Presentatie Keersluis HeumenJeroen_MosThe document summarizes a habitat compensation project in the Netherlands to mitigate the impact of an infrastructure project called "Maasroute" on a local badger population. A field survey found one main badger sett and two smaller sets on the 8 hectare project site. To comply with Dutch law requiring preservation of badger habitat, 7.1 hectares of nearby agricultural land was converted to high quality badger habitat, including grasslands, orchards, hedges, and an artificial badger sett. The badgers were relocated and the new habitat was monitored over subsequent years.
The Walt Disney Company: quarterly earnings 2010Johan JanuariusDisney reported a 5% increase in total revenue and 20% increase in net income for 2010 compared to 2009. Revenue for each quarter of 2010 was between $8.6 billion and $10 billion, with net income ranging from $835 million to $1.3 billion. Disney generated free cash flow of 10% of its total revenue and the presentation thanked attendees for listening without providing any outlook for the future.
Native presJames HartThe slides from a recent talk I gave on the subject of whether Native Advertising was a new thing and how brands should approach this opportunity
37049135Ila JoshiThe document discusses short-term economic statistics in India. It provides an overview of the Indian Statistical System and notes that it is broadly decentralized according to subject and state. It outlines the roles of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) and state directorates in coordinating statistical activities. The document then summarizes short-term economic indicators compiled by MoSPI, the Reserve Bank of India, and other ministries; publications covering these statistics; revisions to some indicators; and future plans to improve indicators like quarterly GDP estimates and develop new ones like an index of service production.
Presentatie Keersluis HeumenJeroen_MosThe document summarizes a habitat compensation project in the Netherlands to mitigate the impact of an infrastructure project called "Maasroute" on a local badger population. A field survey found one main badger sett and two smaller sets on the 8 hectare project site. To comply with Dutch law requiring preservation of badger habitat, 7.1 hectares of nearby agricultural land was converted to high quality badger habitat, including grasslands, orchards, hedges, and an artificial badger sett. The badgers were relocated and the new habitat was monitored over subsequent years.
The Walt Disney Company: quarterly earnings 2010Johan JanuariusDisney reported a 5% increase in total revenue and 20% increase in net income for 2010 compared to 2009. Revenue for each quarter of 2010 was between $8.6 billion and $10 billion, with net income ranging from $835 million to $1.3 billion. Disney generated free cash flow of 10% of its total revenue and the presentation thanked attendees for listening without providing any outlook for the future.
Native presJames HartThe slides from a recent talk I gave on the subject of whether Native Advertising was a new thing and how brands should approach this opportunity
37049135Ila JoshiThe document discusses short-term economic statistics in India. It provides an overview of the Indian Statistical System and notes that it is broadly decentralized according to subject and state. It outlines the roles of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) and state directorates in coordinating statistical activities. The document then summarizes short-term economic indicators compiled by MoSPI, the Reserve Bank of India, and other ministries; publications covering these statistics; revisions to some indicators; and future plans to improve indicators like quarterly GDP estimates and develop new ones like an index of service production.