This document describes principles that guided the development of HTML5. It emphasizes compatibility with existing content, avoiding unnecessary complexity, solving real problems, allowing graceful degradation, and prioritizing users over other constituencies. Key principles include supporting existing content, paving the cowpaths by formalizing common patterns, and designing for a network effect where more users increase the value.
This document discusses front-end engineering at Douban. It describes how Douban uses a modular approach with common libraries and frameworks to organize JavaScript across its sites. Key aspects include DoubanUI for standard UI components, the Do framework for module management, and a collaborative development process involving prototyping, iteration, building, and testing across different environments.
The document discusses the use of APC (Alternative PHP Cache) and Memcached for caching and improving performance in PHP applications. APC is useful for opcode caching and basic user data caching, while Memcached provides a more robust distributed caching system and additional features like data segmentation across multiple servers and atomic counters. The document provides examples of using the basic caching functions of APC and Memcached, as well as more advanced techniques.
O documento descreve a queda da República Velha no Brasil, a Revolu??o de 1930 e o estabelecimento do Estado Novo. Fatores como a crise econ?mica de 1929, fraudes eleitorais e disputas entre oligarquias levaram à revolu??o que colocou Getúlio Vargas no poder de forma provisória. Vargas posteriormente estabeleceu o Estado Novo, suspendendo a constitui??o e fechando o legislativo.
El girasol se originó en el norte de México y el oeste de Estados Unidos hace 3,000 a?os, donde fue cultivado por tribus indígenas. Las tribus utilizaban las semillas tostadas como harina y el girasol era un importante cultivo alimenticio antes del descubrimiento de América. El girasol se difundió en Europa debido a su capacidad de resistir bajas temperaturas.
Este documento describe los métodos y condiciones para medir ángulos de manera precisa con teodolitos. Explica que el eje vertical del teodolito debe coincidir con la vertical del lugar, y que los ejes horizontal y de colimación deben ser perpendiculares al vertical. También detalla los pasos para poner el teodolito en estación y nivelarlo correctamente, y los sistemas para leer las graduaciones de los círculos.
George Grie's neo-surrealism paintings explore surreal and magical themes. Rafael Olbinski's music also draws from surrealism, using its magic to create otherworldly melodies and tones. Both Grie and Olbinski incorporate surrealism in their work to transport the audience to imaginative worlds through visual and auditory means.
Memcached provides methods to get statistics on individual servers or aggregated across all servers, flush all data, reset connection stats, and get the list of servers.
1) Hardware upgrades are often cheaper and provide more performance gains than slow, error-prone code optimizations. Profiling and caching can provide gains without changing code.
2) Premature optimization wastes time; optimize only after identifying bottlenecks through profiling. Simplify code through modularization instead of over-engineering.
3) Caching queries, pages, and computation results in memory provides major speedups with little effort compared to direct code optimizations. Match buffer sizes for efficient PHP-to-OS communication.
O documento descreve a queda da República Velha no Brasil, a Revolu??o de 1930 e o estabelecimento do Estado Novo. Fatores como a crise econ?mica de 1929, fraudes eleitorais e disputas entre oligarquias levaram à revolu??o que colocou Getúlio Vargas no poder de forma provisória. Vargas posteriormente estabeleceu o Estado Novo, suspendendo a constitui??o e fechando o legislativo.
El girasol se originó en el norte de México y el oeste de Estados Unidos hace 3,000 a?os, donde fue cultivado por tribus indígenas. Las tribus utilizaban las semillas tostadas como harina y el girasol era un importante cultivo alimenticio antes del descubrimiento de América. El girasol se difundió en Europa debido a su capacidad de resistir bajas temperaturas.
Este documento describe los métodos y condiciones para medir ángulos de manera precisa con teodolitos. Explica que el eje vertical del teodolito debe coincidir con la vertical del lugar, y que los ejes horizontal y de colimación deben ser perpendiculares al vertical. También detalla los pasos para poner el teodolito en estación y nivelarlo correctamente, y los sistemas para leer las graduaciones de los círculos.
George Grie's neo-surrealism paintings explore surreal and magical themes. Rafael Olbinski's music also draws from surrealism, using its magic to create otherworldly melodies and tones. Both Grie and Olbinski incorporate surrealism in their work to transport the audience to imaginative worlds through visual and auditory means.
Memcached provides methods to get statistics on individual servers or aggregated across all servers, flush all data, reset connection stats, and get the list of servers.
1) Hardware upgrades are often cheaper and provide more performance gains than slow, error-prone code optimizations. Profiling and caching can provide gains without changing code.
2) Premature optimization wastes time; optimize only after identifying bottlenecks through profiling. Simplify code through modularization instead of over-engineering.
3) Caching queries, pages, and computation results in memory provides major speedups with little effort compared to direct code optimizations. Match buffer sizes for efficient PHP-to-OS communication.
The document provides an introduction to common weeds found on cotton farms in Australia. It notes that while some weed species have been researched, most remain poorly understood and difficult to control due to varying climatic conditions, farming practices, and soil types across cotton growing regions. The document aims to summarize effective control methods for some of the more common weeds, as identified by growers and consultants. It cautions that some of the herbicide options may be off-label and not in accordance with product directions.