Final ed 5 sem estatica nas estruturas unipmrkennedy31) O documento apresenta exercícios de resistência dos materiais resolvidos utilizando equilíbrio de forças e momentos. São mostrados exemplos com apoios fixos, móveis e cargas distribuídas.
2) As respostas fornecem as reações nos apoios e esforços internos (forças e momentos) em diferentes seções dos elementos estruturais.
3) Os exercícios abordam temas como equilíbrio estático, cálculo de esforços em vigas e estruturas isoestáticas.
Apostila mecanicafraturaLukasSeizeO documento discute conceitos de mecânica da fratura linear elástica e elasto-plástica. Aborda tópicos como tenacidade à fratura, temperatura de transição dúctil-frágil, ensaio de impacto Charpy e como esses conceitos se relacionam com a microestrutura e propriedades mecânicas dos materiais.
Industrial instrumentation MCQBurdwan UniversityThis article comprises four sets of MCQ questions from flow, level, temperature and pressure measurement that may be very helpful for technical interview purpose.
Finite Element for Trusses in 2-DMohammad TawfikFinite Element Analysis for trusses in 2-D
Construções Especiais - Aula 3 - Treliças isostáticas - Esforços nas barras.pdfAntonio Batista Bezerra NetoO documento apresenta o cálculo dos esforços internos em uma treliça isostática sob a ação de cargas pontuais. Primeiro são determinadas as reações de apoio e então aplicado o método dos nós para calcular os esforços normais em cada barra, verificando o equilíbrio nos nós A, B, C, E. Os resultados mostram que as barras estão sujeitas a tração ou compressão.
Presentation Ukay Metal Ind.Pvt.Ltd.-Ashok 7-2015Ashok ChandakUkay Metal Industries.Pvt.Ltd.,Nashik,INDIA manufactures Liquid Molding Resin parts(LMR), NVH products ( floor carpets, floor mats, noise insulations, firewalls, bonnet insulation, dash mat etc), Plastic molded parts, Interior parts, door trims, Head Liners, PU Foam Seat cushions, Head rest assembly, Sun Visors, Integral Skin PU foam moulded parts , Automobile Soft Trims such as seat covers and precision machined parts for passenger cars, SUV, MPV, Light duty trucks, Medium duty trucks and Heavy duty trucks -Trucks , Tractors, construction and off road vehicles.. We are an ISO/TS 16949-2002, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified company.
Stress Measures And Failure CriteriaAlan HoThe document discusses different stress and failure criteria used to analyze materials. It describes the Tresca, Von Mises, and Rankine criteria, which use maximum shear stress, equivalent deviatoric strain energy, and limits on principal stresses respectively to determine failure. The Von Mises criterion applies best to isotropic ductile metals, while Tresca and Rankine criteria can also be used for such materials. Rankine is more suitable for low-cohesion materials like ceramics. The appropriate criterion depends on the material properties.
two degree of freddom systemYash PatelThis document discusses two degree of freedom systems and provides equations of motion for a two degree of freedom spring-mass system with damping. It presents the matrix form of the equations of motion and defines the mass, damping and stiffness matrices. It then analyzes the free vibration of an undamped two degree of freedom system, determining the natural frequencies and normal modes of vibration. The normal modes allow expressing the motion as a superposition of the individual mode shapes.
1 introduction to structureMohamed YaserThe document discusses concepts related to stress analysis and design of structures including:
- Normal stress, shear stress, and bearing stress
- Stress analysis using statics to determine internal forces and stresses
- Design considerations like material selection and sizing based on allowable stresses
- Examples calculating stresses in rods, pins, and connections of a structure under a load.
Laporan tugas perancangan kelompok 7laura auliaThis document provides an overview of the design project for a stone crusher tower in Towuti, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It includes the following key points:
1. The project location and general construction methods to be used, including site preparation works, foundation construction using pile foundations, and steel structure erection.
2. Design data collected including properties of the steel to be used, soil data from site investigations, and specifications of the tower components.
3. A literature review of relevant structural engineering theories for the tower design, including load combinations and design of different steel members.
4. Preliminary checks of the structural adequacy of different cross-section types are presented. Load calculations are
Tm229 propriedades mecanicasJulyanne RodriguesO documento discute diversas propriedades mecânicas de materiais, incluindo resistência, deformação, módulos de elasticidade, ensaios mecânicos como tração e impacto, e falhas mecânicas como fadiga e fluência. É apresentada uma discussão detalhada sobre os principais conceitos relacionados a cada propriedade mecânica.
Termo unidad ivnestoralvarez70Este documento presenta dos problemas de ingeniería mecánica relacionados con turbinas de vapor. El primer problema calcula el flujo de vapor necesario para mover una turbina que bombea agua, determinando que es de 0.333 m3/h. El segundo problema calcula las potencias de una turbina de alta presión (7095.5 KW) y una de baja presión (1738.667 KW) que mueven un generador eléctrico, basándose en los estados del vapor en cada etapa del proceso.
TuboscomercialesromuloguzEl documento presenta las dimensiones de diferentes tipos de tubos comerciales, incluyendo tubos de acero calibre 40 y 80, así como tuberías de cobre tipo K.
“SINYAL ELECTROOCULOGRAPHY SEBAGAI KONTROL MOTOR SERVO”TEKNIK ELEKTROMEDIK POLTEKKES KEMENKES SURABAYALaporan ini membahas tentang proyek akhir elektronika terapan mengenai penggunaan sinyal electrooculography (EOG) sebagai kontrol motor servo. Proyek ini mendesain rangkaian EOG untuk mendeteksi gerakan mata dan mengontrol arah putaran motor servo sesuai dengan arah pandang mata. Rangkaian terdiri dari instrumen amplifier, low pass filter, dan adder yang digunakan untuk memproses sinyal EOG dan mengontrol motor servo melalui mikro
OTA.pdfOkleySebastianThis document outlines key concepts in 2D and 3D force systems. It begins by defining forces and force components in rectangular coordinate systems. It discusses concepts like concentrated vs distributed forces, and contact vs body forces. It also covers moments, couples, and resultants of force systems. Several example problems are provided to demonstrate calculating forces, moments, and resultants for 2D systems.
'12 ME 341 chapter 5Azim KhanThis document provides an overview of mechanical design failure theories for static loading conditions. It discusses ductile and brittle failure theories, including maximum shear stress criterion, maximum distortion energy theory, maximum normal stress criterion, Coulomb-Mohr theory, and modified Mohr theory. An example problem is presented to calculate factors of safety for different elements of a mechanical part under combined loading using the von Mises and maximum shear stress failure criteria for ductile materials.
Solicitación por Torsión - Resolución Ejercicio N° 4.2.pptxgabrielpujol59Para el esquema estructural de barra de la figura se pide calcular:
a) Reacciones de vínculo.
b) Diagrama de los ángulos específicos de torsión.
c) Diagrama de los ángulos absolutos de torsión.
d) Diagrama de momentos torsores.
Solucionario de fluidos_whitejonathanThis document provides solutions to problems from Chapter 1 of an introductory fluid mechanics textbook. The key information is:
1) Problem 1.10 asks if the Stokes-Oseen formula for drag on a sphere is dimensionally homogeneous. The formula contains terms with dimensions of force, viscosity, diameter, velocity, density, and the student confirms it is homogeneous.
2) Problem 1.12 asks for the dimensions of the parameter B in an equation relating pressure drop, viscosity, radius, and velocity in laminar pipe flow. The student determines B has dimensions of inverse length.
3) Problem 1.13 calculates the efficiency of a pump given values for volume flow rate, pressure rise, and input power
Mechanics engineering statics force analysis 2D Mohammed87121) Mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the states of rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces.
2) It can be divided into three branches - rigid body mechanics, deformable body mechanics, and fluid mechanics.
3) This document will focus on rigid body mechanics, which is essential for the design and analysis of many types of structural members, mechanical components, and electrical devices encountered in engineering.
helical springVatsalThakkar22This document summarizes key information about helical springs including their application, classification, design considerations, and equations. Helical springs are elastic devices that store energy and can be used to apply or absorb force. They are classified further into compression and tension types. The design of helical springs considers factors like torsional shear stress, direct shear stress, angular deflection, deflection, stiffness, and maximum shear stress which are defined through mathematical equations in the document.
Stress Strain relation in plasticityKARTIK PALIWALThis document discusses stress-strain relations during plastic flow. It presents the following key points:
1. Plastic flow occurs when stresses exceed the elastic limit and results in irreversible deformation. Stress-strain relations in plasticity relate differential strain increments rather than finite relations like in Hooke's law.
2. The Prandtl-Reuss equations and Saint Venant-von Mises equations describe the relationships between stress and plastic strain increments using assumptions about isotropic materials and proportionality between deviatoric stress and plastic strain.
3. For fully developed plastic deformation, the Saint Venant-von Mises equations simplify by ignoring elastic strains, relating plastic strain directly to deviatoric stress increments.
5.2 gyroscopic effect on bearingsKiran WakchaureThis document discusses the gyroscopic effect on bearings that support a spinning disc or wheel. It defines key terms like gyroscope, axis of spin, gyroscopic effect, precession, and axis of precession. It then describes how a disc mounted on a horizontal axle between two bearings will experience precession when it spins, and how this causes a gyroscopic couple reaction force on each bearing. Equations are provided showing how to calculate the resultant reaction forces on each bearing when considering both the weight-induced reactions and the gyroscopic couple reaction. In summary, it analyzes how a spinning disc's precession due to its own spin introduces gyroscopic forces that affect the bearing reactions.
ٰDZDzãHertz OliveiraO documento descreve o processo de eletroerosão, que usa descargas elétricas entre um eletrodo e uma peça submersa em líquido para remover material. Explica os princípios da eletroerosão por penetração e a fio, destacando suas vantagens para usinagem de peças complexas, mas também suas desvantagens como alto custo e tempo.
Flat plate deflection-chapter13 (1)Y.Naveen KumarThis document summarizes key concepts in plate theory from Chapter 13. Some key points:
- Flat plates are structural members where the thickness is small relative to length and width, with the middle surface lying in a plane. Plate theory reduces the 3D problem to 2D.
- Stress resultants in plates include in-plane forces (Nxx, Nyy, Nxy), bending moments (Mxx, Myy), and shears (Qx, Qy). Boundary conditions for plates include no displacement, no slope, no moment, and no shear.
- Closed-form solutions exist for rectangular and circular plates with various edge conditions (simply supported, fixed) subjected to uniform loads
Unit 5 Nature and Weathertummenscool1This document provides information about weather vocabulary and questions in English and Ukrainian. It includes descriptions of different weather types like sunny, frosty, snowy, cloudy, windy, warm, cold, hot, and rainy. It asks questions to check understanding of these terms, such as "What's the weather like today?" and "Is it sunny?". It also contains passages modeling weather-related conversations and describing weather changes from one day to the next. The overall purpose is to build English vocabulary for discussing and identifying different weather conditions.
two degree of freddom systemYash PatelThis document discusses two degree of freedom systems and provides equations of motion for a two degree of freedom spring-mass system with damping. It presents the matrix form of the equations of motion and defines the mass, damping and stiffness matrices. It then analyzes the free vibration of an undamped two degree of freedom system, determining the natural frequencies and normal modes of vibration. The normal modes allow expressing the motion as a superposition of the individual mode shapes.
1 introduction to structureMohamed YaserThe document discusses concepts related to stress analysis and design of structures including:
- Normal stress, shear stress, and bearing stress
- Stress analysis using statics to determine internal forces and stresses
- Design considerations like material selection and sizing based on allowable stresses
- Examples calculating stresses in rods, pins, and connections of a structure under a load.
Laporan tugas perancangan kelompok 7laura auliaThis document provides an overview of the design project for a stone crusher tower in Towuti, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It includes the following key points:
1. The project location and general construction methods to be used, including site preparation works, foundation construction using pile foundations, and steel structure erection.
2. Design data collected including properties of the steel to be used, soil data from site investigations, and specifications of the tower components.
3. A literature review of relevant structural engineering theories for the tower design, including load combinations and design of different steel members.
4. Preliminary checks of the structural adequacy of different cross-section types are presented. Load calculations are
Tm229 propriedades mecanicasJulyanne RodriguesO documento discute diversas propriedades mecânicas de materiais, incluindo resistência, deformação, módulos de elasticidade, ensaios mecânicos como tração e impacto, e falhas mecânicas como fadiga e fluência. É apresentada uma discussão detalhada sobre os principais conceitos relacionados a cada propriedade mecânica.
Termo unidad ivnestoralvarez70Este documento presenta dos problemas de ingeniería mecánica relacionados con turbinas de vapor. El primer problema calcula el flujo de vapor necesario para mover una turbina que bombea agua, determinando que es de 0.333 m3/h. El segundo problema calcula las potencias de una turbina de alta presión (7095.5 KW) y una de baja presión (1738.667 KW) que mueven un generador eléctrico, basándose en los estados del vapor en cada etapa del proceso.
TuboscomercialesromuloguzEl documento presenta las dimensiones de diferentes tipos de tubos comerciales, incluyendo tubos de acero calibre 40 y 80, así como tuberías de cobre tipo K.
“SINYAL ELECTROOCULOGRAPHY SEBAGAI KONTROL MOTOR SERVO”TEKNIK ELEKTROMEDIK POLTEKKES KEMENKES SURABAYALaporan ini membahas tentang proyek akhir elektronika terapan mengenai penggunaan sinyal electrooculography (EOG) sebagai kontrol motor servo. Proyek ini mendesain rangkaian EOG untuk mendeteksi gerakan mata dan mengontrol arah putaran motor servo sesuai dengan arah pandang mata. Rangkaian terdiri dari instrumen amplifier, low pass filter, dan adder yang digunakan untuk memproses sinyal EOG dan mengontrol motor servo melalui mikro
OTA.pdfOkleySebastianThis document outlines key concepts in 2D and 3D force systems. It begins by defining forces and force components in rectangular coordinate systems. It discusses concepts like concentrated vs distributed forces, and contact vs body forces. It also covers moments, couples, and resultants of force systems. Several example problems are provided to demonstrate calculating forces, moments, and resultants for 2D systems.
'12 ME 341 chapter 5Azim KhanThis document provides an overview of mechanical design failure theories for static loading conditions. It discusses ductile and brittle failure theories, including maximum shear stress criterion, maximum distortion energy theory, maximum normal stress criterion, Coulomb-Mohr theory, and modified Mohr theory. An example problem is presented to calculate factors of safety for different elements of a mechanical part under combined loading using the von Mises and maximum shear stress failure criteria for ductile materials.
Solicitación por Torsión - Resolución Ejercicio N° 4.2.pptxgabrielpujol59Para el esquema estructural de barra de la figura se pide calcular:
a) Reacciones de vínculo.
b) Diagrama de los ángulos específicos de torsión.
c) Diagrama de los ángulos absolutos de torsión.
d) Diagrama de momentos torsores.
Solucionario de fluidos_whitejonathanThis document provides solutions to problems from Chapter 1 of an introductory fluid mechanics textbook. The key information is:
1) Problem 1.10 asks if the Stokes-Oseen formula for drag on a sphere is dimensionally homogeneous. The formula contains terms with dimensions of force, viscosity, diameter, velocity, density, and the student confirms it is homogeneous.
2) Problem 1.12 asks for the dimensions of the parameter B in an equation relating pressure drop, viscosity, radius, and velocity in laminar pipe flow. The student determines B has dimensions of inverse length.
3) Problem 1.13 calculates the efficiency of a pump given values for volume flow rate, pressure rise, and input power
Mechanics engineering statics force analysis 2D Mohammed87121) Mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the states of rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces.
2) It can be divided into three branches - rigid body mechanics, deformable body mechanics, and fluid mechanics.
3) This document will focus on rigid body mechanics, which is essential for the design and analysis of many types of structural members, mechanical components, and electrical devices encountered in engineering.
helical springVatsalThakkar22This document summarizes key information about helical springs including their application, classification, design considerations, and equations. Helical springs are elastic devices that store energy and can be used to apply or absorb force. They are classified further into compression and tension types. The design of helical springs considers factors like torsional shear stress, direct shear stress, angular deflection, deflection, stiffness, and maximum shear stress which are defined through mathematical equations in the document.
Stress Strain relation in plasticityKARTIK PALIWALThis document discusses stress-strain relations during plastic flow. It presents the following key points:
1. Plastic flow occurs when stresses exceed the elastic limit and results in irreversible deformation. Stress-strain relations in plasticity relate differential strain increments rather than finite relations like in Hooke's law.
2. The Prandtl-Reuss equations and Saint Venant-von Mises equations describe the relationships between stress and plastic strain increments using assumptions about isotropic materials and proportionality between deviatoric stress and plastic strain.
3. For fully developed plastic deformation, the Saint Venant-von Mises equations simplify by ignoring elastic strains, relating plastic strain directly to deviatoric stress increments.
5.2 gyroscopic effect on bearingsKiran WakchaureThis document discusses the gyroscopic effect on bearings that support a spinning disc or wheel. It defines key terms like gyroscope, axis of spin, gyroscopic effect, precession, and axis of precession. It then describes how a disc mounted on a horizontal axle between two bearings will experience precession when it spins, and how this causes a gyroscopic couple reaction force on each bearing. Equations are provided showing how to calculate the resultant reaction forces on each bearing when considering both the weight-induced reactions and the gyroscopic couple reaction. In summary, it analyzes how a spinning disc's precession due to its own spin introduces gyroscopic forces that affect the bearing reactions.
ٰDZDzãHertz OliveiraO documento descreve o processo de eletroerosão, que usa descargas elétricas entre um eletrodo e uma peça submersa em líquido para remover material. Explica os princípios da eletroerosão por penetração e a fio, destacando suas vantagens para usinagem de peças complexas, mas também suas desvantagens como alto custo e tempo.
Flat plate deflection-chapter13 (1)Y.Naveen KumarThis document summarizes key concepts in plate theory from Chapter 13. Some key points:
- Flat plates are structural members where the thickness is small relative to length and width, with the middle surface lying in a plane. Plate theory reduces the 3D problem to 2D.
- Stress resultants in plates include in-plane forces (Nxx, Nyy, Nxy), bending moments (Mxx, Myy), and shears (Qx, Qy). Boundary conditions for plates include no displacement, no slope, no moment, and no shear.
- Closed-form solutions exist for rectangular and circular plates with various edge conditions (simply supported, fixed) subjected to uniform loads
Unit 5 Nature and Weathertummenscool1This document provides information about weather vocabulary and questions in English and Ukrainian. It includes descriptions of different weather types like sunny, frosty, snowy, cloudy, windy, warm, cold, hot, and rainy. It asks questions to check understanding of these terms, such as "What's the weather like today?" and "Is it sunny?". It also contains passages modeling weather-related conversations and describing weather changes from one day to the next. The overall purpose is to build English vocabulary for discussing and identifying different weather conditions.
MKTEscuelaОснови молекулярно-кінетичної теорії (МКТ) Завдання ЗНО-2012 (Фізика)
P.S. При перегляді в Power Point спочатку слідує питання, а пізніше, після клацання мишкою, з'являється відповідь.
Інноваціяtummenscool1Формування життевих компетентностей учнів в інноваційному навчальному просторі як завдання Державних стандартів загальної середньої освіти
Третя річниця національного спротиву російській збройній агресіїostrovskogo1898Наголошуючи на важливій ролі бібліотек у процесі популяризації історичних знань, пам’яті та історичної правди, Сергій Бутко надав авторську презентацію «Третя річниця національного спротиву російській збройній агресії» для широкого використання. Радимо переглянути матеріали, а також запрошуємо до бібліотеки, де ви зможете знайти цікаві книги, відвідати різноманітні заходи, зустрічі та дізнатися про важливі для нашої країни теми та події.
«ЧАРІВНА СКРИНЬКА КАЗОК МИКОЛИ ЗІНЧУКА»: віртуальна книжкова виставка до 100-...Чернівецька обласна бібліотека для дітейВидатний історик, етнограф, фольклорист, "чорнороб культури", правдивий подвижник - це все без перебільшення сказано про Миколу Антоновича Зінчука.
У 2025 році виповнюється 100 років з дня народження видатного фольклориста, який за 87 років свого життя пішки обійшов сотні гірських сіл, побував у кожному регіоні України, зустрічався з тисячами людей, які розповідали йому казки. Ця титанічна праця вилилась у сорокотомне видання "Українських народних казок".
Зінчук Микола Антонович народився 7 березня
1925 році в селі Кошелівка Червоноармійського
району Житомирської області.
2. •Напрямлений рух заряджених частинок
•За напрямок струму беруть умовний рух позитивно
заряджених частинок
Наявність вільних носіїв зарядів в речовині.
Наявність джерела струму для підтримання в
провіднику електричного поля
3. Сила струму чисельно дорівнює заряду, що пройшов
через поперечний переріз провідника за одиницю
4. Сила струму
І =
І — сила струму;
q — електричний заряд;
t — час.
Одиниця сили струму має назву
ампер (А).[І] = Кл /с =А
5. Андре Марі Ампер (1775—
1836), французький фізик,
першим ввів поняття
електричного струму.
7. Електрична напруга на певній ділянці кола — це
фізична величина, що чисельно дорівнює роботі
електричного поля з переміщення одиничного
позитивного заряду по цій ділянці.
8. q
U =
де A — робота, яку виконує (або може виконати)
електричне поле з переміщення заряду q по даній ділянці
9. Алессандро Вольта (1745-1827.) ─
італійський фізик, винайшов перше
хімічне джерело струму. Його іменем
названа одиниця електричної напруги.
U 1
11. Вольтметр підключають у коло паралельно
ділянці, на якій вимірюють напругу.
Вимірювання напруги
12. Фізична величина, яка характеризує
властивість провідника протидіяти
електричному струму
Вимірюють електричний опір в омах
(на честь німецького вченого XIX ст.
Георга Сімона Ома).
R ==
13. l
R =ρ
R — опір провідника,
l — його довжина,
S — площа його поперечного перерізу;
ρ — коефіцієнт пропорційності, що залежить від речовини, з якої
виготовлений провідник
Опір провідника, виготовленого з даної речовини, завдовжки 1 м,
який має площу поперечного перерізу називається питомим
опором цієї речовини.
1 ì
[ ]
Î ì ì ì
ρ =
14. Георг Сімон Ом (1787–1854)
— німецький фізик, у 1826 р.
експериментально відкрив
закон, що був згодом
названий його ім’ям
15. Магічний трикутник:I= U
R = U
Cила струму в ділянці кола прямо пропорційна
напрузі на кінцях цієї ділянки й обернено
пропорційна її опору
22. Сила струму в нерозгалуженій частині кола
дорівнює сумі сил струмів у відгалуженнях
çàã 1 2I I I= +
23. Загальний опір ділянки кола
обчислюється за формулою:
Загальний опір провідників, з'єднаних паралельно, менший за
опір кожного з цих провідників.
çàã 1 2
1 1 1
= +