??YMCA100?? ?? ??????
?? ????? ??? YMCA? ??? ??? ????
How will YMCA contribute to development of global civil society?
???? ??? (??YMCA100??????? ????)
? ? 1 ??? ??? (??????YMCA??????)
? ? 2 ??? (?????????? ????)
?? & ??? ? ????? ????
??1. ??YMCA 1?? ??? ?? ? ??? ??? ?? - ???? ??? ??? ????
* ? ? : ??? (?????, ??YMCA100?? ??????? ??)
* ??1 : ??? (?????????? ????)
* ??2 : ??? (????? ???? ??)
* ??3 : ??? (YMCA ?????? ??, ???????????? ??)
??2. ??????? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ??
* ? ? : Ingrid Srinath (CIVICUS ? ????)
* ??1 : ??? (?????? ????)
* ??2 : ??? (?? ?????? ???? ??, ??NGO?? ???)
* ??3 : ??? (YMCA ??????? ???)
??3. ?? ????? ??? YMCA??? ?? : ????????? ????
* ? ? : Dr. Swee-Hin Toh (?????? ????)
* ??1 : ??? (??? ??? ??? ?? ????????? ??)
* ??2 : ??? (????? ?????? ?? ??)
* ??3 : ??? (YMCA ?????? ??, ??????? ??)
Opening David Kwang-Sun SUH
Remarks (Presidium of Centennial Commemoration Committee)
Congratulatory Mr. Kohei YAMADA
Remark 1 (General Secretary, Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs)
Congratulatory Dr. LEE, Si Jae
Remarks 2 (Presidium of Civil Society Organizations Network in Korea)
Program & Introduction of Resource Persons
1. New Prospects and Vision through 100 years of Korea YMCA - From civil society formation and development perspective
* Presenter : Dr. KIM, Heung Soo (Professor, Mokwon University; Member of Centennial Chronicle Committee of Korea YMCA)
* Panelists1 : Dr. JEONG, Hyun Baek (Co-Representative, Civil Society Organizations Network in Korea )
* Panelists2 : Dr. CHO, Dae Yop (Professor of Sociology, Korea University)
* Panelists3 : Dr. KIM, Yong Bok (Advisor, Center for Life and Peace in Korea YMCA;
Director, Asia Pacific Center for Integral Study of Life)
2. Global Civil Society Trends and Prospects; Tasks for Korean Civil Society Movemen
* Presenter : Ms. Ingrid SRINATH (Former President of CIVICUS)
* Panelists1 : Mr. LEE, Seong Hoon (Executive Director, Korea Human Rights Foundation)
* Panelists2 : Dr. LEE, Jung Ok (Professor of Sociology, Catholic University of Daegu;
President, the Korean Association of NGO Studies)
* Panelists3 : Mr. SHIN, Dae Kyun (President, Korea YMCA Civil Movement Committee)
3. World Peace Movement Prospects and Tasks for YMCA Movement: From Civil Peace Education Movement Perspective
* Presenter : Dr. Swee-Hin TOH (Distinguished Professor, UN Mandated University for Peace)
* Panelists1 : Dr. KIM, Jeong-Soo (Researcher, Korea Womens Peace Research Institute, Women Making Peace)
* Panelists2 : Dr. KANG, Soon-Won (Professor in Education, Psychology and Children Department, Hanshin University)
* Panelists3 : Dr. JUNG, Jiseok (Director, Center for Life and Peace in Korea YMCA; Representative, Border Peace School )
??YMCA100?? ?? ??????
?? ????? ??? YMCA? ??? ??? ????
How will YMCA contribute to development of global civil society?
???? ??? (??YMCA100??????? ????)
? ? 1 ??? ??? (??????YMCA??????)
? ? 2 ??? (?????????? ????)
?? & ??? ? ????? ????
??1. ??YMCA 1?? ??? ?? ? ??? ??? ?? - ???? ??? ??? ????
* ? ? : ??? (?????, ??YMCA100?? ??????? ??)
* ??1 : ??? (?????????? ????)
* ??2 : ??? (????? ???? ??)
* ??3 : ??? (YMCA ?????? ??, ???????????? ??)
??2. ??????? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ??
* ? ? : Ingrid Srinath (CIVICUS ? ????)
* ??1 : ??? (?????? ????)
* ??2 : ??? (?? ?????? ???? ??, ??NGO?? ???)
* ??3 : ??? (YMCA ??????? ???)
??3. ?? ????? ??? YMCA??? ?? : ????????? ????
* ? ? : Dr. Swee-Hin Toh (?????? ????)
* ??1 : ??? (??? ??? ??? ?? ????????? ??)
* ??2 : ??? (????? ?????? ?? ??)
* ??3 : ??? (YMCA ?????? ??, ??????? ??)
Opening David Kwang-Sun SUH
Remarks (Presidium of Centennial Commemoration Committee)
Congratulatory Mr. Kohei YAMADA
Remark 1 (General Secretary, Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs)
Congratulatory Dr. LEE, Si Jae
Remarks 2 (Presidium of Civil Society Organizations Network in Korea)
Program & Introduction of Resource Persons
1. New Prospects and Vision through 100 years of Korea YMCA - From civil society formation and development perspective
* Presenter : Dr. KIM, Heung Soo (Professor, Mokwon University; Member of Centennial Chronicle Committee of Korea YMCA)
* Panelists1 : Dr. JEONG, Hyun Baek (Co-Representative, Civil Society Organizations Network in Korea )
* Panelists2 : Dr. CHO, Dae Yop (Professor of Sociology, Korea University)
* Panelists3 : Dr. KIM, Yong Bok (Advisor, Center for Life and Peace in Korea YMCA;
Director, Asia Pacific Center for Integral Study of Life)
2. Global Civil Society Trends and Prospects; Tasks for Korean Civil Society Movemen
* Presenter : Ms. Ingrid SRINATH (Former President of CIVICUS)
* Panelists1 : Mr. LEE, Seong Hoon (Executive Director, Korea Human Rights Foundation)
* Panelists2 : Dr. LEE, Jung Ok (Professor of Sociology, Catholic University of Daegu;
President, the Korean Association of NGO Studies)
* Panelists3 : Mr. SHIN, Dae Kyun (President, Korea YMCA Civil Movement Committee)
3. World Peace Movement Prospects and Tasks for YMCA Movement: From Civil Peace Education Movement Perspective
* Presenter : Dr. Swee-Hin TOH (Distinguished Professor, UN Mandated University for Peace)
* Panelists1 : Dr. KIM, Jeong-Soo (Researcher, Korea Womens Peace Research Institute, Women Making Peace)
* Panelists2 : Dr. KANG, Soon-Won (Professor in Education, Psychology and Children Department, Hanshin University)
* Panelists3 : Dr. JUNG, Jiseok (Director, Center for Life and Peace in Korea YMCA; Representative, Border Peace School )