Islamic culture and civilizationMuhammad Wasie Fasih ButtThe document provides information on various topics related to Islamic culture and practices, including:
1. Definitions of culture and examples of cultural elements such as customs, laws, dress, and traditions.
2. Discussions of Islamic dress code for both males and females, which emphasize modesty, loose fitting clothes that don't resemble the opposite sex, and avoiding tight or see-through fabrics.
3. Guidelines for Islamic festivals and holidays, noting the three main Muslim festivals are Friday, Eid al-Fitr, and Eid al-Adha, which are acts of worship rather than personality-based like some other religions.
4. Additional topics covered include languages, architecture, and calligraphy
Islamic economic system and islamic bankingMuhammad Wasie Fasih ButtThe document provides an outline and introduction to Islamic economics. It begins by defining conventional economics and discussing the four basic economic problems. It then contrasts capitalism and socialism, noting flaws in both systems. Islamic economics is introduced as accepting market forces but with moral and legal prohibitions, notably the prohibition of riba (interest/usury). Riba is defined from the Quran and hadith as an agreed excess without due consideration. The document provides background on distinguishing currencies from commodities in economic transactions.
Introduction To Hadithahlussunnah1The document provides an introduction to Hadith, including:
1) Definitions of Hadith, both literal and technical, and the subject matter of Hadith, which is to obtain guidance from the Prophet Muhammad.
2) The aims and objectives of studying Hadith are to follow the guidance of the Prophet in order to be successful in this life and the next.
3) Hadith is mentioned in the Quran referring to the guidance given to the Prophet by Allah, establishing the authority of Hadith from the Quran itself.
Hadith ranking - Type of Hadith in IslamOLY ConsultantClassification of Hadith
Kinds of Hadith
Forms of Hadith
Types of Hadith
Hadith Divisions
Difference between Sahih and Gareeb Hadith
Last sermon of the holy prophet pbuhIrfan SarfrazLast Sermon of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is very comprehensive. While it aims at developing a social system based on justice, it underlines a balanced family life, individual accountability and spiritualism by keeping relationship with Allah, and duty of each individual to communicate the right knowledge to others.
Islam looks at life as indivisible whole, and (unlike various dogmas) does not artificially split life into secular (political, social, economic etc.) and religious (prayer, supplications, customs) domains.
Islamiat urdu notesNoshad Ahmed WahochoIslamiat urdu notes
ی لت
نماز کی اہمیت و Importance of Prayer
نما زکے شرائط Pre-conditions of Prayer
نماز کے ف Obligations of Prayer
نماز کے فوائد و اث Benefits and Impacts of Prayer
Importance of hadithMuhammad SherThis document discusses the importance of hadith, or sayings and traditions of the Prophet Muhammad. It defines hadith, explains how hadith are classified and preserved, and the process of hadith criticism. The key points are that hadith were passed down orally and recorded during the Abbasid period to address contradictions. Scholars developed stringent criteria for authenticating hadith, including assessing narrator reliability and checking for inconsistencies. The document stresses following the Sunnah and hadith provides guidance for Muslims.
Justice islamic conceptMohammad Yunus, MD, FACPThis slide program explains concept of justice in Islam. Definition of justice, its comprehensive nature is described in the light of Quran and Hadith. Its opposite, Zulm is defined and its 3 types are described.
Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Madinah shagufta777The presentation is all about life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Madinah and brotherhood.
i hope u learn something from this.
Islamic CivilizationHuba AkhtarIts about importance and significance of Islamic Civilization, Social and Moral influence of Islamic civilization, Clash of civilization ,causes & influence of Clash of civilization and Causes of Clash of Civilization... A detailed informative PDF from which u can get enough info..
Significance & Importance of Studying the Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W)Shefa IdreesThe document discusses the importance of studying the life of the Prophet Muhammad. It states that his example provides guidance for Muslims on how to eliminate social evils and live a successful life according to Islamic principles. Key aspects of the Prophet's life that are discussed include his roles as the final prophet, bearer of the Quran, lawgiver, and example for political and spiritual guidance. The document also provides brief biographies of the Prophet's wives and ten companions who were specifically mentioned in the Quran as being granted entrance to heaven.
Seerah an nabiUniversity of Engineering and Technology, Lahore(1) The early Muslims consisted of a small group of around 40 individuals in Mecca who accepted Islam secretly over 3 years, spreading the message carefully through personal invitations. (2) They met regularly at the House of Al-Arqam to learn directly from the Prophet, establishing a strong early community. (3) The early revelations focused on establishing Tawheed (monotheism), the Hereafter, worshipping Allah alone, and stories of previous prophets.
Islam and politicsFarman UllahIslam provides a complete political system based on Tawhid (unity of God), Risalah (prophethood), and Khilafah (vicegerency of man). The Islamic political system (Khilafah) establishes the sovereignty of Allah, implements Shura (consultation), and ensures accountability, independence of the judiciary, and equality before the law. Democracy contradicts Islamic principles by allowing man to legislate and vote on Allah's laws. While Islamic countries vary, the ideal system governs by Sharia alone without interference from majority opinion.
Islamic Culture And Civilizationfalak nawazIslamic culture and civilization developed from common religious beliefs and practices stemming from the religion of Islam. Some key aspects of Islamic culture include customs related to clothing, food, festivals, marriage, art and architecture. Islamic civilization flourished due to factors like geographical conditions, economic resources, political systems, moral traditions, and advancements in science and arts. It developed an open yet cautious approach, borrowing elements from other cultures but protecting the purity of its own religion, language, and laws. Today, misunderstandings of Islam present challenges, so Muslim scholars must clarify teachings and address issues to improve relations with other communities.
ZakatMuhammad Fahd Un-Nabi KhanThe document discusses the objectives and guidelines of Zakat. It defines Zakat as the purification and growth of wealth. The objectives of Zakat include establishing a welfare system, ensuring wealth circulation, promoting sharing, and generating community harmony. Zakat is seen as a fundamental form of worship alongside prayer. It connects humans to each other, while prayer connects humans to God. The document outlines who should pay Zakat, what items it applies to, exemptions, distribution criteria, and consequences of not paying Zakat according to Islamic teachings.
Islamic civilizationEngr.Muhammad Wajahatwe can cover
Type of civilization.
Islamic civilization.
western civilization.
Type of Islamic civilization.
Tazkiyah-Purification of the Soul (adapted from Dr. Mohammad Yunus)Saadia Z Yunus1. The document discusses the Islamic concept of tazkiyah, or purification of the soul, which is important for believers according to teachings in the Quran and hadith.
2. There are several ways to purify the soul mentioned, including striving in the way of Allah, repentance, worship, enjoining good and forbidding evil, and obeying Allah.
3. Impediments to purification include neglect, submission to desires, Satan's influences, bad company and arrogance. Individual, familial and communal efforts are needed for effective purification.
Islam is a code of life.Rida JahangirIslam is summarized as a code of life that encompasses spiritual, intellectual, social, economic, personal, political, and international aspects. It involves submitting to Allah through practices like prayer, charity, and fasting. Islam also values knowledge, equality, discipline, kindness, purity, and proper relations. Politically, sovereignty belongs to Allah and non-Muslims have rights.
Concept Of TawheedNajam Aneel1. The document discusses the Islamic concept of Tawheed or monotheism through an analysis of Surah Al-Fatiha and Surah Ikhlas from the Quran.
2. It explains the three categories of Tawheed - Tawheed of Lordship, Tawheed of Worship, and Tawheed of Allah's names and attributes.
3. Both surahs emphasize strict monotheism and reaffirm that Allah is the one and only God who is eternal and without peer.
Sources of Islamic AdministrationKaiyisah YusofThe document discusses sources of Islamic administration based on the Quran and Sunnah. It provides 4 examples of the word "yudabbiru" from the Quran which means to direct, conduct, manage or organize. Principles of administrative systems discussed in the Quran include consultation, justice, equality and accountability. The document aims to define key terms and explore the primary sources of guidance for Islamic administration and human relations.
Introduction to Islamic economics and finance systemYousuf Ibnul HasanThe document provides an overview of the evolution and growth of the Islamic financial system over the past six decades. It begins by noting that Islamic finance originated in Egypt in the 1960s with the establishment of the first social bank based on profit and loss sharing principles. It then discusses how Islamic finance later spread to other countries like Pakistan and gained more widespread acceptance. The document highlights influential figures like Dr. Ahmed Al Naggar who helped establish early Islamic banks and organizations to support the development of Islamic finance education and standards. It concludes by noting that Islamic finance has now grown to be a major component of the financial systems in many Muslim-majority countries and regions over the past 60 years.
Ethics and surah alhujuratMuhammad Wasie Fasih ButtThis document contains summaries of 18 verses from the Quran. Each verse is summarized in 1-2 sentences. The verses discuss topics such as obeying Allah and his messenger, lowering one's voice in the presence of the prophet, avoiding gossip and backbiting, establishing justice, and having faith and struggling in the way of Allah. The document provides guidance on proper etiquettes and relationships between Muslims according to the teachings of the Quran and hadith.
JIHAD جہاد ۔ اللہ کی راہ میں لڑناAsra Hameed ALLAH Kareem nay Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W ko tmaam insaaniyat kay lye rehmat bna kr bheja, jnki sadaqat ki gawahi kaafir be daitay thay, tau aisay Nabi aur Khuda ka mazhab deshatgardi aur khoonraizi ki ijazat kaisay dy skta hai?
Secrets of hajjislamtics defaultThis document discusses the secrets and spiritual benefits of performing the Hajj pilgrimage in Islam. It summarizes the key phases of the Hajj pilgrimage and explains how it helps empty negative thoughts and restore psychological balance. The Hajj is described as the shortest way to reprogram the soul, increase livelihood, and gain unlimited spiritual benefits according to Islamic teachings. Throwing stones at symbolic targets during the pilgrimage and other rituals are connected to concepts in neuro-linguistic programming that can help achieve goals. The document highlights the spiritual harmony of Hajj rituals with patterns in the natural universe.
Importance of hadithMuhammad SherThis document discusses the importance of hadith, or sayings and traditions of the Prophet Muhammad. It defines hadith, explains how hadith are classified and preserved, and the process of hadith criticism. The key points are that hadith were passed down orally and recorded during the Abbasid period to address contradictions. Scholars developed stringent criteria for authenticating hadith, including assessing narrator reliability and checking for inconsistencies. The document stresses following the Sunnah and hadith provides guidance for Muslims.
Justice islamic conceptMohammad Yunus, MD, FACPThis slide program explains concept of justice in Islam. Definition of justice, its comprehensive nature is described in the light of Quran and Hadith. Its opposite, Zulm is defined and its 3 types are described.
Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Madinah shagufta777The presentation is all about life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Madinah and brotherhood.
i hope u learn something from this.
Islamic CivilizationHuba AkhtarIts about importance and significance of Islamic Civilization, Social and Moral influence of Islamic civilization, Clash of civilization ,causes & influence of Clash of civilization and Causes of Clash of Civilization... A detailed informative PDF from which u can get enough info..
Significance & Importance of Studying the Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W)Shefa IdreesThe document discusses the importance of studying the life of the Prophet Muhammad. It states that his example provides guidance for Muslims on how to eliminate social evils and live a successful life according to Islamic principles. Key aspects of the Prophet's life that are discussed include his roles as the final prophet, bearer of the Quran, lawgiver, and example for political and spiritual guidance. The document also provides brief biographies of the Prophet's wives and ten companions who were specifically mentioned in the Quran as being granted entrance to heaven.
Seerah an nabiUniversity of Engineering and Technology, Lahore(1) The early Muslims consisted of a small group of around 40 individuals in Mecca who accepted Islam secretly over 3 years, spreading the message carefully through personal invitations. (2) They met regularly at the House of Al-Arqam to learn directly from the Prophet, establishing a strong early community. (3) The early revelations focused on establishing Tawheed (monotheism), the Hereafter, worshipping Allah alone, and stories of previous prophets.
Islam and politicsFarman UllahIslam provides a complete political system based on Tawhid (unity of God), Risalah (prophethood), and Khilafah (vicegerency of man). The Islamic political system (Khilafah) establishes the sovereignty of Allah, implements Shura (consultation), and ensures accountability, independence of the judiciary, and equality before the law. Democracy contradicts Islamic principles by allowing man to legislate and vote on Allah's laws. While Islamic countries vary, the ideal system governs by Sharia alone without interference from majority opinion.
Islamic Culture And Civilizationfalak nawazIslamic culture and civilization developed from common religious beliefs and practices stemming from the religion of Islam. Some key aspects of Islamic culture include customs related to clothing, food, festivals, marriage, art and architecture. Islamic civilization flourished due to factors like geographical conditions, economic resources, political systems, moral traditions, and advancements in science and arts. It developed an open yet cautious approach, borrowing elements from other cultures but protecting the purity of its own religion, language, and laws. Today, misunderstandings of Islam present challenges, so Muslim scholars must clarify teachings and address issues to improve relations with other communities.
ZakatMuhammad Fahd Un-Nabi KhanThe document discusses the objectives and guidelines of Zakat. It defines Zakat as the purification and growth of wealth. The objectives of Zakat include establishing a welfare system, ensuring wealth circulation, promoting sharing, and generating community harmony. Zakat is seen as a fundamental form of worship alongside prayer. It connects humans to each other, while prayer connects humans to God. The document outlines who should pay Zakat, what items it applies to, exemptions, distribution criteria, and consequences of not paying Zakat according to Islamic teachings.
Islamic civilizationEngr.Muhammad Wajahatwe can cover
Type of civilization.
Islamic civilization.
western civilization.
Type of Islamic civilization.
Tazkiyah-Purification of the Soul (adapted from Dr. Mohammad Yunus)Saadia Z Yunus1. The document discusses the Islamic concept of tazkiyah, or purification of the soul, which is important for believers according to teachings in the Quran and hadith.
2. There are several ways to purify the soul mentioned, including striving in the way of Allah, repentance, worship, enjoining good and forbidding evil, and obeying Allah.
3. Impediments to purification include neglect, submission to desires, Satan's influences, bad company and arrogance. Individual, familial and communal efforts are needed for effective purification.
Islam is a code of life.Rida JahangirIslam is summarized as a code of life that encompasses spiritual, intellectual, social, economic, personal, political, and international aspects. It involves submitting to Allah through practices like prayer, charity, and fasting. Islam also values knowledge, equality, discipline, kindness, purity, and proper relations. Politically, sovereignty belongs to Allah and non-Muslims have rights.
Concept Of TawheedNajam Aneel1. The document discusses the Islamic concept of Tawheed or monotheism through an analysis of Surah Al-Fatiha and Surah Ikhlas from the Quran.
2. It explains the three categories of Tawheed - Tawheed of Lordship, Tawheed of Worship, and Tawheed of Allah's names and attributes.
3. Both surahs emphasize strict monotheism and reaffirm that Allah is the one and only God who is eternal and without peer.
Sources of Islamic AdministrationKaiyisah YusofThe document discusses sources of Islamic administration based on the Quran and Sunnah. It provides 4 examples of the word "yudabbiru" from the Quran which means to direct, conduct, manage or organize. Principles of administrative systems discussed in the Quran include consultation, justice, equality and accountability. The document aims to define key terms and explore the primary sources of guidance for Islamic administration and human relations.
Introduction to Islamic economics and finance systemYousuf Ibnul HasanThe document provides an overview of the evolution and growth of the Islamic financial system over the past six decades. It begins by noting that Islamic finance originated in Egypt in the 1960s with the establishment of the first social bank based on profit and loss sharing principles. It then discusses how Islamic finance later spread to other countries like Pakistan and gained more widespread acceptance. The document highlights influential figures like Dr. Ahmed Al Naggar who helped establish early Islamic banks and organizations to support the development of Islamic finance education and standards. It concludes by noting that Islamic finance has now grown to be a major component of the financial systems in many Muslim-majority countries and regions over the past 60 years.
Ethics and surah alhujuratMuhammad Wasie Fasih ButtThis document contains summaries of 18 verses from the Quran. Each verse is summarized in 1-2 sentences. The verses discuss topics such as obeying Allah and his messenger, lowering one's voice in the presence of the prophet, avoiding gossip and backbiting, establishing justice, and having faith and struggling in the way of Allah. The document provides guidance on proper etiquettes and relationships between Muslims according to the teachings of the Quran and hadith.
JIHAD جہاد ۔ اللہ کی راہ میں لڑناAsra Hameed ALLAH Kareem nay Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W ko tmaam insaaniyat kay lye rehmat bna kr bheja, jnki sadaqat ki gawahi kaafir be daitay thay, tau aisay Nabi aur Khuda ka mazhab deshatgardi aur khoonraizi ki ijazat kaisay dy skta hai?
Secrets of hajjislamtics defaultThis document discusses the secrets and spiritual benefits of performing the Hajj pilgrimage in Islam. It summarizes the key phases of the Hajj pilgrimage and explains how it helps empty negative thoughts and restore psychological balance. The Hajj is described as the shortest way to reprogram the soul, increase livelihood, and gain unlimited spiritual benefits according to Islamic teachings. Throwing stones at symbolic targets during the pilgrimage and other rituals are connected to concepts in neuro-linguistic programming that can help achieve goals. The document highlights the spiritual harmony of Hajj rituals with patterns in the natural universe.
Khutbaat no1 chapterAbida BanoThe document discusses the importance of knowledge for being a Muslim. It states that Allah has completed Islam as the perfect religion and is pleased with it being the religion for Muslims. It emphasizes that one of the best ways to be thankful for this gift is to gain knowledge about Islam in order to become a devoted follower and properly accept it by learning how to perform the pillars and duties of a Muslim.
Education in 2050Muhammad ArslanThis document discusses issues and reforms needed in Pakistan's education system. It notes that education objectives are unclear, enrollment has shifted from public to private schools, and student learning levels are declining. It also discusses the debate around using English or Urdu as the medium of instruction and issues around teacher English proficiency. To address these problems, the document recommends having a clear education strategy with proper funding, training, and supervision set by educational experts rather than industrial or political interests. The goal should be a balanced education system that develops students' character and thinking abilities.
A01 fard say_afraad_takAbida Bano1) The document discusses hubs and how certain people with many social connections can influence large numbers of people, helping new ideas or products spread more quickly through word of mouth.
2) It notes how a small percentage of people can influence a large population, citing the concept of the "law of few" and how ideas can reach a "tipping point" where they spread rapidly through a significant portion of society.
3) Various numbers and graphs are presented relating to the thresholds for new ideas and products to spread on a large scale through social networks and the influence of hubs and word of mouth.
Surat Al-Asr'Aisha This surah discusses the essence of the Quranic message according to several Islamic scholars and exegetes. It emphasizes that humans are inherently prone to loss, but can avoid ruin by having faith, doing righteous deeds, and enjoining one another to truth and patience. Several scholars note that this surah provides a complete system for life and defines the basic concept of faith. It is seen as concise yet profoundly guiding humanity. Early Muslims were greatly influenced by its message to change the world through zeal and work for human salvation.
Islami nizam zindagiFarhat TahirThis presentation is made from a book written by Maulana Moududi in early 1940's. This book has 11 articles,and this one discuss about basic of Faith.
Suicidal in classroomFarhat TahirThis document discusses the causes, responsible parties, and control measures related to suicide in classrooms. It identifies co-education, love literature/films, social environment, and lack of proper upbringing as causes. It holds parents, teachers, family, society, government, and media responsible. The effects are short-term fear and provoking imitation in students, and long-term decreases in education and literacy. Control measures proposed include banning vulgar entertainment, separating genders, social reforms, adopting modest culture and hijab, and avoiding liberalism.
سلامتی کا راستہFarhat TahirThis is a booklet, written by Maulana Moududi some 75 years ago. It was a series of lectures compiled in the book ISLAMI NIZAM E ZINDAGI AUR USKE BUNYADI TASWWRAT
Way of Prosperity Farhat TahirThis presentation is based on the booklet " Way of Prosperity",written by Maulana Moududi some 75 years ago. It is still a guideline for misguided humanity.
مقصود حسنی کے چودہ اسلامی مقالاتmaqsood hasniabk_ksr_mh.894/2016
مقصود حسنی کے چودہ اسلامی مقالات
پیش کار
پروفیسر نیامت علی مرتضائی
ابوزر برقی کتب خانہ
نومبر ٢٠١٦
Surah al Jumah New Urdu PPTSHAISTA_HASANNew Edited and updated slides.
Ruku by Ruku pointers.
Flow charts and action pointers added.
Self Evaluation chart added
Virtues and duas and much more!
ڈاکٹر مقصود حسنی بطور اسلامی مفکر اور اسکالرmaqsood hasni
ڈاکٹر مقصود حسنی بطور اسلامی مفکر اور اسکالر
مرتبہ: پروفیسر یونس حسن
ابوزر برقی کتب خانہ
جون ٢٠١٧
Surah Fatiha 2021SHAISTA_HASANNew Edited and updated slides.
Ruku by Ruku pointers.
Flow charts and action pointers added.
Self Evaluation chart added
Virtues and duas and much more!
Menstrual Hygiene Management - IRSPZia RahmanManual on Manual Hygiene Management developed by IRSP. Art and contents are solely property of IRSP. Printing is not permitted without formal permission. You can request permission for print on
The differences between men and women in worshipMursiAhmadiIs to make people know the differences between men and women in worship like prayer and many more