training
Actieve Lower Back training
Actieve Optimal Core Training
Muscle Balance training
En de ultieme ‘medische’ fitness methode van dit moment
Mylogenics Advanced OpleidingOverload WorldwideDeze extra 3 daagse Mylogenics module zal o.a. dieper worden ingegaan op het interpreteren van afwijkende looppatronen en de vele behandeltechnieken met betrekking tot de wervelkolom. Denk hierbij o.a. aan wervelfixaties, vertebra release techniques (losmaken van de wervels), en wervel reflexpunten. Verder zullen er diverse anamnese technieken aan bod komen. Deze module omvat:
Anamnese technieken
Mylogenics Thoughts Patterns
Pain Locations & Clinical Implications
Mylogenics Body Language
Gait Observation
Spinal Mechanics
Occiput, Atlas en Axis Complex
Atlas Specific Mobilisation Technique
Fixation Concept
Dural Torque Correctie
Neurological Disorganisation
Vertebral Mobilisation Technique (VMT)
En meer….
How Helpful Executive Coaching IsCertified CoachesAre you giving a below par performance in your working organization or in your own business? If yes, then hiring an Executive coach will never be worthless. They will help you step by step in becoming a strong leader and to regain the confidence you have lost long before. But how will you choose the right Executive coach and how helpful they will be in the process of achieving your desired goal? Go through the slide to know the details.
Cv WrittingShan SachwaniThe document provides guidance on creating an effective resume. It explains that a resume highlights your education, skills and experience to get an interview for a job. It should be concise at 1-2 pages and targeted to a specific position. The document outlines the key components of a resume like contact information, career objective, work history in reverse chronological order, education, and references. It emphasizes using action verbs, keeping the resume error-free, and tailoring the resume for each application.
Steps to Writing a Persuasive EssaygmfinelliThe document discusses the key elements of a persuasive essay, including picking a position, analyzing the audience, using facts and evidence to support the position, refuting opposing views, and wrapping up with a concluding paragraph. It provides examples of topics that could be argued such as food choices in a campus union, and the debate between Conan O'Brien and Jay Leno over NBC's late night time slot. Tips are given on writing persuasively and practicing critical thinking skills.
Project evaluation examplesErasmus+ The document contains evaluations from 4 students of a project involving the creation of a website and dictionary about parapsychology terms. The students note their roles in creating the website and dictionary, including correcting materials, formatting presentations, and changing file formats, and express satisfaction with the final products despite facing some technical issues during development. In general, the students felt they learned new skills and vocabulary through their work on the project.