Access2007raghvendra9889This document provides an overview of the objectives and activities to be covered in a Microsoft Access 2007 workshop, including how to create and populate a database table, design forms and queries, produce reports, and incorporate graphics. It outlines how to create a new blank database, insert and select fields, populate and format a table in Datasheet view, create forms using the Form Wizard, run and design queries using the Query Wizard, create and populate a second table, use the Report Wizard to design reports, and properly close and exit Microsoft Access.
05 use-case-modeling-1monTuul TukaThe document discusses use case modeling and provides examples of use cases for a Traffic Violations Report System (TVRS). It defines key concepts of use case modeling including actors, use cases, relationships between use cases, and use case descriptions. It then provides two examples of use cases for the TVRS - "Remove Traffic Violation" and "Add Traffic Violation" - with descriptions of their goals, flows, variations and exceptions. - 001 01 Present continuous.pdfБямбаа Авирмэд1. The document is an English language learning exercise that presents sentences in Mongolian with blanks to be filled in with English verbs. It covers topics like present continuous tenses, verb phrases, and filling in missing verbs.
2. The exercises include choosing the correct verbs to fill in blanks and match verb phrases with situations. Examples ask about what noises people are hearing, what friends are doing on holiday, and whether people enjoy their jobs or classes.
3. The purpose is to practice English verb tenses and verb phrases in sentences about common situations to build English language skills.
26. Нэгжүүдийн оролцох тоо хэмжээг
илэрхийлдэг ( cardinality of relationship)
Нэг нэгжийн хэд хэдэн төлөөлөл нь өөр нэгжийн хэд хичнээн төлөөлөлтэй
холбогдож байгаагаас хамаарч холболт нь:
◦ 1:1 ( one to one )
◦ 1:m ( one to many )
◦ m:1( many to one )
◦ m:n ( many to many ) гэсэн төрлүүд байдаг.