shwas homes shwasSHWAS HOMES started by a group of professionals some years back, now with 20 successful projects has grown into a prominent building corporate in Kochi.
With a project value of more than 900 crores and having 1100 of happy clients, Shwas Homes is clearly walking the talk. Started off with a mission to create technically and aesthetically superior homes which exceeds client expectations, Shwas Homes has several unique projects to its credit.
Integration of Land-based Sectoral Program and climate-change mitigation poli...ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest MarginsFour Key Steps for Mainstreaming Climate Change Mitigation into Local Development Plan: Identification of Programs (Tagging); Analysis of historical and Future Emission – Mapping emission risk & priority locations; Gap Analysis for Program Enhancement, and establish synchronization & Synergy of Programs within and across sectors; Setting mechanisms for coordination on programs synergy, synchronization and integration and MRV
Autocad 2014Siddharth MeyyappanThis document is a certificate from Autodesk certifying that Siddhartha Ganesh Meyyappan has successfully completed the requirements to become an Autodesk Certified Professional in AutoCAD 2014. It includes his name, the certification title, date completed, and is signed by the President and CEO of Autodesk to validate the achievement.
CSC Services Guide to Polyurea in Power StationsCSC SERVICESCSC Services are a specialist contractor providing cost effective, high performance cleaning, concrete repair, specialist coatings and leak sealing solutions to the power industry. This presentation introduces Polyurea - an innovative surface protection technology that has many versatile uses. Its fast curing time means minimum disruption to services.
7nicoleplaceboEste documento presenta la vida de San Estanislao de Cracovia, obispo y mártir polaco del siglo XI. Describe su niñez piadosa, su educación eclesiástica y su nombramiento como canónigo y luego obispo de Cracovia. Como obispo defendió valientemente la moral cristiana ante el rey impío Boleslao II, quien ordenó su asesinato. Ante la injusticia de haber perdido una propiedad de la iglesia, Estanislao oró y resucitó al anterior presentationAlex LomizovShort presentation on why and for whom we have built is easy-to-use and affordable web service to test business, product and service ideas.
Social networkingBharat SurekaThis document discusses the advantages and disadvantages of social networking. It begins by defining social networking services and sites, noting they allow users to create public profiles and connect with other users. Examples of social networking categories include educational networks, online communities, and business networks. Advantages include facilitating open communication, allowing employees to share information, and providing opportunities to expand business contacts and conduct marketing. However, disadvantages are that social networks can be time-consuming and addictive, potentially intruding on personal life. Privacy and technical issues are also concerns. Specific platforms like Facebook and Twitter each have their own advantages like connectivity and ease of use, but also disadvantages such as potential for stalking or fake profiles.
Sir GadwinLuisaLoneEl documento describe a Sir Gawain, un caballero de la Edad Media. Era alto y musculoso, con piel blanca, cabello rubio y ojos verdes. Vestía una armadura plateada que cubría casi todo su cuerpo. Sir Gawain era un hábil guerrero que encontraba placer en la batalla y siempre regresaba de las luchas con una sonrisa. Era leal a su rey y familia, amable con los jóvenes caballeros y protector de los pobres.
shwas homesshwasSHWAS HOMES started by a group of professionals some years back, now with 20 successful projects has grown into a prominent building corporate in Kochi.
Integration of Land-based Sectoral Program and climate-change mitigation poli...ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest MarginsFour Key Steps for Mainstreaming Climate Change Mitigation into Local Development Plan: Identification of Programs (Tagging); Analysis of historical and Future Emission – Mapping emission risk & priority locations; Gap Analysis for Program Enhancement, and establish synchronization & Synergy of Programs within and across sectors; Setting mechanisms for coordination on programs synergy, synchronization and integration and MRV
Autocad 2014Siddharth MeyyappanThis document is a certificate from Autodesk certifying that Siddhartha Ganesh Meyyappan has successfully completed the requirements to become an Autodesk Certified Professional in AutoCAD 2014. It includes his name, the certification title, date completed, and is signed by the President and CEO of Autodesk to validate the achievement.
CSC Services Guide to Polyurea in Power StationsCSC SERVICESCSC Services are a specialist contractor providing cost effective, high performance cleaning, concrete repair, specialist coatings and leak sealing solutions to the power industry. This presentation introduces Polyurea - an innovative surface protection technology that has many versatile uses. Its fast curing time means minimum disruption to services.
7nicoleplaceboEste documento presenta la vida de San Estanislao de Cracovia, obispo y mártir polaco del siglo XI. Describe su niñez piadosa, su educación eclesiástica y su nombramiento como canónigo y luego obispo de Cracovia. Como obispo defendió valientemente la moral cristiana ante el rey impío Boleslao II, quien ordenó su asesinato. Ante la injusticia de haber perdido una propiedad de la iglesia, Estanislao oró y resucitó al anterior presentationAlex LomizovShort presentation on why and for whom we have built is easy-to-use and affordable web service to test business, product and service ideas.
Social networkingBharat SurekaThis document discusses the advantages and disadvantages of social networking. It begins by defining social networking services and sites, noting they allow users to create public profiles and connect with other users. Examples of social networking categories include educational networks, online communities, and business networks. Advantages include facilitating open communication, allowing employees to share information, and providing opportunities to expand business contacts and conduct marketing. However, disadvantages are that social networks can be time-consuming and addictive, potentially intruding on personal life. Privacy and technical issues are also concerns. Specific platforms like Facebook and Twitter each have their own advantages like connectivity and ease of use, but also disadvantages such as potential for stalking or fake profiles.
Sir GadwinLuisaLoneEl documento describe a Sir Gawain, un caballero de la Edad Media. Era alto y musculoso, con piel blanca, cabello rubio y ojos verdes. Vestía una armadura plateada que cubría casi todo su cuerpo. Sir Gawain era un hábil guerrero que encontraba placer en la batalla y siempre regresaba de las luchas con una sonrisa. Era leal a su rey y familia, amable con los jóvenes caballeros y protector de los pobres.
shwas homesshwasSHWAS HOMES started by a group of professionals some years back, now with 20 successful projects has grown into a prominent building corporate in Kochi.
ΠΡΟΣΦΥΓΕΣ ΧΑΡΑΖΟΝΤΑΣ ΔΡΟΜΟΥΣ εποπτικό υλικό.pdfDimitra MylonakiΟι μαθητές δούλεψαν το σενάριο διδασκαλίας με βασικούς στόχους να κατανοήσουν τους λόγους μετακίνησης των προσφύγων και των μεταναστών, τη διαφορά που υπάρχει μεταξύ τους, την πίεση που δέχεται ένας πρόσφυγας κατά τη φυγή του και να αποκτήσουν ενσυναίσθηση.
Μάθηση με Εστίαση στις Δυνατότητες -Αναστοχασμός , αυτοαξιολόγηση, αξιολόγηση.GeorgeDiamandis11Μάθηση με Εστίαση στις Δυνατότητες -Αναστοχασμός , αυτοαξιολόγηση, αξιολόγηση.
Τα πάθη και η Ανάσταση του Χριστού μέσα από την τέχνη.docxΔήμητρα ΤζίνουΕργασία του μαθητή της Α' τάξης του 3ου Γυμνασίου Περιστερίου Δημήτρη Αυλωνίτη.
1. Μάγια
Οι Μάγια είναι ένας λαός Ινδιάνων της Κεντρικής Αμερικής. Καταλαμβάνει μια
συνεχή έκταση στο νότιο Μεξικό, στη Γουατεμάλα και στο βόρειο Μπελίζε και
μιλά διάφορες γλώσσες της γλωσσικής οικογένειας των Μάγια. Οι
αρχαιολόγοι και οι ερευνητές των Μάγια διαίρεσαν τις περιοχές που ζούσαν οι
λαοί των Μάγια σε 3 ζώνες- βόρεια, κεντρική, νότια. Η γεωγραφική, αυτή
διαίρεση συμπίπτει και με την γλωσσική διαίρεση.
Η Ιστορία τους
Πριν από τη κατάκτηση του Μεξικού από τους Ισπανούς οι Μάγια είχαν
αναπτύξει τον λαμπρότερο πολιτισμό του Δυτικού Ημισφαιρίου. Ασκούσαν τη
γεωργία, έκτιζαν πέτρινα σπίτια και πυραμιδοειδείς ναούς, κατεργάζονταν
το χαλκό και το χρυσό, γνώριζαν την υφαντουργία και χρησιμοποιούσαν μια
μορφή ιερογλυφικής γραφής. Οι ρίζες του πολιτισμού των Μάγια φτάνουν
πολύ πίσω στην προϊστορία, πέρα από τα 2000 π.Χ. όπου αντιστοιχεί η
Αρχαϊκή περίοδος.