Bιβλίο συνταγών: Τα προϊόντα του τόπου μας ,ο φυσικός μας πλούτος Εtwinning 2016Dimitris EconomouΤα προϊόντα του τόπου μας ,ο φυσικός μας πλούτος
Εtwinning 2016
Παραδοσιακά φαγητά του Νέου ΣκοπούΚατερίνα ΚαραμπαΐρηΠαραδοσιακά φαγητά του Νέου Σκοπού
Συνεργάστηκαν οι μαθήτριες της Α΄1 τάξης του Γυμνασίου
Νέου Σκοπού: Αθανασία Καρυοφύλλη, Ηλιάνα Βακιρτζή, Κωνσταντίνα Αχτσή.
Αργιθεάτικη Παραδοσιακή Διατροφή / Μενέλαος ΠαπαδημητρίουfpggΜια πλήρης παουσίαση της καθημερινότητας του παρελθόντος στην Αργιθέα Καρδίτσας με άξονα τη διατροφή από τον Αργιθεάτη λαογράφο Μενέλαο Παπαδημητρίου
2013 05 18 safe host conference codice mondiale_di_etica_del_turismo_fabriz...GABRIELE GUGLIELMISexual tourism against minors is a world plague that encompasses mainly the south east Asian region, Latin America, Africa and eastern Europe. Western countries are those which register the biggest outgoing fluxes. Sexual tourists abuse of the common channels and networks of tourism to reach their victims. Companies and workers in the sector may play an important role in the prevention and struggle against this practice. To be able to do this, they must learn how to identify and prevent it, they need to possess the knowledge and skills to identify it and have the tools to actively prevent those who exploit and those that make use of this practice from making use of tourist services to reach their victims. To Favor the establishment of a permanent social dialogue platform for tourism, encouraging the exchange and synergies between social parts throughout the whole supply chain, starting from the exchange of actions for the fight against child exploitation in the tourism sector, and the adoption of Directive 2011/92/EU. Analyze the ways in which services and tourism channels are used for illegal aims and identify changes linked with use of information and communication technologies. Evaluate good practices that social parts, individually or jointly, have enacted to prevent and fight against this phenomenon. Equip the tourism industry with innovative and practical tools for the struggle against child sexual exploitation throughout the whole supply chain.
Il turismo sessuale a danno dei minori è una piaga mondiale che attanaglia in modo particolare Sud-est asiatico, America Latina, Africa ed Europa orientale. I paesi occidentali sono quelli da cui si registrano i maggiori flussi in partenza. I turisti sessuali abusano dei canali e delle reti del turismo per raggiungere le loro vittime. Imprese e lavoratori del settore possono giocare un ruolo prezioso per prevenire e contrastare il fenomeno. Per farlo essi devono imparare a riconoscerlo e a prevenirlo, devono cioè avere le conoscenze e le competenze per identificarlo ed essere dotati di strumenti concreti per impedire a sfruttatori e clienti di utilizzare i servizi turistici per raggiungere le loro vittime. Favorire l’istituzione del tavolo di dialogo sociale europeo del turismo incoraggiando gli scambi e le sinergie tra gli attori sociali di tutta la filiera, a partire dalla condivisione di azioni per la lotta allo sfruttamento sessuale dei minori nel turismo e l’attuazione della Direttiva 2011/92/UE sul tema.Analizzare le modalità con cui i servizi e i canali del turismo vengono utilizzati per scopi impropri e identificare i cambiamenti legati all’uso delle tecnologie di informazione e comunicazione Censire le buone pratiche che le parti sociali individualmente o collegialmente hanno messo in campo per prevenire e contrastare il fenomeno. Dotare l’industria del turismo di strumenti innovativi e pratici per il contrasto allo sfruttamento sessuale dei minori lungo tutta la filiera
2015 DATOS AZ OYE! Intelligence Education & Entertainment ReportOYE! IntelligenceFor 19 years, the Arizona Hispanic Chamber’s DATOS: The State of the Hispanic Market report has been tracking, measuring and analyzing the ongoing economic, political and cultural transformation being driven by the state’s fast-growing Hispanic population. This year’s DATOS report is focused on education and as such OYE! endeavored to provide insights from both national and regional Latinos on their thoughts about this important topic.
Παραδοσιακά φαγητά του Νέου ΣκοπούΚατερίνα ΚαραμπαΐρηΠαραδοσιακά φαγητά του Νέου Σκοπού
Συνεργάστηκαν οι μαθήτριες της Α΄1 τάξης του Γυμνασίου
Νέου Σκοπού: Αθανασία Καρυοφύλλη, Ηλιάνα Βακιρτζή, Κωνσταντίνα Αχτσή.
Αργιθεάτικη Παραδοσιακή Διατροφή / Μενέλαος ΠαπαδημητρίουfpggΜια πλήρης παουσίαση της καθημερινότητας του παρελθόντος στην Αργιθέα Καρδίτσας με άξονα τη διατροφή από τον Αργιθεάτη λαογράφο Μενέλαο Παπαδημητρίου
2013 05 18 safe host conference codice mondiale_di_etica_del_turismo_fabriz...GABRIELE GUGLIELMISexual tourism against minors is a world plague that encompasses mainly the south east Asian region, Latin America, Africa and eastern Europe. Western countries are those which register the biggest outgoing fluxes. Sexual tourists abuse of the common channels and networks of tourism to reach their victims. Companies and workers in the sector may play an important role in the prevention and struggle against this practice. To be able to do this, they must learn how to identify and prevent it, they need to possess the knowledge and skills to identify it and have the tools to actively prevent those who exploit and those that make use of this practice from making use of tourist services to reach their victims. To Favor the establishment of a permanent social dialogue platform for tourism, encouraging the exchange and synergies between social parts throughout the whole supply chain, starting from the exchange of actions for the fight against child exploitation in the tourism sector, and the adoption of Directive 2011/92/EU. Analyze the ways in which services and tourism channels are used for illegal aims and identify changes linked with use of information and communication technologies. Evaluate good practices that social parts, individually or jointly, have enacted to prevent and fight against this phenomenon. Equip the tourism industry with innovative and practical tools for the struggle against child sexual exploitation throughout the whole supply chain.
Il turismo sessuale a danno dei minori è una piaga mondiale che attanaglia in modo particolare Sud-est asiatico, America Latina, Africa ed Europa orientale. I paesi occidentali sono quelli da cui si registrano i maggiori flussi in partenza. I turisti sessuali abusano dei canali e delle reti del turismo per raggiungere le loro vittime. Imprese e lavoratori del settore possono giocare un ruolo prezioso per prevenire e contrastare il fenomeno. Per farlo essi devono imparare a riconoscerlo e a prevenirlo, devono cioè avere le conoscenze e le competenze per identificarlo ed essere dotati di strumenti concreti per impedire a sfruttatori e clienti di utilizzare i servizi turistici per raggiungere le loro vittime. Favorire l’istituzione del tavolo di dialogo sociale europeo del turismo incoraggiando gli scambi e le sinergie tra gli attori sociali di tutta la filiera, a partire dalla condivisione di azioni per la lotta allo sfruttamento sessuale dei minori nel turismo e l’attuazione della Direttiva 2011/92/UE sul tema.Analizzare le modalità con cui i servizi e i canali del turismo vengono utilizzati per scopi impropri e identificare i cambiamenti legati all’uso delle tecnologie di informazione e comunicazione Censire le buone pratiche che le parti sociali individualmente o collegialmente hanno messo in campo per prevenire e contrastare il fenomeno. Dotare l’industria del turismo di strumenti innovativi e pratici per il contrasto allo sfruttamento sessuale dei minori lungo tutta la filiera
2015 DATOS AZ OYE! Intelligence Education & Entertainment ReportOYE! IntelligenceFor 19 years, the Arizona Hispanic Chamber’s DATOS: The State of the Hispanic Market report has been tracking, measuring and analyzing the ongoing economic, political and cultural transformation being driven by the state’s fast-growing Hispanic population. This year’s DATOS report is focused on education and as such OYE! endeavored to provide insights from both national and regional Latinos on their thoughts about this important topic.
Modern latin americakareeannkleinGeorge Canning served as British Foreign Secretary from 1793-1827 and worked to advance Britain's economic interests in Latin America during its independence movements. He sent consular officials to recognize the new republics in order to safeguard British trade. Canning also aimed to keep South America aligned with Britain rather than allowing French influence to grow. Economic ties between Britain and Latin America subsequently intensified as the costs of shipping fell and companies began investing in industries like railways across Latin America. Latin America also experienced wars of independence like the 12-year Haitian revolution, which developed into a race war between social classes.
Productivity of some forage grasses under foliar sprinkler irrigation and fol...Innspub NetField experiment was conducted during 2013/2014 and 2015 seasons was aimed to evaluate productivity of Rhodes and Blue panic grasses as well as Alfalfa under sprinkler irrigation with foliar application of potassium nitrate that enable plants to cope with water stress. Each two forage grasses beside alfalfa were conducted in separate experiments. Irrigation every 10 days surpassed in total chlorophyll, leaf area, plant height, number of stems/m 2 , forage green yield/fed and forage dry matter yield/fed than those irrigated every 20 days. Highest percentages of water use efficiency, crude fiber and nitrogen free extract as well as yield/fed of crude protein, crude fiber, ether extract, ash and nitrogen free extract were produced from irrigation every 7 days. However, highest percentages of crude protein, ether extract and ash were produced from irrigation every 14 days. Forage species significantly differed on total chlorophyll, leaf area/plant, plant height, average of number of stem/cm 2 , forage green yield/fed and forage dry matter yield/fed. A significant effect due to forage species on percentages of water use efficiency, crude protein and fiber, extracting ether, ash and nitrogen free extract and nitrogen free extract as well as crude fiber, extracting ether, ash and nitrogen free extract yield/fed. Sown Rhodes grass produced maximum forage green and forage dry matter yield/fed and its quality compared with other studied forage crops. Foliar spraying of potassium nitrate at 15 ppm significantly increased total chlorophyll, leaf area, plant height, number of stems/m 2 , forage green and forage dry matter yield/fed. The results showed that highest percentages of water use efficiency, crude protein, crude fiber and ether extract, and nitrogen free extract and nitrogen free extract as well as crude fiber, extracting ether, ash and nitrogen free extract yield/fed. It could be stated that irrigation every 10 days and sown Rhodes grass and foliar spraying of potassium nitrate at 15 ppm maximized forage green and forage dry matter yield/fed. Get the full articles at: http://www.innspub.net/ijaar/productivity-of-some-forage-grasses-under-foliar-sprinkler-irrigation-and-foliar-application-of-potassium-nitrate-under-salinity-stress/
12-12-12 In italia sciopero generaleGABRIELE GUGLIELMISciopero Generale:
Camusso dà il via, buongiorno e buon sciopero #CosiNonVa!
Presentazione alo IUF-UITA HRCT Board, Sao Paulo
12 dicembre 2012
ColombiakareeannkleinColombia is located in northern South America, bordered by Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Panama. It has a diverse landscape that includes the Andes Mountains, savannas, rainforests and both Caribbean and Pacific coastlines. The population of around 46 million speaks mainly Spanish and is predominantly Roman Catholic. After gaining independence from Spain in 1819, Colombia experienced internal civil wars and conflicts, including losing Panama to the United States in 1903. The country has faced political instability and violence between parties, but remains culturally united through religion, music and sports like football.
Scheduling Optimization with Line of Balance and Start-to-Finish RelationsRicardo Viana VargasPresentation for the article "Modelling and Optimizing Schedules with Line of Balance and Start-Finish Relationship" available at http://www.ricardo-vargas.com/articles/modelling-and-optimizing-schedules-with-line-of-balance-and-start-finish-relationship/
Presented at the PMI Global Congress 2015 in London.
Ημέρα Ασφαλούς Διαδικτύου 2011Koroivos BCΕνημέρωση των γονέων για τους τρόπους με τους οποίους μπορούν να
προστατευθούν αλλά και να προστατεύσουν αποτελεσματικά τα παιδιά τους από τους κινδύνους που εγκυμονούν από τη μη ορθή χρήση των διαδραστικών τεχνολογιών.
Το Δίκτυο Αφύπνισης Πολιτών, πρεσβευτής της Ημέρας Ασφαλούς Διαδυκτίου 2011, σας καλεί να μιλήσουμε για την ασφαλή πλοήγηση στο διαδίκτυο, την υγιεινή διατροφή των εφήβων, να ανταλλάξουμε απόψεις και να μοιραστούμε εμπειρίες.
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Δημιουργική Γραφή / Αφήγηση και Νέες Τεχνολογίες στην Εκπαίδευση
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