Presentation for seminarydavidbeltranbenitezThis document outlines the plan and structure for a comparative case study on demotivation in current and former English BA students. It will begin with a literature review covering the concepts of demotivation, amotivation, motivation, and internal and external factors influencing student motivation. The study will then define its topic, research question, and identify related previous works to establish the subject of study. A survey will be developed and administered, with results then analyzed. The document notes some initial literature has been reviewed and acknowledges the need to refocus research targets as the project progresses more slowly than intended.
LaurieEWestResumeLaurie WestLaurie E. West has over 25 years of experience in sales, customer service, and management roles. Her most recent positions include Real Estate Agent for Coldwell Banker Apex from 5/2015-10/2015 and Supervisor, Technical Account Services for Optical Cable Corporation from 4/2014-7/2015 where she managed an inside sales team. She holds a real estate license and previously held insurance licenses in Texas.
Aturan baru pakwiludjengDokumen tersebut membahas tentang jenjang jabatan dan angka kredit untuk guru berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi No. 16/2009. Jenjang jabatan guru terdiri dari Guru Pertama, Guru Muda, Guru Madya, dan Guru Utama. Setiap jenjang memerlukan angka kredit tertentu yang dapat diperoleh dari unsur pengembangan profesi seperti karya tulis ilmiah
Internet.DenyBuriticaThis document contains a list of 8 photo credits from various photographers and organizations. It concludes by encouraging the reader to create their own presentation using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare.
Ciara McDaid.CV.v1docxCiara MaccoonCiara McDaid is a highly experienced pensions administrator seeking new opportunities. She has over 15 years of experience in pensions administration, most recently as a senior pensions administrator and analyst resolving a backlog of over 150 cases. She is proficient in various software programs, has strong communication and problem solving skills, and strives to continuously learn and develop new skills.
Soundjasbliszko23This document defines and provides examples of different types of sounds used in films and other media. It discusses voiceovers, character themes, diegetic sounds, empathetic sounds, contrapuntal sounds, and sound effects. A voiceover is a narration not accompanied by an image of the speaker, and can be used to establish narrative or atmosphere. Character themes are pieces of music associated with and signifying a particular character. Diegetic sounds are those the characters can hear, while empathetic sounds match the mood and actions on screen. Contrapuntal sounds are used in contrast to the visuals, and sound effects create specific storytelling points without dialogue or music.
Web 2.0 20158brrusThe document provides a list of the top 10 places to visit and provides brief descriptions for each one. Some of the places highlighted include Reykjavik, Iceland where you can explore the landscape nearly 24 hours a day in the summer; Mexico City which is an exciting, sprawling city with cutting-edge art; and Northern Brazil which has beach-lined cities that are ahead of the tourism trend. Other places mentioned are Chicago for its food scene, Costa Rica's Pacific coast for eco-adventuring, Panama as a travel destination beyond just its canal, and Cuba which can still be visited under certain categories before restrictions may tighten again. Milan, Istria Croatia, and Choquequirao, Peru round out
Laurie West ResumeLaurie WestLaurie E. West has over 25 years of experience in sales, customer service, and management roles. She has a proven track record of setting and achieving sales goals, managing teams, and providing technical support to customers in industries such as aerospace, military, and telecommunications. Her background includes contract review, quality compliance, and ensuring export regulations are followed.
Taste and smell sci storydhazzardOur nose allows us to smell things like flowers, coffee, and pizza while our tongue in our mouth allows us to taste foods such as pizza, apples, and candy. Some smells are pleasant like flowers and baking cookies but others like skunks and sweaty shoes are unpleasant, and tastes can be sweet like ice cream, sour like lemons, or salty like popcorn.
Relationship between Tobacco Crop Evapotranspiration and the Normalized Diffe...Journal of Agriculture and CropsMonitoring crop consumptive water use by applying recent remote sensing techniques has become a topic of research interest in water resources management and planning. In irrigated agriculture, conventional methods of estimating water use are costly. This study aims at estimate the relationship between tobacco crop evapotranspiration (ETcrop) and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) during the crop development stage at Chedgelow irrigated farm in Zimbabwe. Tobacco ETcrop was estimated as a product of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficient (Kc). The Penman-Monteith model was applied to estimate ETo using climate data from Kutsaga research station, some 2 km away from the farm. Kc values were extracted from FAO tables. Five cloud-free MODIS images for the month of October in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2007 were processed extract the NDVI values using ILWIS GIS. The results show significant (p = 0.000) differences between tobacco NDVI values over the years studied. The results also show a strong and significant positive relationship (r2 = 0.8061, p = 0.047) between ETcrop estimated using Penman Monteith model and NDVI. Research findings show that satellite derived NDVI is a good and reliable predictor of tobacco crop water evapotranspiration. Therefore, remotely sensed NDVI can be used to monitor crop water use in irrigated tobacco fields in areas where resources do not permit field measurements.
Baby boutique believes that moms should use non-toxic products for their families always. We are committed to providing mothers of the Middle East with nothing but the safest products.
Global warmingameepatel068This document discusses 10 indicators of global warming caused by increased levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide from human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. The top indicator is increasing global temperatures, followed by rising sea levels and species extinction. The document concludes by recommending individual actions people can take to reduce their carbon footprint, such as using public transport, CFL bulbs, and planting trees.
CMI webinar: Personalize Your Way to ProfitsJG3602This document summarizes a webinar on personalizing content marketing across channels. It introduces the panelists and agenda which will discuss why personalization is overlooked, examples of brands doing it well, the processes and technologies needed, challenges, and the current state of the industry. The webinar encourages participants to ask questions during the presentation.
HERRAMIENTAS DE INTERNETYiseth98This short document promotes the creation of presentations using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare. It features a stock photo and text that reads "Inspired? Create your own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare!" along with a button prompting the reader to "GET STARTED".
Shelyn gibb final portfoliogibbcsesThis short document provides a link to visit to see more designs by Shelyn. No other information is provided about Shelyn or the types of designs that can be viewed on the given website link. The document solely focuses on directing the reader to an external website for additional design content.
Laurie West ResumeLaurie WestLaurie E. West has over 25 years of experience in sales, customer service, and management roles. She has a proven track record of setting and achieving sales goals, managing teams, and providing technical support to customers in industries such as aerospace, military, and telecommunications. Her background includes contract review, quality compliance, and ensuring export regulations are followed.
Taste and smell sci storydhazzardOur nose allows us to smell things like flowers, coffee, and pizza while our tongue in our mouth allows us to taste foods such as pizza, apples, and candy. Some smells are pleasant like flowers and baking cookies but others like skunks and sweaty shoes are unpleasant, and tastes can be sweet like ice cream, sour like lemons, or salty like popcorn.
Relationship between Tobacco Crop Evapotranspiration and the Normalized Diffe...Journal of Agriculture and CropsMonitoring crop consumptive water use by applying recent remote sensing techniques has become a topic of research interest in water resources management and planning. In irrigated agriculture, conventional methods of estimating water use are costly. This study aims at estimate the relationship between tobacco crop evapotranspiration (ETcrop) and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) during the crop development stage at Chedgelow irrigated farm in Zimbabwe. Tobacco ETcrop was estimated as a product of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficient (Kc). The Penman-Monteith model was applied to estimate ETo using climate data from Kutsaga research station, some 2 km away from the farm. Kc values were extracted from FAO tables. Five cloud-free MODIS images for the month of October in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2007 were processed extract the NDVI values using ILWIS GIS. The results show significant (p = 0.000) differences between tobacco NDVI values over the years studied. The results also show a strong and significant positive relationship (r2 = 0.8061, p = 0.047) between ETcrop estimated using Penman Monteith model and NDVI. Research findings show that satellite derived NDVI is a good and reliable predictor of tobacco crop water evapotranspiration. Therefore, remotely sensed NDVI can be used to monitor crop water use in irrigated tobacco fields in areas where resources do not permit field measurements.
Baby boutique believes that moms should use non-toxic products for their families always. We are committed to providing mothers of the Middle East with nothing but the safest products.
Global warmingameepatel068This document discusses 10 indicators of global warming caused by increased levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide from human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. The top indicator is increasing global temperatures, followed by rising sea levels and species extinction. The document concludes by recommending individual actions people can take to reduce their carbon footprint, such as using public transport, CFL bulbs, and planting trees.
CMI webinar: Personalize Your Way to ProfitsJG3602This document summarizes a webinar on personalizing content marketing across channels. It introduces the panelists and agenda which will discuss why personalization is overlooked, examples of brands doing it well, the processes and technologies needed, challenges, and the current state of the industry. The webinar encourages participants to ask questions during the presentation.
HERRAMIENTAS DE INTERNETYiseth98This short document promotes the creation of presentations using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare. It features a stock photo and text that reads "Inspired? Create your own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare!" along with a button prompting the reader to "GET STARTED".
Shelyn gibb final portfoliogibbcsesThis short document provides a link to visit to see more designs by Shelyn. No other information is provided about Shelyn or the types of designs that can be viewed on the given website link. The document solely focuses on directing the reader to an external website for additional design content.
8. BIO - RIVOLUMETRICO ГК модифицированная
играет роль «строительных лесов»
Служит конструкционной
платформой, сравнительно инертной
и устойчивой к адсорбции благодаря
наличию поперечных связей
ГК свободная или
биологически более активная
Регулирует процессы пролиферации и
дифференциации клеток в области
воздействия (в результате стимуляции
рецепторов – CD44 – ICAM)
BIOEXPANDER - канюля 27G
IAL-system DUO –канюля 25G
BIOEXPANDER – в технике армирования области
«гусиных лапок», при условии отсутствия
склонности к отечности и интервала после
ботулинотерапии не менее 3-4 недель, игла
30G, канюля 27G
IAL-system DUO – коррекция носослезной и
пальпебромалярной борозд, только
супрапериостально, канюля 25G
12. Коррекция носощечной (среднескуловая)
и носогубной борозд
BIOEXPANDER – в поверхностные слои
ПЖК, при условии отсутствия склонности
к отечности
игла 27G или 30G, канюля 27G
IAL-system DUO – в глубокие слои ПЖК,
игла 27G, канюля 25G
13. Коррекция малярной и скуловой областей
BIOEXPANDER – в технике «векторного
лифтинга», в поверхностные слои ПЖК, при
условии отсутствия склонности к отечности,
канюля 27G
IAL-system DUO – в технике «векторного
лифтинга», либо «болюсная» техника, в
глубокие слои ПЖК, игла 27G, канюля 25 G
15. Коррекция периоральной области –
«кисетные» морщины
• в технике «вертикальных вколов», по морщинам и ретроградное
введение по контуру губ - игла 30;
• армирование морщин и коррекция контура - канюля 27G
IAL-system DUO – незначительный опыт использования
16. Коррекция губоподбородочных складок, подбородка и
зоны овала
• в поверхностные слои ПЖК, при условии отсутствия склонности к
отечности - канюля 27G;
• в технике «вертикальных» вколов - игла 27G или 30G
IAL-system DUO
• в глубокие слои ПЖК - канюля 25G, либо «болюсная» техника -
игла 27G
17. Область шеи
• в технике «вертикальных вколов», по морщинам и
ретроградное введение под морщины - игла 30;
• - армирование морщин - канюля 27G